/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300 #pragma warning(disable:4786) #endif #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #define _WINSOCKAPI_ #include #include // HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include "talk/base/base64.h" #include "talk/base/basicdefs.h" #include "talk/base/bytebuffer.h" #include "talk/base/common.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" #include "talk/base/md5.h" #include "talk/base/socketadapters.h" #include "talk/base/stringutils.h" #include #ifdef WIN32 #include "talk/base/sec_buffer.h" #endif // WIN32 namespace cricket { #ifdef WIN32 extern const ConstantLabel SECURITY_ERRORS[]; #endif BufferedReadAdapter::BufferedReadAdapter(AsyncSocket* socket, size_t buffer_size) : AsyncSocketAdapter(socket), buffer_size_(buffer_size), data_len_(0), buffering_(false) { buffer_ = new char[buffer_size_]; } BufferedReadAdapter::~BufferedReadAdapter() { delete [] buffer_; } int BufferedReadAdapter::Send(const void *pv, size_t cb) { if (buffering_) { // TODO: Spoof error better; Signal Writeable socket_->SetError(EWOULDBLOCK); return -1; } return AsyncSocketAdapter::Send(pv, cb); } int BufferedReadAdapter::Recv(void *pv, size_t cb) { if (buffering_) { socket_->SetError(EWOULDBLOCK); return -1; } size_t read = 0; if (data_len_) { read = _min(cb, data_len_); memcpy(pv, buffer_, read); data_len_ -= read; if (data_len_ > 0) { memmove(buffer_, buffer_ + read, data_len_); } pv = static_cast(pv) + read; cb -= read; } // FIX: If cb == 0, we won't generate another read event int res = AsyncSocketAdapter::Recv(pv, cb); if (res < 0) return res; return res + static_cast(read); } void BufferedReadAdapter::BufferInput(bool on) { buffering_ = on; } void BufferedReadAdapter::OnReadEvent(AsyncSocket * socket) { assert(socket == socket_); if (!buffering_) { AsyncSocketAdapter::OnReadEvent(socket); return; } if (data_len_ >= buffer_size_) { LOG(INFO) << "Input buffer overflow"; assert(false); data_len_ = 0; } int len = socket_->Recv(buffer_ + data_len_, buffer_size_ - data_len_); if (len < 0) { // TODO: Do something better like forwarding the error to the user. LOG(INFO) << "Recv: " << errno << " " << std::strerror(errno); return; } data_len_ += len; ProcessInput(buffer_, data_len_); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const uint8 SSL_SERVER_HELLO[] = { 22,3,1,0,74,2,0,0,70,3,1,66,133,69,167,39,169,93,160, 179,197,231,83,218,72,43,63,198,90,202,137,193,88,82, 161,120,60,91,23,70,0,133,63,32,14,211,6,114,91,91, 27,95,21,172,19,249,136,83,157,155,232,61,123,12,48, 50,110,56,77,162,117,87,65,108,52,92,0,4,0 }; const signed char SSL_CLIENT_HELLO[] = { -128,70,1,3,1,0,45,0,0,0,16,1,0,-128,3,0,-128,7,0,-64,6,0,64,2,0, -128,4,0,-128,0,0,4,0,-2,-1,0,0,10,0,-2,-2,0,0,9,0,0,100,0,0,98,0, 0,3,0,0,6,31,23,12,-90,47,0,120,-4,70,85,46,-79,-125,57,-15,-22 }; AsyncSSLSocket::AsyncSSLSocket(AsyncSocket* socket) : BufferedReadAdapter(socket, 1024) { } int AsyncSSLSocket::Connect(const SocketAddress& addr) { // Begin buffering before we connect, so that there isn't a race condition between // potential senders and receiving the OnConnectEvent signal BufferInput(true); return BufferedReadAdapter::Connect(addr); } void AsyncSSLSocket::OnConnectEvent(AsyncSocket * socket) { assert(socket == socket_); // TODO: we could buffer output too... int res = DirectSend(SSL_CLIENT_HELLO, sizeof(SSL_CLIENT_HELLO)); assert(res == sizeof(SSL_CLIENT_HELLO)); } void AsyncSSLSocket::ProcessInput(char * data, size_t& len) { if (len < sizeof(SSL_SERVER_HELLO)) return; if (memcmp(SSL_SERVER_HELLO, data, sizeof(SSL_SERVER_HELLO)) != 0) { Close(); SignalCloseEvent(this, 0); // TODO: error code? return; } len -= sizeof(SSL_SERVER_HELLO); if (len > 0) { memmove(data, data + sizeof(SSL_SERVER_HELLO), len); } bool remainder = (len > 0); BufferInput(false); SignalConnectEvent(this); // FIX: if SignalConnect causes the socket to be destroyed, we are in trouble if (remainder) SignalReadEvent(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define TEST_DIGEST 0 #if TEST_DIGEST /* const char * const DIGEST_CHALLENGE = "Digest realm=\"testrealm@host.com\"," " qop=\"auth,auth-int\"," " nonce=\"dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093\"," " opaque=\"5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41\""; const char * const DIGEST_METHOD = "GET"; const char * const DIGEST_URI = "/dir/index.html";; const char * const DIGEST_CNONCE = "0a4f113b"; const char * const DIGEST_RESPONSE = "6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1"; //user_ = "Mufasa"; //pass_ = "Circle Of Life"; */ const char * const DIGEST_CHALLENGE = "Digest realm=\"Squid proxy-caching web server\"," " nonce=\"Nny4QuC5PwiSDixJ\"," " qop=\"auth\"," " stale=false"; const char * const DIGEST_URI = "/"; const char * const DIGEST_CNONCE = "6501d58e9a21cee1e7b5fec894ded024"; const char * const DIGEST_RESPONSE = "edffcb0829e755838b073a4a42de06bc"; #endif static std::string MD5(const std::string& data) { MD5_CTX ctx; MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, const_cast(reinterpret_cast(data.data())), static_cast(data.size())); unsigned char digest[16]; MD5Final(digest, &ctx); std::string hex_digest; const char HEX[] = "0123456789abcdef"; for (int i=0; i<16; ++i) { hex_digest += HEX[digest[i] >> 4]; hex_digest += HEX[digest[i] & 0xf]; } return hex_digest; } static std::string Quote(const std::string& str) { std::string result; result.push_back('"'); for (size_t i=0; i args; ParseAuth(challenge, len, auth_method, args); if (context && (context->auth_method != auth_method)) return AR_IGNORE; // BASIC if (stricmp(auth_method.c_str(), "basic") == 0) { if (context) return AR_CREDENTIALS; // Bad credentials if (username.empty()) return AR_CREDENTIALS; // Missing credentials context = new AuthContext(auth_method); // TODO: convert sensitive to a secure buffer that gets securely deleted //std::string decoded = username + ":" + password; size_t len = username.size() + password.GetLength() + 2; char * sensitive = new char[len]; size_t pos = strcpyn(sensitive, len, username.data(), username.size()); pos += strcpyn(sensitive + pos, len - pos, ":"); password.CopyTo(sensitive + pos, true); response = auth_method; response.append(" "); // TODO: create a sensitive-source version of Base64::encode response.append(Base64::encode(sensitive)); memset(sensitive, 0, len); delete [] sensitive; return AR_RESPONSE; } // DIGEST if (stricmp(auth_method.c_str(), "digest") == 0) { if (context) return AR_CREDENTIALS; // Bad credentials if (username.empty()) return AR_CREDENTIALS; // Missing credentials context = new AuthContext(auth_method); std::string cnonce, ncount; #if TEST_DIGEST method = DIGEST_METHOD; uri = DIGEST_URI; cnonce = DIGEST_CNONCE; #else char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", time(0)); cnonce = MD5(buffer); #endif ncount = "00000001"; // TODO: convert sensitive to be secure buffer //std::string A1 = username + ":" + args["realm"] + ":" + password; size_t len = username.size() + args["realm"].size() + password.GetLength() + 3; char * sensitive = new char[len]; // A1 size_t pos = strcpyn(sensitive, len, username.data(), username.size()); pos += strcpyn(sensitive + pos, len - pos, ":"); pos += strcpyn(sensitive + pos, len - pos, args["realm"].c_str()); pos += strcpyn(sensitive + pos, len - pos, ":"); password.CopyTo(sensitive + pos, true); std::string A2 = method + ":" + uri; std::string middle; if (args.find("qop") != args.end()) { args["qop"] = "auth"; middle = args["nonce"] + ":" + ncount + ":" + cnonce + ":" + args["qop"]; } else { middle = args["nonce"]; } std::string HA1 = MD5(sensitive); memset(sensitive, 0, len); delete [] sensitive; std::string HA2 = MD5(A2); std::string dig_response = MD5(HA1 + ":" + middle + ":" + HA2); #if TEST_DIGEST assert(strcmp(dig_response.c_str(), DIGEST_RESPONSE) == 0); #endif std::stringstream ss; ss << auth_method; ss << " username=" << Quote(username); ss << ", realm=" << Quote(args["realm"]); ss << ", nonce=" << Quote(args["nonce"]); ss << ", uri=" << Quote(uri); if (args.find("qop") != args.end()) { ss << ", qop=" << args["qop"]; ss << ", nc=" << ncount; ss << ", cnonce=" << Quote(cnonce); } ss << ", response=\"" << dig_response << "\""; if (args.find("opaque") != args.end()) { ss << ", opaque=" << Quote(args["opaque"]); } response = ss.str(); return AR_RESPONSE; } #ifdef WIN32 #if 1 bool want_negotiate = (stricmp(auth_method.c_str(), "negotiate") == 0); bool want_ntlm = (stricmp(auth_method.c_str(), "ntlm") == 0); // SPNEGO & NTLM if (want_negotiate || want_ntlm) { const size_t MAX_MESSAGE = 12000, MAX_SPN = 256; char out_buf[MAX_MESSAGE], spn[MAX_SPN]; #if 0 // Requires funky windows versions DWORD len = MAX_SPN; if (DsMakeSpn("HTTP", server.IPAsString().c_str(), NULL, server.port(), 0, &len, spn) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG(WARNING) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket::Authenticate(Negotiate) - DsMakeSpn failed"; return AR_IGNORE; } #else sprintfn(spn, MAX_SPN, "HTTP/%s", server.ToString().c_str()); #endif SecBuffer out_sec; out_sec.pvBuffer = out_buf; out_sec.cbBuffer = sizeof(out_buf); out_sec.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBufferDesc out_buf_desc; out_buf_desc.ulVersion = 0; out_buf_desc.cBuffers = 1; out_buf_desc.pBuffers = &out_sec; const ULONG NEG_FLAGS_DEFAULT = //ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY //| ISC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR //| ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY | ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT | ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT //| ISC_REQ_STREAM //| ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS ; TimeStamp lifetime; SECURITY_STATUS ret = S_OK; ULONG ret_flags = 0, flags = NEG_FLAGS_DEFAULT; bool specify_credentials = !username.empty(); size_t steps = 0; //uint32 now = cricket::Time(); NegotiateAuthContext * neg = static_cast(context); if (neg) { const size_t max_steps = 10; if (++neg->steps >= max_steps) { LOG(WARNING) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket::Authenticate(Negotiate) too many retries"; return AR_ERROR; } steps = neg->steps; std::string decoded_challenge = Base64::decode(args[""]); if (!decoded_challenge.empty()) { SecBuffer in_sec; in_sec.pvBuffer = const_cast(decoded_challenge.data()); in_sec.cbBuffer = static_cast(decoded_challenge.size()); in_sec.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBufferDesc in_buf_desc; in_buf_desc.ulVersion = 0; in_buf_desc.cBuffers = 1; in_buf_desc.pBuffers = &in_sec; ret = InitializeSecurityContextA(&neg->cred, &neg->ctx, spn, flags, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &in_buf_desc, 0, &neg->ctx, &out_buf_desc, &ret_flags, &lifetime); //LOG(INFO) << "$$$ InitializeSecurityContext @ " << cricket::TimeDiff(cricket::Time(), now); if (FAILED(ret)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "InitializeSecurityContext returned: " << ErrorName(ret, SECURITY_ERRORS); return AR_ERROR; } } else if (neg->specified_credentials) { // Try again with default credentials specify_credentials = false; delete context; context = neg = 0; } else { return AR_CREDENTIALS; } } if (!neg) { unsigned char userbuf[256], passbuf[256], domainbuf[16]; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A auth_id, * pauth_id = 0; if (specify_credentials) { memset(&auth_id, 0, sizeof(auth_id)); size_t len = password.GetLength()+1; char * sensitive = new char[len]; password.CopyTo(sensitive, true); std::string::size_type pos = username.find('\\'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { auth_id.UserLength = static_cast( _min(sizeof(userbuf) - 1, username.size())); memcpy(userbuf, username.c_str(), auth_id.UserLength); userbuf[auth_id.UserLength] = 0; auth_id.DomainLength = 0; domainbuf[auth_id.DomainLength] = 0; auth_id.PasswordLength = static_cast( _min(sizeof(passbuf) - 1, password.GetLength())); memcpy(passbuf, sensitive, auth_id.PasswordLength); passbuf[auth_id.PasswordLength] = 0; } else { auth_id.UserLength = static_cast( _min(sizeof(userbuf) - 1, username.size() - pos - 1)); memcpy(userbuf, username.c_str() + pos + 1, auth_id.UserLength); userbuf[auth_id.UserLength] = 0; auth_id.DomainLength = static_cast( _min(sizeof(domainbuf) - 1, pos)); memcpy(domainbuf, username.c_str(), auth_id.DomainLength); domainbuf[auth_id.DomainLength] = 0; auth_id.PasswordLength = static_cast( _min(sizeof(passbuf) - 1, password.GetLength())); memcpy(passbuf, sensitive, auth_id.PasswordLength); passbuf[auth_id.PasswordLength] = 0; } memset(sensitive, 0, len); delete [] sensitive; auth_id.User = userbuf; auth_id.Domain = domainbuf; auth_id.Password = passbuf; auth_id.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI; pauth_id = &auth_id; LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Negotiate protocol: Using specified credentials"; } else { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Negotiate protocol: Using default credentials"; } CredHandle cred; ret = AcquireCredentialsHandleA(0, want_negotiate ? NEGOSSP_NAME_A : NTLMSP_NAME_A, SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, 0, pauth_id, 0, 0, &cred, &lifetime); //LOG(INFO) << "$$$ AcquireCredentialsHandle @ " << cricket::TimeDiff(cricket::Time(), now); if (ret != SEC_E_OK) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AcquireCredentialsHandle error: " << ErrorName(ret, SECURITY_ERRORS); return AR_IGNORE; } //CSecBufferBundle<5, CSecBufferBase::FreeSSPI> sb_out; CtxtHandle ctx; ret = InitializeSecurityContextA(&cred, 0, spn, flags, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, 0, 0, &ctx, &out_buf_desc, &ret_flags, &lifetime); //LOG(INFO) << "$$$ InitializeSecurityContext @ " << cricket::TimeDiff(cricket::Time(), now); if (FAILED(ret)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "InitializeSecurityContext returned: " << ErrorName(ret, SECURITY_ERRORS); FreeCredentialsHandle(&cred); return AR_IGNORE; } assert(!context); context = neg = new NegotiateAuthContext(auth_method, cred, ctx); neg->specified_credentials = specify_credentials; neg->steps = steps; } if ((ret == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED) || (ret == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE)) { ret = CompleteAuthToken(&neg->ctx, &out_buf_desc); //LOG(INFO) << "$$$ CompleteAuthToken @ " << cricket::TimeDiff(cricket::Time(), now); LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "CompleteAuthToken returned: " << ErrorName(ret, SECURITY_ERRORS); if (FAILED(ret)) { return AR_ERROR; } } //LOG(INFO) << "$$$ NEGOTIATE took " << cricket::TimeDiff(cricket::Time(), now) << "ms"; std::string decoded(out_buf, out_buf + out_sec.cbBuffer); response = auth_method; response.append(" "); response.append(Base64::encode(decoded)); return AR_RESPONSE; } #endif #endif // WIN32 return AR_IGNORE; } inline bool end_of_name(size_t pos, size_t len, const char * data) { if (pos >= len) return true; if (isspace(data[pos])) return true; // The reason for this complexity is that some non-compliant auth schemes (like Negotiate) // use base64 tokens in the challenge instead of name=value. This could confuse us when the // base64 ends in equal signs. if ((pos+1 < len) && (data[pos] == '=') && !isspace(data[pos+1]) && (data[pos+1] != '=')) return true; return false; } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::ParseAuth(const char * data, size_t len, std::string& method, std::map& args) { size_t pos = 0; while ((pos < len) && isspace(data[pos])) ++pos; size_t start = pos; while ((pos < len) && !isspace(data[pos])) ++pos; method.assign(data + start, data + pos); while (pos < len) { while ((pos < len) && isspace(data[pos])) ++pos; if (pos >= len) return; start = pos; while (!end_of_name(pos, len, data)) ++pos; //while ((pos < len) && !isspace(data[pos]) && (data[pos] != '=')) ++pos; std::string name(data + start, data + pos), value; if ((pos < len) && (data[pos] == '=')) { ++pos; // Skip '=' // Check if quoted value if ((pos < len) && (data[pos] == '"')) { while (++pos < len) { if (data[pos] == '"') { ++pos; break; } if ((data[pos] == '\\') && (pos + 1 < len)) ++pos; value.append(1, data[pos]); } } else { while ((pos < len) && !isspace(data[pos]) && (data[pos] != ',')) value.append(1, data[pos++]); } } else { value = name; name.clear(); } args.insert(std::make_pair(name, value)); if ((pos < len) && (data[pos] == ',')) ++pos; // Skip ',' } } AsyncHttpsProxySocket::AsyncHttpsProxySocket(AsyncSocket* socket, const SocketAddress& proxy, const std::string& username, const buzz::XmppPassword& password) : BufferedReadAdapter(socket, 1024), proxy_(proxy), user_(username), pass_(password), state_(PS_ERROR), context_(0) { } AsyncHttpsProxySocket::~AsyncHttpsProxySocket() { delete context_; } int AsyncHttpsProxySocket::Connect(const SocketAddress& addr) { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket::Connect(" << proxy_.ToString() << ")"; dest_ = addr; if (dest_.port() != 80) { BufferInput(true); } return BufferedReadAdapter::Connect(proxy_); } SocketAddress AsyncHttpsProxySocket::GetRemoteAddress() const { return dest_; } int AsyncHttpsProxySocket::Close() { headers_.clear(); state_ = PS_ERROR; delete context_; context_ = 0; return BufferedReadAdapter::Close(); } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::OnConnectEvent(AsyncSocket * socket) { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket::OnConnectEvent"; // TODO: Decide whether tunneling or not should be explicitly set, // or indicated by destination port (as below) if (dest_.port() == 80) { state_ = PS_TUNNEL; BufferedReadAdapter::OnConnectEvent(socket); return; } SendRequest(); } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::OnCloseEvent(AsyncSocket * socket, int err) { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket::OnCloseEvent(" << err << ")"; if ((state_ == PS_WAIT_CLOSE) && (err == 0)) { state_ = PS_ERROR; Connect(dest_); } else { BufferedReadAdapter::OnCloseEvent(socket, err); } } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::ProcessInput(char * data, size_t& len) { size_t start = 0; for (size_t pos = start; (state_ < PS_TUNNEL) && (pos < len); ) { if (state_ == PS_SKIP_BODY) { size_t consume = _min(len - pos, content_length_); pos += consume; start = pos; content_length_ -= consume; if (content_length_ == 0) { EndResponse(); } continue; } if (data[pos++] != '\n') continue; size_t len = pos - start - 1; if ((len > 0) && (data[start + len - 1] == '\r')) --len; data[start + len] = 0; ProcessLine(data + start, len); start = pos; } len -= start; if (len > 0) { memmove(data, data + start, len); } if (state_ != PS_TUNNEL) return; bool remainder = (len > 0); BufferInput(false); SignalConnectEvent(this); // FIX: if SignalConnect causes the socket to be destroyed, we are in trouble if (remainder) SignalReadEvent(this); // TODO: signal this?? } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::SendRequest() { std::stringstream ss; ss << "CONNECT " << dest_.ToString() << " HTTP/1.0\r\n"; ss << "User-Agent: " USERAGENT_STRING "\r\n"; ss << "Host: " << dest_.IPAsString() << "\r\n"; ss << "Content-Length: 0\r\n"; ss << "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; ss << headers_; ss << "\r\n"; std::string str = ss.str(); DirectSend(str.c_str(), str.size()); state_ = PS_LEADER; expect_close_ = true; content_length_ = 0; headers_.clear(); LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket >> " << str; } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::ProcessLine(char * data, size_t len) { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "AsyncHttpsProxySocket << " << data; if (len == 0) { if (state_ == PS_TUNNEL_HEADERS) { state_ = PS_TUNNEL; } else if (state_ == PS_ERROR_HEADERS) { Error(defer_error_); return; } else if (state_ == PS_SKIP_HEADERS) { if (content_length_) { state_ = PS_SKIP_BODY; } else { EndResponse(); return; } } else { static bool report = false; if (!unknown_mechanisms_.empty() && !report) { report = true; std::string msg( "Unable to connect to the Google Talk service due to an incompatibility " "with your proxy.\r\nPlease help us resolve this issue by submitting the " "following information to us using our technical issue submission form " "at:\r\n\r\n" "http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/request.py\r\n\r\n" "We apologize for the inconvenience.\r\n\r\n" "Information to submit to Google: " ); //std::string msg("Please report the following information to foo@bar.com:\r\nUnknown methods: "); msg.append(unknown_mechanisms_); #ifdef WIN32 MessageBoxA(0, msg.c_str(), "Oops!", MB_OK); #endif #ifdef POSIX //TODO: Raise a signal or something so the UI can be separated. LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Oops!\n\n" << msg; #endif } // Unexpected end of headers Error(0); return; } } else if (state_ == PS_LEADER) { uint32 code; if (sscanf(data, "HTTP/%*lu.%*lu %lu", &code) != 1) { Error(0); return; } switch (code) { case 200: // connection good! state_ = PS_TUNNEL_HEADERS; return; #if defined(HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ) && (HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ != 407) #error Wrong code for HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ #endif case 407: // HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ state_ = PS_AUTHENTICATE; return; default: defer_error_ = 0; state_ = PS_ERROR_HEADERS; return; } } else if ((state_ == PS_AUTHENTICATE) && (strnicmp(data, "Proxy-Authenticate:", 19) == 0)) { std::string response, auth_method; switch (Authenticate(data + 19, len - 19, proxy_, "CONNECT", "/", user_, pass_, context_, response, auth_method)) { case AR_IGNORE: LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Ignoring Proxy-Authenticate: " << auth_method; if (!unknown_mechanisms_.empty()) unknown_mechanisms_.append(", "); unknown_mechanisms_.append(auth_method); break; case AR_RESPONSE: headers_ = "Proxy-Authorization: "; headers_.append(response); headers_.append("\r\n"); state_ = PS_SKIP_HEADERS; unknown_mechanisms_.clear(); break; case AR_CREDENTIALS: defer_error_ = EACCES; state_ = PS_ERROR_HEADERS; unknown_mechanisms_.clear(); break; case AR_ERROR: defer_error_ = 0; state_ = PS_ERROR_HEADERS; unknown_mechanisms_.clear(); break; } } else if (strnicmp(data, "Content-Length:", 15) == 0) { content_length_ = strtoul(data + 15, 0, 0); } else if (strnicmp(data, "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive", 28) == 0) { expect_close_ = false; /* } else if (strnicmp(data, "Connection: close", 17) == 0) { expect_close_ = true; */ } } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::EndResponse() { if (!expect_close_) { SendRequest(); return; } // No point in waiting for the server to close... let's close now // TODO: Refactor out PS_WAIT_CLOSE state_ = PS_WAIT_CLOSE; BufferedReadAdapter::Close(); OnCloseEvent(this, 0); } void AsyncHttpsProxySocket::Error(int error) { BufferInput(false); Close(); SetError(error); SignalCloseEvent(this, error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AsyncSocksProxySocket::AsyncSocksProxySocket(AsyncSocket* socket, const SocketAddress& proxy, const std::string& username, const buzz::XmppPassword& password) : BufferedReadAdapter(socket, 1024), proxy_(proxy), user_(username), pass_(password), state_(SS_ERROR) { } int AsyncSocksProxySocket::Connect(const SocketAddress& addr) { dest_ = addr; BufferInput(true); return BufferedReadAdapter::Connect(proxy_); } SocketAddress AsyncSocksProxySocket::GetRemoteAddress() const { return dest_; } void AsyncSocksProxySocket::OnConnectEvent(AsyncSocket * socket) { SendHello(); } void AsyncSocksProxySocket::ProcessInput(char * data, size_t& len) { assert(state_ < SS_TUNNEL); ByteBuffer response(data, len); if (state_ == SS_HELLO) { uint8 ver, method; if (!response.ReadUInt8(ver) || !response.ReadUInt8(method)) return; if (ver != 5) { Error(0); return; } if (method == 0) { SendConnect(); } else if (method == 2) { SendAuth(); } else { Error(0); return; } } else if (state_ == SS_AUTH) { uint8 ver, status; if (!response.ReadUInt8(ver) || !response.ReadUInt8(status)) return; if ((ver != 1) || (status != 0)) { Error(EACCES); return; } SendConnect(); } else if (state_ == SS_CONNECT) { uint8 ver, rep, rsv, atyp; if (!response.ReadUInt8(ver) || !response.ReadUInt8(rep) || !response.ReadUInt8(rsv) || !response.ReadUInt8(atyp)) return; if ((ver != 5) || (rep != 0)) { Error(0); return; } uint16 port; if (atyp == 1) { uint32 addr; if (!response.ReadUInt32(addr) || !response.ReadUInt16(port)) return; LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Bound on " << addr << ":" << port; } else if (atyp == 3) { uint8 len; std::string addr; if (!response.ReadUInt8(len) || !response.ReadString(addr, len) || !response.ReadUInt16(port)) return; LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Bound on " << addr << ":" << port; } else if (atyp == 4) { std::string addr; if (!response.ReadString(addr, 16) || !response.ReadUInt16(port)) return; LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Bound on :" << port; } else { Error(0); return; } state_ = SS_TUNNEL; } // Consume parsed data len = response.Length(); memcpy(data, response.Data(), len); if (state_ != SS_TUNNEL) return; bool remainder = (len > 0); BufferInput(false); SignalConnectEvent(this); // FIX: if SignalConnect causes the socket to be destroyed, we are in trouble if (remainder) SignalReadEvent(this); // TODO: signal this?? } void AsyncSocksProxySocket::SendHello() { ByteBuffer request; request.WriteUInt8(5); // Socks Version if (user_.empty()) { request.WriteUInt8(1); // Authentication Mechanisms request.WriteUInt8(0); // No authentication } else { request.WriteUInt8(2); // Authentication Mechanisms request.WriteUInt8(0); // No authentication request.WriteUInt8(2); // Username/Password } DirectSend(request.Data(), request.Length()); state_ = SS_HELLO; } void AsyncSocksProxySocket::SendAuth() { ByteBuffer request; request.WriteUInt8(1); // Negotiation Version request.WriteUInt8(static_cast(user_.size())); request.WriteString(user_); // Username request.WriteUInt8(static_cast(pass_.GetLength())); size_t len = pass_.GetLength() + 1; char * sensitive = new char[len]; pass_.CopyTo(sensitive, true); request.WriteString(sensitive); // Password memset(sensitive, 0, len); delete [] sensitive; DirectSend(request.Data(), request.Length()); state_ = SS_AUTH; } void AsyncSocksProxySocket::SendConnect() { ByteBuffer request; request.WriteUInt8(5); // Socks Version request.WriteUInt8(1); // CONNECT request.WriteUInt8(0); // Reserved if (dest_.IsUnresolved()) { std::string hostname = dest_.IPAsString(); request.WriteUInt8(3); // DOMAINNAME request.WriteUInt8(static_cast(hostname.size())); request.WriteString(hostname); // Destination Hostname } else { request.WriteUInt8(1); // IPV4 request.WriteUInt32(dest_.ip()); // Destination IP } request.WriteUInt16(dest_.port()); // Destination Port DirectSend(request.Data(), request.Length()); state_ = SS_CONNECT; } void AsyncSocksProxySocket::Error(int error) { state_ = SS_ERROR; BufferInput(false); Close(); SetError(EACCES); SignalCloseEvent(this, error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LoggingAdapter::LoggingAdapter(AsyncSocket* socket, LoggingSeverity level, const char * label) : AsyncSocketAdapter(socket), level_(level) { label_.append("["); label_.append(label); label_.append("]"); } int LoggingAdapter::Send(const void *pv, size_t cb) { int res = AsyncSocketAdapter::Send(pv, cb); if (res > 0) LogMultiline(false, static_cast(pv), res); return res; } int LoggingAdapter::SendTo(const void *pv, size_t cb, const SocketAddress& addr) { int res = AsyncSocketAdapter::SendTo(pv, cb, addr); if (res > 0) LogMultiline(false, static_cast(pv), res); return res; } int LoggingAdapter::Recv(void *pv, size_t cb) { int res = AsyncSocketAdapter::Recv(pv, cb); if (res > 0) LogMultiline(true, static_cast(pv), res); return res; } int LoggingAdapter::RecvFrom(void *pv, size_t cb, SocketAddress *paddr) { int res = AsyncSocketAdapter::RecvFrom(pv, cb, paddr); if (res > 0) LogMultiline(true, static_cast(pv), res); return res; } void LoggingAdapter::OnConnectEvent(AsyncSocket * socket) { LOG(level_) << label_ << " Connected"; AsyncSocketAdapter::OnConnectEvent(socket); } void LoggingAdapter::OnCloseEvent(AsyncSocket * socket, int err) { LOG(level_) << label_ << " Closed with error: " << err; AsyncSocketAdapter::OnCloseEvent(socket, err); } void LoggingAdapter::LogMultiline(bool input, const char * data, size_t len) { const char * direction = (input ? " << " : " >> "); std::string str(data, len); while (!str.empty()) { std::string::size_type pos = str.find('\n'); std::string substr = str; if (pos == std::string::npos) { substr = str; str.clear(); } else if ((pos > 0) && (str[pos-1] == '\r')) { substr = str.substr(0, pos - 1); str = str.substr(pos + 1); } else { substr = str.substr(0, pos); str = str.substr(pos + 1); } // Filter out any private data std::string::size_type pos_private = substr.find("Email"); if (pos_private == std::string::npos) { pos_private = substr.find("Passwd"); } if (pos_private == std::string::npos) { LOG(level_) << label_ << direction << substr; } else { LOG(level_) << label_ << direction << "## TEXT REMOVED ##"; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace cricket