This is a kopete plugin for meanwhile using the libmeanwhile library. To INSTALL ========== 1. install libmeanwhile 2. install kopete with the meanwhile plugin. installing libmeanwhile ======================= from - use version 0.3 Refer to INSTALL in the meanwhile code. Run configure without specifying the --with_gaim_src # # ./configure --prefix=/usr # make # su -c make install installing kopete with meanwhile plugin ======================================= 1. Get kopete src from (latest cvs) 2. move this directory to $KOPETE_SRC/kopete/protocols/meanwhile, 3. patch the configure script in $KOPETE_SRC to pickup meanwhile in $KOPETE_SRC # patch -P0 < kopete/protocols/meanwhile/configure.patch 4. patch in protocols with protocols-makefile.patch in $KOPETE_SRC # patch -P0 < kopete/protocols/meanwhile/protocols-makefile.patch 5. run automake to process this in $KOPETE_SRC # automake kopete/protocols/Makefile 6. libmeanwhile uses glib and kopete's makefile have no references to glib, so edit $KOPETE_SRC/kopete/protocols/meanwhile/ and verify that GLIB_INCLUDES points to the right places. These variables are currently set for Fedora-core-1. If you have to modify the variable, rebuild the makefile. in $KOPETE_SRC # automake kopete/protocols/meanwhile/Makefile 7. follow the steps defined in kopete INSTALL: on fedora/redhat this could be (from $KOPETE_SRC) # ./configure --prefix=/usr/ # make # make install 7.1 if you want to install only meanwhile on an existing copy of kopete, after the make, try make install in $KOPETE_SRC/kopete/protocols/meanwhile 8. enjoy*. * Hopefully i have fixed this, but when you try to add accounts and you donot find meanwhile listed, copy kopete/protocols/meanwhile/kopete_meanwhile.desktop to $KDE_DIR/share/services (/usr/share/services on fedora). * If you find the icons for meanwhile missing, overwrite Makefile in kopete/protocols/meanwhile/icons with Makefile.siva