/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/session/phone/voicechannel.h" #include "talk/session/phone/channelmanager.h" #include "talk/session/phone/phonesessionclient.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" #include #undef SetPort namespace { // Delay before quality estimate is meaningful. uint32 kQualityDelay = 5000; // in ms } namespace cricket { VoiceChannel::VoiceChannel(ChannelManager *manager, Session *session, MediaChannel *channel) { channel_manager_ = manager; assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); channel_ = channel; session_ = session; socket_monitor_ = NULL; audio_monitor_ = NULL; socket_ = session_->CreateSocket("rtp"); socket_->SignalState.connect(this, &VoiceChannel::OnSocketState); socket_->SignalReadPacket.connect(this, &VoiceChannel::OnSocketRead); channel->SetInterface(this); enabled_ = false; paused_ = false; socket_writable_ = false; muted_ = false; LOG(INFO) << "Created voice channel"; start_time_ = 0xFFFFFFFF - kQualityDelay; session->SignalState.connect(this, &VoiceChannel::OnSessionState); OnSessionState(session, session->state()); } VoiceChannel::~VoiceChannel() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); enabled_ = false; ChangeState(); delete socket_monitor_; delete audio_monitor_; Thread::Current()->Clear(this); if (socket_ != NULL) session_->DestroySocket(socket_); LOG(INFO) << "Destroyed voice channel"; } void VoiceChannel::OnMessage(Message *pmsg) { switch (pmsg->message_id) { case MSG_ENABLE: EnableMedia_w(); break; case MSG_DISABLE: DisableMedia_w(); break; case MSG_MUTE: MuteMedia_w(); break; case MSG_UNMUTE: UnmuteMedia_w(); break; case MSG_SETSENDCODEC: SetSendCodec_w(); break; } } void VoiceChannel::Enable(bool enable) { // Can be called from thread other than worker thread channel_manager_->worker_thread()->Post(this, enable ? MSG_ENABLE : MSG_DISABLE); } void VoiceChannel::Mute(bool mute) { // Can be called from thread other than worker thread channel_manager_->worker_thread()->Post(this, mute ? MSG_MUTE : MSG_UNMUTE); } MediaChannel * VoiceChannel::channel() { return channel_; } void VoiceChannel::OnSessionState(Session* session, Session::State state) { if ((state == Session::STATE_RECEIVEDACCEPT) || (state == Session::STATE_RECEIVEDINITIATE)) { channel_manager_->worker_thread()->Post(this, MSG_SETSENDCODEC); } } void VoiceChannel::SetSendCodec_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); const PhoneSessionDescription* desc = static_cast(session()->remote_description()); const char *codec = NULL; if (desc->codecs().size() > 0) PhoneSessionClient::FindMediaCodec(channel_manager_->media_engine(), desc, &codec); // The other client should have returned one of the codecs that we offered. // If they could not, they should have rejected the session. So, if we get // into this state, we're dealing with a bad client, so we may as well just // pick the mostt common format there is: payload type zero. if (codec == NULL) codec = "PCMU"; channel_->SetCodec(codec); } void VoiceChannel::OnSocketState(P2PSocket *socket, P2PSocket::State state) { switch (state) { case P2PSocket::STATE_WRITABLE: SocketWritable_w(); break; default: SocketNotWritable_w(); break; } } void VoiceChannel::OnSocketRead(P2PSocket *socket, const char *data, size_t len) { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); // OnSocketRead gets called from P2PSocket; now pass data to MediaEngine channel_->OnPacketReceived(data, (int)len); } void VoiceChannel::SendPacket(const void *data, size_t len) { // SendPacket gets called from MediaEngine; send to socket // MediaEngine will call us on a random thread. The Send operation on the socket is // special in that it can handle this. socket_->Send(static_cast(data), len); } void VoiceChannel::ChangeState() { if (paused_ || !enabled_ || !socket_writable_) { channel_->SetPlayout(false); channel_->SetSend(false); } else { if (muted_) { channel_->SetSend(false); channel_->SetPlayout(true); } else { channel_->SetSend(true); channel_->SetPlayout(true); } } } void VoiceChannel::PauseMedia_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); assert(!paused_); LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel paused"; paused_ = true; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::UnpauseMedia_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); assert(paused_); LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel unpaused"; paused_ = false; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::EnableMedia_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); if (enabled_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel enabled"; enabled_ = true; start_time_ = Time(); ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::DisableMedia_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); if (!enabled_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel disabled"; enabled_ = false; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::MuteMedia_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); if (muted_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel muted"; muted_ = true; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::UnmuteMedia_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); if (!muted_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel unmuted"; muted_ = false; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::SocketWritable_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); if (socket_writable_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel socket writable"; socket_writable_ = true; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::SocketNotWritable_w() { assert(channel_manager_->worker_thread() == Thread::Current()); if (!socket_writable_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Voice channel socket not writable"; socket_writable_ = false; ChangeState(); } void VoiceChannel::StartConnectionMonitor(int cms) { delete socket_monitor_; socket_monitor_ = new SocketMonitor(socket_, Thread::Current()); socket_monitor_ ->SignalUpdate.connect(this, &VoiceChannel::OnConnectionMonitorUpdate); socket_monitor_->Start(cms); } void VoiceChannel::StopConnectionMonitor() { if (socket_monitor_ != NULL) { socket_monitor_->Stop(); socket_monitor_->SignalUpdate.disconnect(this); delete socket_monitor_; socket_monitor_ = NULL; } } void VoiceChannel::OnConnectionMonitorUpdate(SocketMonitor *monitor, const std::vector &infos) { SignalConnectionMonitor(this, infos); } void VoiceChannel::StartAudioMonitor(int cms) { delete audio_monitor_; audio_monitor_ = new AudioMonitor(this, Thread::Current()); audio_monitor_ ->SignalUpdate.connect(this, &VoiceChannel::OnAudioMonitorUpdate); audio_monitor_->Start(cms); } void VoiceChannel::StopAudioMonitor() { if (audio_monitor_ != NULL) { audio_monitor_ ->Stop(); audio_monitor_ ->SignalUpdate.disconnect(this); delete audio_monitor_ ; audio_monitor_ = NULL; } } void VoiceChannel::OnAudioMonitorUpdate(AudioMonitor *monitor, const AudioInfo& info) { SignalAudioMonitor(this, info); } Session *VoiceChannel::session() { return session_; } bool VoiceChannel::HasQuality() { return Time() >= start_time_ + kQualityDelay; } float VoiceChannel::GetCurrentQuality() { return channel_->GetCurrentQuality(); } int VoiceChannel::GetInputLevel_w() { return channel_manager_->media_engine()->GetInputLevel(); } int VoiceChannel::GetOutputLevel_w() { return channel_->GetOutputLevel(); } Thread* VoiceChannel::worker_thread() { return channel_manager_->worker_thread(); } }