msnPrefsUI Duncan Mac-Vicar P. msnPrefsUI 0 0 522 347 unnamed TextLabel3_2_2_2_3 1 General Frame3_3_3_2_3 1 0 0 0 HLine Sunken NotifyNewChat &Automatically open a chat window when someone starts a conversation AutoDownloadPicture &Automatically download the display picture if possible true useCustomEmoticons Download and show custom emoticons (experimental) TextLabel1_3_3_3 TextLabel3_2_2_2_2 1 Away Messages Frame3_3_3_2_2 1 0 0 0 HLine Sunken SendAwayMessages 7 0 0 0 Send &away messages true layout18 unnamed textLabel3 Do not send more than one away message every AwayMessageSeconds 90 1 textLabel4 seconds spacer7 Vertical Expanding 21 70 SendAwayMessages toggled(bool) AwayMessageSeconds setEnabled(bool) NotifyNewChat AutoDownloadPicture useCustomEmoticons SendAwayMessages AwayMessageSeconds knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h