Kpacman'> ]> The Kpacman Handbook George N. Ugnacious
1999 2000 George N. Ugnacious &FDLNotice; 03/04/1999 1.01.00 &kpacman; is an application specially designed to do nothing you would ever want. KDE kdeutils Kapp nothing nothing else
Introduction &kapp; is a program that lets you do absolutely nothing. Please report any problems or feature requests to the KDE mailing lists. Using Kpacman Here's a screenshot of &kapp; Screenshot More Kapp features It slices! It dices! and it comes with a free toaster! The Stquiggle Tool Stquiggle is used to draw stquiggly lines all over the &kpacman; main window. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Command Reference The main Kpacman window The File Menu Ctrln File New Creates a new document Ctrls File Save Saves the document Ctrlq File Quit Quits &kapp; Developer's Guide to Kpacman Programming &kpacman; plugins is a joy to behold. Just read through the next 66 pages of API's to learn how! Questions and Answers &reporting.bugs; &updating.documentation; My Mouse doesn't work. How do I quit &kapp;? You silly goose! Check out the Commands Section for the answer. Why can't I twiddle my documents? You can only twiddle your documents if you have the foobar.lib installed. Credits and License &kapp; Program copyright 1997 John Q. Hacker Contributors: Kontqui the KDE Dragon Tux the Linux Penguin Documentation copyright 1999 George N. Ugnacious &underFDL; &underGPL; &underBSDLicense; &underArtisticLicense; &underX11License; Installation How to obtain Kpacman &kpacman; is part of the KDE project &kpacman; can be found in the kdeutils package on, the main ftp site of the KDE project. Requirements In order to successfully use &kpacman;, you need KDE 1.1. Foobar.lib is required in order to support the advanced &kpacman; features. &kpacman; uses about 5 megs of memory to run, but this may vary depending on your platform and configuration. All required libraries as well as &kpacman; itself can be found on The &kpacman; home page. You can find a list of changes at Compilation and Installation In order to compile and install KApp on your system, type the following in the base directory of the Icon Editor distribution: % ./configure % make % make install Since KApp uses autoconf and automake you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to the KDE mailing lists. Configuration Don't forget to tell your system to start the dtd dicer-toaster daemon first, or KApp won't work ! &documentation.index;