#ifndef KSIRCTOPLEVEL_H #define KSIRCTOPLEVEL_H #include #include #include "ahistlineedit.h" #include "messageReceiver.h" #include "chanButtons.h" #include "KSTicker/ksticker.h" #include "ksircchannel.h" #define KST_CHANNEL_ID 2 class KSircTopic; class QSplitter; class KSircView; class aListBox; class UserControlMenu; class ChannelParser; class charSelector; class LogFile; class KSelectAction; class QLabel; class QVBox; class QListBoxItem; class QPopupMenu; class KSircTopLevel : public KMainWindow, public UnicodeMessageReceiver { Q_OBJECT friend class ChannelParser; public: /** * Constructor, needs the controlling ksircprocess passed to it, so * we can make the ksircmessage receiver happy. */ KSircTopLevel(KSircProcess *_proc, const KSircChannel &channelInfo, const char * name=0); /** * Destructor, destroys itself. */ ~KSircTopLevel(); /** * Reimplement show() to popup the menu bars and toolbar items */ virtual void show(); /** * Line recieved that should be printed on the screen. Unparsed, and * ready processing. This is a single line, and it NOT \n * terminated. */ virtual void sirc_receive(TQString str, bool broadcast = false); /** * Reimplement the ksircmessagereceiver control messages. These * are parsed and dealt with quickly. */ virtual void control_message(int, TQString); TQWidget *lineEdit() const { return linee; } void setTopic( const TQString &topic ); TQString topic() const { return m_topic; } /** * This returns the current channel information for a toplevel */ const KSircChannel &channelInfo() const { return m_channelInfo; } signals: /** * signals thats the toplevel widget wishes to * output a new line. The line is correctly * linefeed terminated, etc. */ void outputLine(TQCString); /** * open a new toplevel widget with for the * channel/user TQString. */ void open_toplevel(const KSircChannel &); /** * emittedon shutdown, indicating that * this window is closing. Refrence to outselves * is include. */ void closing(KSircTopLevel *, TQString channel); /** * emitted when the user typed /quit, will disconnect from this * server and close all toplevels belonging to it. */ void requestQuit( const TQCString& command ); /** * emitted when we change channel name * on the fly. old is the old channel name, new * is the new one. */ void changeChannel(const TQString &oldName, const TQString &newName); /** * emitted to say that KSircTopLevel * (this) is now the window with focus. Used by * servercontroller to set the !default window. */ void currentWindow(KSircTopLevel *); /** * Stop updating list item sizes, majour changes comming through * */ void freezeUpdates(bool); /** * Emitted when a new message appeared in the irc window */ void changed(bool, TQString); public slots: /** * When enter is pressed, we read the SLE and output the results * after processing via emitting outputLine. */ virtual void sirc_line_return(const TQString &s); /** * Clears the message window */ void clearWindow(); /** * If the focus shifts this should get called with * the widget that just got focus. Used in MDI modes * where the toplevel doesn't get focus in/out events. */ void focusChange(TQWidget *w); protected slots: /** * When the rightMouse button is pressed in the nick list, popup * the User popup menu at his cursor location. */ void UserSelected(int index); /** * Menu items was selected, now read the UserControlMenu and * reupdate the required menus. */ void UserParseMenu(int id); /** * Page down accel key. Tells the mainw to scroll down 1 page. */ void AccelScrollDownPage(); /** * Page Up accell key. Tells the mainw to scroll down 1 page. */ void AccelScrollUpPage(); /** * Slot to termiate (close) the window. */ void terminate() { close( true /*alsoDelete*/ ); } /** * Called when the user menu is finished and the popup menu needs * to be updated. */ void UserUpdateMenu(); /** * Open the new channel/window selector. */ void newWindow(); /** * We've received focus, let's make us the default, and issue a * /join such that we default to the right channel. */ void gotFocus(); /** * We've lost focus, set ourselves as loosing focus. */ void lostFocus(); /** * Create and popup the ticker. Make sure to restore it to the * last position is was at. */ // void showTicker(); /** * toggle the timestamp from the channel window menu (and with keyaccel) */ void toggleTimestamp(); /** * toggle the filtering of join/part message */ void toggleFilterJoinPart(); /** * toggle the beep from the channel window menu (and with keyaccel) */ void toggleBeep(); /** * show the dcc manager */ void showDCCMgr(); /** * Delete the ticker and ppoup the main window */ // void unHide(); /** * On a TAB key press we call TabNickCompletion which * reads the last thing in linee matches it with a nick and * puts it back into the line. */ void TabNickCompletionShift(); /** * On a TAB key press we call TabNickCompletion which * reads the last thing in linee matches it with a nick and * puts it back into the line. */ void TabNickCompletionNormal(); /** * Signals a Line Change in linee */ void lineeNotTab(); /** * Move the display to or from the root window * */ void toggleRootWindow(); /** * On a middle mouse button press we call pasteToWindow which * reads the clip board and pastes into the main listbox. */ void pasteToWindow(); /** * On a midle mouse button press to the nick list we open * a query window and paste the text there */ void pasteToNickList(int button, TQListBoxItem *item, const TQPoint &pos); /** * dnd paste to nick list */ void dndTextToNickList(const TQListBoxItem *itom, const TQString& text); /** * open a toplevel on double click */ void openQueryFromNick(const TQString &); /** * Some text was dropped on the listbox */ void slotTextDropped(const TQString&); /** * Calls slotDccURLs with the current nick we're talking to */ void slotDropURLs(const TQStringList& urls); /** * Sends the list of urls to nick */ void slotDccURLs(const TQStringList& urls, const TQString& nick ); /** * Re-apply color settings. */ void initColors(); /** * Dumps current content of mainw into a logfile */ void saveCurrLog(); /** * Makes a beep when a change happens (if the user has this on) * the bool is TRUE if changed line contained user's nick */ void doChange(bool, TQString); /** * show the ticker window */ void toggleTicker(); /** * ksirc command menu clicked on */ void cmd_process(int id); protected: /** * On a TAB key press we call TabNickCompletion which * reads the last thing in linee matches it with a nick and * puts it back into the line. */ void TabNickCompletion(int dir); /** * Make sure to update colors correctly. */ virtual bool event( TQEvent *e); /** * Redfine closeEvent to emit closing and delete itself. */ virtual void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *); /** * Searches through the nick list and finds the nick with the best match. * which, arg2, selects nicks other than the first shouldarg1 match more * than 1 nick. */ virtual TQString findNick(TQString, uint which = 0); /** * remove a nick from the prefered in nick completion list */ virtual void removeCompleteNick(const TQString &); /** * Adds a nick to the list of nicks to prefer in nick completion * or moves it to the top of the list if it was already there */ virtual void addCompleteNick(const TQString &); /** * Changes a nick in the completion list if it has been listed, * otherwise does nothing */ virtual void changeCompleteNick(const TQString &, const TQString &); virtual void setupCommandMenu(); /** * Returns true if this window is a private conversation (query or dcc chat) *, instead of a public chat in a channel or a special window. */ bool isPrivateChat() const; /** * Returns true if this is a public channel window */ bool isPublicChat() const; /** * Returns true if this is a special window */ bool isSpecialWindow() const; private slots: void setTopicIntern( const TQString &topic ); void insertText(); void setMode(TQString, int, TQString currentNick=0); void setEncoding(); void returnPressed(); void toggleTopic(); private: void outputUnicodeLine( const TQString &message ); bool atBottom(); bool continued_line; charSelector *selector; chanButtons *channelButtons; TQSplitter *pan; TQVBox *nicks_box; TQVBox *top; KMenuBar *kmenu; TQLabel *lag; enum {PING = 10, TOPIC = 20}; KSircView *mainw; aHistLineEdit *linee; aListBox *nicks; //TQString m_currentNick; //KSircProcess *proc; int lines; struct BufferedLine { BufferedLine() { wasBroadcast = false; } BufferedLine( const TQString &msg, bool broadc ) { message = msg; wasBroadcast = broadc; } bool operator==( const BufferedLine &other ) { return message == other.message && wasBroadcast == other.wasBroadcast; } TQString message; bool wasBroadcast; }; bool Buffer; TQValueList LineBuffer; // QPopupMenu's used for the menubar TQPopupMenu *file, *edit, *command; bool parse_input(const TQString &string, TQString &plainText); void sirc_write(const TQString &str); TQPopupMenu *user_controls; static TQPtrList *user_menu; int opami; TQAccel *accel; /** * The channel name that we belong too. */ //TQString channel_name; /** * Caption at the top of the window. */ TQString caption; /** * Current topic for the channel */ TQString m_topic; /** * Does the window have focus? 1 when yes, 0 when no. */ int have_focus; /** * Number of time tab has been pressed. Each time it's pressed * roll through the list of matching nicks. */ int tab_pressed; /** * When tabs pressed save the line for use at a latter date. * tab_nick holds the last nick found so when a blank tab is pressed * we pop the last niick and ": " up. */ TQString tab_saved, tab_nick; int tab_start, tab_end; // Ticker specific variables. /** * Main pointer to ksticker. Caution, it doesn't always exist! * Set to 0 ifwhen you delete it. */ KSTicker *ticker; /** * Size and position of the main window. Main window is returns this * this position when it reappears. */ TQRect myrect; /** * Position of the main window */ TQPoint mypoint; /** * Ticker's size and geometry */ TQRect tickerrect; /** * Tickers position */ TQPoint tickerpoint; TQSize tickersize; /** * Do we have a kick window open? * Remember not to open 2 */ bool KickWinOpen; /** * Hold an internal parser object which does all our parsing for us. * Since parsing an intergral part of TopLevel, it's also a friend * of ours */ ChannelParser *ChanParser; /** * TQSize maintains size information in case it changes somehow */ TQSize current_size; /** * ID of the timestamp menu item, to use in (un)checking it from slot */ int tsitem; /** * ID of the filter join/part menu item, to use in (un)checking it from slot */ int fjpitem; /** * ID of the beep menu item, to use in (un)checking it from slot */ int beepitem; /** * ID of the toggle topic menu item, to use in (un)checking it from slot */ int topicitem; /** * ID of the show/hide ticker menu item */ int tickeritem; /** * List of nicks already used in nick completion to give them * higher priority */ TQStringList completeNicks; /** * The time of the last beep to prevent your soundcard from detonating * in high traffic channels */ TQTime lastBeep; KSircTopic *ksTopic; LogFile *logFile; KSelectAction *encodingAction; static TQStringList cmd_menu; bool m_gotMsgWithoutFocus; KSircChannel m_channelInfo; }; #endif // vim: ts=2 sw=2 et