/* * kPPPlogview: a accounting log system for kPPP * * Copyright (C) 1998 Mario Weilguni * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "monthly.h" #include "export.h" #include static void formatBytes(double bytes, TQString &result) { if(bytes < 1024) result.setNum(bytes); else if(bytes < 1024*1024) result = i18n("%1 KB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber((float)bytes / 1024.0, 1)); else result = i18n("%1 MB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber((float)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0, 1)); } static void formatBytesMonth(double bytes, TQString &result) { int day, days; day = TQDate::currentDate().day(); days = TQDate::currentDate().daysInMonth(); bytes = (bytes / day) * days; if(bytes < 1024) result.setNum(bytes); else if(bytes < 1024*1024) result = i18n("%1 KB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber((float)bytes / 1024.0, 1)); else result = i18n("%1 MB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber((float)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0, 1)); } static void formatDuration(int seconds, TQString &result) { TQString sec; sec.sprintf("%02d", seconds%60); if(seconds < 60) result = i18n("%1s").arg(sec); else if(seconds < 3600) result = i18n("%1m %2s").arg(seconds/60).arg(sec); else result = i18n("%1h %2m %3s") .arg(seconds/3600) .arg((seconds % 3600)/60) .arg(sec); } static void formatDurationMonth(int seconds, TQString &result) { int day, days; day = TQDate::currentDate().day(); days = TQDate::currentDate().daysInMonth(); seconds = (seconds / day) * days; TQString sec; sec.sprintf("%02d", seconds%60); if(seconds < 60) result = i18n("%1s").arg(sec); else if(seconds < 3600) result = i18n("%1m %2s").arg(seconds/60).arg(sec); else result = i18n("%1h %2m %3s") .arg(seconds/3600) .arg((seconds % 3600)/60) .arg(sec); } static void costsMonth(double costs, double &result) { int day, days; day = TQDate::currentDate().day(); days = TQDate::currentDate().daysInMonth(); result = (costs / day) * days; } class LogListItem : public TQListViewItem { public: LogListItem(LogInfo *l, TQListView * parent, TQString s1, TQString s2, TQString s3, TQString s4, TQString s5, TQString s6, TQString s7, TQString s8) : TQListViewItem(parent, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8), li(l) { } virtual void paintCell( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ); virtual TQString key(int, bool) const; LogInfo *li; }; void LogListItem::paintCell( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ) { TQListViewItem::paintCell(p, cg, column, width, alignment); // double line above sum //if(!li) { // p->drawLine(0, 0, width, 0); //p->drawLine(0, 2, width, 2); //} } TQString LogListItem::key(int c, bool ascending) const { if (!li) // we want the sum to be always at the bottom return ascending ? "z" : " "; TQString k; switch (c) { case 0: k = li->connectionName(); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: k.sprintf("%012u", (uint)li->from_t()); break; case 4: k.sprintf("%012d", li->duration()); break; case 5: k.sprintf("%012.2f", li->sessionCosts()); break; case 6: k.sprintf("%012f", li->bytesIn()); break; case 7: k.sprintf("%012f", li->bytesOut()); break; } return k; } MonthlyWidget::MonthlyWidget(TQWidget *parent) : TQWidget(parent) { tl = 0; lv = new KListView(this); lv->addColumn(i18n("Connection")); lv->addColumn(i18n("Day")); lv->addColumn(i18n("From")); lv->addColumn(i18n("Until")); lv->addColumn(i18n("Duration")); lv->addColumn(i18n("Costs")); lv->addColumn(i18n("Bytes In")); lv->addColumn(i18n("Bytes Out")); lv->setColumnAlignment(1, AlignRight); lv->setColumnAlignment(2, AlignRight); lv->setColumnAlignment(3, AlignRight); lv->setColumnAlignment(4, AlignRight); lv->setColumnAlignment(5, AlignRight); lv->setColumnAlignment(6, AlignRight); lv->setColumnAlignment(7, AlignRight); lv->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); lv->setShowSortIndicator(true); lv->setItemMargin(1); lv->setSorting(1); lv->setMinimumWidth(180); lv->setMinimumHeight(280); lv->setSelectionMode(TQListView::Extended); selectionItem = 0L; connect(lv, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); lv2 = new KListView(this); lv2->addColumn(i18n("Connection")); lv2->addColumn(i18n("Duration")); lv2->addColumn(i18n("Costs")); lv2->addColumn(i18n("Bytes In")); lv2->addColumn(i18n("Bytes Out")); lv2->setColumnAlignment(1, AlignRight); lv2->setColumnAlignment(2, AlignRight); lv2->setColumnAlignment(3, AlignRight); lv2->setColumnAlignment(4, AlignRight); lv2->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); lv2->setSorting(-1); lv2->setItemMargin(2); lv2->setMaximumHeight(100); lv2->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Minimum); lv2->setSelectionMode(TQListView::NoSelection); title = new TQLabel("X", this); TQFont f = title->font(); f.setPointSize(f.pointSize() + 2); f.setBold(TRUE); title->setFont(f); title->setFixedHeight(title->sizeHint().height()*2); cboConnections = new TQComboBox(false, this); // add a combo box to select connections cboConnections->setMaximumWidth(200); // a resonable size cboConnections->insertItem(i18n("All Connections")); // default to all connections connect(cboConnections, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConnections(int))); bbox = new KButtonBox(this, Qt::Vertical); prev = bbox->addButton(i18n("&Prev Month")); next = bbox->addButton(i18n("&Next Month")); bbox->addStretch(1); today = bbox->addButton(i18n("C&urrent Month")); bbox->addStretch(1); exportBttn = bbox->addButton(i18n("&Export...")); connect(prev, TQT_SIGNAL(released()), this, TQT_SLOT(prevMonth())); connect(next, TQT_SIGNAL(released()), this, TQT_SLOT(nextMonth())); connect(today, TQT_SIGNAL(released()), this, TQT_SLOT(currentMonth())); connect(exportBttn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(exportWizard())); bbox->addStretch(8); bbox->tqlayout(); currentMonth(); layoutWidget(); } void MonthlyWidget::layoutWidget() { if(tl) delete tl; tl = new TQGridLayout(this, 1, 1, 11, 16, "MainLayout"); tl->addWidget(title, 0, 0); tl->addWidget(cboConnections, 0, 1); TQLabel *l = new TQLabel(this); l->setText(i18n("Statistics:")); TQFont f2 = l->font(); f2.setPointSize(f2.pointSize() + 1); f2.setBold(TRUE); l->setFont(f2); l->setFixedHeight(l->sizeHint().height()); l->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); tl->addWidget(l, 5, 0); tl->addWidget(bbox, 1, 2); tl->addMultiCellWidget(lv, 1, 4, 0, 1); tl->addMultiCellWidget(lv2, 6, 6, 0, 1); tl->activate(); } int bestlen(TQWidget *w, const char *s) { return w->fontMetrics().boundingRect(s).width() + 8; } void MonthlyWidget::plotMonth() { // name of the current connection TQString con; // for collecting monthly statistics int count = 0; double costs = 0; double bin = 0, bout = 0; int duration = 0; lv->clear(); selectionItem = 0L; lv2->clear(); const KCalendarSystem * calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); TQDate startDate = periodeFirst(); for(int i = 0; i < (int)logList.count(); i++) { LogInfo *li = logList.at(i); TQDate logDate = li->from().date(); if ( periodeFirst() <= logDate && periodeLast() >= logDate ) { // get connection name for this line con = li->connectionName(); // this connection name not in the list and combo box if(lstConnections.findIndex(con) == -1) { lstConnections.append(con); cboConnections->insertItem(con); } // if all connections or the selected one if(cboConnections->currentText() != con && cboConnections->currentItem() != 0) continue; count++; costs += li->sessionCosts(); if(bin >= 0) { if(li->bytesIn() < 0) bin = -1; else bin += li->bytesIn(); } if(bout >= 0) { if(li->bytesOut() < 0) bout = -1; else bout += li->bytesOut(); } duration += li->from().secsTo(li->until()); TQString _bin, _bout, b; if(li->bytesIn() >= 0) formatBytes(li->bytesIn(), _bin); else _bin = i18n("n/a"); if(li->bytesOut() >= 0) formatBytes(li->bytesOut(), _bout); else _bout = i18n("n/a"); if(li->bytes() > 0) formatBytes(li->bytes(), b); else b = i18n("n/a"); TQString day; day.sprintf("%2d", li->from().date().day()); TQString s_duration; formatDuration(li->from().secsTo(li->until()), s_duration); TQString s_lifrom, s_liuntil, s_costs; s_lifrom = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(li->from().time(), false); s_liuntil = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(li->until().time(), false); s_costs = KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(li->sessionCosts()); (void) new LogListItem(li, lv, con, day, s_lifrom, s_liuntil, s_duration, s_costs, _bin, _bout); } } if(count) { TQString _bin, _bout, _b; if(bin < 0) _bin = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bin, _bin); if(bout < 0) _bout = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bout, _bout); if(bin < 0 || bout < 0) _b = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bout + bin, _b); TQString s_duration; formatDuration(duration, s_duration); TQString s_costs(KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(costs, TQString(), 2)); selectionItem = new LogListItem(0, lv2, i18n("Selection (%n connection)", "Selection (%n connections)", 0), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), TQString()); (void) new LogListItem(0, lv2, i18n("%n connection", "%n connections", count), s_duration, s_costs, _bin, _bout, TQString(), TQString(), TQString()); const KCalendarSystem * calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); if(calendar->month(periodeFirst()) == calendar->month(TQDate::currentDate())) { TQString m_bin, m_bout; if(bin < 0) _bin = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytesMonth(bin, m_bin); if(bout < 0) _bout = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytesMonth(bout, m_bout); TQString m_duration; formatDurationMonth(duration, m_duration); costsMonth(costs, costs); TQString m_costs(KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(costs, TQString(), 2)); (void) new TQListViewItem(lv2, selectionItem, i18n("Monthly estimates"), m_duration, m_costs, m_bin, m_bout, TQString(), TQString(), TQString()); } } TQString t; if(lv->childCount() > 0) { exportBttn->setEnabled(true); // export possibility t = i18n("Connection log for %1 %2") .arg(calendar->monthName(startDate)) .arg(calendar->year(startDate)); } else { exportBttn->setEnabled(false); // nothing to export t = i18n("No connection log for %1 %2 available") .arg(calendar->monthName(startDate)) .arg(calendar->year(startDate)); } title->setText(t); } void MonthlyWidget::slotConnections(int) { plotMonth(); } void MonthlyWidget::nextMonth() { m_periodeFirst = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->addMonths(m_periodeFirst, 1); plotMonth(); } void MonthlyWidget::prevMonth() { m_periodeFirst = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->addMonths(m_periodeFirst, -1); plotMonth(); } void MonthlyWidget::currentMonth() { const KCalendarSystem * calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); TQDate dt = TQDate::currentDate(); calendar->setYMD(m_periodeFirst, calendar->year(dt), calendar->month(dt), 1); plotMonth(); } void MonthlyWidget::exportWizard() { const KCalendarSystem * calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); TQString date = TQString::fromLatin1("%1-%2") // e.g.: June-2001 .arg(calendar->monthName(periodeFirst())) .arg(calendar->year(periodeFirst())); ExportWizard *wizard = new ExportWizard(0, date); wizard->exec(); if (wizard->filename.isEmpty()) { // wizard aborted... return; } if (TQFile::exists(wizard->filename)) { // overwrite? if (KMessageBox::Continue!=KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, i18n("A document with this name already exists."), i18n("Overwrite file?"), i18n("&Overwrite") /*, true*/)) { // no return; } } // open file Export *exportIFace = wizard->createExportFilter(); if (exportIFace == NULL) { // error return; } if (!exportIFace->openFile()) { // error opening KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("An error occurred while trying to open this file"), i18n("Sorry"), true); delete exportIFace; return; // abort... } // start writing data exportIFace->addHeadline(i18n("Connection"), i18n("Day"), i18n("From"), i18n("Until"), i18n("Duration"), i18n("Costs"), i18n("Bytes In"), i18n("Bytes Out") ); // name of the current connection TQString con; // for collecting monthly statistics int count = 0; double costs = 0; double bin = 0, bout = 0; int duration = 0; for(int i = 0; i < (int)logList.count(); i++) { LogInfo *li = logList.at(i); TQDate logDate = li->from().date(); if (periodeFirst() <= logDate && periodeLast() >= logDate ) { // get connection name for this line con = li->connectionName(); // this connection name not in the list and combo box if(lstConnections.findIndex(con) == -1) { lstConnections.append(con); cboConnections->insertItem(con); } // if all connections or the selected one if(cboConnections->currentText() != con && cboConnections->currentItem() != 0) continue; count++; costs += li->sessionCosts(); if(bin >= 0) { if(li->bytesIn() < 0) bin = -1; else bin += li->bytesIn(); } if(bout >= 0) { if(li->bytesOut() < 0) bout = -1; else bout += li->bytesOut(); } duration += li->from().secsTo(li->until()); TQString _bin, _bout, b; if(li->bytesIn() >= 0) formatBytes(li->bytesIn(), _bin); else _bin = i18n("n/a"); if(li->bytesOut() >= 0) formatBytes(li->bytesOut(), _bout); else _bout = i18n("n/a"); if(li->bytes() > 0) formatBytes(li->bytes(), b); else b = i18n("n/a"); TQString day; day.sprintf("%2d", li->from().date().day()); TQString con = li->connectionName(); TQString s_duration; formatDuration(li->from().secsTo(li->until()), s_duration); TQString s_lifrom, s_liuntil, s_costs; s_lifrom = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(li->from().time(), false); s_liuntil = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(li->until().time(), false); s_costs = KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(li->sessionCosts()); // call export method exportIFace->addDataline(con, day, s_lifrom, s_liuntil, s_duration, s_costs, _bin, _bout); } } if(calendar->month(periodeFirst()) == calendar->month(TQDate::currentDate())) { TQString m_bin, m_bout; if(bin < 0) m_bin = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytesMonth(bin, m_bin); if(bout < 0) m_bout = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytesMonth(bout, m_bout); TQString m_duration; formatDurationMonth(duration, m_duration); costsMonth(costs, costs); TQString m_costs(KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(costs, TQString(), 2)); TQString datetime = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( TQDateTime::currentDateTime(), true); exportIFace->addEmptyLine(); exportIFace->addDataline(i18n("Monthly estimates (%1)").arg(datetime), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), m_duration, m_costs, m_bin, m_bout); } if(count) { TQString _bin, _bout, _b; if(bin < 0) _bin = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bin, _bin); if(bout < 0) _bout = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bout, _bout); if(bin < 0 || bout < 0) _b = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bout + bin, _b); TQString s_duration; formatDuration(duration, s_duration); TQString s_costs(KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(costs, TQString(), 2)); // call export methods exportIFace->addEmptyLine(); exportIFace->addDataline(i18n("%n connection", "%n connections", count), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), s_duration, s_costs, _bin, _bout); exportIFace->setFinishCode(); // write buffer to file and close file if (!exportIFace->closeFile()) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("An error occurred while trying to write to this file."), i18n("Sorry"), true); delete exportIFace; return; } } delete exportIFace; } TQDate MonthlyWidget::periodeFirst() const { return m_periodeFirst; } TQDate MonthlyWidget::periodeLast() const { const KCalendarSystem * calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); // One month minus one day return calendar->addDays(calendar->addMonths(m_periodeFirst, 1), -1); } void MonthlyWidget::slotSelectionChanged() { if (selectionItem) { int count = 0; double costs = 0; double bin = 0, bout = 0; int duration = 0; LogListItem *item; LogInfo *li; TQListViewItemIterator it(lv); while ( it.current() ) { item = dynamic_cast(it.current()); if ( item && item->isSelected() && item->li) { li = item->li; costs += li->sessionCosts(); if(bin >= 0) { if(li->bytesIn() < 0) bin = -1; else bin += li->bytesIn(); } if(bout >= 0) { if(li->bytesOut() < 0) bout = -1; else bout += li->bytesOut(); } duration += li->from().secsTo(li->until()); count++; } ++it; } if(count) { TQString _bin, _bout, _b; if(bin < 0) _bin = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bin, _bin); if(bout < 0) _bout = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bout, _bout); if(bin < 0 || bout < 0) _b = i18n("n/a"); else formatBytes(bout + bin, _b); TQString s_duration; formatDuration(duration, s_duration); TQString s_costs(KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(costs, TQString(), 2)); selectionItem->setText(0, i18n("Selection (%n connection)", "Selection (%n connections)", count)); selectionItem->setText(1, s_duration); selectionItem->setText(2, s_costs); selectionItem->setText(3, _bin); selectionItem->setText(4, _bout); } } } #include "monthly.moc"