/* kopeteprefs.cpp - Kopete Preferences Container-Class Copyright (c) 2002 by Stefan Gehn Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers ************************************************************************* * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #ifndef __KOPETEPREFS_H__ #define __KOPETEPREFS_H__ #include #include #include #include #include "kopete_export.h" class KConfig; class KOPETE_EXPORT KopetePrefs : public QObject { Q_OBJECT // here so we can use Qt to translate enums<-->strings Q_PROPERTY( ContactDisplayMode contactListDisplayMode READ contactListDisplayMode WRITE setContactListDisplayMode ) Q_PROPERTY( IconDisplayMode contactListIconMode READ contactListIconMode WRITE setContactListIconMode ) Q_ENUMS( ContactDisplayMode IconDisplayMode ) public: /** * The prefs container-class is a singleton object. Use this method to retrieve * the instance. */ static KopetePrefs *prefs(); /** * Reads all pref-variables from KConfig * usually you don't need this as KopetePrefs loads settings * when an instance is created */ void load(); /** * Stores all pref-variables into KConfig */ void save(); QString iconTheme() const { return mIconTheme; } bool useEmoticons() const { return mUseEmoticons; } bool showOffline() const { return mShowOffline; } bool showEmptyGroups() const { return mShowEmptyGroups; } bool treeView() const { return mTreeView; } bool sortByGroup() const { return mSortByGroup; } bool greyIdleMetaContacts() const { return mGreyIdle; } bool startDocked() const { return mStartDocked; } bool useQueue() const { return mUseQueue; } bool useStack() const { return mUseStack; } bool raiseMsgWindow() const{ return mRaiseMsgWindow; } bool showEvents() const{ return mShowEvents; } bool trayflashNotify() const { return mTrayflashNotify; } bool spellCheck() const { return mSpellCheck; } bool queueUnreadMessages() const { return mQueueUnreadMessages; } bool queueOnlyHighlightedMessagesInGroupChats() const { return mQueueOnlyHighlightedMessagesInGroupChats; } bool queueOnlyMessagesOnAnotherDesktop() const { return mQueueOnlyMessagesOnAnotherDesktop; } bool trayflashNotifyLeftClickOpensMessage() const { return mTrayflashNotifyLeftClickOpensMessage; } bool trayflashNotifySetCurrentDesktopToChatView() const { return mTrayflashNotifySetCurrentDesktopToChatView; } bool balloonNotify() const { return mBalloonNotify; } bool balloonNotifyIgnoreClosesChatView() const { return mBalloonNotifyIgnoreClosesChatView; } bool balloonClose() const { return mBalloonClose; } int balloonCloseDelay() const { return mBalloonCloseDelay; } bool soundIfAway() const { return mSoundIfAway; } int chatViewBufferSize() const { return mChatViewBufferSize; } int rememberedMessages() const { return mRememberedMessages; } const QColor &highlightBackground() const { return mHighlightBackground; } const QColor &highlightForeground() const { return mHighlightForeground; } const QColor &textColor() const { return mTextColor; } const QColor &bgColor() const { return mBgColor; } const QColor &linkColor() const { return mLinkColor; } const QFont &fontFace() const { return mFontFace; } const QColor &idleContactColor() const { return mIdleContactColor; } bool highlightEnabled() const { return mHighlightEnabled; } bool bgOverride() const { return mBgOverride; } bool fgOverride() const { return mFgOverride; } bool rtfOverride() const { return mRtfOverride; } QString interfacePreference() const { return mInterfacePreference; } bool showTray() const { return mShowTray; } bool richText() const { return mRichText; } bool chatWShowSend() const { return mChatWShowSend; } bool autoConnect() const { return mAutoConnect; } int chatWindowPolicy() const { return mChatWindowPolicy; } //Styles QString defaultTheme() const { return QString::fromLatin1("Default"); } //for Adium (xhtml+css) QString stylePath() const { return mStylePath; } QString styleVariant() const { return mStyleVariant; } QStringList toolTipContents() const { return mToolTipContents; } /// enum ContactDisplayMode { Classic, RightAligned, Detailed, Yagami, Default = Classic }; /// enum IconDisplayMode { IconPic, PhotoPic, IconDefault = IconPic }; bool contactListIndentContacts() const { return mContactListIndentContacts; } ContactDisplayMode contactListDisplayMode() const { return mContactListDisplayMode; } IconDisplayMode contactListIconMode() const { return mContactListIconMode; } bool contactListUseCustomFonts() const { return mContactListUseCustomFonts; } QFont contactListCustomNormalFont() const { return mContactListNormalFont; } QFont contactListCustomSmallFont() const { return mContactListSmallFont; } QFont contactListSmallFont() const; QColor contactListGroupNameColor() const { return mContactListGroupNameColor; } bool contactListAnimation() const { return mContactListAnimation; } bool contactListFading() const { return mContactListFading; } bool contactListFolding() const { return mContactListFolding; } bool contactListAutoHide() const { return mContactListAutoHide; } unsigned int contactListAutoHideTimeout() const { return mContactListAutoHideTimeout; } bool reconnectOnDisconnect() const { return mReconnectOnDisconnect; } bool truncateContactNames() const { return mTruncateContactNames; } int maxConactNameLength() const { return mMaxContactNameLength; } bool emoticonsRequireSpaces() const { return mEmoticonsRequireSpaces; } bool groupConsecutiveMessages() const { return mGroupConsecutiveMessages; } void setIconTheme(const QString &value); void setUseEmoticons(bool value); void setShowOffline(bool value); void setShowEmptyGroups(bool value); void setTreeView(bool); void setSortByGroup(bool); void setGreyIdleMetaContacts(bool); void setStartDocked(bool); void setUseQueue(bool); void setUseStack(bool); void setRaiseMsgWindow(bool); void setShowEvents(bool); void setTrayflashNotify(bool); void setSpellCheck(bool); void setQueueUnreadMessages(bool); void setQueueOnlyHighlightedMessagesInGroupChats(bool); void setQueueOnlyMessagesOnAnotherDesktop(bool); void setTrayflashNotifyLeftClickOpensMessage(bool); void setTrayflashNotifySetCurrentDesktopToChatView(bool); void setBalloonNotify(bool); void setBalloonNotifyIgnoreClosesChatView(bool); void setSoundIfAway(bool); void setBeepNotify(bool); void setChatWindowPolicy(int); void setStylePath(const QString &); void setStyleVariant(const QString &); void setChatViewBufferSize(int); void setHighlightBackground(const QColor &); void setHighlightForeground(const QColor &); void setHighlightEnabled(bool); void setBgOverride(bool); void setFgOverride(bool); void setRtfOverride(bool); void setInterfacePreference(const QString &viewPlugin); void setTextColor(const QColor &); void setBgColor(const QColor &); void setLinkColor(const QColor &); void setFontFace(const QFont &); void setIdleContactColor(const QColor &); void setShowTray(bool); void setRichText(bool); void setRememberedMessages(int); void setToolTipContents(const QStringList &); void setContactListIndentContacts( bool v ); void setContactListDisplayMode( ContactDisplayMode v ); void setContactListIconMode( IconDisplayMode v ); void setContactListUseCustomFonts( bool v ); void setContactListCustomNormalFont( const QFont & v ); void setContactListCustomSmallFont( const QFont & v ); void setContactListGroupNameColor( const QColor & v ); void setContactListAnimation( bool ); void setContactListFading( bool ); void setContactListFolding( bool ); void setContactListAutoHide( bool ); void setContactListAutoHideTimeout( unsigned int ); void setReconnectOnDisconnect( bool newSetting ); void setTruncateContactNames( bool ); void setMaxContactNameLength( int ); void setAutoConnect( bool ); void setEmoticonsRequireSpaces( bool ); void setBalloonClose( bool ); void setBalloonDelay( int ); void setGroupConsecutiveMessages( bool ); signals: /** * Emitted when config gets saved by save() */ void saved(); /** * Emitted when config gets saved by save() and a certain * setting has changed. * Naming scheme is the same as with the config vars. */ void windowAppearanceChanged(); void messageAppearanceChanged(); void contactListAppearanceChanged(); /** * Emitted when chat Window Style changed. * @param stylePath New stylePath */ void styleChanged(const QString &stylePath); /** * Emitted when ChatWindowStyle variant changed. * @param variantPath New variant Path. */ void styleVariantChanged(const QString &variantPath); private: /** * Private constructor: we are a singleton */ KopetePrefs(); /** * Our instance */ static KopetePrefs *s_prefs; KConfig *config; QString mIconTheme; bool mUseEmoticons; bool mShowOffline; bool mShowEmptyGroups; bool mGreyIdle; bool mTreeView; bool mSortByGroup; bool mStartDocked; bool mUseQueue; bool mUseStack; bool mRaiseMsgWindow; bool mShowEvents; bool mTrayflashNotify; bool mSpellCheck; bool mQueueUnreadMessages; bool mQueueOnlyHighlightedMessagesInGroupChats; bool mQueueOnlyMessagesOnAnotherDesktop; bool mTrayflashNotifyLeftClickOpensMessage; bool mTrayflashNotifySetCurrentDesktopToChatView; bool mBalloonNotify; bool mBalloonNotifyIgnoreClosesChatView; bool mBalloonClose; int mBalloonCloseDelay; bool mSoundIfAway; int mRememberedMessages; QString mInterfacePreference; int mChatViewBufferSize; QColor mHighlightBackground; QColor mHighlightForeground; QColor mTextColor; QColor mBgColor; QColor mLinkColor; QFont mFontFace; QColor mIdleContactColor; bool mHighlightEnabled; bool mBgOverride; bool mFgOverride; bool mRtfOverride; bool mShowTray; bool mWindowAppearanceChanged; bool mMessageAppearanceChanged; bool mContactListAppearanceChanged; bool mChatWShowSend; bool mAutoConnect; int mChatWindowPolicy; bool mTruncateContactNames; int mMaxContactNameLength; bool mRichText; // xhtml+css //for Adium (xhtml+css) QString mStylePath; QString mStyleVariant; bool mStylePathChanged; bool mStyleVariantChanged; QStringList mToolTipContents; bool mContactListIndentContacts; ContactDisplayMode mContactListDisplayMode; IconDisplayMode mContactListIconMode; bool mContactListUseCustomFonts; QFont mContactListNormalFont; QFont mContactListSmallFont; QColor mContactListGroupNameColor; bool mContactListAnimation; bool mContactListFading; bool mContactListFolding; bool mContactListAutoHide; unsigned int mContactListAutoHideTimeout; bool mReconnectOnDisconnect; bool mEmoticonsRequireSpaces; bool mGroupConsecutiveMessages; QString fileContents(const QString &path); void _setStylePath (const QString &); }; #endif // vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: