path: root/knode/knconvert.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commit460c52653ab0dcca6f19a4f492ed2c5e4e963ab0 (patch)
tree67208f7c145782a7e90b123b982ca78d88cc2c87 /knode/knconvert.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'knode/knconvert.cpp')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/knode/knconvert.cpp b/knode/knconvert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40461139b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knode/knconvert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ KNode, the KDE newsreader
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2005 the KNode authors.
+ See file AUTHORS for details
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qwidgetstack.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kseparator.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <kmime_util.h>
+#include "knconvert.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+bool KNConvert::needToConvert(const QString &oldVersion)
+ bool ret=(
+ (oldVersion.left(3)=="0.3") ||
+ (oldVersion.left(3)=="0.4")
+ );
+ return ret;
+KNConvert::KNConvert(const QString &version)
+ : QDialog(0,0,true), l_ogList(0), c_onversionDone(false), v_ersion(version)
+ setCaption(kapp->makeStdCaption(i18n("Conversion")));
+ QVBoxLayout *topL=new QVBoxLayout(this, 5,5);
+ s_tack=new QWidgetStack(this);
+ topL->addWidget(s_tack, 1);
+ topL->addWidget(new KSeparator(this));
+ QHBoxLayout *btnL=new QHBoxLayout(topL, 5);
+ s_tartBtn=new QPushButton(i18n("Start Conversion..."), this);
+ s_tartBtn->setDefault(true);
+ btnL->addStretch(1);
+ btnL->addWidget(s_tartBtn);
+ c_ancelBtn=new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this);
+ btnL->addWidget(c_ancelBtn);
+ connect(s_tartBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotStart()));
+ connect(c_ancelBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
+ w_1=new QWidget(s_tack);
+ s_tack->addWidget(w_1, 1);
+ QGridLayout *w1L=new QGridLayout(w_1, 5,3, 5,5);
+ QLabel *l1=new QLabel(i18n(
+"<b>Congratulations, you have upgraded to KNode version %1.</b><br>\
+Unfortunately this version uses a different format for some data-files, so \
+in order to keep your existing data it is necessary to convert it first. This is \
+now done automatically by KNode. If you want to, a backup of your existing data \
+will be created before the conversion starts.").arg(KNODE_VERSION), w_1);
+ w1L->addMultiCellWidget(l1, 0,0, 0,2);
+ c_reateBkup=new QCheckBox(i18n("Create backup of old data"), w_1);
+ w1L->addMultiCellWidget(c_reateBkup, 2,2, 0,2);
+ connect(c_reateBkup, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotCreateBkupToggled(bool)));
+ b_ackupPathLabel=new QLabel(i18n("Save backup in:"), w_1);
+ w1L->addWidget(b_ackupPathLabel, 3,0);
+ b_ackupPath=new KLineEdit(QDir::homeDirPath()+QString("/knodedata-")+v_ersion+".tar.gz", w_1);
+ w1L->addWidget(b_ackupPath, 3,1);
+ b_rowseBtn= new QPushButton(i18n("Browse..."), w_1);
+ connect(b_rowseBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotBrowse()));
+ w1L->addWidget(b_rowseBtn, 3,2);
+ w1L->setColStretch(1,1);
+ w1L->addRowSpacing(1,15);
+ w1L->setRowStretch(4,1);
+ w1L->addRowSpacing(4,15);
+ w_2=new QLabel(s_tack);
+ w_2->setText(i18n("<b>Converting, please wait...</b>"));
+ w_2->setAlignment(AlignCenter);
+ s_tack->addWidget(w_2, 2);
+ w_3=new QWidget(s_tack);
+ s_tack->addWidget(w_3, 3);
+ QVBoxLayout *w3L=new QVBoxLayout(w_3, 5,5);
+ r_esultLabel=new QLabel(w_3);
+ w3L->addWidget(r_esultLabel);
+ QLabel *l2=new QLabel(i18n("Processed tasks:"), w_3);
+ l_ogList=new QListBox(w_3);
+ w3L->addSpacing(15);
+ w3L->addWidget(l2);
+ w3L->addWidget(l_ogList, 1);
+ s_tack->raiseWidget(w_1);
+ slotCreateBkupToggled(false);
+ for ( QValueList<Converter*>::Iterator it = mConverters.begin(); it != mConverters.end(); ++it )
+ delete (*it);
+void KNConvert::convert()
+ int errors=0;
+ for ( QValueList<Converter*>::Iterator it = mConverters.begin(); it != mConverters.end(); ++it )
+ if( !(*it)->doConvert() )
+ errors++;
+ if(errors>0)
+ r_esultLabel->setText(i18n(
+"<b>Some errors occurred during the conversion.</b>\
+<br>You should now examine the log to find out what went wrong."));
+ else
+ r_esultLabel->setText(i18n(
+"<b>The conversion was successful.</b>\
+<br>Have a lot of fun with this new version of KNode. ;-)"));
+ s_tartBtn->setText(i18n("Start KNode"));
+ s_tartBtn->setEnabled(true);
+ c_ancelBtn->setEnabled(true);
+ l_ogList->insertStringList(l_og);
+ s_tack->raiseWidget(w_3);
+ c_onversionDone=true;
+void KNConvert::slotStart()
+ if(c_onversionDone) {
+ accept();
+ return;
+ }
+ s_tartBtn->setEnabled(false);
+ c_ancelBtn->setEnabled(false);
+ s_tack->raiseWidget(w_2);
+ if(v_ersion.left(3)=="0.3" || v_ersion.left(7)=="0.4beta") {
+ //Version 0.4
+ mConverters.append( new Converter04( &l_og ) );
+ }
+ //create backup of old data using "tar"
+ if(c_reateBkup->isChecked()) {
+ if(b_ackupPath->text().isEmpty()) {
+ KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Please select a valid backup path."));
+ return;
+ }
+ QString dataDir=locateLocal("data","knode/");
+ t_ar=new KProcess;
+ *t_ar << "tar";
+ *t_ar << "-cz" << dataDir
+ << "-f" << b_ackupPath->text();
+ connect(t_ar, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(slotTarExited(KProcess*)));
+ if(!t_ar->start()) {
+ delete t_ar;
+ t_ar = 0;
+ slotTarExited(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ convert(); //convert files without backup
+void KNConvert::slotCreateBkupToggled(bool b)
+ b_ackupPathLabel->setEnabled(b);
+ b_ackupPath->setEnabled(b);
+ b_rowseBtn->setEnabled(b);
+void KNConvert::slotBrowse()
+ QString newPath=KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(b_ackupPath->text());
+ if(!newPath.isEmpty())
+ b_ackupPath->setText(newPath);
+void KNConvert::slotTarExited(KProcess *proc)
+ bool success=true;
+ if(!proc || !proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus()!=0) {
+ success=false;
+ if(KMessageBox::Cancel==KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("<b>The backup failed</b>; do you want to continue anyway?"))) {
+ delete t_ar;
+ t_ar = 0;
+ reject();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ delete t_ar;
+ t_ar = 0;
+ if(success)
+ l_og.append(i18n("created backup of the old data-files in %1").arg(b_ackupPath->text()));
+ else
+ l_og.append(i18n("backup failed."));
+ // now we actually convert the files
+ convert();
+bool KNConvert::Converter04::doConvert()
+ QString dir=locateLocal("data","knode/")+"folders/";
+ int num;
+ bool error=false;
+ //Drafts
+ if(QFile::exists(dir+"folder1.idx")) {
+ num=convertFolder(dir+"folder1", dir+"drafts_1");
+ if(num==-1) {
+ error=true;
+ l_og->append(i18n("conversion of folder \"Drafts\" to version 0.4 failed."));
+ }
+ else {
+ l_og->append(i18n("converted folder \"Drafts\" to version 0.4"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ l_og->append(i18n("nothing to be done for folder \"Drafts\""));
+ //Outbox
+ if(QFile::exists(dir+"folder2.idx")) {
+ num=convertFolder(dir+"folder2", dir+"outbox_2");
+ if(num==-1) {
+ error=true;
+ l_og->append(i18n("conversion of folder \"Outbox\" to version 0.4 failed."));
+ }
+ else {
+ l_og->append(i18n("converted folder \"Outbox\" to version 0.4"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ l_og->append(i18n("nothing to be done for folder \"Outbox\""));
+ //Sent
+ if(QFile::exists(dir+"folder3.idx")) {
+ num=convertFolder(dir+"folder3", dir+"sent_3");
+ if(num==-1) {
+ error=true;
+ l_og->append(i18n("conversion of folder \"Sent\" to version 0.4 failed."));
+ }
+ else {
+ l_og->append(i18n("converted folder \"Sent\" to version 0.4"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ l_og->append(i18n("nothing to be done for folder \"Sent\""));
+ //remove old info-files
+ QFile::remove(dir+"");
+ QFile::remove(dir+"");
+ return (!error);
+int KNConvert::Converter04::convertFolder(QString srcPrefix, QString dstPrefix)
+ QFile srcMBox(srcPrefix+".mbox"),
+ srcIdx(srcPrefix+".idx"),
+ dstMBox(dstPrefix+".mbox"),
+ dstIdx(dstPrefix+".idx");
+ QTextStream ts(&dstMBox);
+ ts.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1);
+ OldFolderIndex oldIdx;
+ NewFolderIndex newIdx;
+ int lastId=0;
+ bool filesOpen;
+ //open files
+ filesOpen=filesOpen &&;
+ if(dstIdx.exists() && dstIdx.size()>0) { //we are converting from 0.4beta*
+ if( (filesOpen=filesOpen && ) {
+ dstIdx.size()-sizeof(NewFolderIndex) ); //set filepointer to last entry
+ dstIdx.readBlock( (char*)(&newIdx), sizeof(NewFolderIndex) );
+ dstIdx.close();
+ }
+ }
+ filesOpen=filesOpen && | IO_Append);
+ filesOpen=filesOpen && | IO_Append);
+ if(!filesOpen) {
+ srcMBox.close();
+ srcIdx.close();
+ dstMBox.close();
+ dstIdx.close();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //conversion starts here
+ while(!srcIdx.atEnd()) {
+ //read index data
+ srcIdx.readBlock( (char*)(&oldIdx), sizeof(OldFolderIndex));
+ newIdx.sId=oldIdx.sId;
+ newIdx.ti=oldIdx.ti;
+ switch(oldIdx.status) {
+ case 0: //AStoPost
+ newIdx.flags[0]=false; //doMail()
+ newIdx.flags[1]=false; //mailed()
+ newIdx.flags[2]=true; //doPost()
+ newIdx.flags[3]=false; //posted()
+ newIdx.flags[4]=false; //canceled()
+ newIdx.flags[5]=false; //editDisabled()
+ break;
+ case 1: //AStoMail
+ newIdx.flags[0]=true; //doMail()
+ newIdx.flags[1]=false; //mailed()
+ newIdx.flags[2]=false; //doPost()
+ newIdx.flags[3]=false; //posted()
+ newIdx.flags[4]=false; //canceled()
+ newIdx.flags[5]=false; //editDisabled()
+ break;
+ case 2: //ASposted
+ newIdx.flags[0]=false; //doMail()
+ newIdx.flags[1]=false; //mailed()
+ newIdx.flags[2]=true; //doPost()
+ newIdx.flags[3]=true; //posted()
+ newIdx.flags[4]=false; //canceled()
+ newIdx.flags[5]=true; //editDisabled()
+ break;
+ case 3: //ASmailed
+ newIdx.flags[0]=true; //doMail()
+ newIdx.flags[1]=true; //mailed()
+ newIdx.flags[2]=false; //doPost()
+ newIdx.flags[3]=false; //posted()
+ newIdx.flags[4]=false; //canceled()
+ newIdx.flags[5]=true; //editDisabled()
+ break;
+ case 6: //AScanceled
+ newIdx.flags[0]=false; //doMail()
+ newIdx.flags[1]=false; //mailed()
+ newIdx.flags[2]=true; //doPost()
+ newIdx.flags[3]=true; //posted()
+ newIdx.flags[4]=true; //canceled()
+ newIdx.flags[5]=true; //editDisabled()
+ break;
+ default: //what the ..
+ newIdx.flags[0]=false; //doMail()
+ newIdx.flags[1]=false; //mailed()
+ newIdx.flags[2]=false; //doPost()
+ newIdx.flags[3]=false; //posted()
+ newIdx.flags[4]=false; //canceled()
+ newIdx.flags[5]=false; //editDisabled()
+ break;
+ }
+ //read mbox-data
+ unsigned int;
+ QCString buff(size+10);
+ int readBytes=srcMBox.readBlock(, size);
+'\0'; //terminate string;
+ //remove "X-KNode-Overview"
+ int pos=buff.find('\n');
+ if(pos>-1)
+ buff.remove(0, pos+1);
+ //write mbox-data
+ ts << "From aaa@aaa Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 1997\n";
+; //save start-offset
+ ts << "X-KNode-Overview: ";
+ ts << KMime::extractHeader(buff, "Subject") << '\t';
+ ts << KMime::extractHeader(buff, "Newsgroups") << '\t';
+ ts << KMime::extractHeader(buff, "To") << '\t';
+ ts << KMime::extractHeader(buff, "Lines") << '\n';
+ ts << buff;
+; //save end-offset
+ ts << '\n';
+ //write index-data
+ dstIdx.writeBlock((char*)(&newIdx), sizeof(NewFolderIndex));
+ }
+ //close/remove files and return number of articles in the new folder
+ srcMBox.remove();
+ srcIdx.remove();
+ dstMBox.close();
+ dstIdx.close();
+ return ( dstIdx.size()/sizeof(NewFolderIndex) );
+#include "knconvert.moc"