/* * kPPP: A pppd front end for the KDE project * * * Copyright (C) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben * wuebben@math.cornell.edu * * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Harri Porten * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "kpppwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // For BarIcon #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "runtests.h" #include "main.h" #include "auth.h" #include "modem.h" #include "ppplog.h" #include "opener.h" #include "requester.h" #include "pppstats.h" #include "pppdata.h" #include "general.h" #include "modems.h" // delay disconnection for a second #define DISCONNECT_DELAY 1000 extern KPPPWidget *p_kppp; KPPPWidget::KPPPWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : DCOPObject( "KpppIface" ), QWidget(parent, name) , acct(0) , m_bCmdlAccount (false) , m_bCmdlModem (false) { tabWindow = 0; // before doing anything else, run a few tests int result = runTests(); if(result == TEST_CRITICAL) exit(4); installEventFilter(this); QVBoxLayout *tl = new QVBoxLayout(this, 10, 10); l1 = new QGridLayout(4, 4); tl->addLayout(l1); l1->addColSpacing(0, 10); l1->addColSpacing(3, 10); l1->setColStretch(1, 3); l1->setColStretch(2, 4); label1 = new QLabel(i18n("C&onnect to: "), this); l1->addWidget(label1, 0, 1); connectto_c = new QComboBox(false, this); label1->setBuddy(connectto_c); connect(connectto_c, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(newdefaultaccount(int))); l1->addWidget(connectto_c, 0, 2); label7 = new QLabel(i18n("Use &modem: "), this); // l1->addWidget(label7, 1, 1); (done in resetmodems()) modem_c = new QComboBox(false, this); label7->setBuddy(connectto_c); m_bModemCShown = false; connect(modem_c, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(newdefaultmodem(int))); // l1->addWidget(modem_c, 1, 2); (done in resetmodems()) ID_Label = new QLabel(i18n("&Login ID:"), this); l1->addWidget(ID_Label, 2, 1); // the entry line for usernames ID_Edit = new QLineEdit(this); ID_Label->setBuddy(ID_Edit); l1->addWidget(ID_Edit, 2, 2); connect(ID_Edit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(enterPressedInID())); QString tmp = i18n("

Type in the username that you got from your\n" "ISP. This is especially important for PAP\n" "and CHAP. You may omit this when you use\n" "terminal-based or script-based authentication.\n" "\n" "Important: case is important here:\n" "myusername is not the same as MyUserName."); QWhatsThis::add(ID_Label,tmp); QWhatsThis::add(ID_Edit,tmp); PW_Label = new QLabel(i18n("&Password:"), this); l1->addWidget(PW_Label, 3, 1); PW_Edit= new QLineEdit(this); PW_Label->setBuddy(PW_Edit); PW_Edit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); l1->addWidget(PW_Edit, 3, 2); connect(PW_Edit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(enterPressedInPW())); tmp = i18n("

Type in the password that you got from your\n" "ISP. This is especially important for PAP\n" "and CHAP. You may omit this when you use\n" "terminal-based or script-based authentication.\n" "\n" "Important: case is important here:\n" "mypassword is not the same as MyPassword."); QWhatsThis::add(PW_Label,tmp); QWhatsThis::add(PW_Edit,tmp); QHBoxLayout *l3 = new QHBoxLayout; tl->addSpacing(5); tl->addLayout(l3); tl->addSpacing(5); l3->addSpacing(10); log = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show lo&g window"), this); connect(log, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(log_window_toggled(bool))); log->setChecked(gpppdata.get_show_log_window()); l3->addWidget(log); QWhatsThis::add(log, i18n("

This controls whether a log window is shown.\n" "A log window shows the communication between\n" "kppp and your modem. This will help you\n" "in tracking down problems.\n" "\n" "Turn it off if kppp routinely connects without\n" "problems")); fline = new KSeparator( KSeparator::HLine, this); tl->addWidget(fline); QHBoxLayout *l2 = new QHBoxLayout; tl->addLayout(l2); int minw = 0; quit_b = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::quit(), this); connect( quit_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(quitbutton())); if(quit_b->sizeHint().width() > minw) minw = quit_b->sizeHint().width(); setup_b = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("Co&nfigure..."), "configure"), this); connect( setup_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(expandbutton())); if(setup_b->sizeHint().width() > minw) minw = setup_b->sizeHint().width(); if(gpppdata.access() != KConfig::ReadWrite) setup_b->setEnabled(false); help_b = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::help(), this); connect( help_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(helpbutton())); KHelpMenu *helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, KGlobal::instance()->aboutData(), true); help_b->setPopup((QPopupMenu*)helpMenu->menu()); if(help_b->sizeHint().width() > minw) minw = help_b->sizeHint().width(); connect_b = new QPushButton(i18n("&Connect"), this); connect_b->setDefault(true); connect_b->setFocus(); connect(connect_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(beginConnect())); if(connect_b->sizeHint().width() > minw) minw = connect_b->sizeHint().width(); quit_b->setFixedWidth(minw); setup_b->setFixedWidth(minw); help_b->setFixedWidth(help_b->sizeHint().width()); connect_b->setFixedWidth(minw); l2->addWidget(quit_b); l2->addWidget(setup_b); l2->addWidget(help_b); l2->addSpacing(20); l2->addWidget(connect_b); setFixedSize(sizeHint()); (void)new Modem; // we also connect cmld_start to the beginConnect so that I can run // the dialer through a command line argument connect(this,SIGNAL(cmdl_start()),this,SLOT(beginConnect())); stats = new PPPStats; KWin::setIcons(winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon()); // constructor of con_win reads position from config file con_win = new ConWindow(0, "conw", this, stats); KWin::setIcons(con_win->winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon()); statdlg = new PPPStatsDlg(0, "stats", this, stats); statdlg->hide(); debugwindow = new DebugWidget(0,"debugwindow"); KWin::setIcons(debugwindow->winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon()); debugwindow->hide(); // load up the accounts combo box resetaccounts(); resetmodems(); con = new ConnectWidget(0, "con", stats); KWin::setIcons(con->winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon() ); connect(this, SIGNAL(begin_connect()),con, SLOT(preinit())); QRect desk = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(topLevelWidget()); con->setGeometry(desk.center().x()-175, desk.center().y()-55, 350,110); // connect the ConnectWidgets various signals connect(con, SIGNAL(closeDebugWindow()), debugwindow, SLOT(hide())); connect(con, SIGNAL(debugMessage(const QString &)), debugwindow, SLOT(statusLabel(const QString &))); connect(con, SIGNAL(toggleDebugWindow()), debugwindow, SLOT(toggleVisibility())); connect(con, SIGNAL(debugPutChar(unsigned char)), debugwindow, SLOT(addChar(unsigned char))); connect(con, SIGNAL(startAccounting()), this, SLOT(startAccounting())); connect(con, SIGNAL(stopAccounting()), this, SLOT(stopAccounting())); connect(KApplication::kApplication(), SIGNAL(saveYourself()), this, SLOT(saveMyself())); connect(KApplication::kApplication(), SIGNAL(shutDown()), this, SLOT(shutDown())); debugwindow->setGeometry(desk.center().x()+190, desk.center().y()-55, debugwindow->width(),debugwindow->height()); move(desk.center().x()-width()/2, desk.center().y()-height()/2); KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); m_strCmdlAccount = args->getOption("c"); m_strCmdlModem = args->getOption("m"); m_bQuitOnDisconnect = args->isSet("q"); if(!m_strCmdlAccount.isEmpty()) { m_bCmdlAccount = true; kdDebug(5002) << "cmdl_account: " << m_bCmdlAccount << endl; } if(!m_strCmdlModem.isEmpty()) { m_bCmdlModem = true; kdDebug(5002) << "cmdl_modem: " << m_bCmdlModem << endl; } if(m_bCmdlModem){ bool result = gpppdata.setModem(m_strCmdlModem); if (!result){ QString string; string = i18n("No such Modem:\n%1\nFalling back to default").arg(m_strCmdlModem); KMessageBox::error(this, string); m_bCmdlModem = false; } } if(m_bCmdlAccount){ bool result = gpppdata.setAccount(m_strCmdlAccount); if (!result){ QString string; string = i18n("No such Account:\n%1").arg(m_strCmdlAccount); KMessageBox::error(this, string); m_bCmdlAccount = false; show(); } else { beginConnect(); } } else show(); //#define KPPP_SHOW_NEWS #ifdef KPPP_SHOW_NEWS // keep user informed about recent changes if(!m_bCmdlAccount) showNews(); #endif // attach to the DCOP server, if possible if (!kapp->dcopClient()->attach()) kdDebug(5002) << "Error: Could not connect to the DCOP server" << endl; else kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs(kapp->name(), true); // this timer will delay the actual disconnection DISCONNECTION_DELAY ms // to give applications time to shutdown, logout, whatever.. disconnectTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(disconnectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(delayedDisconnect())); } KPPPWidget::~KPPPWidget() { delete stats; } bool KPPPWidget::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if(e->type() == QEvent::User) { switch(((SignalEvent*)e)->sigType()) { case SIGINT: kdDebug(5002) << "Received a SIGINT" << endl; interruptConnection(); break; case SIGCHLD: sigChld(); break; case SIGUSR1: sigPPPDDied(); break; } return true; } if(o == connect_b) { if(e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { if(connect_b->hasFocus() && ((QKeyEvent *)e)->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { beginConnect(); return true; } } } return false; } void KPPPWidget::prepareSetupDialog() { if(tabWindow == 0) { tabWindow = new KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Tabbed, i18n("KPPP Configuration"), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, kapp->mainWidget(), 0, true); KWin::setIcons(tabWindow->winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon()); // tabWindow->setFixedSize( 365, 375 ); accounts = new AccountWidget(tabWindow->addPage( i18n("&Accounts"), i18n("Account Setup") ) ); connect(accounts, SIGNAL(resetaccounts()), this, SLOT(resetaccounts())); connect(accounts, SIGNAL(resetCosts(const QString &)), this, SLOT(resetCosts(const QString &))); connect(accounts, SIGNAL(resetVolume(const QString &)), this, SLOT(resetVolume(const QString &))); modems = new ModemsWidget(tabWindow->addPage( i18n("&Modems"), i18n("Modems Setup") ) ); connect(modems, SIGNAL(resetmodems()), this, SLOT(resetmodems())); graph = new GraphSetup( tabWindow->addPage( i18n("&Graph"), i18n("Throughput Graph" ) ) ); general = new GeneralWidget( tabWindow->addPage( i18n("M&isc"), i18n("Miscellaneous Settings") ) ); } } void KPPPWidget::enterPressedInID() { PW_Edit->setFocus(); } void KPPPWidget::enterPressedInPW() { connect_b->setFocus(); } // triggered by the session manager void KPPPWidget::saveMyself() { gpppdata.save(); } void KPPPWidget::shutDown() { interruptConnection(); saveMyself(); } void KPPPWidget::log_window_toggled(bool on) { gpppdata.set_show_log_window(on); } void KPPPWidget::setup() { prepareSetupDialog(); if(tabWindow->exec()) gpppdata.save(); else gpppdata.cancel(); } void KPPPWidget::resetaccounts() { connectto_c->clear(); int count = gpppdata.accountCount(); // enable/disable controls connectto_c->setEnabled(count > 0); setButtons(); //load the accounts for(int i=0; i < count; i++) { gpppdata.setAccountByIndex(i); connectto_c->insertItem(gpppdata.accname()); } //set the default account if(!gpppdata.defaultAccount().isEmpty()) { for(int i=0; i < count; i++) if(gpppdata.defaultAccount() == connectto_c->text(i)) { connectto_c->setCurrentItem(i); gpppdata.setAccountByIndex(i); ID_Edit->setText(gpppdata.storedUsername()); PW_Edit->setText(gpppdata.storedPassword()); } } else if(count > 0) { gpppdata.setDefaultAccount(connectto_c->text(0)); gpppdata.save(); ID_Edit->setText(gpppdata.storedUsername()); PW_Edit->setText(gpppdata.storedPassword()); } connect(ID_Edit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(usernameChanged(const QString &))); connect(PW_Edit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(passwordChanged(const QString &))); if (ID_Edit->text().isEmpty()) ID_Edit->setFocus(); else if (PW_Edit->text().isEmpty()) PW_Edit->setFocus(); } void KPPPWidget::resetmodems() { modem_c->clear(); int count = gpppdata.modemCount(); // enable/disable controls modem_c->setEnabled(count > 0); setButtons(); //load the modems for(int i=0; i < count; i++) { gpppdata.setModemByIndex(i); modem_c->insertItem(gpppdata.modname()); } if (count > 1 && !m_bModemCShown) { l1->addWidget(label7, 1, 1); l1->addWidget(modem_c, 1, 2); m_bModemCShown = true; } else if (count <= 1 && m_bModemCShown){ l1->remove(label7); l1->remove(modem_c); m_bModemCShown = false; } label7->setShown(m_bModemCShown); modem_c->setShown(m_bModemCShown); layout()->invalidate(); setFixedSize(sizeHint()); //set the default modem if(!gpppdata.defaultModem().isEmpty()) { for(int i=0; i < count; i++) if(gpppdata.defaultModem() == modem_c->text(i)) { modem_c->setCurrentItem(i); gpppdata.setModemByIndex(i); } } else if(count > 0) { gpppdata.setDefaultModem(modem_c->text(0)); gpppdata.save(); } } void KPPPWidget::setButtons() { int acccount = gpppdata.accountCount(); int modcount = gpppdata.modemCount(); // enable/disable controls connect_b->setEnabled(acccount > 0 && modcount > 0); log->setEnabled(acccount > 0 && modcount > 0); ID_Edit->setEnabled(acccount > 0 && modcount > 0); PW_Edit->setEnabled(acccount > 0 && modcount > 0); } void KPPPWidget::interruptConnection() { // interrupt dial up if (con->isVisible()) emit con->cancelbutton(); // disconnect if online if (gpppdata.pppdRunning()) emit disconnect(); /* FIXME: are we emitting a slot here!!!??? */ } void KPPPWidget::sigPPPDDied() { kdDebug(5002) << "Received a SIGUSR1" << endl; // if we are not connected pppdpid is -1 so have have to check for that // in the followin line to make sure that we don't raise a false alarm // such as would be the case when the log file viewer exits. if(gpppdata.pppdRunning() || gpppdata.pppdError()) { kdDebug(5002) << "It was pppd that died" << endl; // when we killpppd() on Cancel in ConnectWidget // we set pppid to -1 so we won't // enter this block // just to be sure Requester::rq->removeSecret(AUTH_PAP); Requester::rq->removeSecret(AUTH_CHAP); gpppdata.setpppdRunning(false); // stop the disconnect timer (just in case) disconnectTimer->stop(); // signal other applications that we are disconnected now kapp->dcopClient()->emitDCOPSignal("KpppIface", "disconnected()", QByteArray()); kdDebug(5002) << "Executing command on disconnect since pppd has died." << endl; QApplication::flushX(); execute_command(gpppdata.command_on_disconnect()); stopAccounting(); con_win->stopClock(); DockWidget::dock_widget->stop_stats(); DockWidget::dock_widget->hide(); if(!gpppdata.pppdError()) gpppdata.setpppdError(E_PPPD_DIED); removedns(); Modem::modem->unlockdevice(); con->pppdDied(); Requester::rq->pppdExitStatus(); gpppdata.setWaitCallback(gpppdata.callbackType() && Requester::rq->lastStatus == E_CBCP_WAIT); if(!gpppdata.automatic_redial() && !gpppdata.waitCallback()) { quit_b->setFocus(); show(); con_win->stopClock(); stopAccounting(); con_win->hide(); con->hide(); gpppdata.setpppdRunning(false); // // not in a signal handler !!! KNotifyClient::beep(); QString msg; if (gpppdata.pppdError() == E_IF_TIMEOUT) msg = i18n("Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface " "to come up."); else { msg = i18n("

The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!

"); Requester::rq->pppdExitStatus(); if (Requester::rq->lastStatus != 99) { // more recent pppds only msg += i18n("

Exit status: %1").arg(Requester::rq->lastStatus); msg += i18n("

See 'man pppd' for an explanation of the error " "codes or take a look at the kppp FAQ on " " %2

") .arg("http://developer.kde.org/~kppp/index.html") .arg("http://developer.kde.org/~kppp/index.html"); } } if(KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, msg, i18n("Error"), KStdGuiItem::ok(), i18n("&Details")) == KMessageBox::No) PPPL_ShowLog(); } else { /* reconnect on disconnect */ if(gpppdata.waitCallback()) kdDebug(5002) << "Waiting for callback... " << endl; else kdDebug(5002) << "Trying to reconnect... " << endl; if(gpppdata.authMethod() == AUTH_PAP || gpppdata.authMethod() == AUTH_CHAP || gpppdata.authMethod() == AUTH_PAPCHAP) Requester::rq->setSecret(gpppdata.authMethod(), encodeWord(gpppdata.storedUsername()), encodeWord(gpppdata.password())); con_win->hide(); con_win->stopClock(); stopAccounting(); gpppdata.setpppdRunning(false); // not in a signal handler !!! KNotifyClient::beep(); emit cmdl_start(); } } gpppdata.setpppdError(0); } void KPPPWidget::sigChld() { kdDebug(5002) << "sigchld()" << endl; // pid_t id = wait(0L); // if(id == helperPid && helperPid != -1) { // kdDebug(5002) << "It was the setuid child that died" << endl; // helperPid = -1; QString msg = i18n("kppp's helper process just died.\n" "Since further execution would be pointless, " "kppp will shut down now."); KMessageBox::error(0L, msg); remove_pidfile(); exit(1); // } } void KPPPWidget::newdefaultaccount(int i) { gpppdata.setDefaultAccount(connectto_c->text(i)); gpppdata.save(); ID_Edit->setText(gpppdata.storedUsername()); PW_Edit->setText(gpppdata.storedPassword()); } void KPPPWidget::newdefaultmodem(int i) { gpppdata.setDefaultModem(modem_c->text(i)); gpppdata.save(); } void KPPPWidget::expandbutton() { setup(); } void KPPPWidget::beginConnect() { // make sure to connect to the account that is selected in the combo box // (exeption: an account given by a command line argument) if(!m_bCmdlAccount) { gpppdata.setAccount(connectto_c->currentText()); gpppdata.setPassword(PW_Edit->text()); } else { gpppdata.setPassword(gpppdata.storedPassword()); } QFileInfo info(pppdPath()); if(!info.exists()){ KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot find the PPP daemon!\n" "Make sure that pppd is installed and " "that you have entered the correct path.")); return; } #if 0 if(!info.isExecutable()){ QString string; string = i18n("kppp cannot execute:\n %1\n" "Please make sure that you have given kppp " "setuid permission and that " "pppd is executable.").arg(gpppdata.pppdPath()); KMessageBox::error(this, string); return; } #endif KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); QString device = ""; if (args->isSet("dev")) device = args->getOption("dev"); else device = gpppdata.modemDevice(); QFileInfo info2(device); if(!info2.exists()){ QString string; string = i18n("kppp can not find:\n %1\nPlease make sure you have setup " "your modem device properly " "and/or adjust the location of the modem device on " "the modem tab of " "the setup dialog.").arg(device); KMessageBox::error(this, string); return; } // if this is a PAP or CHAP account, ensure that username is // supplied if(gpppdata.authMethod() == AUTH_PAP || gpppdata.authMethod() == AUTH_CHAP || gpppdata.authMethod() == AUTH_PAPCHAP ) { if(ID_Edit->text().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "You have selected the authentication " "method PAP or CHAP. This requires that you " "supply a username and a password.")); return; } else { if(!Requester::rq->setSecret(gpppdata.authMethod(), encodeWord(gpppdata.storedUsername()), encodeWord(gpppdata.password()))) { QString s; s = i18n("Cannot create PAP/CHAP authentication\n" "file \"%1\"").arg(PAP_AUTH_FILE); KMessageBox::error(this, s); return; } } } if (gpppdata.phonenumber().isEmpty()) { QString s = i18n("You must specify a telephone number."); KMessageBox::error(this, s); return; } hide(); QString tit = i18n("Connecting to: %1").arg(gpppdata.accname()); con->setCaption(tit); con->enableButtons(); con->show(); bool show_debug = gpppdata.get_show_log_window(); con->debug->setOn(show_debug); // toggle button debugwindow->clear(); if (!show_debug) debugwindow->hide(); else { debugwindow->show(); con->raise(); } emit begin_connect(); } void KPPPWidget::disconnect() { if (disconnectTimer->isActive()) return; // you had already pressed disconnect before // signal other applications that we are about to go offline now kapp->dcopClient()->emitDCOPSignal("KpppIface", "aboutToDisconnect()", QByteArray()); con_win->hide(); con->show(); con->disableButtons(); // will reenable them later in delayedDisconnect() con->setCaption(i18n("Disconnecting...")); if (!gpppdata.command_before_disconnect().isEmpty()) { con->setMsg(i18n("Executing command before disconnection.")); kapp->processEvents(); QApplication::flushX(); pid_t id = execute_command(gpppdata.command_before_disconnect()); int i, status; do { kapp->processEvents(); i = waitpid(id, &status, WNOHANG); usleep(500000); } while (i == 0 && errno == 0); } con->setMsg(i18n("Announcing disconnection.")); // this is no longer necessary since I'm delaying disconnection usign a QTimer // kapp->processEvents(); // set the timer to call delayedDisconnect() in DISCONNECT_DELAY ms disconnectTimer->start(DISCONNECT_DELAY, true); } void KPPPWidget::delayedDisconnect() { // this is where the actual disconnection takes place con->hide(); statdlg->stop_stats(); Requester::rq->killPPPDaemon(); // signal other applications that we are disconnected now kapp->dcopClient()->emitDCOPSignal("KpppIface", "disconnected()", QByteArray()); QApplication::flushX(); execute_command(gpppdata.command_on_disconnect()); Requester::rq->removeSecret(AUTH_PAP); Requester::rq->removeSecret(AUTH_CHAP); removedns(); Modem::modem->unlockdevice(); con_win->stopClock(); p_kppp->stopAccounting(); con_win->hide(); DockWidget::dock_widget->stop_stats(); DockWidget::dock_widget->hide(); if(m_bQuitOnDisconnect) kapp->exit(0); else { quit_b->setFocus(); show(); } } void KPPPWidget::helpbutton() { kapp->invokeHelp(); } void KPPPWidget::quitbutton() { if(gpppdata.pppdRunning()) { int ok = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Exiting kPPP will close your PPP Session."), i18n("Quit kPPP?"), KStdGuiItem::quit()); if(ok == KMessageBox::Continue) { Requester::rq->killPPPDaemon(); // stop the disconnect delay timer disconnectTimer->stop(); // signal other applications that we are disconnected now kapp->dcopClient()->emitDCOPSignal("KpppIface", "disconnected()", QByteArray()); QApplication::flushX(); execute_command(gpppdata.command_on_disconnect()); removedns(); Modem::modem->unlockdevice(); } } else { if (!gpppdata.accname().isEmpty() && !gpppdata.storePassword()) gpppdata.setStoredPassword(""); } gpppdata.save(); kapp->quit(); } void KPPPWidget::rulesetLoadError() { KMessageBox::error(this, ruleset_load_errmsg); } void KPPPWidget::startAccounting() { // volume accounting stats->totalbytes = 0; kdDebug(5002) << "AcctEnabled: " << gpppdata.AcctEnabled() << endl; // load the ruleset if(!gpppdata.AcctEnabled()) return; QString d = AccountingBase::getAccountingFile(gpppdata.accountingFile()); // if(::access(d.data(), X_OK) != 0) acct = new Accounting(this, stats); // else // acct = new ExecutableAccounting(this); // connect to the accounting object connect(acct, SIGNAL(changed(QString, QString)), con_win, SLOT(slotAccounting(QString, QString))); if(!acct->loadRuleSet(gpppdata.accountingFile())) { QString s= i18n("Can not load the accounting " "ruleset \"%1\".").arg(gpppdata.accountingFile()); // starting the messagebox with a timer will prevent us // from blocking the calling function ConnectWidget::timerEvent ruleset_load_errmsg = s; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(rulesetLoadError())); return; } else acct->slotStart(); } void KPPPWidget::stopAccounting() { // store volume accounting if(stats->totalbytes != 0) gpppdata.setTotalBytes(stats->totalbytes); if(!gpppdata.AcctEnabled()) return; if(acct != 0) { acct->slotStop(); delete acct; acct = 0; } } void KPPPWidget::showStats() { if(statdlg) { statdlg->toCurrentDesktop(); statdlg->show(); statdlg->raise(); } } void KPPPWidget::usernameChanged(const QString &) { // store username for later use gpppdata.setStoredUsername(ID_Edit->text()); } void KPPPWidget::passwordChanged(const QString &) { // store the password if so requested if(gpppdata.storePassword()) gpppdata.setStoredPassword(PW_Edit->text()); else gpppdata.setStoredPassword(""); } void KPPPWidget::setPW_Edit(const QString &pw) { PW_Edit->setText(pw); } void KPPPWidget::resetCosts(const QString &s) { AccountingBase::resetCosts(s); } void KPPPWidget::resetVolume(const QString &s) { AccountingBase::resetVolume(s); } /** * pppd's getword() function knows about escape characters. * If we write the username and password to the secrets file * we'll therefore have to escape back slashes. */ QString KPPPWidget::encodeWord(const QString &s) { QString r = s; r.replace(QRegExp("\\"), "\\\\"); return r; } void KPPPWidget::setQuitOnDisconnect (bool b) { m_bQuitOnDisconnect = b; } void KPPPWidget::showNews() { #ifdef KPPP_SHOW_NEWS /* * Introduce the QuickHelp feature to new users of this version */ #define QUICKHELP_HINT "Hint_QuickHelp" if(gpppdata.readNumConfig(GENERAL_GRP, QUICKHELP_HINT, 0) == 0) { QDialog dlg(0, 0, true); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Recent Changes in KPPP")); QVBoxLayout *tl = new QVBoxLayout(&dlg, 10, 10); QHBoxLayout *l1 = new QHBoxLayout(10); QVBoxLayout *l2 = new QVBoxLayout(10); tl->addLayout(l1); QLabel *icon = new QLabel(&dlg); icon->setPixmap(BarIcon("exclamation")); icon->setFixedSize(icon->sizeHint()); l1->addWidget(icon); l1->addLayout(l2); QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("From version 1.4.8 on, kppp has a new feature\n" "called \"Quickhelp\". It's similar to a tooltip,\n" "but you can activate it whenever you want.\n" "\n" "To activate it, simply click on a control like\n" "a button or a label with the right mouse button.\n" "If the item supports Quickhelp, a popup menu\n" "will appear leading to Quickhelp.\n" "\n" "To test it, right-click somewhere in this text."), &dlg); QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox(i18n("Don't show this hint again"), &dlg); cb->setFixedSize(cb->sizeHint()); KButtonBox *bbox = new KButtonBox(&dlg); bbox->addStretch(1); QPushButton *ok = bbox->addButton(KStdGuiItem::ok()); ok->setDefault(true); dlg.connect(ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dlg, SLOT(accept())); bbox->addStretch(1); bbox->layout(); l2->addWidget(l); l2->addWidget(cb); tl->addWidget(bbox); QString tmp = i18n("This is an example of QuickHelp.\n" "This window will stay open until you\n" "click a mouse button or a press a key.\n"); QWhatsThis::add(cb,tmp); QWhatsThis::add(l, tmp); dlg.exec(); if(cb->isChecked()) { gpppdata.writeConfig(GENERAL_GRP, QUICKHELP_HINT, 1); gpppdata.save(); } } #endif } #include "kpppwidget.moc"