# Yow Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*- # if you use a variable *dir and have *_DATA, it will be installed by # make install xdg_apps_DATA = Kppp.desktop EXTRA_DIST = $(xdg_apps_DATA) # set the include path for X, qt and KDE INCLUDES= $(all_includes) # claim, which subdirectories you want to install SUBDIRS = pixmaps icons logview Rules DB # This one gets installed bin_PROGRAMS = kppp # Which sources should be compiled for kppp. kppp_SOURCES = kpppwidget.cpp \ general.cpp \ accounts.cpp \ connect.cpp \ conwindow.cpp \ debug.cpp \ edit.cpp \ iplined.cpp \ main.cpp \ modem.cpp \ modemcmds.cpp \ pppdargs.cpp \ pppdata.cpp \ scriptedit.cpp\ pwentry.cpp \ modeminfo.cpp\ pppstatdlg.cpp\ pppstats.cpp\ miniterm.cpp\ accounting.cpp \ acctselect.cpp\ ruleset.cpp \ docking.cpp \ runtests.cpp \ loginterm.cpp \ ppplog.cpp \ newwidget.cpp \ requester.cpp \ opener.cpp \ modemdb.cpp \ utils.cpp \ providerdb.cpp \ modems.cpp \ KPPPIface.skel # the library search path kppp_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) $(LIB_KDECORE) -lDCOP # the libraries to link against. Be aware of the order. First the libraries, # that depend on the following ones. kppp_LDADD = -lm $(LIB_KIO) $(LIB_KDEUI) # this option you can leave out. Just, if you use "make dist", you need it noinst_HEADERS = kpppwidget.h \ accounts.h \ kpppconfig.h \ connect.h \ conwindow.h \ debug.h \ edit.h \ general.h \ iplined.h \ main.h \ modem.h \ modemcmds.h \ pppdargs.h \ pppdata.h \ scriptedit.h\ pwentry.h \ modeminfo.h\ pppstatdlg.h\ miniterm.h\ accounting.h \ acctselect.h\ ruleset.h \ docking.h \ runtests.h \ loginterm.h \ auth.h \ version.h \ macros.h \ ppplog.h \ newwidget.h \ modemdb.h \ utils.h \ providerdb.h \ modems.h \ KPPPIface.h METASOURCES = accounting.moc \ accounts.moc \ acctselect.moc \ connect.moc \ conwindow.moc \ debug.moc \ docking.moc \ edit.moc \ general.moc \ loginterm.moc \ kpppwidget.moc \ miniterm.moc \ modem.moc \ modemcmds.moc \ modemdb.moc \ modeminfo.moc \ pppdargs.moc \ pppstatdlg.moc \ pppstats.moc \ pwentry.moc \ scriptedit.moc \ providerdb.moc \ modems.moc messages: $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/kppp.pot # just install datas here. Use install-exec-data for scripts and etc. # the binary itself is already installed from automake # use mkinstalldirs, not "install -d" # don't install a list of file. Just one file per install. # if you have more of them, create a subdirectory with an extra Makefile install-data-local: @echo "" @echo "Don't forget to send me a phone tarif rules file for your" @echo "telecom company/country/region. Thanks." @echo "" @echo "We will be maintaining an archive on the kppp page at" @echo "http://devel-home.kde.org/~kppp/index.html" @echo "WARNING: kppp is by default installed with SETUID bit on!" @echo "If you are concerned about the SETUID bit, create a modem" @echo "group instead." @echo "" @echo "Happy Dialing! -- the KPPP team" @echo "" # kppp wants to be installed suid root install-exec-hook: @(chown root $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir)/kppp && chmod 4755 $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir)/kppp) || echo "Was not able to make kppp setuid root" # remove ALL you have installed in install-data-local or install-exec-local #uninstall-local: # @(cd Rules && $(MAKE) uninstall) #distclean-local: # @(cd Rules && $(MAKE) distclean)