DlgJabberRegisterAccount DlgJabberRegisterAccount 0 0 346 376 300 350 Register Account - Jabber unnamed lblJID Desired Jabber &ID: leJID pixPasswordVerify 16 16 32767 32767 layoutServerEntry unnamed leServer btnChooseServer C&hoose... lblPassword Pass&word: lePassword sbPort 7 0 0 0 65535 cbUseSSL 7 0 0 0 Use protocol encr&yption (SSL) true Check this box to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server. Check this box to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server. Note that this is not end-to-end encryption, but rather encrypted communication with the server. pixJID 16 16 32767 32767 lblPort &Port: sbPort lblPasswordVerify true &Repeat password: lePasswordVerify lePassword Password pixServer 16 16 32767 32767 lblServer Jabber &server: leServer pixPassword 16 16 32767 32767 lePasswordVerify true Password leJID tqlayout3 unnamed lblJIDInformation 0 100 WordBreak|AlignVCenter spacerMiddle Vertical Expanding 20 16 lblStatusMessage AlignCenter leServer btnChooseServer leJID lePassword lePasswordVerify kpushbutton.h knuminput.h kpassdlg.h kpassdlg.h