IRCEditAccountBase IRCEditAccountBase 0 0 689 528 3 3 0 0 440 575 unnamed tabWidget2 3 3 0 0 tab B&asic Setup unnamed spacer8 Vertical Expanding 20 150 textLabel3 3 1 0 0 32767 32767 <p><b>Note:</b> Most IRC servers do not require a password, and only a nickname is required to connect</p> WordBreak|AlignTop groupBox59 GroupBoxPanel Sunken Account Information unnamed textLabel4 N&ickname: mNickName This is the name that everyone will see everytime you say something textLabel1_2 Alternate ni&ckname: mAltNickname When the nickname is already in use when connecting, this name will be used instead mNickName 7 0 0 0 This is the name that everyone will see everytime you say something The alias you would like to use on IRC. You may change this once online with the /nick command. mAltNickname When the nickname is already in use when connecting, this name will be used instead When the nickname is already in use when connecting, this name will be used instead mPasswordWidget m_realNameLabel &Real name: m_realNameLineEdit textLabel5 &Username: mUserName The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support. Leave blank to use your system account name. mUserName 7 0 0 0 Normal The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support. Leave blank to use your system account name. The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support. Leave blank to use your system account name. m_realNameLineEdit 7 0 0 0 Normal The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support. The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support. Leave blank to use your system account name. TabPage Connection unnamed tqlayout21 unnamed tqlayout19 unnamed description spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 161 20 tqlayout20 unnamed network editButton &Edit... spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 392 20 textLabel1_3 &Network: network groupBox1 3 0 0 0 Connection Preferences unnamed preferSSL &Prefer SSL-based connections autoConnect E&xclude from connect all If you check that case, the account will not be connected when you press the "Connect All" button, or at startup even if you selected to automatically connect at startup tqlayout25 unnamed textLabel1_2_2 Default &charset: charset charset spacer6_2 Horizontal Expanding 141 20 groupBox5 Default Messages unnamed textLabel1 &Part message: partMessage textLabel2 &Quit message: quitMessage partMessage The message you want people to see when you part a channel without giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message. The message you want people to see when you part a channel without giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message. quitMessage The message you want people to see when you disconnect from IRC without giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message. The message you want people to see when you disconnect from IRC without giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message. spacer72 Vertical Expanding 20 150 tab A&dvanced Configuration unnamed groupBox7 Message Destinations unnamed autoShowAnonWindows Auto-show anonymous windows autoShowServerWindow Auto-show the server window tqlayout19 unnamed textLabel1_4 Server messages: textLabel4_3 Server notices: Active Window Server Window Anonymous Window KNotify Ignore serverNotices 1 Active Window Server Window Anonymous Window KNotify Ignore serverMessages 1 tqlayout23 unnamed textLabel3_3 Error messages: Active Window Server Window Anonymous Window KNotify Ignore informationReplies textLabel2_2 Information replies: Active Window Server Window Anonymous Window KNotify Ignore errorMessages groupBox6 3 3 0 0 0 130 Custom CTCP Replies unnamed CTCP true true Reply true true ctcpList 7 2 0 0 false Accept true true You can use this dialog to add custom replies for when people send CTCP requests to you. You can also use this dialog to override the built-in replies for VERSION, USERINFO, and CLIENTINFO. tqlayout153 unnamed textLabel3_2 &CTCP: newCTCP newCTCP textLabel4_2 &Reply: newReply newReply addReply Add Repl&y groupBox60 3 3 0 0 0 130 Run Following Commands on Connect unnamed tqlayout29 unnamed commandEdit 3 0 0 0 addButton Add Co&mmand Command true true commandList 7 2 0 0 true Accept true true Any commands added here will be run as soon as you are connected to the IRC server. Any commands added here will be run as soon as you are connected to the IRC server. Kopete::UI::PasswordWidget
50 50 0 1 0 0 0 image0 changed()
89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000016000000160806000000c4b46c3b0000030149444154388db59531681b5718c77f0e377c070e3c810a3a70e0041eac51852e0a19e45134830a1d9a4c69a04bc8928e990a693a640e1d0c8642b08742321894c1507991b484c890902bb8701a047760c3bd21701fe4201dde49b6a41a32b8df72dcbbeffdbefffbbfefbd5b1b0c07cce266ebe667ae2006c3c1dada0cdc3be87d6e6c35b0d692a409d9c7ec8b20d65ae29398d19b1114e7e3de4ce98b3f5e10dc0053cf0951b4506496e1b964bf7ce6c585d9054c62d01d617ca48be0596553cf496d8f2c8b01c5f795fc93904e85ec4c01a152857a5d9175d0b2805c872080f18595ccc1499a10a225d4e2fbc2877786fe81253ab6c04c8d106e09db5d43ab0d146e5c64d1a23938fb98a185cea1c33eecfd9eba49eb427dcb201e245365f2b7b2fb5b4a3a31dcb927178afe07d86901df870fefa4842aed6f6b74ba42e52b4014d580e1eb9cbd9d94de7e4aad16d2f9be02d805f0b5e532f927a1ffcacea1777f122a8105b164a7c25faf323a5d9f1f1fd600e1e5bec59e2d4b5c7ef5209d0ad17b8b31864e57c0b3e0815ac3ee33253ab664a770ff5185d1a1cb8d2267d3e58aa1dc7d2508cbe597d0e74fdd269aaaf0f52d414c4ea3e9762c996869e42560d7a72e41c4799a2586e74f95e8d8151481fa86efbe7b3398ac58b1a2b8527589f15451ad303ac2293542ad6648a796278f13a27185e4c4754310facb98c53a79e19a3fdc1426ff28c3d7399d1f7cb25343eb96106cf83c790ce9c4f2eb831855c55485663327992eb6dc8a6259874ed700b0b793323cccb9ffa842b30d6133e3e75fea989ac15a8b16ca76b746b0b92278d919774c5b6d48a78697fb29bbcf52468742a32120909c24e899ce67beed5be2db01e22d1e9485bb620e47f9ee9e606a21bd3f5d3744c7e7c54d55e87443867d8b554515ac5db4620e8e4f62263170fd1cdee90aad7640141992891b0f367c9adfe4049bb07d3b7022bd8c687c0978f46684ee084150b65ac1fcca94591b7a90a496e4c095164fb016a2b192a497795cc0f84817aebe25f7bf70ccc54a575c555c03f78ffa5fc0570d1f0c076bff0232285a09643cc7ce0000000049454e44ae426082 tabWidget2 mNickName mAltNickname mUserName m_realNameLineEdit network editButton preferSSL autoConnect charset partMessage quitMessage serverMessages serverNotices informationReplies errorMessages autoShowServerWindow autoShowAnonWindows ctcpList newCTCP newReply addReply commandList commandEdit addButton klistview.h