TDEPacman TDEPacman
Version 0.3.2

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2. Installation

2.1 How to obtain TDEPacman

TDEPacman can be found on, the main ftp site of the TDE project. 

2.2 Requirements

In order to compile TDEPacman successfully, you will need the version 1.0 of the kde libraries or later and version 1.33 of the tqt libraries or later. Look for the version of the libraries appropriate for your system at and

2.3 Compilation and installation

In order to compile and install TDEPacman on your system, type the following in the base directory of the TDEPacman distribution: 
% ./configure && make && make install
Since TDEPacman uses autoconf you should have no trouble compiling it. Should you run into any problems, please report them to the the author at Jörg Thönnissen
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