smsActPrefsUI Richard Lärkäng smsActPrefsUI 0 0 465 437 5 5 0 0 Account Preferences - SMS unnamed 0 0 middleFrame StyledPanel Raised 0 tabWidget9 tab B&asic Setup unnamed groupBox61 Account Information unnamed textLabel2 &Account name: accountId A unique name for this SMS account. A unique name for this SMS account. textLabel1 &SMS delivery service: serviceName The delivery service that you would like to use. The delivery service that you would like to use. Note that you will need to have this software installed prior to using this account. accountId A unique name for this SMS account. tqlayout35 unnamed serviceName 7 5 0 0 The delivery service that you would like to use. The delivery service that you would like to use. Note that you will need to have this software installed prior to using this account. descButton &Description Description of the SMS delivery service. Description of the SMS delivery service, including download locations. groupBox22 Information unnamed textLabel12 3 1 0 0 To use SMS, you will need an account with a delivery service. WordBreak|AlignTop spacer25 Vertical Expanding 20 181 tab A&ccount Preferences unnamed groupBox62 Messaging Preferences unnamed tqlayout119 unnamed textLabel2_2 If the message is too &long: ifMessageTooLong What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single SMS message. What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single SMS message. You can either choose to break it up into smaller messages automatically, cancel the message from being sent entirely, or have Kopete prompt you each time you enter a message that is too long. Prompt (recommended) Break Into Multiple Cancel Sending ifMessageTooLong What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single SMS message. What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single SMS message. You can either choose to break it up into smaller messages automatically, cancel the message from being sent entirely, or have Kopete prompt you each time you enter a message that is too long. subEnable &Enable phone number internationalization Check if you would like to enable phone number internationalization. Check if you would like to enable phone number internationalization. Without this option, you will only be able to use SMS for accounts within your country. tqlayout56 unnamed textLabel2_3 false 5 5 1 0 Substitute leading &zero with code: subCode What you would like to substitute a leading zero with. What you would like to substitute a leading zero with. subCode false 5 0 0 0 + 1234567890+ What you would like to substitute a leading zero with. What you would like to substitute a leading zero with. spacer27 Vertical Expanding 20 20 labelStatusMessage AlignCenter subEnable toggled(bool) textLabel2_3 setEnabled(bool) subEnable toggled(bool) subCode setEnabled(bool) tabWidget9 accountId serviceName descButton ifMessageTooLong subEnable subCode knuminput.h krestrictedline.h