################################################################ # $Id$ # $Source$ # # RULES FOR KPPP WITH SLOVENIAN PHONE NETWORK 0880 (ISP PROVIDER). # # 2002-02-02: # Updated by roman.maurer@amis.net, # based on data provided by Primoz Hrvatin. # # 2000-09-25: # Prepared by Ales.Kosir@hermes.si, # based on data provided by Srdjan Cvjetovic. # # Calls from stationary phone network to the ISP numbers 0880: # A user pays to the phone company the fixed price for connection, and # the ISP will charge you per second for the duration of the call. # The cost is 2.04 SIT per minute on normal rate, # and 1.02 SIT on discounted. # ################################################################ name=omrezje_0880.rst ################################################################ # currency settings ################################################################ # NOTE: rules are applied from top to bottom - the # LAST matching rule is the one used for the # cost computations. currency_symbol=SIT currency_position=right currency_digits=2 ################################################################ # connection settings ################################################################ # This is charged whenever you connect. The amount is payed to the # phone company. per_connection=6.30 # "on monday until sunday the costs # are 2.04 on normal and 1.02 on discounted per each 60 seconds" on (monday..saturday) between (0:00..6:59) use (1.02, 60) on (monday..saturday) between (7:00..18:59) use (2.04, 60) on (monday..saturday) between (19:00..23:59) use (1.02, 60) on (sunday) between () use (1.02, 60) # Drzavni prazniki: # 1.1., 2.1 - Novo leto # 8.2. - Slovenski kulturni praznik # Easter - Velika noc # Easter Monday - Velikonocni ponedeljek # 27.4. - Dan upora proti okupatorju # 1.5.,2.5. - Praznik dela # - Binkosti # 25.6. - Dan drzavnosti # 15.8. - Marijino vnebovzetje # 31.10. - Dan reformacije # 1.11. - Dan spomina na mrtve # 25.12. - Bozic # 26.12. - Dan samostojnosti on (01/01, 01/02, 02/08, easter, easter+1, 04/26, 05/01, 05/02, easter+50, 06/25, 08/15, 10/31, 11/01, 12/25, 12/26) between () use (1.02, 60)