PageGeneralBase PageGeneralBase 0 0 443 489 425 0 General NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 miscGB GroupBoxPanel Sunken Global Options unnamed Layout11 unnamed 0 6 historyItemsLabel 120 32767 Histor&y length: historySB historySB 1 0 0 0 lines unlimited 1000 Stores up to this many lines of chat from each window as history Stores up to this many lines of chat from each window, allowing you to scroll upwards and see what has already been said. publicAway &Announce away messages See the messages when a user selects the away option If this is checked, you will see the messages when a user selects the away option. By default this option is not checked. autoCreateWindowCB A&uto create window Will auto create a window for each user who sends a /msg to you If selected, KSirc will automatically create a new window for each user who sends a /msg command to you. If not selected, any text sent to you with /msg is displayed in the current window and you can use /query username to create a window to chat to that user. autoCreateWindowForNoticeCB Auto create &on notice autoRejoinCB Auto-re&join Rejoin channels automatically if you are disconnected. If selected, it allows you to rejoin channels automatically if you are disconnected. dockPopupsCB Dock &passive popups displayTopicCB D&isplay topic in caption Display the topic of the current channel in the window caption Displays the topic of the current channel in the window caption. If not selected, the topic is only displayed inside the window. colorPickerPopupCB Color pi&cker popup Allow you to get the color pickup dialog with Ctrl K If selected, a popup window from which to select the color of your text is presented when you press Ctrl K. If not, you have to type the color codes manually. oneLineEditCB One line te&xt entry box useColourNickListCB Us&e color nick list Use the colors set in the Colors tab of the Configure KSirc dialog for coloring the nicknames If selected, it will use the colors set in the Colors tab of the Configure KSirc dialog for coloring the nicknames. spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 16 21 nickCompletionCB &Nick completion Switch nickname completion on If selected, switches nickname completion on. Nickname completion works as follows: Type the first letters of a user's nickname, press the Tab key, the text you typed will be completed to match the username, including changes in capitalization if necessary. dockedOnlyCB &Dock in system tray Put the KSirc icon in the system tray This allows KSirc to be docked in the system tray. By default this is not enabled. When KSirc is docked in the system tray, you are able to access several options by clicking on the KSirc icon. When you close KSirc window, the icon stays in the systray until you quit KSirc. autoSaveHistoryCB Auto save history groupBox4 Per Channel Options unnamed timeStampCB &Time stamp Add the time and date on the left of each message Prepends each thing said in the channel with the time it was said, in the form [HH:MM:SS]. applyGloballyCB O&verride existing channel options The settings in this tab will be applied and each channel settings will be ignored If this is selected, the settings in this tab will override each channel's options so these settings will be applied in each channel, independently of your channel settings in the Channel menu. This setting will only work until next time you open the configuration dialog and it will be reset unchecked then; this is because you probably do not want to override the existing channels options all the time. showTopicCB Sho&w topic Displays the channel topic on top Displays the channel topic on top of each channel window. beepCB &Beep on change joinPartCB Hide part/join messages enLoggingCB Enable lo&gging layout2 unnamed encodingsL Default en&coding: encodingsCB encodingsCB spacer2 Vertical Expanding 31 71 autoCreateWindowCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() nickCompletionCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() displayTopicCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() beepCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() colorPickerPopupCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() autoRejoinCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() historySB valueChanged(int) PageGeneralBase changed() publicAway toggled(bool) PageGeneralBase changed() showTopicCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() enLoggingCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() timeStampCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() applyGloballyCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() oneLineEditCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() useColourNickListCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() autoCreateWindowForNoticeCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() dockedOnlyCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() dockPopupsCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() encodingsCB activated(int) PageGeneralBase changed() joinPartCB clicked() PageGeneralBase changed() autoCreateWindowCB nickCompletionCB displayTopicCB colorPickerPopupCB autoRejoinCB publicAway historySB timeStampCB beepCB showTopicCB enLoggingCB setPreviewPixmap(bool) showWallpaperPixmap(const QString &) changed()