################################################################ # 21 Jul 2003 (Please change when TT increases the costs) # # I take no responsibility for the validity and accuracy of # this information, if you are so concerned please contact # your own telephone provider and configure this yourself # and do not use this file. ################################################################ # Bu dosya sadece 0822'li hatlar icin gecerlidir. # # Lutfen TT zam yaptiginda use(xxxxx,yyy) ibarelerindeki xxxxx'i # yeni kontur ucreti ile degistirin. # Bu dosyanin nasil hazirlandigini ogrenmek istiyorsaniz # /usr/share/apps/kppp/rules dizinindeki TEMPLATE dosyasini # inceleyin. # # # Mesut Sismanoglu # mesuts@usa.net # # İsmail Dönmez # ismail.donmez@boun.edu.tr # ################################################################ ################################################################ # # NAME OF THE RULESET. This is NEEDED for accounting purposes. # ################################################################ name=Turk_Telekom_Internet ################################################################ # currency settings ################################################################ # defines TL (Turkish Lira) to be used as currency # symbol (not absolutely needed, default = "$") currency_symbol=TL # Define the position of the currency symbol. # (not absolutely needed, default is "right") currency_position=right # Define the number of significant digits. # (not absolutely needed, default is "2" currency_digits=0 # This is the default rule which is used when no other rule # applies. default=(72000, 324) ################################################################ # connection settings ################################################################ # Hafta arasi 1. indirim on(monday..friday) between (7:00..7:59) use(72000,309) # Hafta arasi normal tarife on(monday..friday) between (8:00..19:59) use(72000,216) # Hafta arasi 1. indirim on(monday..friday) between (20:00..22:29) use(72000,309) # Hafta arasi 2. indirim on(monday..friday) between (22:30..6:59) use(72000,360) # Cumartesi 1. indirim on(saturday) between (7:00..22:29) use(72000,309) # Cumartesi 2. indirim on(saturday) between (22:30..6:59) use(72000,360) # Pazar ve resmi tatil gunleri 2. indirim on(1/1, 04/23, 05/19, 08/30, 10/29, sunday) between () use(72000,360) ################################################################