/* The oRTP library is an RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol - rfc1889) stack. Copyright (C) 2001 Simon MORLAT simon.morlat@linphone.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "rtpmod.h" #include "jitterctl.h" #include "scheduler.h" #include "port_fct.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 # include # include # include # include # ifdef INET6 # include # endif #else # include # include "errno-win32.h" #endif #if defined(HAVE_POLL_H) #include #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_POLL_H) #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UIO_H #include #define USE_SENDMSG 1 #endif void wait_point_init(WaitPoint *wp){ wp->lock=g_mutex_new(); wp->cond=g_cond_new(); wp->time=0; wp->wakeup=FALSE; } void wait_point_uninit(WaitPoint *wp){ g_cond_free(wp->cond); g_mutex_free(wp->lock); } #define wait_point_lock(wp) g_mutex_lock((wp)->lock) #define wait_point_unlock(wp) g_mutex_unlock((wp)->lock) void wait_point_wakeup_at(WaitPoint *wp, guint32 t, gboolean dosleep){ wp->time=t; wp->wakeup=TRUE; if (dosleep) g_cond_wait(wp->cond,wp->lock); } gboolean wait_point_check(WaitPoint *wp, guint32 t){ gboolean ok=FALSE; if (wp->wakeup){ if (TIME_IS_NEWER_THAN(t,wp->time)){ wp->wakeup=FALSE; ok=TRUE; } } return ok; } #define wait_point_wakeup(wp) g_cond_signal((wp)->cond); extern void rtp_parse(RtpSession *session, mblk_t *mp, guint32 local_str_ts); static guint32 guint32_random(){ return random(); } void rtp_session_init (RtpSession * session, gint mode) { memset (session, 0, sizeof (RtpSession)); session->lock = g_mutex_new (); session->rtp.max_rq_size = RTP_MAX_RTQ_SIZE; session->mode = mode; if ((mode == RTP_SESSION_RECVONLY) || (mode == RTP_SESSION_SENDRECV)) { rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_RECV_SYNC); rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_RECV_NOT_STARTED); } if ((mode == RTP_SESSION_SENDONLY) || (mode == RTP_SESSION_SENDRECV)) { rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_SEND_NOT_STARTED); rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_SEND_SYNC); session->send_ssrc=guint32_random(); /* set default source description */ rtp_session_set_source_description(session,"unknown@unknown",NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,"oRTP-" ORTP_VERSION,"This is free sofware (LGPL) !"); } session->telephone_events_pt=-1; /* not defined a priori */ rtp_session_set_profile (session, &av_profile); /*the default profile to work with */ session->payload_type=0;/* default to something */ qinit(&session->rtp.rq); qinit(&session->rtp.tev_rq); qinit(&session->contributing_sources); /* init signal tables */ rtp_signal_table_init (&session->on_ssrc_changed, session,"ssrc_changed"); rtp_signal_table_init (&session->on_payload_type_changed, session,"payload_type_changed"); rtp_signal_table_init (&session->on_telephone_event, session,"telephone-event"); rtp_signal_table_init (&session->on_telephone_event_packet, session,"telephone-event_packet"); rtp_signal_table_init (&session->on_timestamp_jump,session,"timestamp_jump"); rtp_signal_table_init (&session->on_network_error,session,"network_error"); wait_point_init(&session->send_wp); wait_point_init(&session->recv_wp); rtp_session_set_jitter_compensation(session,RTP_DEFAULT_JITTER_TIME); rtp_session_enable_adaptive_jitter_compensation(session,FALSE); rtp_session_set_time_jump_limit(session,5000); session->max_buf_size = UDP_MAX_SIZE; } /** *rtp_session_new: *@mode: One of the #RtpSessionMode flags. * * Creates a new rtp session. * If the session is able to send data (RTP_SESSION_SENDONLY or RTP_SESSION_SENDRECV), then a * random SSRC number is choosed for the outgoing stream. * *Returns: the newly created rtp session. **/ RtpSession * rtp_session_new (gint mode) { RtpSession *session; session = g_malloc (sizeof (RtpSession)); rtp_session_init (session, mode); return session; } /** *rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode: *@session: a rtp session. *@yesno: a boolean to indicate the scheduling mode. * * Sets the scheduling mode of the rtp session. If @yesno is TRUE, the rtp session is in * the scheduled mode, that means that you can use session_set_select() to block until it's time * to receive or send on this session according to the timestamp passed to the respective functions. * You can also use blocking mode (see rtp_session_set_blocking_mode() ), to simply block within * the receive and send functions. * If @yesno is FALSE, the ortp scheduler will not manage those sessions, meaning that blocking mode * and the use of session_set_select() for this session are disabled. * **/ void rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode (RtpSession * session, gint yesno) { if (yesno) { RtpScheduler *sched; sched = ortp_get_scheduler (); if (sched != NULL) { rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED); session->sched = sched; rtp_scheduler_add_session (sched, session); } else g_warning ("rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode: Cannot use scheduled mode because the " "scheduler is not started. Use ortp_scheduler_init() before."); } else rtp_session_unset_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED); } /** *rtp_session_set_blocking_mode: *@session: a rtp session *@yesno: a boolean * * Using this function implies that you previously enabled scheduled mode on the session * (see rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode() ). * rtp_session_set_blocking_mode() defines the behaviour of the rtp_session_recv_with_ts() and * rtp_session_send_with_ts() functions. If @yesno is TRUE, rtp_session_recv_with_ts() * will block until it is time for the packet to be received, according to the timestamp * passed to the function. After this time, the function returns. * For rtp_session_send_with_ts(), it will block until it is time for the packet to be sent. * If @yesno is FALSE, then the two functions will return immediately. * **/ void rtp_session_set_blocking_mode (RtpSession * session, gint yesno) { if (yesno) rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_BLOCKING_MODE); else rtp_session_unset_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_BLOCKING_MODE); } /** *rtp_session_set_profile: *@session: a rtp session *@profile: a rtp profile * * Set the RTP profile to be used for the session. By default, all session are created by * rtp_session_new() are initialized with the AV profile, as defined in RFC 1890. The application * can set any other profile instead using that function. * * **/ void rtp_session_set_profile (RtpSession * session, RtpProfile * profile) { session->profile = profile; rtp_session_telephone_events_supported(session); } /** *rtp_session_signal_connect: *@session: a rtp session *@signal: the name of a signal *@cb: a #RtpCallback *@user_data: a pointer to any data to be passed when invoking the callback. * * This function provides the way for an application to be informed of various events that * may occur during a rtp session. @signal is a string identifying the event, and @cb is * a user supplied function in charge of processing it. The application can register * several callbacks for the same signal, in the limit of #RTP_CALLBACK_TABLE_MAX_ENTRIES. * Here are name and meaning of supported signals types: * * "ssrc_changed" : the SSRC of the incoming stream has changed. * * "payload_type_changed" : the payload type of the incoming stream has changed. * * "telephone-event_packet" : a telephone-event rtp packet (RFC2833) is received. * * "telephone-event" : a telephone event has occured. This is a high-level shortcut for "telephone-event_packet". * * "network_error" : a network error happened on a socket. Arguments of the callback functions are * a const char * explaining the error, an int errno error code and the user_data as usual. * * "timestamp_jump" : we have received a packet with timestamp in far future compared to last timestamp received. * The farness of far future is set by rtp_sesssion_set_time_jump_limit() * * Returns: 0 on success, -EOPNOTSUPP if the signal does not exists, -1 if no more callbacks * can be assigned to the signal type. **/ int rtp_session_signal_connect (RtpSession * session, const char *signal, RtpCallback cb, gpointer user_data) { OList *elem; for (elem=session->signal_tables;elem!=NULL;elem=o_list_next(elem)){ RtpSignalTable *s=(RtpSignalTable*) elem->data; if (strcmp(signal,s->signal_name)==0){ return rtp_signal_table_add(s,cb,user_data); } } g_warning ("rtp_session_signal_connect: inexistant signal %s",signal); return -1; } /** *rtp_session_signal_disconnect_by_callback: *@session: a rtp session *@signal: a signal name *@cb: a callback function. * * Removes callback function @cb to the list of callbacks for signal @signal. * *Returns: 0 on success, -ENOENT if the callbacks was not found. **/ int rtp_session_signal_disconnect_by_callback (RtpSession * session, const gchar *signal, RtpCallback cb) { OList *elem; for (elem=session->signal_tables;elem!=NULL;elem=o_list_next(elem)){ RtpSignalTable *s=(RtpSignalTable*) elem->data; if (strcmp(signal,s->signal_name)==0){ return rtp_signal_table_remove_by_callback(s,cb); } } g_warning ("rtp_session_signal_connect: inexistant signal %s",signal); return -1; } /** *rtp_session_set_local_addr: *@session: a rtp session freshly created. *@addr: a local IP address in the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx form. *@port: a local port. * * Specify the local addr to be use to listen for rtp packets or to send rtp packet from. * In case where the rtp session is send-only, then it is not required to call this function: * when calling rtp_session_set_remote_addr(), if no local address has been set, then the * default INADRR_ANY ( IP address with a random port will be used. Calling * rtp_sesession_set_local_addr() is mandatory when the session is recv-only or duplex. * * Returns: 0 on success. **/ gint rtp_session_set_local_addr (RtpSession * session, const gchar * addr, gint port) { gint err; gint optval = 1; #ifdef INET6 char num[8]; struct addrinfo hints, *res0, *res; #endif if (session->rtp.socket>0) { /* dont try to rebind, close socket before */ close_socket(session->rtp.socket); close_socket(session->rtcp.socket); session->rtp.socket=0; session->rtcp.socket=0; } #ifdef INET6 memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%d",port); err = getaddrinfo(addr,num, &hints, &res0); if (err!=0) { g_warning ("Error: %s", gai_strerror(err)); return err; } for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) { session->rtp.socket = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, 0); if (session->rtp.socket < 0) continue; err = setsockopt (session->rtp.socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&optval, sizeof (optval)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to set rtp address reusable: %s.", getSocketError()); } session->rtp.socktype=res->ai_family; memcpy(&session->rtp.loc_addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); err = bind (session->rtp.socket, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); if (err != 0) { g_warning ("Fail to bind rtp socket to port %i: %s.", port, getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); continue; } #ifndef __hpux switch (res->ai_family) { case AF_INET: if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *) res->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr))) { struct ip_mreq mreq; mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *) res->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; err = setsockopt(session->rtp.socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to join address group: %s.", getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); continue; } } break; case AF_INET6: if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr))) { struct ipv6_mreq mreq; mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; mreq.ipv6mr_interface = 0; err = setsockopt(session->rtp.socket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to join address group: %s.", getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); continue; } } break; } #endif break; } freeaddrinfo(res0); if (session->rtp.socket < 0){ if (session->mode==RTP_SESSION_RECVONLY) g_warning("Could not create rtp socket with address %s: %s",addr,getSocketError()); return -1; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%d", (port + 1)); err = getaddrinfo(addr, num, &hints, &res0); if (err!=0) { g_warning ("Error: %s", gai_strerror(err)); return err; } for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) { session->rtcp.socket = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, 0); if (session->rtcp.socket < 0) continue; err = setsockopt (session->rtcp.socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&optval, sizeof (optval)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to set rtcp address reusable: %s.",getSocketError()); } session->rtcp.socktype=res->ai_family; memcpy( &session->rtcp.loc_addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); err = bind (session->rtcp.socket, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); if (err != 0) { g_warning ("Fail to bind rtp socket to port %i: %s.", port, getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); close_socket (session->rtcp.socket); continue; } #ifndef __hpux switch (res->ai_family) { case AF_INET: if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *) res->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr))) { struct ip_mreq mreq; mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *) res->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; err = setsockopt(session->rtcp.socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to join address group: %s.", getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); close_socket (session->rtcp.socket); continue; } } break; case AF_INET6: if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr))) { struct ipv6_mreq mreq; mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; mreq.ipv6mr_interface = 0; err = setsockopt(session->rtcp.socket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to join address group: %s.", getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); close_socket (session->rtcp.socket); continue; } } break; } #endif break; } freeaddrinfo(res0); if (session->rtp.socket < 0){ g_warning("Could not create rtcp socket with address %s: %s",addr,getSocketError()); return -1; } #else session->rtp.loc_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; err = inet_aton (addr, &session->rtp.loc_addr.sin_addr); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Error in socket address:%s.", getSocketError()); return err; } session->rtp.loc_addr.sin_port = htons (port); session->rtp.socket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); g_return_val_if_fail (session->rtp.socket > 0, -1); err = setsockopt (session->rtp.socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&optval, sizeof (optval)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to set rtp address reusable: %s.",getSocketError()); } err = bind (session->rtp.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &session->rtp.loc_addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); if (err != 0) { g_warning ("Fail to bind rtp socket to port %i: %s.", port, getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); return -1; } memcpy (&session->rtcp.loc_addr, &session->rtp.loc_addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); session->rtcp.loc_addr.sin_port = htons (port + 1); session->rtcp.socket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); g_return_val_if_fail (session->rtcp.socket > 0, -1); err = setsockopt (session->rtcp.socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&optval, sizeof (optval)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to set rtcp address reusable: %s.",getSocketError()); } err = bind (session->rtcp.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &session->rtcp.loc_addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); if (err != 0) { g_warning ("Fail to bind rtcp socket to port %i: %s.", port + 1, getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); close_socket (session->rtcp.socket); return -1; } #ifndef __hpux if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(session->rtp.loc_addr.sin_addr.s_addr))) { struct ip_mreq mreq; mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = session->rtp.loc_addr.sin_addr.s_addr; mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; err = setsockopt(session->rtp.socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if (err == 0) err = setsockopt(session->rtcp.socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Fail to join address group: %s.", getSocketError()); close_socket (session->rtp.socket); close_socket (session->rtcp.socket); return -1; } } #endif #endif /* set RTP socket options */ set_non_blocking_socket (session->rtp.socket); /* set RTCP socket options */ set_non_blocking_socket (session->rtcp.socket); return 0; } /** *rtp_session_set_remote_addr: *@session: a rtp session freshly created. *@addr: a local IP address in the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx form. *@port: a local port. * * Sets the remote address of the rtp session, ie the destination address where rtp packet * are sent. If the session is recv-only or duplex, it also sets the origin of incoming RTP * packets. Rtp packets that don't come from addr:port are discarded. * * Returns: 0 on success. **/ gint rtp_session_set_remote_addr (RtpSession * session, const gchar * addr, gint port) { gint err; #ifdef INET6 struct addrinfo hints, *res0, *res; char num[8]; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%d", port); err = getaddrinfo(addr, num, &hints, &res0); if (err) { g_warning ("Error in socket address: %s", gai_strerror(err)); return err; } #endif if (session->rtp.socket == 0) { int retry; /* the session has not its socket bound, do it */ g_message ("Setting random local addresses."); for (retry=0;retry<10;retry++) { int localport; do { localport = (rand () + 5000) & 0xfffe; } while ((localport < 5000) || (localport > 0xffff)); #ifdef INET6 /* bind to an address type that matches the destination address */ if (res0->ai_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6) err = rtp_session_set_local_addr (session, "::", localport); else err=rtp_session_set_local_addr (session, "", localport); #else err = rtp_session_set_local_addr (session, "", localport); #endif if (err == 0) break; } if (retry == 10){ g_warning("rtp_session_set_remote_addr: Could not find a random local address for socket !"); return -1; } } #ifdef INET6 err=1; for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) { /* set a destination address that has the same type as the local address */ if (res->ai_family==session->rtp.socktype ) { memcpy( &session->rtp.rem_addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); session->rtp.addrlen=res->ai_addrlen; err=0; break; } } freeaddrinfo(res0); if (err) { g_warning("Could not set destination for RTP socket to %s:%i.",addr,port); return -1; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%d", (port + 1)); err = getaddrinfo(addr, num, &hints, &res0); if (err) { g_warning ("Error: %s", gai_strerror(err)); return err; } err=1; for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) { /* set a destination address that has the same type as the local address */ if (res->ai_family==session->rtp.socktype ) { err=0; memcpy( &session->rtcp.rem_addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); session->rtcp.addrlen=res->ai_addrlen; break; } } freeaddrinfo(res0); if (err) { g_warning("Could not set destination for RCTP socket to %s:%i.",addr,port+1); return -1; } #else session->rtp.addrlen=sizeof(session->rtp.rem_addr); session->rtp.rem_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; err = inet_aton (addr, &session->rtp.rem_addr.sin_addr); if (err < 0) { g_warning ("Error in socket address:%s.", getSocketError()); return err; } session->rtp.rem_addr.sin_port = htons (port); memcpy (&session->rtcp.rem_addr, &session->rtp.rem_addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); session->rtcp.rem_addr.sin_port = htons (port + 1); session->rtcp.addrlen=sizeof(session->rtp.rem_addr); #endif #ifndef NOCONNECT if (session->mode == RTP_SESSION_SENDONLY) { err = connect (session->rtp.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &session->rtp.rem_addr, #ifdef INET6 session->rtp.addrlen); #else sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); #endif if (err != 0) { g_message ("Can't connect rtp socket: %s.",getSocketError()); return err; } err = connect (session->rtcp.socket, (struct sockaddr *) &session->rtcp.rem_addr, #ifdef INET6 session->rtcp.addrlen); #else sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); #endif if (err != 0) { g_message ("Can't connect rtp socket: %s.",getSocketError()); return err; } } #endif return 0; } void rtp_session_set_sockets(RtpSession *session, gint rtpfd, gint rtcpfd) { if (rtpfd>0) set_non_blocking_socket(rtpfd); if (rtcpfd>0) set_non_blocking_socket(rtcpfd); session->rtp.socket=rtpfd; session->rtcp.socket=rtcpfd; session->flags|=RTP_SESSION_USING_EXT_SOCKETS; } /** *rtp_session_flush_sockets: *@session: a rtp session * * Flushes the sockets for all pending incoming packets. * This can be usefull if you did not listen to the stream for a while * and wishes to start to receive again. During the time no receive is made * packets get bufferised into the internal kernel socket structure. * **/ void rtp_session_flush_sockets(RtpSession *session){ char trash[4096]; #ifdef INET6 struct sockaddr_storage from; #else struct sockaddr from; #endif socklen_t fromlen=sizeof(from); if (session->rtp.socket>0){ while (recvfrom(session->rtp.socket,(void*)trash,sizeof(trash),0,(struct sockaddr *)&from,&fromlen)>0){}; } if (session->rtcp.socket>0){ while (recvfrom(session->rtcp.socket,(void*)trash,sizeof(trash),0,(struct sockaddr*)&from,&fromlen)>0){}; } } /** *rtp_session_set_seq_number: *@session: a rtp session freshly created. *@addr: a 16 bit unsigned number. * * sets the initial sequence number of a sending session. * **/ void rtp_session_set_seq_number(RtpSession *session, guint16 seq){ session->rtp.snd_seq=seq; } guint16 rtp_session_get_seq_number(RtpSession *session){ return session->rtp.snd_seq; } #ifdef USE_SENDMSG #define MAX_IOV 10 static gint rtp_sendmsg(int sock,mblk_t *m, struct sockaddr *rem_addr, int addr_len){ int error; struct msghdr msg; struct iovec iov[MAX_IOV]; int iovlen; for(iovlen=0; iovlenb_cont,iovlen++){ iov[iovlen].iov_base=m->b_rptr; iov[iovlen].iov_len=m->b_wptr-m->b_rptr; } msg.msg_name=(void*)rem_addr; msg.msg_namelen=addr_len; msg.msg_iov=&iov[0]; msg.msg_iovlen=iovlen; msg.msg_control=NULL; msg.msg_controllen=0; msg.msg_flags=0; error=sendmsg(sock,&msg,0); return error; } #endif static gint ortp_rtp_send (RtpSession * session, mblk_t * m) { gint error; int i; rtp_header_t *hdr; hdr = (rtp_header_t *) m->b_rptr; /* perform host to network conversions */ hdr->ssrc = htonl (hdr->ssrc); hdr->timestamp = htonl (hdr->timestamp); hdr->seq_number = htons (hdr->seq_number); for (i = 0; i < hdr->cc; i++) hdr->csrc[i] = htonl (hdr->csrc[i]); #ifdef USE_SENDMSG if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_USING_EXT_SOCKETS){ error=rtp_sendmsg(session->rtp.socket,m,(struct sockaddr *)NULL,0); }else { error=rtp_sendmsg(session->rtp.socket,m,(struct sockaddr *) &session->rtp.rem_addr, session->rtp.addrlen); } #else if (m->b_cont!=NULL){ mblk_t *newm=msgpullup(m,-1); freemsg(m); m=newm; } if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_USING_EXT_SOCKETS){ error=send(session->rtp.socket, m->b_rptr, (m->b_wptr - m->b_rptr),0); }else error = sendto (session->rtp.socket, m->b_rptr, (m->b_wptr - m->b_rptr), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &session->rtp.rem_addr, session->rtp.addrlen); #endif if (error < 0){ if (session->on_network_error.count>0){ rtp_signal_table_emit3(&session->on_network_error,(gpointer)"Error sending RTP packet",INT_TO_POINTER(getSocketErrorCode())); }else g_warning ("Error sending rtp packet: %s ; socket=%i", getSocketError(), session->rtp.socket); } freemsg (m); return error; } gint ortp_rtcp_send (RtpSession * session, mblk_t * m) { gint error=0; gboolean using_ext_socket=(session->flags & RTP_SESSION_USING_EXT_SOCKETS)!=0; if ( (using_ext_socket && session->rtcp.socket>0 ) || session->rtcp.addrlen>0){ #ifndef USE_SENDMSG if (m->b_cont!=NULL){ mblk_t *newm=msgpullup(m,-1); freemsg(m); m=newm; } #endif if (using_ext_socket && session->rtcp.socket>0 ){ #ifdef USE_SENDMSG error=rtp_sendmsg(session->rtcp.socket,m,(struct sockaddr *)NULL,0); #else error=send(session->rtcp.socket, m->b_rptr, (m->b_wptr - m->b_rptr),0); #endif }else { #ifdef USE_SENDMSG error=rtp_sendmsg(session->rtcp.socket,m,(struct sockaddr *) &session->rtcp.rem_addr, session->rtcp.addrlen); #else error = sendto (session->rtcp.socket, m->b_rptr, (m->b_wptr - m->b_rptr), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &session->rtcp.rem_addr, session->rtcp.addrlen); #endif } if (error < 0){ if (session->on_network_error.count>0){ rtp_signal_table_emit3(&session->on_network_error,(gpointer)"Error sending RTCP packet",INT_TO_POINTER(getSocketErrorCode())); }else g_warning ("Error sending rtcp packet: %s ; socket=%i", getSocketError(), session->rtcp.socket); } }else g_warning("Cannot send rtcp report because I don't know the remote address."); freemsg (m); return error; } /** *rtp_session_set_ssrc: *@session: a rtp session. *@ssrc: an unsigned 32bit integer representing the synchronisation source identifier (SSRC). * * Sets the SSRC for the outgoing stream. * If not done, a random ssrc is used. * **/ void rtp_session_set_ssrc (RtpSession * session, guint32 ssrc) { session->send_ssrc = ssrc; } /* this function initialize all session parameter's that depend on the payload type */ static void payload_type_changed(RtpSession *session, PayloadType *pt){ jitter_control_set_payload(&session->rtp.jittctl,pt); session->rtp.rtcp_report_snt_interval=RTCP_DEFAULT_REPORT_INTERVAL*pt->clock_rate; rtp_session_set_time_jump_limit(session,session->rtp.time_jump); } /** *rtp_session_set_payload_type: *@session: a rtp session *@paytype: the payload type * * Sets the payload type of the rtp session. It decides of the payload types written in the * of the rtp header for the outgoing stream, if the session is SENDRECV or SENDONLY. * For the incoming stream, it sets the waited payload type. If that value does not match * at any time this waited value, then the application can be informed by registering * for the "payload_type_changed" signal, so that it can make the necessary changes * on the downstream decoder that deals with the payload of the packets. * *Returns: 0 on success, -1 if the payload is not defined. **/ int rtp_session_set_payload_type (RtpSession * session, int paytype) { PayloadType *pt; session->payload_type = paytype; pt=rtp_profile_get_payload(session->profile,paytype); if (pt!=NULL){ payload_type_changed(session,pt); } return 0; } int rtp_session_get_payload_type(RtpSession *session){ return session->payload_type; } /** *rtp_session_set_payload_type_with_string: *@session: a rtp session *@paytype: the payload type * * Sets the payload type of the rtp session. It decides of the payload types written in the * of the rtp header for the outgoing stream, if the session is SENDRECV or SENDONLY. * Unlike #rtp_session_set_payload_type(), it takes as argument a string referencing the * payload type (mime type). * For the incoming stream, it sets the waited payload type. If that value does not match * at any time this waited value, then the application can be informed by registering * for the "payload_type_changed" signal, so that it can make the necessary changes * on the downstream decoder that deals with the payload of the packets. * *Returns: 0 on success, -1 if the payload is not defined. **/ int rtp_session_set_payload_type_with_string (RtpSession * session, const char * mime) { int pt; pt=rtp_profile_get_payload_number_from_mime(session->profile,mime); if (pt<0) { g_warning("%s is not a know mime string within the rtpsession's profile.",mime); return -1; } rtp_session_set_payload_type(session,pt); return 0; } /** *rtp_session_create_packet: *@session: a rtp session. *@header_size: the rtp header size. For standart size (without extensions), it is #RTP_FIXED_HEADER_SIZE *@payload :data to be copied into the rtp packet. *@payload_size : size of data carried by the rtp packet. * * Allocates a new rtp packet. In the header, ssrc and payload_type according to the session's * context. Timestamp and seq number are not set, there will be set when the packet is going to be * sent with rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(). * *Returns: a rtp packet in a mblk_t (message block) structure. **/ mblk_t * rtp_session_create_packet(RtpSession *session,gint header_size, const char *payload, gint payload_size) { mblk_t *mp; gint msglen=header_size+payload_size; rtp_header_t *rtp; mp=allocb(msglen,BPRI_MED); rtp=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr; rtp->version = 2; rtp->padbit = 0; rtp->extbit = 0; rtp->markbit= 0; rtp->cc = 0; rtp->paytype = session->payload_type; rtp->ssrc = session->send_ssrc; rtp->timestamp = 0; /* set later, when packet is sended */ rtp->seq_number = 0; /*set later, when packet is sended */ /*copy the payload */ mp->b_wptr+=header_size; memcpy(mp->b_wptr,payload,payload_size); mp->b_wptr+=payload_size; return mp; } /** *rtp_session_create_packet_with_data: *@session: a rtp session. *@payload : the data to be sent with this packet *@payload_size : size of data *@freefn : a function that will be called when the payload buffer is no more needed. * * Creates a new rtp packet using the given payload buffer (no copy). The header will be allocated separetely. * In the header, ssrc and payload_type according to the session's * context. Timestamp and seq number are not set, there will be set when the packet is going to be * sent with rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(). * oRTP will send this packet using libc's sendmsg() (if this function is availlable!) so that there will be no * packet concatenation involving copies to be done in user-space. * @freefn can be NULL, in that case payload will be kept untouched. * *Returns: a rtp packet in a mblk_t (message block) structure. **/ mblk_t * rtp_session_create_packet_with_data(RtpSession *session, char *payload, gint payload_size, void (*freefn)(void*)) { mblk_t *mp,*mpayload; gint header_size=RTP_FIXED_HEADER_SIZE; /* revisit when support for csrc is done */ rtp_header_t *rtp; mp=allocb(header_size,BPRI_MED); rtp=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr; rtp->version = 2; rtp->padbit = 0; rtp->extbit = 0; rtp->markbit= 0; rtp->cc = 0; rtp->paytype = session->payload_type; rtp->ssrc = session->send_ssrc; rtp->timestamp = 0; /* set later, when packet is sended */ rtp->seq_number = 0; /*set later, when packet is sended */ mp->b_wptr+=header_size; /* create a mblk_t around the user supplied payload buffer */ mpayload=allocb_with_buf(payload,payload_size,BPRI_MED,freefn); mpayload->b_wptr+=payload_size; /* link it with the header */ mp->b_cont=mpayload; return mp; } /** *rtp_session_create_packet_in_place: *@session: a rtp session. *@buffer: a buffer that contains first just enough place to write a RTP header, then the data to send. *@size : the size of the buffer *@freefn : a function that will be called once the buffer is no more needed (the data has been sent). * * Creates a new rtp packet using the buffer given in arguments (no copy). * In the header, ssrc and payload_type according to the session's * context. Timestamp and seq number are not set, there will be set when the packet is going to be * sent with rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(). * @freefn can be NULL, in that case payload will be kept untouched. * *Returns: a rtp packet in a mblk_t (message block) structure. **/ mblk_t * rtp_session_create_packet_in_place(RtpSession *session,char *buffer, gint size, void (*freefn)(void*) ) { mblk_t *mp; rtp_header_t *rtp; mp=allocb_with_buf(buffer,size,BPRI_MED,freefn); rtp=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr; rtp->version = 2; rtp->padbit = 0; rtp->extbit = 0; rtp->markbit= 0; rtp->cc = 0; rtp->paytype = session->payload_type; rtp->ssrc = session->send_ssrc; rtp->timestamp = 0; /* set later, when packet is sended */ rtp->seq_number = 0; /*set later, when packet is sended */ return mp; } /** *rtp_session_sendm_with_ts: *@session : a rtp session. *@mp : a rtp packet presented as a mblk_t. *@timestamp: the timestamp of the data to be sent. Refer to the rfc to know what it is. * * Send the rtp datagram @mp to the destination set by rtp_session_set_remote_addr() * with timestamp @timestamp. For audio data, the timestamp is the number * of the first sample resulting of the data transmitted. See rfc1889 for details. * The packet (@mp) is freed once it is sended. * *Returns: the number of bytes sent over the network. **/ gint rtp_session_sendm_with_ts (RtpSession * session, mblk_t *mp, guint32 timestamp) { rtp_header_t *rtp; guint32 packet_time; gint error = 0; gint payloadsize; RtpScheduler *sched=session->sched; RtpStream *stream=&session->rtp; if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SEND_NOT_STARTED) { session->rtp.snd_ts_offset = timestamp; if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) { session->rtp.snd_time_offset = sched->time_; } rtp_session_unset_flag (session,RTP_SESSION_SEND_NOT_STARTED); } /* if we are in blocking mode, then suspend the process until the scheduler it's time to send the * next packet */ /* if the timestamp of the packet queued is older than current time, then you we must * not block */ if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) { packet_time = rtp_session_ts_to_time (session, timestamp - session->rtp.snd_ts_offset) + session->rtp.snd_time_offset; /*g_message("rtp_session_send_with_ts: packet_time=%i time=%i",packet_time,sched->time_);*/ wait_point_lock(&session->send_wp); if (TIME_IS_STRICTLY_NEWER_THAN (packet_time, sched->time_)) { wait_point_wakeup_at(&session->send_wp,packet_time,(session->flags & RTP_SESSION_BLOCKING_MODE)!=0); session_set_clr(&sched->w_sessions,session); /* the session has written */ } else session_set_set(&sched->w_sessions,session); /*to indicate select to return immediately */ wait_point_unlock(&session->send_wp); } rtp=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr; payloadsize = msgdsize(mp) - RTP_FIXED_HEADER_SIZE - (rtp->cc*sizeof(guint32)); rtp_session_lock (session); /* set a seq number */ rtp->seq_number=session->rtp.snd_seq; rtp->timestamp=timestamp; session->rtp.snd_seq++; session->rtp.snd_last_ts = timestamp; ortp_global_stats.sent += payloadsize; stream->stats.sent += payloadsize; ortp_global_stats.packet_sent++; stream->stats.packet_sent++; error = ortp_rtp_send (session, mp); rtp_session_rtcp_process(session); rtp_session_unlock (session); return error; } /** *rtp_session_send_with_ts: *@session: a rtp session. *@buffer: a buffer containing the data to be sent in a rtp packet. *@len: the length of the data buffer, in bytes. *@userts: the timestamp of the data to be sent. Refer to the rfc to know what it is. * * Send a rtp datagram to the destination set by rtp_session_set_remote_addr() containing * the data from @buffer with timestamp @userts. This is a high level function that uses * rtp_session_create_packet() and rtp_session_sendm_with_ts() to send the data. * * *Returns: the number of bytes sent over the network. **/ gint rtp_session_send_with_ts (RtpSession * session, const gchar * buffer, gint len, guint32 userts) { mblk_t *m; int err; #ifdef USE_SENDMSG m=rtp_session_create_packet_with_data(session,(gchar*)buffer,len,NULL); #else m = rtp_session_create_packet(session,RTP_FIXED_HEADER_SIZE,(gchar*)buffer,len); #endif err=rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(session,m,userts); return err; } static gint rtp_recv (RtpSession * session, guint32 user_ts) { gint error; struct sockaddr remaddr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof (remaddr); char *p; mblk_t *mp; RtpStream *stream=&session->rtp; if (session->rtp.socket<1) return -1; /*session has no sockets for the moment*/ while (1) { if (session->rtp.cached_mp==NULL) session->rtp.cached_mp = allocb (session->max_buf_size, 0); mp=session->rtp.cached_mp; if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_USING_EXT_SOCKETS){ error=recv(session->rtp.socket,mp->b_wptr,session->max_buf_size,0); }else error = recvfrom (session->rtp.socket, mp->b_wptr, session->max_buf_size, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &remaddr, &addrlen); if (error > 0) { if (errorstats.bad++; ortp_global_stats.bad++; /* don't free, it will be reused next time */ }else{ /* resize the memory allocated to fit the udp message */ p = g_realloc (mp->b_wptr, error); if (p != mp->b_wptr) ortp_debug("The recv area has moved during reallocation."); mp->b_datap->db_base = mp->b_rptr = mp->b_wptr = p; mp->b_wptr += error; mp->b_datap->db_lim = mp->b_wptr; /* then parse the message and put on queue */ rtp_parse (session, mp, user_ts + session->rtp.hwrcv_diff_ts); session->rtp.cached_mp=NULL; } } else { if (error == 0) { g_warning ("rtp_recv: strange... recv() returned zero."); } else if (errno!=EWOULDBLOCK && errno!=EAGAIN) { if (session->on_network_error.count>0){ rtp_signal_table_emit3(&session->on_network_error,(gpointer)"Error receiving RTP packet",INT_TO_POINTER(getSocketErrorCode())); }else g_warning("Error receiving RTP packet: %s.",getSocketError()); } /* don't free the cached_mp, it will be reused next time */ return -1; /* avoids an infinite loop ! */ } } return error; } extern void rtcp_parse(RtpSession *session, mblk_t *mp); static gint rtcp_recv (RtpSession * session) { gint error; struct sockaddr remaddr; socklen_t addrlen=0; char *p; mblk_t *mp; if (session->rtcp.socket<1) return -1; /*session has no rtcp sockets for the moment*/ while (1) { if (session->rtcp.cached_mp==NULL) session->rtcp.cached_mp = allocb (RTCP_MAX_RECV_BUFSIZE, 0); mp=session->rtcp.cached_mp; if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_USING_EXT_SOCKETS){ error=recv(session->rtcp.socket,mp->b_wptr,RTCP_MAX_RECV_BUFSIZE,0); }else { addrlen=sizeof (remaddr); error=recvfrom (session->rtcp.socket, mp->b_wptr, RTCP_MAX_RECV_BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &remaddr, &addrlen); } if (error > 0) { /* resize the memory allocated to fit the udp message */ p = g_realloc (mp->b_wptr, error); if (p != mp->b_wptr) ortp_debug("The recv area has moved during reallocation."); mp->b_datap->db_base = mp->b_rptr = mp->b_wptr = p; mp->b_wptr += error; mp->b_datap->db_lim = mp->b_wptr; /* then parse the message */ rtcp_parse (session, mp); freemsg(mp); session->rtcp.cached_mp=NULL; if (addrlen>0){ /* store the sender rtcp address to send him receiver reports */ memcpy(&session->rtcp.rem_addr,&remaddr,addrlen); } } else { if (error == 0) { g_warning ("rtcp_recv: strange... recv() returned zero."); } else if (errno!=EWOULDBLOCK && errno!=EAGAIN) { if (session->on_network_error.count>0){ rtp_signal_table_emit3(&session->on_network_error,(gpointer)"Error receiving RTCP packet",INT_TO_POINTER(getSocketErrorCode())); }else g_warning("Error receiving RTCP packet: %s.",getSocketError()); } /* don't free the cached_mp, it will be reused next time */ return -1; /* avoids an infinite loop ! */ } } return error; } static void payload_type_changed_incoming(RtpSession *session, int paytype){ /* check if we support this payload type */ PayloadType *pt=rtp_profile_get_payload(session->profile,paytype); if (pt!=0){ g_message ("rtp_parse: payload type changed to %i(%s) !", paytype,pt->mime_type); session->payload_type = paytype; payload_type_changed(session,pt); rtp_signal_table_emit (&session->on_payload_type_changed); }else{ g_warning("Receiving packet with unknown payload type %i.",paytype); } } /** *rtp_session_recvm_with_ts: *@session: a rtp session. *@user_ts: a timestamp. * * Try to get a rtp packet presented as a mblk_t structure from the rtp session. * The @user_ts parameter is relative to the first timestamp of the incoming stream. In other * words, the application does not have to know the first timestamp of the stream, it can * simply call for the first time this function with @user_ts=0, and then incrementing it * as it want. The RtpSession takes care of synchronisation between the stream timestamp * and the user timestamp given here. * *Returns: a rtp packet presented as a mblk_t. **/ mblk_t * rtp_session_recvm_with_ts (RtpSession * session, guint32 user_ts) { mblk_t *mp = NULL; rtp_header_t *rtp; guint32 ts; guint32 packet_time; RtpScheduler *sched=session->sched; RtpStream *stream=&session->rtp; gint rejected=0; /* if we are scheduled, remember the scheduler time at which the application has * asked for its first timestamp */ if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_RECV_NOT_STARTED) { session->rtp.rcv_query_ts_offset = user_ts; if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) { session->rtp.rcv_time_offset = sched->time_; //g_message("setting snd_time_offset=%i",session->rtp.snd_time_offset); } rtp_session_unset_flag (session,RTP_SESSION_RECV_NOT_STARTED); } session->rtp.rcv_last_app_ts = user_ts; rtp_recv (session, user_ts); rtcp_recv(session); /* check for telephone event first */ /* first lock the session */ rtp_session_lock (session); mp=getq(&session->rtp.tev_rq); if (mp!=NULL){ rtp_signal_table_emit2(&session->on_telephone_event_packet,(gpointer)mp); if (session->on_telephone_event.count>0){ rtp_session_check_telephone_events(session,mp); } freemsg(mp); mp=NULL; } /* then now try to return a media packet, if possible */ /* first condition: if the session is starting, don't return anything * until the queue size reaches jitt_comp */ if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_RECV_SYNC) { rtp_header_t *oldest, *newest; queue_t *q = &session->rtp.rq; if (qempty(q)) { ortp_debug ("Queue is empty."); goto end; } oldest = (rtp_header_t *) qfirst(q)->b_rptr; newest = (rtp_header_t *) qlast(q)->b_rptr; if ((guint32) (newest->timestamp - oldest->timestamp) < session->rtp.jittctl.jitt_comp_ts) { ortp_debug("Not enough packet bufferised."); goto end; } /* enough packet bufferised */ mp = getq (&session->rtp.rq); rtp = (rtp_header_t *) mp->b_rptr; session->rtp.rcv_ts_offset = rtp->timestamp; /* remember the timestamp offset between the stream timestamp (random) * and the user timestamp, that very often starts at zero */ session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts = rtp->timestamp - user_ts; /* remember the difference between the last received on the socket timestamp and the user timestamp */ session->rtp.hwrcv_diff_ts=session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts + session->rtp.jittctl.jitt_comp_ts; session->rtp.rcv_last_ret_ts = user_ts; /* just to have an init value */ session->rtp.rcv_last_ts = rtp->timestamp; session->recv_ssrc = rtp->ssrc; /* delete the recv synchronisation flag */ rtp_session_unset_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_RECV_SYNC); ortp_debug("Returning FIRST packet with ts=%i, hwrcv_diff_ts=%i, rcv_diff_ts=%i", rtp->timestamp, session->rtp.hwrcv_diff_ts,session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts); goto end; } /* else this the normal case */ /*calculate the stream timestamp from the user timestamp */ ts = user_ts + session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts; session->rtp.rcv_last_ts = ts; mp = rtp_getq (&session->rtp.rq, ts,&rejected); stream->stats.skipped+=rejected; ortp_global_stats.skipped+=rejected; /* perhaps we can now make some checks to see if a resynchronization is needed */ /* TODO */ goto end; end: if (mp != NULL) { int msgsize = msgdsize (mp); /* evaluate how much bytes (including header) is received by app */ guint32 packet_ts; ortp_global_stats.recv += msgsize; stream->stats.recv += msgsize; rtp = (rtp_header_t *) mp->b_rptr; packet_ts=rtp->timestamp; ortp_debug("Returning mp with ts=%i", packet_ts); /* check for payload type changes */ if (session->payload_type != rtp->paytype) { payload_type_changed_incoming(session, rtp->paytype); } /* patch the packet so that it has a timestamp compensated by the adaptive jitter buffer mechanism */ if (session->rtp.jittctl.adaptive){ rtp->timestamp-=session->rtp.jittctl.corrective_slide; /*printf("Returned packet has timestamp %u, with clock slide compensated it is %u\n",packet_ts,rtp->timestamp);*/ } } else { ortp_debug ("No mp for timestamp queried"); stream->stats.unavaillable++; ortp_global_stats.unavaillable++; } rtp_session_rtcp_process(session); rtp_session_unlock (session); if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) { /* if we are in blocking mode, then suspend the calling process until timestamp * wanted expires */ /* but we must not block the process if the timestamp wanted by the application is older * than current time */ packet_time = rtp_session_ts_to_time (session, user_ts - session->rtp.rcv_query_ts_offset) + session->rtp.rcv_time_offset; ortp_debug ("rtp_session_recvm_with_ts: packet_time=%i, time=%i",packet_time, sched->time_); wait_point_lock(&session->recv_wp); if (TIME_IS_STRICTLY_NEWER_THAN (packet_time, sched->time_)) { wait_point_wakeup_at(&session->recv_wp,packet_time, (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_BLOCKING_MODE)!=0); session_set_clr(&sched->r_sessions,session); } else session_set_set(&sched->r_sessions,session); /*to unblock _select() immediately */ wait_point_unlock(&session->recv_wp); } return mp; } gint msg_to_buf (mblk_t * mp, char *buffer, gint len) { gint rlen = len; mblk_t *m, *mprev; gint mlen; m = mp->b_cont; mprev = mp; while (m != NULL) { mlen = m->b_wptr - m->b_rptr; if (mlen <= rlen) { mblk_t *consumed = m; memcpy (buffer, m->b_rptr, mlen); /* go to next mblk_t */ mprev->b_cont = m->b_cont; m = m->b_cont; consumed->b_cont = NULL; freeb (consumed); buffer += mlen; rlen -= mlen; } else { /*if mlen>rlen */ memcpy (buffer, m->b_rptr, rlen); m->b_rptr += rlen; return len; } } return len - rlen; } /** *rtp_session_recv_with_ts: *@session: a rtp session. *@buffer: a user supplied buffer to write the data. *@len: the length in bytes of the user supplied buffer. *@time: the timestamp wanted. *@have_more: the address of an integer to indicate if more data is availlable for the given timestamp. * * Tries to read the bytes of the incoming rtp stream related to timestamp @time. In case * where the user supplied buffer @buffer is not large enough to get all the data * related to timestamp @time, then *( @have_more) is set to 1 to indicate that the application * should recall the function with the same timestamp to get more data. * * When the rtp session is scheduled (see rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode() ), and the * blocking mode is on (see rtp_session_set_blocking_mode() ), then the calling thread * is suspended until the timestamp given as argument expires, whatever a received packet * fits the query or not. * * Important note: it is clear that the application cannot know the timestamp of the first * packet of the incoming stream, because it can be random. The @time timestamp given to the * function is used relatively to first timestamp of the stream. In simple words, 0 is a good * value to start calling this function. * * This function internally calls rtp_session_recvm_with_ts() to get a rtp packet. The content * of this packet is then copied into the user supplied buffer in an intelligent manner: * the function takes care of the size of the supplied buffer and the timestamp given in * argument. Using this function it is possible to read continous audio data (e.g. pcma,pcmu...) * with for example a standart buffer of size of 160 with timestamp incrementing by 160 while the incoming * stream has a different packet size. * *Returns: if a packet was availlable with the corresponding timestamp supplied in argument * then the number of bytes written in the user supplied buffer is returned. If no packets * are availlable, either because the sender has not started to send the stream, or either * because silence packet are not transmitted, or either because the packet was lost during * network transport, then the function returns zero. **/ gint rtp_session_recv_with_ts (RtpSession * session, gchar * buffer, gint len, guint32 time, gint * have_more) { mblk_t *mp; gint rlen = len; gint wlen, mlen; guint32 ts_int = 0; /*the length of the data returned in the user supplied buffer, in TIMESTAMP UNIT */ PayloadType *payload; RtpStream *stream=&session->rtp; *have_more = 0; mp = rtp_session_recvm_with_ts (session, time); payload =rtp_profile_get_payload (session->profile, session->payload_type); if (payload==NULL){ g_warning("rtp_session_recv_with_ts: unable to recv an unsupported payload."); if (mp!=NULL) freemsg(mp); return -1; } if (!(session->flags & RTP_SESSION_RECV_SYNC)) { //ortp_debug("time=%i rcv_last_ret_ts=%i",time,session->rtp.rcv_last_ret_ts); if (RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_STRICTLY_NEWER_THAN (time, session->rtp.rcv_last_ret_ts)) { /* the user has missed some data previously, so we are going to give him now. */ /* we must tell him to call the function once again with the same timestamp * by setting *have_more=1 */ *have_more = 1; } if (payload->type == PAYLOAD_AUDIO_CONTINUOUS) { ts_int = (len * payload->bits_per_sample) >> 3; session->rtp.rcv_last_ret_ts += ts_int; //ortp_debug("ts_int=%i",ts_int); } else ts_int = 0; } else return 0; /* try to fill the user buffer */ while (1) { if (mp != NULL) { mlen = msgdsize (mp->b_cont); wlen = msg_to_buf (mp, buffer, rlen); buffer += wlen; rlen -= wlen; ortp_debug("mlen=%i wlen=%i rlen=%i", mlen, wlen, rlen); /* do we fill all the buffer ? */ if (rlen > 0) { /* we did not fill all the buffer */ freemsg (mp); /* if we have continuous audio, try to get other packets to fill the buffer, * ie continue the loop */ //ortp_debug("User buffer not filled entirely"); if (ts_int > 0) { time = session->rtp.rcv_last_ret_ts; ortp_debug("Need more: will ask for %i.", time); } else return len - rlen; } else if (mlen > wlen) { int unread = mlen - wlen + (mp->b_wptr - mp->b_rptr); /* not enough space in the user supplied buffer */ /* we re-enqueue the msg with its updated read pointers for next time */ ortp_debug ("Re-enqueuing packet."); rtp_session_lock (session); rtp_putq (&session->rtp.rq, mp); rtp_session_unlock (session); /* quite ugly: I change the stats ... */ ortp_global_stats.recv -= unread; stream->stats.recv -= unread; return len; } else { /* the entire packet was written to the user buffer */ freemsg (mp); return len; } } else { /* fill with a zero pattern (silence) */ if (payload->pattern_length != 0) { int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < rlen) { buffer[i] = payload->zero_pattern[j]; i++; j++; if (j <= payload->pattern_length) j = 0; } return len; } *have_more = 0; return 0; } mp = rtp_session_recvm_with_ts (session, time); payload = rtp_profile_get_payload (session->profile, session->payload_type); if (payload==NULL){ g_warning("rtp_session_recv_with_ts: unable to recv an unsupported payload."); if (mp!=NULL) freemsg(mp); return -1; } } return -1; } /** *rtp_session_get_current_send_ts: *@session: a rtp session. * * When the rtp session is scheduled and has started to send packets, this function * computes the timestamp that matches to the present time. Using this function can be * usefull when sending discontinuous streams. Some time can be elapsed between the end * of a stream burst and the begin of a new stream burst, and the application may be not * not aware of this elapsed time. In order to get a valid (current) timestamp to pass to * #rtp_session_send_with_ts() or #rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(), the application may * use rtp_session_get_current_send_ts(). * *Returns: the current send timestamp for the rtp session. **/ guint32 rtp_session_get_current_send_ts(RtpSession *session) { guint32 userts; guint32 session_time; RtpScheduler *sched=session->sched; PayloadType *payload; g_return_val_if_fail (session->payload_type<128, 0); payload=rtp_profile_get_payload(session->profile,session->payload_type); g_return_val_if_fail(payload!=NULL, 0); if ( (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED)==0 ){ g_warning("can't guess current timestamp because session is not scheduled."); return 0; } session_time=sched->time_-session->rtp.snd_time_offset; userts= (guint32)( ( (gdouble)(session_time) * (gdouble) payload->clock_rate )/ 1000.0) + session->rtp.snd_ts_offset; return userts; } /** *rtp_session_get_current_recv_ts: *@session: a rtp session. * * Same thing as rtp_session_get_current_send_ts() except that it's for an incoming stream. * Works only on scheduled mode. * * Returns: the theoritical that would have to be receive now. * **/ guint32 rtp_session_get_current_recv_ts(RtpSession *session){ guint32 userts; guint32 session_time; RtpScheduler *sched=ortp_get_scheduler(); PayloadType *payload; g_return_val_if_fail (session->payload_type<128, 0); payload=rtp_profile_get_payload(session->profile,session->payload_type); g_return_val_if_fail(payload!=NULL, 0); if ( (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED)==0 ){ g_warning("can't guess current timestamp because session is not scheduled."); return 0; } session_time=sched->time_-session->rtp.rcv_time_offset; userts= (guint32)( ( (gdouble)(session_time) * (gdouble) payload->clock_rate )/ 1000.0) + session->rtp.rcv_ts_offset; return userts; } /** *rtp_session_set_time_jump_limit: *@session: the rtp session *@ts_step: a time interval in miliseconds * * oRTP has the possibility to inform the application through a callback registered * with rtp_session_signal_connect about crazy incoming RTP stream that jumps from * a timestamp N to N+. This lets the opportunity for the application * to reset the session in order to resynchronize, or any other action like stopping the call * and reporting an error. **/ void rtp_session_set_time_jump_limit(RtpSession *session, gint milisecs){ guint32 ts; session->rtp.time_jump=milisecs; ts=rtp_session_time_to_ts(session,milisecs); if (ts==0) session->rtp.ts_jump=1<<31; /* do not detect ts jump */ else session->rtp.ts_jump=ts; } void rtp_session_uninit (RtpSession * session) { /* first of all remove the session from the scheduler */ if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) { rtp_scheduler_remove_session (session->sched,session); } /*flush all queues */ flushq (&session->rtp.rq, FLUSHALL); /* close sockets */ close_socket (session->rtp.socket); close_socket (session->rtcp.socket); wait_point_uninit(&session->send_wp); wait_point_uninit(&session->recv_wp); g_mutex_free (session->lock); session->lock=NULL; if (session->current_tev!=NULL) freemsg(session->current_tev); if (session->rtp.cached_mp!=NULL) freemsg(session->rtp.cached_mp); if (session->rtcp.cached_mp!=NULL) freemsg(session->rtcp.cached_mp); if (session->sd!=NULL) freemsg(session->sd); } /** *rtp_session_reset: *@session: a rtp session. * * Reset the session: local and remote addresses are kept unchanged but the internal * queue for ordering and buffering packets is flushed, the session is ready to be * re-synchronised to another incoming stream. * **/ void rtp_session_reset (RtpSession * session) { if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) rtp_session_lock (session); flushq (&session->rtp.rq, FLUSHALL); rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_RECV_SYNC); rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_SEND_SYNC); rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_RECV_NOT_STARTED); rtp_session_set_flag (session, RTP_SESSION_SEND_NOT_STARTED); //session->ssrc=0; session->rtp.snd_time_offset = 0; session->rtp.snd_ts_offset = 0; session->rtp.snd_rand_offset = 0; session->rtp.snd_last_ts = 0; session->rtp.rcv_time_offset = 0; session->rtp.rcv_ts_offset = 0; session->rtp.rcv_query_ts_offset = 0; session->rtp.rcv_diff_ts = 0; session->rtp.rcv_ts = 0; session->rtp.rcv_last_ts = 0; session->rtp.rcv_last_app_ts = 0; session->rtp.hwrcv_extseq.one = 0; session->rtp.hwrcv_since_last_SR=0; session->rtp.snd_seq = 0; rtp_stats_reset(&session->rtp.stats); jitter_control_init(&session->rtp.jittctl,-1,NULL); if (session->flags & RTP_SESSION_SCHEDULED) rtp_session_unlock (session); } /** *rtp_session_destroy: *@session: a rtp session. * * Destroys a rtp session. * **/ void rtp_session_destroy (RtpSession * session) { rtp_session_uninit (session); g_free (session); } guint32 rtp_session_time_to_ts(RtpSession *session, gint time){ PayloadType *payload; g_return_val_if_fail (session->payload_type < 127, 0); payload = rtp_profile_get_payload (session->profile, session->payload_type); if (payload == NULL) { g_warning ("rtp_session_ts_to_t: use of unsupported payload type."); return 0; } /* the return value is in milisecond */ return (double)payload->clock_rate*(double)time/1000.0; } /* function used by the scheduler only:*/ guint32 rtp_session_ts_to_time (RtpSession * session, guint32 timestamp) { PayloadType *payload; g_return_val_if_fail (session->payload_type < 127, 0); payload = rtp_profile_get_payload (session->profile, session->payload_type); if (payload == NULL) { g_warning ("rtp_session_ts_to_t: use of unsupported payload type."); return 0; } /* the return value is in milisecond */ return (guint32) (1000.0 * ((double) timestamp / (double) payload->clock_rate)); } /* time is the number of miliseconds elapsed since the start of the scheduler */ void rtp_session_process (RtpSession * session, guint32 time, RtpScheduler *sched) { wait_point_lock(&session->send_wp); if (wait_point_check(&session->send_wp,time)){ session_set_set(&sched->w_sessions,session); wait_point_wakeup(&session->send_wp); } wait_point_unlock(&session->send_wp); wait_point_lock(&session->recv_wp); if (wait_point_check(&session->recv_wp,time)){ session_set_set(&sched->r_sessions,session); wait_point_wakeup(&session->recv_wp); } wait_point_unlock(&session->recv_wp); } void rtp_session_make_time_distorsion(RtpSession *session, gint milisec) { session->rtp.snd_time_offset+=milisec; } /* packet api */ void rtp_add_csrc(mblk_t *mp, guint32 csrc) { rtp_header_t *hdr=(rtp_header_t*)mp->b_rptr; hdr->csrc[hdr->cc]=csrc; hdr->cc++; }