/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use ** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an ** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in ** place of a destructor. *****************************************************************************/ void RdpPrefs::resolutionChanged( int selection ) { bool enable = (selection==3); spinWidth->setEnabled(enable); spinHeight->setEnabled(enable); widthLabel->setEnabled(enable); heightLabel->setEnabled(enable); switch(selection) { case 0: spinWidth->setValue(640); spinHeight->setValue(480); break; case 1: spinWidth->setValue(800); spinHeight->setValue(600); break; case 2: spinWidth->setValue(1024); spinHeight->setValue(768); break; case 3: break; case 4: spinWidth->setValue(0); spinHeight->setValue(0); break; default: break; } } void RdpPrefs::setRdpWidth( int w ) { spinWidth->setValue(w); } int RdpPrefs::rdpWidth() { return spinWidth->value(); } void RdpPrefs::setRdpHeight( int h ) { spinHeight->setValue(h); } int RdpPrefs::rdpHeight() { return spinHeight->value(); } int RdpPrefs::colorDepth() { qDebug("current depth: %i", cmbColorDepth->currentItem() ); switch (cmbColorDepth->currentItem()) { case 0: return 8; case 1: return 16; case 2: return 24; default: // shouldn't happen, but who knows.. return 8; break; } } void RdpPrefs::setColorDepth(int depth) { switch (depth) { case 8: cmbColorDepth->setCurrentItem(0); break; case 16: cmbColorDepth->setCurrentItem(1); break; case 24: cmbColorDepth->setCurrentItem(2); break; default: break; } } void RdpPrefs::setResolution() { if (rdpWidth()==640 && rdpHeight()==480) { cmbResolution->setCurrentItem(0); } else if (rdpWidth()==800 && rdpHeight()==600) { cmbResolution->setCurrentItem(1); } else if (rdpWidth()==1024 && rdpHeight()==768) { cmbResolution->setCurrentItem(2); } else if (cmbResolution->currentItem()==4) { // Fullscreen selected } else if (rdpWidth()==0 && rdpHeight()==0) { // Fullscreen selected cmbResolution->setCurrentItem(4); } else { cmbResolution->setCurrentItem(3); } resolutionChanged( cmbResolution->currentItem() ); } int RdpPrefs::resolution() { return cmbResolution->currentItem(); } void RdpPrefs::setKbLayout( int i ) { cmbKbLayout->setCurrentItem( i ); } int RdpPrefs::kbLayout() { return cmbKbLayout->currentItem(); } void RdpPrefs::setShowPrefs( bool b ) { cbShowPrefs->setChecked( b ); } bool RdpPrefs::showPrefs() { return cbShowPrefs->isChecked(); } void RdpPrefs::setUseKWallet( bool b ) { cbUseKWallet->setChecked(b); } bool RdpPrefs::useKWallet() { return cbUseKWallet->isChecked(); }