/* msnnotifysocket.cpp - Notify Socket for the MSN Protocol Copyright (c) 2002 by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens Copyright (c) 2002-2005 by Olivier Goffart Copyright (c) 2005 by Michaël Larouche Copyright (c) 2005 by Gregg Edghill Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers Portions taken from KMerlin (c) 2001 by Olaf Lueg ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include "msnnotifysocket.h" #include "msncontact.h" #include "msnaccount.h" #include "msnsecureloginhandler.h" #include "msnchallengehandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kopeteuiglobal.h" #include "kopeteglobal.h" #include MSNNotifySocket::MSNNotifySocket( MSNAccount *account, const TQString& /*msnId*/, const TQString &password ) : MSNSocket( account ) { m_newstatus = MSNProtocol::protocol()->NLN; m_secureLoginHandler=0L; m_challengeHandler = 0L; m_isHotmailAccount=false; m_ping=false; m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::Unknown; m_account = account; m_password=password; TQObject::connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( blockRead( const TQByteArray & ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotReadMessage( const TQByteArray & ) ) ); m_keepaliveTimer = 0L; m_isLogged = false; } MSNNotifySocket::~MSNNotifySocket() { delete m_secureLoginHandler; delete m_challengeHandler; kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << endl; } void MSNNotifySocket::doneConnect() { // kdDebug( 14140 ) << k_funcinfo << "Negotiating server protocol version" << endl; sendCommand( "VER", "MSNP11 MSNP10 CVR0" ); } void MSNNotifySocket::disconnect() { m_isLogged = false; if( m_disconnectReason==Kopete::Account::Unknown ) m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::Manual; if( onlineStatus() == Connected ) sendCommand( "OUT", TQString(), false ); if( m_keepaliveTimer ) m_keepaliveTimer->stop(); // the socket is not connected yet, so I should force the signals if ( onlineStatus() == Disconnected || onlineStatus() == Connecting ) emit socketClosed(); else MSNSocket::disconnect(); } void MSNNotifySocket::handleError( uint code, uint id ) { kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << endl; TQString handle; if(m_tmpHandles.contains(id)) handle=m_tmpHandles[id]; TQString msg; MSNSocket::ErrorType type; // See http://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn/basics.php for a // description of all possible error codes. // TODO: Add support for all of these! switch( code ) { case 201: case 205: case 208: { msg = i18n( "The MSN user '%1' does not exist.
Please check the MSN ID.
" ).arg( handle ); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 207: case 218: case 540: { msg = i18n( "An internal error occurred in the MSN plugin.
" "MSN Error: %1
" "please send us a detailed bug report " "at kopete-devel@kde.org containing the raw debug output on the " "console (in gzipped format, as it is probably a lot of output.)" ).arg(code); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 209: { if(handle==m_account->accountId()) { msg = i18n( "Unable to change your display name.\n" "Please ensure your display is not too long and does not contains censored words." ); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; } /*else { TQString msg = i18n( "You are trying to change the display name of a user who has not " "confirmed his or her email address;\n" "the contact was not renamed on the server." ); KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Error, msg, i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) ); }*/ break; } case 210: { msg = i18n("Your contact list is full; you cannot add any new contacts."); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 215: { msg = i18n( "The user '%1' already exists in this group on the MSN server;
" "if Kopete does not show the user, please send us a detailed bug report " "at kopete-devel@kde.org containing the raw debug output on the " "console (in gzipped format, as it is probably a lot of output.)
" ).arg(handle); type = MSNSocket::ErrorInformation; break; } case 216: { //This might happen is you rename an user if he is not in the contactlist //currently, we just iniore; //TODO: try to don't rename user not in the list //actualy, the bug is in MSNChatSession::slotUserJoined() break; } case 219: { msg = i18n( "The user '%1' seems to already be blocked or allowed on the server." ).arg(handle); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 223: { msg = i18n( "You have reached the maximum number of groups:\n" "MSN does not support more than 30 groups." ); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 224: case 225: case 230: { msg = i18n("Kopete is trying to perform an operation on a group or a contact that does not exists on the server.\n" "This might happen if the Kopete contact list and the MSN-server contact list are not correctly synchronized; if this is the case, you probably should send a bug report."); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 229: { msg = i18n("The group name is too long; it has not been changed on the MSN server."); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 710: { msg = i18n( "You cannot open a Hotmail inbox because you do not have an MSN account with a valid " "Hotmail or MSN mailbox." ); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 715: { /* //if(handlev==m_account->accountId()) TQString msg = i18n( "Your email address has not been verified with the MSN server.\n" "You should have received a mail with a link to confirm your email address.\n" "Some functions will be restricted if you do not confirm your email address." ); KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Sorry, msg, i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) );//TODO don't show again */ break; } case 800: { //This happen when too much commends are sent to the server. //the command will not be executed, too bad. // ignore it for now, as we don't really know what command it was. /* TQString msg = i18#n( "You are trying to change your status, or your display name too rapidly.\n" "This might happen if you added yourself to your own contact list." ); KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Sorry, msg, i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) ); //FIXME: try to fix this problem*/ break; } case 911: m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::BadPassword; disconnect(); break; case 913: { msg = i18n( "You can not send messages when you are offline or when you are invisible." ); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } case 923: { msg = i18n( "You are trying to perform an action you are not allowed to perform in 'kid mode'." ); type = MSNSocket::ErrorServerError; break; } default: MSNSocket::handleError( code, id ); break; } if( !msg.isEmpty() ) emit errorMessage( type, msg ); } void MSNNotifySocket::parseCommand( const TQString &cmd, uint id, const TQString &data ) { //kdDebug(14140) << "MSNNotifySocket::parseCommand: Command: " << cmd << endl; if ( cmd == "VER" ) { sendCommand( "CVR", "0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 7.0.0816 MSMSGS " + m_account->accountId() ); /* struct utsname utsBuf; uname ( &utsBuf ); sendCommand( "CVR", i18n( "MS Local code, see http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/oslocversion.mspx", "0x0409" ) + " " + escape( utsBuf.sysname ) + " " + escape( utsBuf.release ) + " " + escape( utsBuf.machine ) + " Kopete " + escape( kapp->aboutData()->version() ) + " Kopete " + m_msnId ); */ } else if ( cmd == "CVR" ) //else if ( cmd == "INF" ) { sendCommand( "USR", "TWN I " + m_account->accountId() ); } else if( cmd == "USR" ) //// here follow the auth processus { if( data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) == "S" ) { m_secureLoginHandler = new MSNSecureLoginHandler(m_account->accountId(), m_password, data.section( ' ' , 2 , 2 )); TQObject::connect(m_secureLoginHandler, TQ_SIGNAL(loginFailed()), this, TQ_SLOT(sslLoginFailed())); TQObject::connect(m_secureLoginHandler, TQ_SIGNAL(loginBadPassword()), this, TQ_SLOT(sslLoginIncorrect())); TQObject::connect(m_secureLoginHandler, TQ_SIGNAL(loginSuccesful(TQString )), this, TQ_SLOT(sslLoginSucceeded(TQString ))); m_secureLoginHandler->login(); } else { // Successful authentication. m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::Unknown; // Synchronize with the server. TQString lastSyncTime, lastChange; if(m_account->contacts().count() > 1) { // Retrieve the last synchronization timestamp, and last change timestamp. lastSyncTime = m_account->configGroup()->readEntry("lastsynctime", "0"); lastChange = m_account->configGroup()->readEntry("lastchange", "0"); } else { //the contactliust has maybe being removed, force to sync //(the only contact is myself) lastSyncTime="0"; lastChange="0"; } sendCommand( "SYN", lastChange + " " + lastSyncTime); // Get client features. if(!useHttpMethod()) { sendCommand( "GCF", "Shields.xml"); // We are connected start to ping slotSendKeepAlive(); } } } else if( cmd == "LST" ) { // MSNP11 changed command. Now it's: // LST N=passport@hotmail.com F=Display%20Name C=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 13 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx // But can be // LST N=passport@hotmail.com 10 TQString publicName, contactGuid, groups; uint lists; TQRegExp regex("N=([^ ]+)(?: F=([^ ]+))?(?: C=([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}))? (\\d+)\\s?((?:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12},?)*)$"); regex.search(data); // Capture passport email. m_tmpLastHandle = regex.cap(1); // Capture public name. publicName = unescape( regex.cap(2) ); // Capture contact guid. contactGuid = regex.cap(3); // Capture list enum type. lists = regex.cap(4).toUInt(); // Capture contact group(s) guid(s) groups = regex.cap(5); // kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << " msnId: " << m_tmpLastHandle << " publicName: " << publicName << " contactGuid: " << contactGuid << " list: " << lists << " groupGuid: " << groups << endl; // handle, publicName, Contact GUID, lists, Group GUID emit contactList( m_tmpLastHandle , publicName, contactGuid, lists, groups ); } else if( cmd == "GCF" ) { m_configFile = data.section(' ', 0, 0); readBlock( data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ).toUInt() ); } else if( cmd == "MSG" ) { readBlock( data.section( ' ', 2, 2 ).toUInt() ); } else if( cmd == "ILN" || cmd == "NLN" ) { // status handle publicName strangeNumber MSNOBJECT MSNContact *c = static_cast( m_account->contacts()[ data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) ] ); if( c && c->contactId() != m_account->accountId() ) { TQString publicName=unescape( data.section( ' ', 2, 2 ) ); if ( (publicName!=c->contactId() || c->hasProperty(Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName().key()) ) && publicName!=c->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString() ) changePublicName(publicName,c->contactId()); TQString obj=unescape(data.section( ' ', 4, 4 )); c->setObject( obj ); c->setOnlineStatus( convertOnlineStatus( data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) ) ); c->setClientFlags(data.section( ' ', 3, 3 ).toUInt()); } } else if( cmd == "UBX" ) { m_tmpLastHandle = data.section(' ', 0, 0); uint length = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ).toUInt(); if(length > 0) { readBlock( length ); } } else if( cmd == "UUX" ) { // UUX is sended to acknowledge that the server has received and processed the personal Message. // if the result is 0, set the myself() contact personalMessage. if( data.section(' ', 0, 0) == TQString::fromUtf8("0") ) m_account->myself()->setProperty(MSNProtocol::protocol()->propPersonalMessage, m_propertyPersonalMessage); } else if( cmd == "FLN" ) { MSNContact *c = static_cast( m_account->contacts()[ data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) ] ); if( c && c->contactId() != m_account->accountId() ) { c->setOnlineStatus( MSNProtocol::protocol()->FLN ); c->removeProperty( MSNProtocol::protocol()->propClient ); } } else if( cmd == "XFR" ) { TQString stype=data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); if( stype=="SB" ) //switchboard connection (chat) { // Address, AuthInfo emit startChat( data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ), data.section( ' ', 3, 3 ) ); } else if( stype=="NS" ) //notifysocket ; Got our notification server { //we are connecting and we receive the initial NS, or the msn server encounter a problem, and we are switching to another switchboard TQString host = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ); TQString server = host.section( ':', 0, 0 ); uint port = host.section( ':', 1, 1 ).toUInt(); setOnlineStatus( Connected ); emit receivedNotificationServer( server, port ); disconnect(); } } else if( cmd == "RNG" ) { // SessionID, Address, AuthInfo, handle, publicName emit invitedToChat( TQString::number( id ), data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ), data.section( ' ', 2, 2 ), data.section( ' ', 3, 3 ), unescape( data.section( ' ', 4, 4 ) ) ); } else if( cmd == "ADC" ) { TQString msnId, list, publicName, contactGuid, groupGuid; // Retrieve the list parameter (FL/AL/BL/RL) list = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); // Examples of received data // ADC TrID xL N=example@passport.com // ADC TrID FL C=contactGuid groupdGuid // ADC TrID RL N=example@passport.com F=friednly%20name // ADC TrID FL N=ex@pas.com F=My%20Name C=contactGuid // Thanks Gregg for that complex RegExp. TQRegExp regex("(?:N=([^ ]+))?(?: F=([^ ]+))?(?: C=([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}))?\\s?((?:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12},?)*)$"); regex.search( data.section( ' ', 1 ) ); // Capture passport email. msnId = regex.cap(1); // Capture public name. publicName = unescape( regex.cap(2) ); // Capture contact guid. contactGuid = regex.cap(3); // Capture contact group(s) guid(s) groupGuid = regex.cap(4); // kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << list << " msnId: " << msnId << " publicName: " << publicName << " contactGuid: " << contactGuid << " groupGuid: " << groupGuid << endl; // handle, list, publicName, contactGuid, groupGuid emit contactAdded( msnId, list, publicName, contactGuid, groupGuid ); } else if( cmd == "REM" ) // someone is removed from a list { TQString handle, list, contactGuid, groupGuid; list = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); if( list == "FL" ) { // Removing a contact if( data.contains( ' ' ) < 2 ) { contactGuid = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ); } // Removing a contact from a group else if( data.contains( ' ' ) < 3 ) { contactGuid = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ); groupGuid = data.section( ' ', 2, 2 ); } } else { handle = data.section( ' ', 1, 1); } // handle, list, contactGuid, groupGuid emit contactRemoved( handle, list, contactGuid, groupGuid ); } else if( cmd == "OUT" ) { if( data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) == "OTH" ) { m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::OtherClient; } disconnect(); } else if( cmd == "CHG" ) { TQString status = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); setOnlineStatus( Connected ); emit statusChanged( convertOnlineStatus( status ) ); } else if( cmd == "SBP" ) { TQString contactGuid, type, publicName; contactGuid = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); type = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ); if(type == "MFN" ) { publicName = unescape( data.section( ' ', 2, 2 ) ); MSNContact *c = m_account->findContactByGuid( contactGuid ); if(c != 0L) { c->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), publicName ); } } } else if( cmd == "LSG" ) { // New Format: LSG Friends xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx // groupDisplayName, groupGuid emit groupListed( unescape( data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) ), data.section( ' ', 1, 1) ); } else if( cmd == "ADG" ) { // groupName, groupGuid emit groupAdded( unescape( data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) ), data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) ); } else if( cmd == "REG" ) { // groupGuid, groupName emit groupRenamed( data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ), unescape( data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) ) ); } else if( cmd == "RMG" ) { // groupGuid emit groupRemoved( data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) ); } else if( cmd == "CHL" ) { m_challengeHandler = new MSNChallengeHandler("CFHUR$52U_{VIX5T", "PROD0101{0RM?UBW"); // Compute the challenge response hash, and send the response. TQString chlResponse = m_challengeHandler->computeHash(data.section(' ', 0, 0)); sendCommand("QRY", m_challengeHandler->productId(), true, chlResponse.utf8()); // Dispose of the challenge handler. m_challengeHandler->deleteLater(); m_challengeHandler = 0L; } else if( cmd == "SYN" ) { // Retrieve the last synchronization timestamp known to the server. TQString lastSyncTime = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ); TQString lastChange = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); if( lastSyncTime != m_account->configGroup()->readEntry("lastsynctime") || lastChange != m_account->configGroup()->readEntry("lastchange") ) { // If the server timestamp and the local timestamp are different, // prepare to receive the contact list. emit newContactList(); // remove all contacts datas, msn sends a new contact list m_account->configGroup()->writeEntry( "lastsynctime" , lastSyncTime); m_account->configGroup()->writeEntry( "lastchange", lastChange); }else kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Contact list up-to-date." << endl; // set the status setStatus( m_newstatus ); } else if( cmd == "BPR" ) { MSNContact *c = static_cast( m_account->contacts()[ m_tmpLastHandle ] ); if( c ) c->setInfo(data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ),unescape(data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ))); } else if( cmd == "PRP" ) { MSNContact *c = static_cast( m_account->myself() ); if( c ) { TQString type = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); TQString prpData = unescape( data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) ); //SECURITY???????? c->setInfo( type, prpData ); m_account->configGroup()->writeEntry( type, prpData ); } } else if( cmd == "BLP" ) { if( id > 0 ) //FROM BLP { m_account->configGroup()->writeEntry( "serial" , data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) ); m_account->configGroup()->writeEntry( "BLP" , data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ) ); } else //FROM SYN m_account->configGroup()->writeEntry( "BLP" , data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ) ); } else if( cmd == "QRY" ) { // Do nothing } else if( cmd == "QNG" ) { //this is a reply from a ping m_ping=false; // id is the timeout in fact, and we remove 5% of it if( m_keepaliveTimer ) m_keepaliveTimer->start( id * 950, true ); kdDebug( 14140 ) << k_funcinfo << "timerTimeout=" << id << "sec"<< endl; } else if( cmd == "URL" ) { // URL 6 /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL https://loginnet.passport.com/ppsecure/md5auth.srf?lc=1033 2 //example of reply: URL 10 /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL https://msnialogin.passport.com/ppsecure/md5auth.srf?lc=1036 3 TQString from_action_url = data.section( ' ', 1, 1 ); TQString rru = data.section( ' ', 0, 0 ); TQString id = data.section( ' ', 2, 2 ); //write the tmp file TQString UserID=m_account->accountId(); time_t actualTime; time(&actualTime); TQString sl = TQString::number( ( unsigned long ) actualTime - m_loginTime.toULong() ); TQString md5this( m_MSPAuth + sl + m_password ); KMD5 md5( md5this.utf8() ); TQString hotmailRequest = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n\n"; KTempFile tmpMailFile( locateLocal( "tmp", "kopetehotmail-" ), ".html" ); *tmpMailFile.textStream() << hotmailRequest; tmpMailFile.file()->flush(); KRun::runURL( KURL::fromPathOrURL( tmpMailFile.name() ), "text/html" , true ); } else if ( cmd == "NOT" ) { kdDebug( 14140 ) << k_funcinfo << "Received NOT command, issueing read block for '" << id << " more bytes" << endl; readBlock( id ); } else { // Let the base class handle the rest //MSNSocket::parseCommand( cmd, id, data ); kdDebug( 14140 ) << k_funcinfo << "Unimplemented command '" << cmd << " " << id << " " << data << "' from server!" << endl; } } void MSNNotifySocket::sslLoginFailed() { m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::InvalidHost; disconnect(); } void MSNNotifySocket::sslLoginIncorrect() { m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::BadPassword; disconnect(); } void MSNNotifySocket::sslLoginSucceeded(TQString ticket) { sendCommand("USR" , "TWN S " + ticket); m_secureLoginHandler->deleteLater(); m_secureLoginHandler = 0L; } void MSNNotifySocket::slotMSNAlertUnwanted() { // user not interested .. clean up the list of actions m_msnAlertURLs.clear(); } void MSNNotifySocket::slotMSNAlertLink(unsigned int action) { // index into our action list and pull out the URL that was clicked .. KURL tempURLForLaunch(m_msnAlertURLs[action-1]); KRun* urlToRun = new KRun(tempURLForLaunch); } void MSNNotifySocket::slotOpenInbox() { sendCommand("URL", "INBOX" ); } void MSNNotifySocket::sendMail(const TQString &email) { sendCommand("URL", TQString("COMPOSE " + email).utf8() ); } bool MSNNotifySocket::setUseHttpMethod(bool useHttp) { bool ret = MSNSocket::setUseHttpMethod( useHttp ); if( useHttpMethod() ) { if( m_keepaliveTimer ) { delete m_keepaliveTimer; m_keepaliveTimer = 0L; } } else { if( !m_keepaliveTimer ) { m_keepaliveTimer = new TQTimer( this, "m_keepaliveTimer" ); TQObject::connect( m_keepaliveTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQ_SLOT( slotSendKeepAlive() ) ); } } return ret; } void MSNNotifySocket::slotReadMessage( const TQByteArray &bytes ) { TQString msg = TQString::fromUtf8(bytes, bytes.size()); if(msg.contains("text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification")) { //Mail-Data: 301142409600204800 // MD - Mail Data // E - email // I - initial mail // IU - initial unread // O - other mail // OU - other unread. TQRegExp regex("(\\d+)?(?:(\\d+)?)(\\d+)?(\\d+)?.*"); regex.search(msg); bool unread; // Retrieve the number of unread email messages. mailCount = regex.cap(2).toUInt(&unread); if(unread && mailCount > 0) { // If there are new email message available, raise the unread email event. TQObject::connect(KNotification::event( "msn_mail", i18n( "You have one unread message in your MSN inbox.", "You have %n unread messages in your MSN inbox.", mailCount ), 0 , 0 , i18n( "Open Inbox..." ) ), TQ_SIGNAL(activated(unsigned int ) ) , this, TQ_SLOT( slotOpenInbox() ) ); } } else if(msg.contains("text/x-msmsgsactivemailnotification")) { //this sends the server if mails are deleted TQString m = msg.right(msg.length() - msg.find("Message-Delta:") ); m = m.left(msg.find("\r\n")); mailCount = mailCount - m.right(m.length() -m.find(" ")-1).toUInt(); } else if(msg.contains("text/x-msmsgsemailnotification")) { //this sends the server if a new mail has arrived TQRegExp rx("From-Addr: ([A-Za-z0-9@._\\-]*)"); rx.search(msg); TQString m=rx.cap(1); mailCount++; //TODO: it is also possible to get the subject (but warning about the encoding) TQObject::connect(KNotification::event( "msn_mail",i18n( "You have one new email from %1 in your MSN inbox." ).arg(m), 0 , 0 , i18n( "Open Inbox..." ) ), TQ_SIGNAL(activated(unsigned int ) ) , this, TQ_SLOT( slotOpenInbox() ) ); } else if(msg.contains("text/x-msmsgsprofile")) { //Hotmail profile if(msg.contains("MSPAuth:")) { TQRegExp rx("MSPAuth: ([A-Za-z0-9$!*]*)"); rx.search(msg); m_MSPAuth=rx.cap(1); } if(msg.contains("sid:")) { TQRegExp rx("sid: ([0-9]*)"); rx.search(msg); m_sid=rx.cap(1); } if(msg.contains("kv:")) { TQRegExp rx("kv: ([0-9]*)"); rx.search(msg); m_kv=rx.cap(1); } if(msg.contains("LoginTime:")) { TQRegExp rx("LoginTime: ([0-9]*)"); rx.search(msg); m_loginTime=rx.cap(1); } else //IN MSNP9 there are no logintime it seems, so set it manualy { time_t actualTime; time(&actualTime); m_loginTime=TQString::number((unsigned long)actualTime); } if(msg.contains("EmailEnabled:")) { TQRegExp rx("EmailEnabled: ([0-9]*)"); rx.search(msg); m_isHotmailAccount = (rx.cap(1).toUInt() == 1); emit hotmailSeted(m_isHotmailAccount); } if(msg.contains("ClientIP:")) { TQRegExp rx("ClientIP: ([0-9.]*)"); rx.search(msg); m_localIP = rx.cap(1); } // We are logged when we receive the initial profile from Hotmail. m_isLogged = true; } else if (msg.contains("NOTIFICATION")) { // MSN alert (i.e. NOTIFICATION) [for docs see http://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn/client/notification.php] // format of msg is as follows: // // // // // // // // utf8-encoded text // // // // MSN sends out badly formed XML .. fix it for them (thanks MS!) TQString notificationDOMAsString(msg); TQRegExp rx( "&(?!amp;)" ); // match ampersands but not & notificationDOMAsString.replace(rx, "&"); TQDomDocument alertDOM; alertDOM.setContent(notificationDOMAsString); TQDomNodeList msgElements = alertDOM.elementsByTagName("MSG"); for (uint i = 0 ; i < msgElements.count() ; i++) { TQString subscString; TQString actionString; TQString textString; TQDomNode msgDOM = msgElements.item(i); TQDomNodeList msgChildren = msgDOM.childNodes(); for (uint i = 0 ; i < msgChildren.length() ; i++) { TQDomNode child = msgChildren.item(i); TQDomElement element = child.toElement(); if (element.tagName() == "SUBSCR") { TQDomAttr subscElementURLAttribute; if (element.hasAttribute("url")) { subscElementURLAttribute = element.attributeNode("url"); subscString = subscElementURLAttribute.value(); } } else if (element.tagName() == "ACTION") { // process ACTION node to pull out URL the alert is tied to TQDomAttr actionElementURLAttribute; if (element.hasAttribute("url")) { actionElementURLAttribute = element.attributeNode("url"); actionString = actionElementURLAttribute.value(); } } else if (element.tagName() == "BODY") { // process BODY node to get the text of the alert TQDomNodeList textElements = element.elementsByTagName("TEXT"); if (textElements.count() >= 1) { TQDomElement textElement = textElements.item(0).toElement(); textString = textElement.text(); } } } // kdDebug( 14140 ) << "subscString " << subscString << " actionString " << actionString << " textString " << textString << endl; // build an internal list of actions ... we'll need to index into this list when we receive an event TQStringList actions; actions.append(i18n("More Information")); m_msnAlertURLs.append(actionString); actions.append(i18n("Manage Subscription")); m_msnAlertURLs.append(subscString); // Don't do any MSN alerts notification for new blog updates if( subscString != TQString::fromLatin1("s.htm") && actionString != TQString::fromLatin1("a.htm") ) { KNotification* notification = KNotification::event("msn_alert", textString, 0L, 0L, actions); TQObject::connect(notification, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(unsigned int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotMSNAlertLink(unsigned int))); TQObject::connect(notification, TQ_SIGNAL(closed()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotMSNAlertUnwanted())); } } // end for each MSG tag } if(!m_configFile.isNull()) { // TODO Get client features. } if(!m_tmpLastHandle.isNull()) { TQString personalMessage, currentMedia; TQDomDocument psm; if( psm.setContent(msg) ) { // Get the first child of the xml "document"; TQDomElement psmElement = psm.documentElement().firstChild().toElement(); while( !psmElement.isNull() ) { if(psmElement.tagName() == TQString::fromUtf8("PSM")) { personalMessage = psmElement.text(); kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Personnal Message received: " << personalMessage << endl; } else if(psmElement.tagName() == TQString::fromUtf8("CurrentMedia")) { if( !psmElement.text().isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "XML CurrentMedia: " << psmElement.text() << endl; currentMedia = processCurrentMedia( psmElement.text() ); } } psmElement = psmElement.nextSibling().toElement(); } MSNContact *contact = static_cast(m_account->contacts()[ m_tmpLastHandle ]); if(contact) { contact->setProperty(MSNProtocol::protocol()->propPersonalMessage, currentMedia.isEmpty() ? personalMessage : currentMedia); } } m_tmpLastHandle = TQString(); } } TQString MSNNotifySocket::processCurrentMedia( const TQString &mediaXmlElement ) { /* The value of the CurrentMedia tag you can think of like an array seperated by "\0" characters (literal backslash followed by zero, not NULL). The elements of this "array" are as follows: * Application - This is the app you are using. Usually empty * Type - This is the type of PSM, either “Music”, “Games” or “Office” * Enabled - This is a boolean value (0/1) to enable/disable * Format - A formatter string ala .Net; For example, “{0} - {1}” * First line - The first line (Matches {0} in the Format) * Second line - The second line (Matches {1} in the Format) * Third line - The third line (Matches {2} in the Format) There is probably no limit to the number of lines unless you go over the maximum length of the tag. Example of currentMedia xml tag: \0Music\01\0{0} - {1}\0 Song Title\0Song Artist\0Song Album\0\0 \0Games\01\0Playing {0}\0Game Name\0 \0Office\01\0Office Message\0Office App Name\0 From http://msnpiki.msnfanatic.com/index.php/MSNP11:Changes */ TQString application, type, format, currentMedia; bool enabled=false, test; // \0 is textual, it's the "array" separator. TQStringList argumentLists = TQStringList::split(TQString::fromUtf8("\\0"), mediaXmlElement, true); // Retrive the "stable" array elements. application = argumentLists[0]; type = argumentLists[1]; enabled = argumentLists[2].toInt(&test); format = argumentLists[3]; // Get the formatter strings TQStringList formatterStrings; TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for( it = argumentLists.at(4); it != argumentLists.end(); ++it ) { formatterStrings.append( *it ); } // Replace the formatter in the format string. currentMedia = format; for(uint i=0; imyselfClientId() + " " + escape(m_account->pictureObject()) ); } void MSNNotifySocket::changePublicName( const TQString &publicName, const TQString &handle ) { TQString tempPublicName = publicName; //The maximum length is 387. but with utf8 or encodage, each character may be triple // 387/3 = 129 so we make sure the length is not longer than 129 char, even if // it's possible to have longer nicks. if( escape(publicName).length() > 129 ) { tempPublicName = publicName.left(129); } if( handle.isNull() ) { unsigned int id = sendCommand( "PRP", "MFN " + escape( tempPublicName ) ); m_tmpHandles[id] = m_account->accountId(); } else { MSNContact *currentContact = static_cast(m_account->contacts()[handle]); if(currentContact && !currentContact->guid().isEmpty() ) { // FIXME if there is not guid server disconnects. unsigned int id = sendCommand( "SBP", currentContact->guid() + " MFN " + escape( tempPublicName ) ); m_tmpHandles[id] = handle; } } } void MSNNotifySocket::changePersonalMessage( MSNProtocol::PersonalMessageType type, const TQString &personalMessage ) { TQString tempPersonalMessage; TQString xmlCurrentMedia; // Only espace and cut the personalMessage is the type is normal. if(type == MSNProtocol::PersonalMessageNormal) { tempPersonalMessage = personalMessage; //Magic number : 129 characters if( escape(personalMessage).length() > 129 ) { // We cut. for now. tempPersonalMessage = personalMessage.left(129); } } TQDomDocument xmlMessage; xmlMessage.appendChild( xmlMessage.createElement( "Data" ) ); TQDomElement psm = xmlMessage.createElement("PSM"); psm.appendChild( xmlMessage.createTextNode( tempPersonalMessage ) ); xmlMessage.documentElement().appendChild( psm ); TQDomElement currentMedia = xmlMessage.createElement("CurrentMedia"); /* Example of currentMedia xml tag: \0Music\01\0{0} - {1}\0 Song Title\0Song Artist\0Song Album\0\0 \0Games\01\0Playing {0}\0Game Name\0 \0Office\01\0Office Message\0Office App Name\0 */ switch(type) { case MSNProtocol::PersonalMessageMusic: { xmlCurrentMedia = "\\0Music\\01\\0"; TQStringList mediaList = TQStringList::split(";", personalMessage); TQString formatterArguments; if( !mediaList[0].isEmpty() ) // Current Track { xmlCurrentMedia += "{0}"; formatterArguments += TQString("%1\\0").arg(mediaList[0]); } if( !mediaList[1].isEmpty() ) // Current Artist { xmlCurrentMedia += " - {1}"; formatterArguments += TQString("%1\\0").arg(mediaList[1]); } if( !mediaList[2].isEmpty() ) // Current Album { xmlCurrentMedia += " ({2})"; formatterArguments += TQString("%1\\0").arg(mediaList[2]); } xmlCurrentMedia += "\\0" + formatterArguments + "\\0"; break; } default: break; } currentMedia.appendChild( xmlMessage.createTextNode( xmlCurrentMedia ) ); // Set the status message for myself, check if currentMedia is empty, for either using the normal or Music personal m_propertyPersonalMessage = xmlCurrentMedia.isEmpty() ? tempPersonalMessage : processCurrentMedia( currentMedia.text() ); xmlMessage.documentElement().appendChild( currentMedia ); unsigned int id = sendCommand("UUX","",true, xmlMessage.toString().utf8(), false); m_tmpHandles[id] = m_account->accountId(); } void MSNNotifySocket::changePhoneNumber( const TQString &key, const TQString &data ) { sendCommand( "PRP", key + " " + escape ( data ) ); } void MSNNotifySocket::createChatSession() { sendCommand( "XFR", "SB" ); } TQString MSNNotifySocket::statusToString( const Kopete::OnlineStatus &status ) const { if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->NLN ) return "NLN"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->BSY ) return "BSY"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->BRB ) return "BRB"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->AWY ) return "AWY"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->PHN ) return "PHN"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->LUN ) return "LUN"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->FLN ) return "FLN"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->HDN ) return "HDN"; else if( status == MSNProtocol::protocol()->IDL ) return "IDL"; else { kdWarning( 14140 ) << k_funcinfo << "Unknown status " << status.internalStatus() << "!" << endl; return "UNK"; } } void MSNNotifySocket::slotSendKeepAlive() { //we did not received the previous TQNG if(m_ping) { m_disconnectReason=Kopete::Account::ConnectionReset; disconnect(); /*KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Information, i18n( "The connection with the MSN network has been lost." ) , i18n ("MSN Plugin") );*/ return; } else { // Send a dummy command to fake activity. This makes sure MSN doesn't // disconnect you when the notify socket is idle. sendCommand( "PNG" , TQString() , false ); m_ping=true; } //at least 90 second has been ellapsed since the last messages // we shouldn't receive error from theses command anymore m_tmpHandles.clear(); } Kopete::OnlineStatus MSNNotifySocket::convertOnlineStatus( const TQString &status ) { if( status == "NLN" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->NLN; else if( status == "FLN" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->FLN; else if( status == "HDN" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->HDN; else if( status == "PHN" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->PHN; else if( status == "LUN" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->LUN; else if( status == "BRB" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->BRB; else if( status == "AWY" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->AWY; else if( status == "BSY" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->BSY; else if( status == "IDL" ) return MSNProtocol::protocol()->IDL; else return MSNProtocol::protocol()->UNK; } #include "msnnotifysocket.moc"