    kopeteawaydialog.h  -  Kopete Away Dialog

    Copyright (c) 2002      by Hendrik vom Lehn       <hvl@linux-4-ever.de>
    Copyright (c) 2003      by Martijn Klingens       <klingens@kde.org>

    Kopete    (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *


#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include "kopete_export.h"

namespace Kopete
class Away;

class KopeteAwayDialogPrivate;

 * KopeteAwayDialog is a base class used for implementing
 * Away Message selection dialogs in Kopete.  It presents
 * the user with a list of pre-written away messages and
 * a line edit for them to type a "single shot" away message,
 * one that is not saved and will be lost the next time
 * they restart the application.
 * Individual protocols should subclass this class for protocol
 * specific Away Message choosers (in the case that the user
 * wants to set only one protocol away).  There are methods for
 * getting the message that the user selected, as well as a
 * virtual method that should be implemented that is called
 * when the user selects "OK", and should be used to do
 * protocol specific actions needed to set the user as
 * "Away" (or whatever the protocol calls it).
 * @author Hendrik vom Lehn <hvl@linux-4-ever.de>
 * @author Christopher TenHarmsel <tenharmsel@users.sourceforge.net>

class KOPETE_EXPORT KopeteAwayDialog : public KDialogBase

	 * Constructor for the Away Dialog
	 * @param parent The object that owns this
	 * @param name Name for this object
	KopeteAwayDialog( TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

	 * Destructor
	virtual ~KopeteAwayDialog();

	 * Do not delete this, this instance will
	 * deleted when the application closes
	Kopete::Away *awayInstance;

	 * \brief Gets the last selected away message
	 * @return An away message
	TQString getSelectedAwayMessage();

	 * \brief Sets the user away
	 * This method is called when the user clicks
	 * OK in the GUI, signalling that they wish
	 * to set the away message that they have chosen.
	 * Please reimplement this method to do protocol
	 * specific things, and use getSelectedAwayMessage()
	 * to get the text of the message that the user
	 * selected.
	 * @param awayType This is the away type specified
	 * if show was called with a parameter. If show() was called
	 * instead, this parameter will be the empty string. You
	 * will need to compare it to an enum that you declare
	 * in your subclass.
	virtual void setAway( int awayType ) = 0;

	 * \brief Called when "Cancel" is clicked
	 * This method is called when the user clicks
	 * Cancel in the GUI, signalling that they
	 * canceled their request to mark themselves as
	 * away.  If your implementation finds this
	 * information useful, implement this method
	 * to handle this info.  By default it does nothing
	 * @param awayType This is the away type specified
	 * if show was called with a parameter, if show() was called
	 * instead, this parameter will be the empty string.
	virtual void cancelAway( int awayType );

public slots:
	 * \brief Shows the dialog
	virtual void show();

	 * \brief Shows the dialog
	 * Shows the away dialog, but maintains a "state"
	 * so you can specify if you're setting away,
	 * do not disturb, gone, etc for protocols that
	 * support this like ICQ and MSN.
	 * This string does not have any special internal
	 * meaning, but rather will get passed to setAway()
	 * when it is called so that you can decide what
	 * kind of "away" you really want to do.
	 * @param awayType The type of "away" you want to set.
	void show( int awayType );

protected slots:
	 * This slot is called when the user click on "OK"
	 * it will call setAway(), which is pure virtual and
	 * should be implemented for specific needs
	virtual void slotOk();

	 * This slot is called when the user clicks on
	 * "Cancel".  It calls cancelAway(), which is
	 * pure virtual and should be implemented to
	 * fit your specific needs if the user selects
	 * "Cancel".  This method will close the
	 * dialog, but if you require any specific actions
	 * please implement them in cancelAway().
	virtual void slotCancel();

private slots:
	 * \brief An entry was selected from the combo box
	void slotComboBoxSelection( int index );

	 * Initializes the GUI elements every time the
	 * dialog is show.  Basically used for remembering
	 * the singleshot message that the user may have
	 * typed in.
	void init();

	 * The last user-entered away text
	 * or the title of the last selected
	 * saved away message, whichever was
	 * last chosen
	TQString mLastUserAwayMessage;

	 * The last message that the user typed in the
	 * line edit
	TQString mLastUserTypedMessage;

	 * This is used to store the type of away that we're
	 * going to go.
	int mExtendedAwayType;

	KopeteAwayDialogPrivate *d;
