/* The oRTP library is an RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol - rfc1889) stack. Copyright (C) 2001 Simon MORLAT simon.morlat@linphone.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "rtpmod.h" #define RTP_SEQ_IS_GREATER(seq1,seq2)\ ((guint16)((guint16)(seq1) - (guint16)(seq2))< (guint16)(1<<15)) /* put an rtp packet in queue. It is called by rtp_parse()*/ void rtp_putq(queue_t *q, mblk_t *mp) { mblk_t *tmp; rtp_header_t *rtp=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr,*tmprtp; /* insert message block by increasing time stamp order : the last (at the bottom) message of the queue is the newest*/ ortp_debug("rtp_putq(): Enqueuing packet with ts=%i and seq=%i",rtp->timestamp,rtp->seq_number); if (qempty(q)) { putq(q,mp); return; } tmp=qlast(q); /* we look at the queue from bottom to top, because enqueued packets have a better chance to be enqueued at the bottom, since there are surely newer */ while (!qend(q,tmp)) { tmprtp=(rtp_header_t*)tmp->b_rptr; ortp_debug("rtp_putq(): Seeing packet with seq=%i",tmprtp->seq_number); if (rtp->seq_number == tmprtp->seq_number) { /* this is a duplicated packet. Don't queue it */ ortp_debug("rtp_putq: duplicated message."); freemsg(mp); return; }else if (RTP_SEQ_IS_GREATER(rtp->seq_number,tmprtp->seq_number)){ insq(q,tmp->b_next,mp); return; } tmp=tmp->b_prev; } /* this packet is the oldest, it has to be placed on top of the queue */ insq(q,qfirst(q),mp); } mblk_t *rtp_getq(queue_t *q,guint32 timestamp, int *rejected) { mblk_t *tmp,*ret=NULL,*old; rtp_header_t *tmprtp; guint32 oldest; guint32 ts_found=0; *rejected=0; ortp_debug("rtp_getq(): Timestamp %i wanted.",timestamp); if (qempty(q)) { /*ortp_debug("rtp_getq: q is empty.");*/ return NULL; } /* prevent somebody to ask for a timestamp that is older than the oldest of the queue */ oldest=((rtp_header_t*) qfirst(q)->b_rptr)->timestamp; if (RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_STRICTLY_NEWER_THAN(oldest,timestamp)) { ortp_debug("rtp_getq(): asking for too old packet ! oldest=%i",oldest); return NULL; } ret=NULL; old=NULL; /* return the packet with ts just equal or older than the asked timestamp */ while ((tmp=qfirst(q))!=NULL) { tmprtp=(rtp_header_t*)tmp->b_rptr; ortp_debug("rtp_getq: Seeing packet with ts=%i",tmprtp->timestamp); if ( RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_NEWER_THAN(timestamp,tmprtp->timestamp) ) { if (ret!=NULL && tmprtp->timestamp==ts_found) { /* we've found two packets with same timestamp. return the first one */ break; } if (old!=NULL) { ortp_debug("rtp_getq: discarding too old packet with ts=%i",ts_found); (*rejected)++; freemsg(old); } ret=getq(q); /* dequeue the packet, since it has an interesting timestamp*/ ts_found=tmprtp->timestamp; ortp_debug("rtp_getq: Found packet with ts=%i",tmprtp->timestamp); old=ret; } else { break; } } return ret; }