WPAddContactBase WPAddContactBase 0 0 396 342 unnamed 0 6 layout59 unnamed layout57 unnamed TextLabel2_2 Com&puter hostname: mHostName The hostname you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. The hostname you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. TextLabel1_2 &Workgroup/domain: mHostGroup The workgroup or domain the computer is on that you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. The workgroup or domain the computer is on that you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. layout58 unnamed mHostName true The hostname you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. The hostname you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. mHostGroup The workgroup or domain the computer is on that you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. The workgroup or domain the computer is on that you would like to use to send WinPopup messages to. layout11 unnamed Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 mRefresh &Refresh Refresh the list of available workgroups & domains on the Windows network. Refresh the list of available workgroups & domains on the Windows network. Spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 50 mHostName mHostGroup mRefresh kcombobox.h klineedit.h kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h