################################################################ # NOTES: # these rules were made at May 25th 2001 (25/2/2001) # they are valid since March 2001 # prices are in Euro. 10.5 drs = 0.03084 euro ################################################################ # Dimitris Kamenopoulos, el97146@mail.ntua.gr ################################################################ # NAME OF THE RULESET. This is NEEDED for accounting purposes. ################################################################ name=Hellas_EPAK_Zone2_in_euro.rts ################################################################ # currency settings ################################################################ # defines Euro to be used as currency # symbol (not absolutely needed, default = "$") currency_symbol=euro # Define the position of the currency symbol. # (not absolutely needed, default is "right") currency_position=right # Define the number of significat digits. # (not absolutely needed, default is "2" currency_digits=2 ################################################################ # connection settings ################################################################ # NOTE: rules are applied from top to bottom - the # LAST matching rule is the one used for the # cost computations. # This is the default rule which is used when no other rule # applies. The first component "10.5" is the price of one # "unit", while "0.03084" is the duration in seconds. # Therefore the following rule means: "Every 22.5 seconds 0.03084 # euro are added to the bill" default=(0.03084, 22.5) # # more complicated rules: # # "on monday until sunday from 22:00 until 08:00 the costs # are 0.03084 each 630 seconds" on (monday..sunday) between (22:00..08:00) use (0.03084, 630)