/* The oRTP library is an RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol - rfc1889) stack. Copyright (C) 2001 Simon MORLAT simon.morlat@linphone.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "rtpmod.h" #include "jitterctl.h" void split_and_queue(queue_t *q, int maxrqsz, mblk_t *mp, rtp_header_t *rtp, int *discarded) { mblk_t *mdata,*tmp; int header_size; *discarded=0; header_size=RTP_FIXED_HEADER_SIZE+ (4*rtp->cc); if ((mp->b_wptr - mp->b_rptr)==header_size){ ortp_debug("Rtp packet contains no data."); (*discarded)++; freemsg(mp); return; } /* creates a new mblk_t to be linked with the rtp header*/ mdata=dupb(mp); mp->b_wptr=mp->b_rptr+header_size; mdata->b_rptr+=header_size; /* link proto with data */ mp->b_cont=mdata; /* and then add the packet to the queue */ rtp_putq(q,mp); /* make some checks: q size must not exceed RtpStream::max_rq_size */ while (q->q_mcount > maxrqsz) { /* remove the oldest mblk_t */ tmp=getq(q); if (mp!=NULL) { ortp_debug("rtp_putq: Queue is full. Discarding message with ts=%i",((rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr)->timestamp); freemsg(tmp); (*discarded)++; } } } void rtp_parse(RtpSession *session, mblk_t *mp, guint32 local_str_ts) { gint i; rtp_header_t *rtp; int msgsize; RtpStream *rtpstream=&session->rtp; rtp_stats_t *stats=&rtpstream->stats; g_return_if_fail(mp!=NULL); msgsize=msgdsize(mp); ortp_global_stats.hw_recv+=msgsize; stats->hw_recv+=msgsize; ortp_global_stats.packet_recv++; stats->packet_recv++; session->rtp.hwrcv_since_last_SR++; rtp=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr; if (rtp->version!=2) { ortp_debug("Receiving rtp packet with version number !=2...discarded"); stats->bad++; ortp_global_stats.bad++; freemsg(mp); return; } /* convert all header data from network order to host order */ rtp->seq_number=ntohs(rtp->seq_number); rtp->timestamp=ntohl(rtp->timestamp); rtp->ssrc=ntohl(rtp->ssrc); /* convert csrc if necessary */ if (rtp->cc*sizeof(guint32) > (msgsize-RTP_FIXED_HEADER_SIZE)){ ortp_debug("Receiving too short rtp packet."); stats->bad++; ortp_global_stats.bad++; freemsg(mp); return; } for (i=0;icc;i++) rtp->csrc[i]=ntohl(rtp->csrc[i]); if (session->recv_ssrc!=0) { /*the ssrc is set, so we must check it */ if (session->recv_ssrc!=rtp->ssrc){ /*ortp_debug("rtp_parse: bad ssrc - %i",rtp->ssrc);*/ session->recv_ssrc=rtp->ssrc; rtp_signal_table_emit(&session->on_ssrc_changed); } }else session->recv_ssrc=rtp->ssrc; /* update some statistics */ if (rtp->seq_number>rtpstream->hwrcv_extseq.split.lo){ rtpstream->hwrcv_extseq.split.lo=rtp->seq_number; }else if (rtp->seq_number<200 && rtpstream->hwrcv_extseq.split.lo>((1<<16) - 200)){ /* this is a check for sequence number looping */ rtpstream->hwrcv_extseq.split.lo=rtp->seq_number; rtpstream->hwrcv_extseq.split.hi++; } /* check for possible telephone events */ if (rtp->paytype==session->telephone_events_pt){ split_and_queue(&session->rtp.tev_rq,session->rtp.max_rq_size,mp,rtp,&i); stats->discarded+=i; ortp_global_stats.discarded+=i; return; } if (!(session->flags & RTP_SESSION_RECV_SYNC)){ gint32 slide=0; gint32 safe_delay=0; jitter_control_new_packet(&session->rtp.jittctl,rtp->timestamp,local_str_ts,&slide,&safe_delay); session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts=session->rtp.hwrcv_diff_ts + slide - safe_delay; ortp_debug(" rcv_diff_ts=%i", session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts); /* detect timestamp important jumps in the future, to workaround stupid rtp senders */ if (RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_NEWER_THAN(rtp->timestamp,session->rtp.rcv_last_ts+session->rtp.ts_jump)){ ortp_debug("rtp_parse: timestamp jump ?"); rtp_signal_table_emit2(&session->on_timestamp_jump,&rtp->timestamp); } else if (RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_NEWER_THAN(session->rtp.rcv_last_ts,rtp->timestamp)){ /* avoid very old packet to enqueued, because the user is no more supposed to get them */ ortp_debug("rtp_parse: silently discarding very old packet (ts=%i)",rtp->timestamp); freemsg(mp); stats->outoftime++; ortp_global_stats.outoftime++; return; } } split_and_queue(&session->rtp.rq,session->rtp.max_rq_size,mp,rtp,&i); stats->discarded+=i; ortp_global_stats.discarded+=i; }