dlgAddContact dlgAddContact 0 0 398 345 Add Contacts unnamed 0 6 layout24 unnamed lblID &Jabber ID: AlignTop addID The Jabber ID for the account you would like to add. The Jabber ID for the account you would like to add. Note that this must include the username and the domain (like an E-mail address), as there are many Jabber servers. addID The Jabber ID for the account you would like to add. The Jabber ID for the account you would like to add. Note that this must include the username and the domain (like an E-mail address), as there are many Jabber servers. textLabel1 <i>(for example: joe@jabber.org)</i> WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight spacer14 Vertical Expanding 20 190 klineedit.h