/* $ Author: Mirko Boehm $ $ License: This code is licensed under the LGPL $ $ Copyright: (C) 1996-2003, Mirko Boehm $ $ Contact: Mirko Boehm http://www.kde.org http://www.hackerbuero.org $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "propertytable.h" #include "kwirelesswidget.h" extern "C" { #include } PropertyTable::PropertyTable(TQWidget *parent, const char* name) : PropertyTableBase(parent, name) { } PropertyTable::~PropertyTable() { } PropertiesDialog::PropertiesDialog(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KDialogBase(parent, name, true, i18n("Wireless Network Device Properties"), KDialogBase::Ok, KDialogBase::Ok, true), wait(false) { table = new PropertyTable(this); setMainWidget(table); table->table->setLeftMargin(0); table->table->setSorting(false); table->table->setReadOnly(true); adjustSize(); timer = new TQTimer(this); connect(timer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQ_SLOT(timeout())); timer->start(3000, false); connect(table->cbDeviceSelector, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQ_SLOT(selected(int))); } void PropertiesDialog::update(TQPtrList *_info) { int selection = table->cbDeviceSelector->currentItem(); if(wait) return; info = _info; DeviceInfo *device; TQPtrListIterator it(*info); table->cbDeviceSelector->clear(); while((device = it.current()) != 0) { ++it; table->cbDeviceSelector->insertItem(device->device()); } if(selection > 0 && selection < table->cbDeviceSelector->count()) { selected(selection); } else { if(table->cbDeviceSelector->count() == 0) { selected(-1); } else { selected(0); } } table->cbDeviceSelector->setEnabled(info->count()>1); wait = true; } void PropertiesDialog::timeout() { wait = false; } void PropertiesDialog::selected(int index) { DeviceInfo temp; DeviceInfo *device; int count; if(index < 0) { device = &temp; } else { device = info->at(index); } TQString fields[] = { i18n("Device:"), i18n("ESSID (network name):"), i18n("Link quality:"), i18n("Signal strength:"), i18n("Noise level:"), i18n("Bit rate:"), i18n("Encryption:") }; const int NoOfFields = sizeof(fields)/sizeof(fields[0]); TQString values[] = { device->device(), device->essid(), device->qualityString(), device->signalString(), device->noiseString(), device->bitrateString(), device->encrString() }; const int NoOfValues = sizeof(values)/sizeof(values[0]); if(table->table->numRows() == 0) { table->table->insertRows(0, NoOfFields); // HACK (make more rows visible than the default): resize(size().width(), (int)(1.8*size().height())); } for(count = 0; counttable->setText(count, 0, fields[count]); } for(count = 0; counttable->setText(count, 1, values[count]); } table->table->adjustColumn(0); table->table->adjustColumn(1); } #include "propertytable.moc"