/* The oRTP library is an RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol - rfc1889) stack. Copyright (C) 2001 Simon MORLAT simon.morlat@linphone.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include void qinit(queue_t *q){ mblk_init(&q->_q_first); mblk_init(&q->_q_last); q->_q_first.b_next=&q->_q_last; q->_q_last.b_prev=&q->_q_first; q->q_mcount=0; } void mblk_init(mblk_t *mp) { mp->b_cont=mp->b_prev=mp->b_next=NULL; mp->b_rptr=mp->b_wptr=NULL; } mblk_t *allocb(int size, int pri) { mblk_t *mp; dblk_t *datab; gchar *buf; mp=g_malloc(sizeof(mblk_t)); mblk_init(mp); datab=g_malloc(sizeof(dblk_t)); buf=g_malloc(size); datab->db_base=buf; datab->db_lim=buf+size; datab->ref_count=1; datab->db_freefn=g_free; mp->b_datap=datab; mp->b_rptr=mp->b_wptr=buf; mp->b_next=mp->b_prev=mp->b_cont=NULL; return mp; } mblk_t *allocb_with_buf(char *buf, int size, int pri, void (*freefn)(void*) ) { mblk_t *mp; dblk_t *datab; mp=g_malloc(sizeof(mblk_t)); mblk_init(mp); datab=g_malloc(sizeof(dblk_t)); datab->db_base=buf; datab->db_lim=buf+size; datab->ref_count=1; datab->db_freefn=freefn; mp->b_datap=datab; mp->b_rptr=mp->b_wptr=buf; mp->b_next=mp->b_prev=mp->b_cont=NULL; return mp; } void freeb(mblk_t *mp) { g_return_if_fail(mp->b_datap!=NULL); g_return_if_fail(mp->b_datap->db_base!=NULL); mp->b_datap->ref_count--; if (mp->b_datap->ref_count==0) { if (mp->b_datap->db_freefn!=NULL) mp->b_datap->db_freefn(mp->b_datap->db_base); g_free(mp->b_datap); } g_free(mp); } void freemsg(mblk_t *mp) { mblk_t *tmp1,*tmp2; tmp1=mp; while(tmp1!=NULL) { tmp2=tmp1->b_cont; freeb(tmp1); tmp1=tmp2; } } mblk_t *dupb(mblk_t *mp) { mblk_t *newm; g_return_val_if_fail(mp->b_datap!=NULL,NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(mp->b_datap->db_base!=NULL,NULL); mp->b_datap->ref_count++; newm=g_malloc(sizeof(mblk_t)); mblk_init(newm); newm->b_datap=mp->b_datap; newm->b_rptr=mp->b_rptr; newm->b_wptr=mp->b_wptr; return newm; } /* duplicates a complex mblk_t */ mblk_t *dupmsg(mblk_t* m) { mblk_t *newm=NULL,*mp,*prev; prev=newm=dupb(m); m=m->b_cont; while (m!=NULL){ mp=dupb(m); prev->b_cont=mp; prev=mp; m=m->b_cont; } return newm; } void putq(queue_t *q,mblk_t *mp) { q->_q_last.b_prev->b_next=mp; mp->b_prev=q->_q_last.b_prev; mp->b_next=&q->_q_last; q->_q_last.b_prev=mp; q->q_mcount++; } mblk_t *getq(queue_t *q) { mblk_t *tmp; tmp=q->_q_first.b_next; if (tmp==&q->_q_last) return NULL; q->_q_first.b_next=tmp->b_next; tmp->b_next->b_prev=&q->_q_first; tmp->b_prev=NULL; tmp->b_next=NULL; q->q_mcount--; return tmp; } /* insert mp in q just before emp */ void insq(queue_t *q,mblk_t *emp, mblk_t *mp) { if (emp==NULL){ putq(q,mp); return; } q->q_mcount++; emp->b_prev->b_next=mp; mp->b_prev=emp->b_prev; emp->b_prev=mp; mp->b_next=emp; } void remq(queue_t *q, mblk_t *mp){ q->q_mcount--; mp->b_prev->b_next=mp->b_next; mp->b_next->b_prev=mp->b_prev; mp->b_next=NULL; mp->b_prev=NULL; } /* remove and free all messages in the q */ void flushq(queue_t *q, int how) { mblk_t *mp; while ((mp=getq(q))!=NULL) { freemsg(mp); } } gint msgdsize(mblk_t *mp) { gint msgsize=0; while(mp!=NULL){ msgsize+=mp->b_wptr-mp->b_rptr; mp=mp->b_cont; } return msgsize; } mblk_t * msgpullup(mblk_t *mp,int len) { mblk_t *newm; gint msgsize=msgdsize(mp); gint rlen; gint mlen; if ((len==-1) || (len>msgsize)) len=msgsize; rlen=len; newm=allocb(len,BPRI_MED); while(mp!=NULL){ mlen=mp->b_wptr-mp->b_rptr; if (rlen>=mlen) { memcpy(newm->b_wptr,mp->b_rptr,mlen); rlen-=mlen; newm->b_wptr+=mlen; } else /* rlen < mlen */ { memcpy(newm->b_wptr,mp->b_rptr,rlen); newm->b_wptr+=rlen; /* put the end of the original message at the end of the new */ newm->b_cont=dupmsg(mp); newm->b_cont->b_rptr+=rlen; return newm; } mp=mp->b_cont; } return newm; } mblk_t *copyb(mblk_t *mp) { mblk_t *newm; gint len=mp->b_wptr-mp->b_rptr; newm=allocb(len,BPRI_MED); memcpy(newm->b_wptr,mp->b_rptr,len); newm->b_wptr+=len; return newm; } mblk_t *copymsg(mblk_t *mp) { mblk_t *newm=0,*m; m=newm=copyb(mp); mp=mp->b_cont; while(mp!=NULL){ m->b_cont=copyb(mp); m=m->b_cont; mp=mp->b_cont; } return newm; } mblk_t * appendb(mblk_t *mp, const char *data, int size, gboolean pad){ gint padcnt=0; int i; if (pad){ padcnt= (gint)(4L-( (long)(mp->b_wptr+size) % 4L)) % 4L; } if ((mp->b_wptr + size +padcnt) > (char*)mp->b_datap->db_lim){ /* buffer is not large enough: append a new block (with the same size ?)*/ int plen=(char*)mp->b_datap->db_lim - (char*) mp->b_datap->db_base; mp->b_cont=allocb(MAX(plen,size),0); mp=mp->b_cont; } if (size) memcpy(mp->b_wptr,data,size); mp->b_wptr+=size; for (i=0;ib_wptr[0]=0; mp->b_wptr++; } return mp; } void msgappend(mblk_t *mp, const char *data, int size, gboolean pad){ while(mp->b_cont!=NULL) mp=mp->b_cont; appendb(mp,data,size,pad); } mblk_t *concatb(mblk_t *mp, mblk_t *newm){ while (mp->b_cont!=NULL) mp=mp->b_cont; mp->b_cont=newm; while(newm->b_cont!=NULL) newm=newm->b_cont; return newm; }