################################################################ # # This is a sample rule set for kppp. You can use it as a # template when you have to create your own ruleset. If you do # so, remove all comments and add your own. This will allow # other users to check your ruleset more easily. # # Please sign the the tarif file with your name an email address # so that I can contact you if necessary. # # NOTE: the rules in this rule set do not make much sense and # are only for demonstration purposes # # NOTE ON FILENAMES: # when you create your own ruleset, use "_" in filename # instead of spaces and use ".rst as extension # i.e. "Austria city calls" # --> file should be saved as "Austria_city_calls.rst" # # Thanks, Bernd Wuebben # wuebben@math.cornell.edu / wuebben@kde.org ################################################################ ################################################################ # # NAME OF THE RULESET. This is NEEDED for accounting purposes. # ################################################################ name=Akparat Sprint ################################################################ # currency settings ################################################################ # defines ATS (Austrian Schilling) to be used as currency # symbol (not absolutely needed, default = "$") currency_symbol="$" # Define the position of the currency symbol. # (not absolutely needed, default is "right") currency_position=right # Define the number of significat digits. # (not absolutely needed, default is "2" currency_digits=2 ################################################################ # connection settings ################################################################ # NOTE: rules are applied from top to bottom - the # LAST matching rule is the one used for the # cost computations. # This is charged whenever you connect. If you don't have to # pay per-connection, use "0" here or comment it out. per_connection=0.0 # minimum costs per per connection. If the costs of a phone # call are less than this value, this value is used instead minimum_costs=0.0 # You pay .74 for the first 180 secons ( 3minutes) no matter # whether you are connected for 1 second or 180 seconds. # This rule will take priority during the first 180 seconds # over any other rule, in particular the 'default' rule. # have a look at costgraphs.gif in the docs directory # of the kppp distribution for a graphic illustration. # flat_init_costs=(0.74,180) # This is the default rule which is used when no other rule # applies. The first component "0.1" is the price of one # "unit", while "72" is the duration in seconds. # Therefore the following rule means: "Every 72 seconds 0.1 # ATS are added to the bill" default=(0.1333, 60) # # more complicated rules: # # "on monday until sunday from 12:00 am until 11:59 pm the costs # are 0.2 each 72 seconds" # on () between () use (0.2, 2) # same as above on (monday..sunday) between (0:00..10:00) use (0.016, 60) on (monday..sunday) between (23:00..23:59) use (0.016, 60) on (monday..friday) between (20:00..23:00) use (0.0666, 60) on (saturday..sunday) between (10:00..23:00) use (0.0666, 60)