GroupWiseChatPropsWidget GroupWiseChatPropsWidget 0 0 493 425 GroupWiseChatPropertiesWidget unnamed m_displayName DISPLAY NAME layout16 unnamed m_creator true The user who created the chatroom textLabel10_2 Query: m_firstName_2 lblTopic Topic: m_displayName m_disclaimer false A disclaimer for users entering the chatroom m__2_2 Owner: m_displayName_3 m_topic false The current topic of the discussion m_query true UNKNOWN textLabel11_2_2 Maximum Users: m_lastName_2_2 m__2_2_2 Created on: m_displayName_3 lbl_displayName_2 Disclaimer: m_displayName_2 m_description true General description of the chatroom m_maxUsers true Maximum simultaneous users allowed in the chatroom textLabel10 Creator: m_firstName textLabel11 Description: m_lastName m_createdOn false Date and time the chatroom was created m_archive Archived Indicates if the chatroom is being archived on the server m_owner false The user who owns this chatroom line4 HLine Sunken Horizontal buttonGroup2 Default Access unnamed m_chkRead Read Message General permission to read messages in the chatroom m_chkWrite Write Message General permission to write messages in the chatroom m_chkModify Modify Access General permission to modify the chatroom's access control list textLabel1 Access Control List kListBox1 m_acl Access permissions for specific users layout15 unnamed m_btnAddAcl A&dd Add a new ACL entry m_btnEditAcl Ed&it Edit an existing ACL entry m_btnDeleteAcl D&elete Delete a ACL entry klistbox.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h