/********************************************************************** Server Controller $$Id$$ Main Server Controller. Displays server connection window, and makes new server connection on demand. Signals: NONE Slots: new_connection(): Creates popup asking for new connection new_ksircprocess(QString): Args: QString: new server name or IP to connect to. Action: Creates a new sirc process and window !default connected to the server. Does nothing if a server connection already exists. add_toplevel(QString parent, QString child): Args: parent: the server name that the new channel is being joined on child: the new channel name Action: Adds "child" to the list of joined channles in the main window. Always call this on new window creation! delete_toplevel(QString parent, QString child): Args: parent: the server name of which channel is closing child: the channle that is closing. IFF Emtpy, parent is deleted. Action: Deletes the "child" window from the list of connections. If the child is Empty the whole tree is removed since it is assumed the parent has disconnected and is closing. new_channel: Creates popup asking for new channel name new_toplevel(QString str): Args: str: name of the new channel to be created Action: Sends a signal to the currently selected server in the tree list and join the requested channel. Does nothing if nothing is selected in the tree list. recvChangeChanel(QString parent, QString old, QString new): Args: parent: parent server connection old: the old name for the window new: the new name for the window Action: Changes the old window name to the new window name in the tree list box. Call for all name change! *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include "servercontroller.h" #include "KSOpenkSirc/open_ksirc.h" #include "NewWindowDialog.h" #include "ksopts.h" #include "control_message.h" #include "FilterRuleEditor.h" #include "../config.h" #include "version.h" #include "KSPrefs/ksprefs.h" #include "toplevel.h" #include "ksircserver.h" #include "nickColourMaker.h" #include #include "objFinder.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "displayMgrSDI.h" #include "displayMgrMDI.h" #include "dockservercontroller.h" #ifdef HAVE_PATHS_H #include #endif #include #include #include DisplayMgr *displayMgr; servercontroller *servercontroller::s_self = 0; servercontroller::servercontroller( QWidget*, const char* name ) : KMainWindow( 0, name ) { we_are_exiting = false; m_notificationCount = 0; m_ncm = new nickColourMaker(); MenuBar = menuBar(); KWin::setIcons( winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon() ); s_self = this; switch (ksopts->displayMode) { case KSOptions::SDI: displayMgr = new DisplayMgrSDI(); break; case KSOptions::MDI: displayMgr = new DisplayMgrMDI(); break; } sci = new scInside(this, QCString(name) + "_mainview"); setCentralWidget(sci); sci->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Raised); ConnectionTree = sci->ConnectionTree; connect(ConnectionTree, SIGNAL(clicked( QListViewItem * )), this, SLOT(WindowSelected(QListViewItem *))); setFrameBorderWidth(5); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_file"); KStdAction::quit(this, SLOT(endksirc()), actionCollection())->plug(file); #ifndef NDEBUG file->insertItem(i18n("Dump Object Tree"), this, SLOT(dump_obj())); file->insertItem(i18n("Server Debug Window"), this, SLOT(server_debug())); #endif MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&File"), file); connections = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_connections"); server_id = connections->insertItem(i18n("&New Server..."), this, SLOT(new_connection()), Key_F2 ); join_id = connections->insertItem(i18n("&Join Channel..."), this, SLOT(new_channel()), Key_F3 ); connections->insertSeparator(); connections->insertItem(i18n("&Do Autoconnect..."), this, SLOT(start_autoconnect_check())); connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, FALSE); MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&Connections"), connections); options = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_options"); options->setCheckable(TRUE); options->insertItem(SmallIcon( "filter" ), i18n("&Filter Rule Editor..."), this, SLOT(filter_rule_editor())); options->insertSeparator(); KStdAction::configureNotifications(this, SLOT(notification_prefs()), actionCollection())->plug(options); KStdAction::preferences(this, SLOT(general_prefs()), actionCollection())->plug(options); MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&Settings"), options); KHelpMenu *help = new KHelpMenu( this, kapp->aboutData() ); MenuBar->insertItem( KStdGuiItem::help().text(), help->menu() ); m_kga = new KGlobalAccel(this, "globalAccess"); m_kga->insert("New Server", i18n("New Server"), i18n("This action allows you to open a new server more easily " "when in docked mode, since you don't need to click on the " "dock icon."), ALT+CTRL+Key_C, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_C, this, SLOT(new_connection())); open_toplevels = 0; pic_server = UserIcon("server"); pic_gf = UserIcon("ksirc_a"); pic_run = UserIcon("mini-run"); pic_ppl = UserIcon("channels"); pic_icon = UserIcon("ksirc_b"); setCaption( i18n("Server Control") ); KWin::setIcons(winId(), pic_icon, pic_server); resize( 450,200 ); dockWidget = new dockServerController(this, 0x0, "servercontroller_dock"); KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( dockWidget->winId(), winId() ); m_kga->readSettings(); m_kga->updateConnections(); checkDocking(); } servercontroller::~servercontroller() { kdDebug(5008) << "~servercontroller in" << endl; s_self = 0; delete m_ncm; kdDebug(5008) << "~servercontroller out" << endl; } void servercontroller::checkDocking() { if(ksopts->runDocked == true){ dockWidget->show(); hide(); m_kga->setEnabled(true); } else { dockWidget->hide(); show(); m_kga->setEnabled(false); } } void servercontroller::new_connection() { open_ksirc *w = new open_ksirc(); // Create new ksirc popup connect(w, SIGNAL(open_ksircprocess(KSircServer &)), // connected ok to process this, SLOT(new_ksircprocess(KSircServer &))); // start w->exec(); // show the sucker! delete w; } void servercontroller::new_ksircprocess(KSircServer &kss) { QString server_id; int id = 1; if(kss.server().isEmpty()) // nothing entered, nothing done return; server_id = kss.server(); while(proc_list[server_id]){ // if it already exists, quit server_id = QString("%1 %2").arg(kss.server()).arg(id++); } // Insert new base QListViewItem *rootItem = new QListViewItem( ConnectionTree, server_id ); rootItem->setPixmap( 0, pic_server ); rootItem->setOpen( true ); // We do no_channel here since proc emits the signal in the // constructor, and we can't connect to before then, so we have to // do the dirty work here. ProcMessage(server_id, ProcCommand::addTopLevel, QString("no_channel")); KSircProcess *proc = new KSircProcess(server_id, kss, 0, (QString(name()) + "_" + server_id + "_ksp").ascii() ); // Create proc //this->insertChild(proc); // Add it to out inheritance tree so we can retreive child widgets from it. objFinder::insert(proc); proc_list.insert(server_id, proc); // Add proc to hash connect(proc, SIGNAL(ProcMessage(QString, int, QString)), this, SLOT(ProcMessage(QString, int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(ServMessage(QString, int, QString)), proc, SLOT(ServMessage(QString, int, QString))); if(!ConnectionTree->currentItem()){ // If nothing's highlighted ConnectionTree->setCurrentItem(rootItem); // highlight it. } connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, TRUE); dockWidget->serverOpen(server_id); } void servercontroller::new_channel() { QString server; QListViewItem *citem = ConnectionTree->currentItem(); // get item if(citem){ // if it exist, ie something is highlighted, continue if(proc_list[citem->text(0)]){ // If it's a match with a server, ok server = citem->text(0); } // Otherwise, check the parent to see it's perhaps a server. else if ( citem->parent() ) { if(proc_list[citem->parent()->text(0)]){ server = citem->parent()->text(0); } } } if(server.isEmpty()) return; KSircChannel ci(server, QString::null); NewWindowDialog w(ci); connect(&w, SIGNAL(openTopLevel(const KSircChannel &)), this, SLOT(new_toplevel(const KSircChannel &))); w.exec(); } void servercontroller::new_toplevel(const KSircChannel &channelInfo) { new_toplevel(channelInfo, false); } void servercontroller::new_toplevel(const KSircChannel &channelInfo, bool safe) { if(proc_list[channelInfo.server()]){ // If it's a match with a server, ok proc_list[channelInfo.server()]->new_toplevel(channelInfo, safe); } } void servercontroller::ToggleAutoCreate() { ksopts->autoCreateWin = !ksopts->autoCreateWin; } void servercontroller::general_prefs() { KSPrefs *kp = new KSPrefs(); connect(kp, SIGNAL(update(int)), this, SLOT(configChange())); kp->resize(550, 450); kp->show(); } void servercontroller::notification_prefs() { KNotifyDialog::configure(this, "Notification Configuration Dialog"); } void servercontroller::dump_obj() { objFinder::dumpTree(); } void servercontroller::server_debug() { QListViewItem *citem = ConnectionTree->currentItem(); // get item if(citem){ // if it exist, ie something is highlighted, continue QString server; if(proc_list[citem->text(0)]){ // If it's a match with a server, ok server = citem->text(0); } else if ( citem->parent() ) { if(proc_list[citem->parent()->text(0)]){ server = citem->parent()->text(0); } } if( !server.isNull() ){ bool sh = proc_list[server]->getIOController()->isDebugTraffic(); proc_list[server]->getIOController()->showDebugTraffic(!sh); } } } void servercontroller::filter_rule_editor() { FilterRuleEditor *fe = new FilterRuleEditor(); connect(fe, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(slot_filters_update())); fe->show(); } void servercontroller::font_update(const QFont &font) { ksopts->defaultFont = font; /* configChange(); */ KConfig *kConfig = kapp->config(); kConfig->setGroup("GlobalOptions"); kConfig->sync(); QApplication::setFont( font, true, "KSirc::TextView" ); } void servercontroller::configChange() { QDictIterator it( proc_list ); while(it.current()){ it.current()->filters_update(); it.current()->getWindowList()["!all"]->control_message(REREAD_CONFIG, ""); ++it; } m_kga->readSettings(); m_kga->updateConnections(); } void servercontroller::ProcMessage(QString server, int command, QString args) { QListViewItem *serverItem = 0L; QListViewItem *item = ConnectionTree->firstChild(); while ( item ) { if ( !item->parent() && item->text(0) == server ) { serverItem = item; break; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( !serverItem ) { kdDebug(5008) << "* ProcMessage for non-existant server?! - " << server<< endl; return; } switch(command){ // Nick offline and online both remove the nick first. // We remove the nick in case of an online so that we don't get // duplicates. // Args == nick comming on/offline. case ProcCommand::nickOffline: { QListViewItem *online_item = findChild(serverItem, i18n("Online")); if(online_item){ item = findChild(online_item, args); delete item; if(online_item->childCount() == 0) delete online_item; if(ksopts->runDocked && ksopts->dockPopups) KPassivePopup::message(i18n("%1 just went offline on %2").arg(args).arg(server), dockWidget); } dockWidget->nickOffline(server, args); break; } case ProcCommand::nickOnline: { QListViewItem *online_item = findChild(serverItem, i18n("Online")); if(!online_item){ online_item = new QListViewItem(serverItem, i18n("Online")); online_item->setPixmap( 0, pic_gf ); online_item->setOpen( true ); } else { item = findChild(online_item, args); if( item ){ delete item; } } item = new QListViewItem(online_item, args); item->setPixmap( 0, pic_run ); if(ksopts->runDocked && ksopts->dockPopups) KPassivePopup::message(i18n("%1 just came online on %2").arg(args).arg(server), dockWidget); dockWidget->nickOnline(server, args); break; } /* // Add new channel, first add the parent to the path path.push(&server); path.push(&online); path.push(&args); // Remove old one if it's there ConnectionTree->removeItem(&path); // Remove the item path.pop(); // add a new child item with parent as its parent ConnectionTree->addChildItem(args, pic_run, &path); if (kSircConfig->BeepNotify) { KNotifyClient::beep(); } break; */ /** * Args: * parent: the server name that the new channel is being joined on * child: the new channel name * Action: * Adds "child" to the list of joined channles in the main * window. Always call this on new window creation! */ case ProcCommand::addTopLevel: // Add new channel if(args[0] == '!') args.remove(0, 1); // If the first char is !, it's control, remove it // add a new child item with parent as it's parent item = new QListViewItem( serverItem, args ); item->setPixmap( 0, pic_ppl ); open_toplevels++; break; /** * Args: * parent: the server name of which channel is closing * child: the channle that is closing. IFF Emtpy, parent is * deleted. * Action: * Deletes the "child" window from the list of connections. If * the child is Empty the whole tree is removed since it is assumed * the parent has disconnected and is closing. */ case ProcCommand::deleteTopLevel: // If the child is emtpy, delete the whole tree, otherwise just the child if(args[0] == '!') args.remove(0, 1); // If the first char is !, it's control, remove it item = findChild( serverItem, args ); delete item; if ( serverItem->childCount() == 0 ) delete serverItem; open_toplevels--; break; /** * Args: * parent: parent server connection * old: the old name for the window * new: the new name for the window * Action: * Changes the old window name to the new window name in the tree * list box. Call for all name change! */ case ProcCommand::changeChannel: { char *new_s, *old_s; new_s = new char[args.length()+1]; old_s = new char[args.length()+1]; sscanf(args.ascii(), "%s %s", old_s, new_s); // If the channel has a !, it's a control channel, remove the ! if(old_s[0] == '!') // Even though, we want strlen() -1 characters, strlen doesn't // include the \0, so we need to copy one more. -1 + 1 = 0. memmove(old_s, old_s+1, strlen(old_s)); if(new_s[0] == '!') memmove(new_s, new_s+1, strlen(new_s)); // See above for strlen() item = findChild( serverItem, old_s ); delete item; item = new QListViewItem( serverItem, new_s ); item->setPixmap( 0, pic_ppl ); delete[] new_s; delete[] old_s; } break; case ProcCommand::procClose: dockWidget->serverClose(server); delete serverItem; proc_list.remove(server); // Remove process entry while we are at it if(proc_list.count() == 0){ ConnectionTree->clear(); connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, FALSE); } break; case ProcCommand::turnOffAutoCreate: if (ksopts->autoCreateWin) { ToggleAutoCreate(); } break; case ProcCommand::turnOnAutoCreate: if (!ksopts->autoCreateWin) { ToggleAutoCreate(); } break; default: kdDebug(5008) << "Unkown command: [" << command << "] from " << server << " " << args << endl; } } void servercontroller::slot_filters_update() { emit ServMessage(QString(), ServCommand::updateFilters, QString()); } void servercontroller::saveGlobalProperties(KConfig *ksc) { // ksc hos the K Session config // ksp == current KSircProcess // ksm == current KSircMessageReceiver // Ignore all ! windows QString group = ksc->group(); ksc->setGroup( "KSircSession" ); SessionConfigMap::ConstIterator it = m_sessionConfig.begin(); for (; it != m_sessionConfig.end(); ++it ) { ChannelSessionInfoList infoList = *it; QStringList channels; QString port = "6667"; QStringList desktops; for ( ChannelSessionInfoList::ConstIterator sessionInfoIt = infoList.begin(); sessionInfoIt != infoList.end(); ++sessionInfoIt ) { channels << ( *sessionInfoIt ).name; port = ( *sessionInfoIt ).port; desktops << QString::number( ( *sessionInfoIt ).desktop ); } KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSession" ).writeEntry( it.key(), channels ); KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionPort" ).writeEntry( it.key(), port ); KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionDesktopNumbers" ).writeEntry( it.key(), desktops ); } ksc->setGroup("ServerController"); // ksc->writeEntry("Docked", !isVisible()); ksc->writeEntry("Size", geometry()); ksc->setGroup(group); } void servercontroller::readGlobalProperties(KConfig *ksc) { QString group = ksc->group(); // ksc == K Session Config // KMainWindow silently disables our menubar, when we quit in a docked // state, so we have to force showing it here. menuBar()->show(); // commented in for testing... ksc->setGroup( "KSircSession" ); QMap keyMap = ksc->entryMap( ksc->group() ); QMap::Iterator it = keyMap.begin(); while(it != keyMap.end()) { QString server = it.key(); QString port = KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionPort" ).readEntry( server ); // debug("%s", it.key().latin1()); KSircServer kss(server, port); new_ksircprocess( kss ); // sets up proc_list QStringList channels = ksc->readListEntry( server ); QStringList desktops = KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionDesktopNumbers" ).readListEntry( server ); for(uint i = 0; i < channels.count(); i++){ QString channel = channels[ i ]; proc_list[ server ]->new_toplevel( KSircChannel(server, channel), true ); KSircTopLevel *topLevel = dynamic_cast( proc_list[ server ]->getWindowList()[ channel ] ); if ( !topLevel || !topLevel->isTopLevel() ) continue; QStringList::ConstIterator desktopNumberIt = desktops.at( i ); if ( desktopNumberIt == desktops.end() ) continue; int desktop = ( *desktopNumberIt ).toInt(); if ( desktop == -1 ) continue; #ifdef Q_WS_X11 NETWinInfo winInfo( qt_xdisplay(), topLevel->winId(), qt_xrootwin(), NET::WMDesktop ); winInfo.setDesktop( desktop ); #endif } ++it; } QRect geom; // ksc->setGroup("ServerController"); // bool docked = ksc->readBoolEntry("Docked", FALSE); // if ( !docked ) // show(); if(ksopts->runDocked == false) show(); geom = ksc->readRectEntry("Size"); if(! geom.isEmpty()) setGeometry(geom); ksc->setGroup(group); } void servercontroller::saveSessionConfig() { QDictIterator ksp(proc_list); for (; ksp.current(); ++ksp ) { ChannelSessionInfoList channels; QDictIterator ksm(ksp.current()->getWindowList()); for (; ksm.current(); ++ksm ) if(ksm.currentKey()[0] != '!') { // Ignore !ksm's (system created) ChannelSessionInfo sessionInfo; sessionInfo.name = ksm.currentKey(); sessionInfo.port = ksp.current()->serverPort(); KSircTopLevel *topLev = dynamic_cast( ksm.current() ); if ( topLev && topLev->isTopLevel() ) { #ifdef Q_WS_X11 NETWinInfo winInfo( qt_xdisplay(), topLev->winId(), qt_xrootwin(), NET::WMDesktop ); sessionInfo.desktop = winInfo.desktop(); #endif } channels << sessionInfo; } if ( !channels.isEmpty() ) m_sessionConfig[ ksp.currentKey() ] = channels; } } void servercontroller::showEvent( QShowEvent *e ) { QWidget::showEvent( e ); if ( !e->spontaneous() ) saveDockingStatus(); } void servercontroller::hideEvent( QHideEvent * ) { /* QWidget::hideEvent( e ); if ( !e->spontaneous() ) saveDockingStatus(); if(QWidget::isMinimized()){ hide(); KWin::setState(winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar); } */ } void servercontroller::saveDockingStatus() { if ( we_are_exiting ) // we are hidden by closeEvent return; // KConfig *kConfig = kapp->config(); // KConfigGroupSaver s( kConfig, "ServerController" ); // kConfig->writeEntry("Docked", !isVisible()); // kConfig->sync(); } void servercontroller::endksirc(){ kapp->config()->sync(); exit(0); } void servercontroller::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ) { we_are_exiting = true; saveSessionConfig(); KMainWindow::closeEvent( e ); } void servercontroller::WindowSelected(QListViewItem *item) { if ( !item ) return; QListViewItem *parent_server = item->parent(); if(!parent_server) return; QString txt = QString(parent_server->text(0)) + "_" + item->text(0) + "_toplevel"; QWidget *obj = dynamic_cast( objFinder::find(txt.utf8(), "KSircTopLevel")); if(obj == 0x0){ txt =QString(parent_server->text(0)) + "_!" + item->text(0) + "_toplevel"; obj = dynamic_cast( objFinder::find(txt.utf8(), "KSircTopLevel")); } if(obj != 0x0){ displayMgr->raise(obj); } else { kdWarning() << "Did not find widget ptr to raise it" << endl; } } QListViewItem * servercontroller::findChild( QListViewItem *parent, const QString& text ) { if ( !parent || parent->childCount() == 0 ) { return 0L; } QListViewItem *item = parent->firstChild(); while ( item ) { if ( item->text(0) == text ) { return item; } item = item->nextSibling(); } return 0L; } void servercontroller::increaseNotificationCount(const QString& reason, const QString& text) { dockWidget->startBlink(reason, text); m_notificationCount++; } void servercontroller::decreaseNotificationCount(QString reason) { m_notificationCount--; if ( m_notificationCount == 0 ) { dockWidget->stopBlink(reason, true); } else { dockWidget->stopBlink(reason, false); } } void servercontroller::resetNotification() { m_notificationCount = 0; dockWidget->stopBlink(QString::null, true); QDictIterator it( proc_list ); while(it.current()){ it.current()->filters_update(); it.current()->getWindowList()["!all"]->control_message(RESET_NOTIF, ""); ++it; } } void servercontroller::do_autoconnect() { static int stime = 0; static int ctime = 0; int loop; kdDebug(5008) << "Doing AUTOCONNECT" << endl; KConfig *conf = kapp->config(); conf->setGroup("AutoConnect"); QStringList servers = conf->readListEntry("Servers"); servers.sort(); QStringList::ConstIterator ser = servers.begin(); loop = 0; for( ; ser != servers.end(); ser++){ if(loop++ == stime){ stime++; QString server = *ser; QString port = "6667"; bool usessl = false; QString pass = QString::null; QRegExp rx("(.+) \\(SSL\\)(.*)"); if(rx.search(server) >= 0){ server = rx.cap(1) + rx.cap(3); usessl = true; } rx.setPattern("(.+) \\(pass: (\\S+)\\)(.*)"); if(rx.search(server) >= 0){ server = rx.cap(1) + rx.cap(3); pass = rx.cap(2); } rx.setPattern("([^: ]+):(\\d+)"); if(rx.search(server) >= 0){ server = rx.cap(1); port = rx.cap(2); } kdDebug(5008) << server << ": Done " << port << " " << usessl << " " << pass << endl; KSircServer kss(server, port, "", pass, usessl); new_ksircprocess(kss); return; } } loop = 0; ser = servers.begin(); for( ; ser != servers.end(); ser++){ QStringList channels = conf->readListEntry(*ser); if(channels.empty() == FALSE){ channels.sort(); QStringList::ConstIterator chan = channels.begin(); for(; chan != channels.end(); chan++){ if(loop++ == ctime){ ctime++; QString channel = *chan; QString key = QString::null; QRegExp crx("(.+) \\(key: (\\S+)\\)"); if(crx.search(channel) >= 0){ channel = crx.cap(1); key = crx.cap(2); } QString server = *ser; QRegExp rx("^([^ :]+)"); if(rx.search(server) >= 0){ server = rx.cap(1); } kdDebug(5008) << server << ": Channed: " << channel << " key: " << key << endl; new_toplevel(KSircChannel(server, channel, key), true); return; } } } } ctime = 0; stime = 0; at->stop(); delete at; } void servercontroller::start_autoconnect() { at = new QTimer(this); connect(at, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(do_autoconnect())); at->start(250, FALSE); } void servercontroller::start_autoconnect_check() { KConfig *conf = kapp->config(); conf->setGroup("AutoConnect"); QStringList servers = conf->readListEntry("Servers"); if(servers.count() == 0){ KSPrefs *kp = new KSPrefs(); connect(kp, SIGNAL(update(int)), this, SLOT(configChange())); kp->resize(550, 450); kp->showPage(7); /* Show auto connect page */ kp->show(); } else { at = new QTimer(this); connect(at, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(do_autoconnect())); at->start(250, FALSE); } } scInside::scInside ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, WFlags f ) : QFrame(parent, name, f) { ASConn = new QLabel(i18n("Active server connections:"), this, "servercontroller_label"); QFont asfont = ASConn->font(); asfont.setBold(TRUE); ASConn->setFont(asfont); ConnectionTree = new KListView(this, "connectiontree"); ConnectionTree->addColumn(QString::null); ConnectionTree->setRootIsDecorated( true ); ConnectionTree->setSorting( 0 ); ConnectionTree->header()->hide(); } scInside::~scInside() { delete ASConn; delete ConnectionTree; } void scInside::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *e ) { QFrame::resizeEvent(e); ASConn->setGeometry(10,10, width() - 20, ASConn->fontMetrics().height()+5); ConnectionTree->setGeometry(10, 10 + ASConn->height(), width() - 20, height() - 20 - ASConn->height()); } #include "servercontroller.moc"