/* This file is part of Akregator. Copyright (C) 2005 Frank Osterfeld This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include "feedstoragemk4impl.h" #include "storagemk4impl.h" #include "../article.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "../librss/article.h" #include "../librss/document.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Akregator { namespace Backend { class FeedStorageMK4Impl::FeedStorageMK4ImplPrivate { public: FeedStorageMK4ImplPrivate() : modified(false), pguid("guid"), ptitle("title"), pdescription("description"), plink("link"), pcommentsLink("commentsLink"), ptag("tag"), pEnclosureType("enclosureType"), pEnclosureUrl("enclosureUrl"), pcatTerm("catTerm"), pcatScheme("catScheme"), pcatName("catName"), pauthor("author"), phash("hash"), pguidIsHash("guidIsHash"), pguidIsPermaLink("guidIsPermaLink"), pcomments("comments"), pstatus("status"), ppubDate("pubDate"), pHasEnclosure("hasEnclosure"), pEnclosureLength("enclosureLength"), ptags("tags"), ptaggedArticles("taggedArticles"), pcategorizedArticles("categorizedArticles"), pcategories("categories") {} QString url; c4_Storage* storage; StorageMK4Impl* mainStorage; c4_View archiveView; c4_Storage* catStorage; c4_View catView; c4_Storage* tagStorage; c4_View tagView; bool autoCommit; bool modified; bool taggingEnabled; bool convert; QString oldArchivePath; c4_StringProp pguid, ptitle, pdescription, plink, pcommentsLink, ptag, pEnclosureType, pEnclosureUrl, pcatTerm, pcatScheme, pcatName, pauthor; c4_IntProp phash, pguidIsHash, pguidIsPermaLink, pcomments, pstatus, ppubDate, pHasEnclosure, pEnclosureLength; c4_ViewProp ptags, ptaggedArticles, pcategorizedArticles, pcategories; }; void FeedStorageMK4Impl::convertOldArchive() { if (!d->convert) return; d->convert = false; QFile file(d->oldArchivePath); if ( !file.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) return; QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); QString data=stream.read(); QDomDocument xmldoc; if (!xmldoc.setContent(data)) return; RSS::Document doc(xmldoc); RSS::Article::List d_articles = doc.articles(); RSS::Article::List::ConstIterator it = d_articles.begin(); RSS::Article::List::ConstIterator en = d_articles.end(); int unr = 0; for (; it != en; ++it) { Article a(*it, this); if (a.status() != Article::Read) unr++; } setUnread(unr); markDirty(); commit(); } FeedStorageMK4Impl::FeedStorageMK4Impl(const QString& url, StorageMK4Impl* main) { d = new FeedStorageMK4ImplPrivate; d->autoCommit = main->autoCommit(); d->url = url; d->mainStorage = main; d->taggingEnabled = main->taggingEnabled(); QString url2 = url; if (url.length() > 255) { url2 = url.left(200) + QString::number(Akregator::Utils::calcHash(url), 16); } kdDebug() << url2 << endl; QString t = url2; QString t2 = url2; QString filePath = main->archivePath() +"/"+ t.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_"); d->oldArchivePath = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "akregator/Archive/") + t2.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_") + ".xml"; d->convert = !QFile::exists(filePath + ".mk4") && QFile::exists(d->oldArchivePath); d->storage = new c4_Storage((filePath + ".mk4").local8Bit(), true); d->archiveView = d->storage->GetAs("articles[guid:S,title:S,hash:I,guidIsHash:I,guidIsPermaLink:I,description:S,link:S,comments:I,commentsLink:S,status:I,pubDate:I,tags[tag:S],hasEnclosure:I,enclosureUrl:S,enclosureType:S,enclosureLength:I,categories[catTerm:S,catScheme:S,catName:S],author:S]"); c4_View hash = d->storage->GetAs("archiveHash[_H:I,_R:I]"); d->archiveView = d->archiveView.Hash(hash, 1); // hash on guid d->tagStorage = 0; if (d->taggingEnabled) { d->tagStorage = new c4_Storage((filePath + ".mk4___TAGS").local8Bit(), true); d->tagView = d->tagStorage->GetAs("tagIndex[tag:S,taggedArticles[guid:S]]"); hash = d->tagStorage->GetAs("archiveHash[_H:I,_R:I]"); d->tagView = d->tagView.Hash(hash, 1); // hash on tag } //d->catStorage = new c4_Storage((filePath + ".mk4___CATEGORIES").local8Bit(), true); //d->catView = d->catStorage->GetAs("catIndex[catTerm:S,catScheme:S,catName:S,categorizedArticles[guid:S]]"); } FeedStorageMK4Impl::~FeedStorageMK4Impl() { delete d->storage; if (d->taggingEnabled) delete d->tagStorage; // delete d->catStorage; delete d; d = 0; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::markDirty() { if (!d->modified) { d->modified = true; // Tell this to mainStorage d->mainStorage->markDirty(); } } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::commit() { if (d->modified) { d->storage->Commit(); if (d->taggingEnabled) d->tagStorage->Commit(); // d->catStorage->Commit(); } d->modified = false; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::rollback() { d->storage->Rollback(); if (d->taggingEnabled) d->tagStorage->Rollback(); // d->catStorage->Rollback(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::close() { if (d->autoCommit) commit(); } int FeedStorageMK4Impl::unread() { return d->mainStorage->unreadFor(d->url); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setUnread(int unread) { d->mainStorage->setUnreadFor(d->url, unread); } int FeedStorageMK4Impl::totalCount() { return d->mainStorage->totalCountFor(d->url); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setTotalCount(int total) { d->mainStorage->setTotalCountFor(d->url, total); } int FeedStorageMK4Impl::lastFetch() { return d->mainStorage->lastFetchFor(d->url); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setLastFetch(int lastFetch) { d->mainStorage->setLastFetchFor(d->url, lastFetch); } QStringList FeedStorageMK4Impl::articles(const QString& tag) { QStringList list; if (tag.isNull()) // return all articles { int size = d->archiveView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) // fill with guids list += QString(d->pguid(d->archiveView.GetAt(i))); } else if (d->taggingEnabled) { c4_Row tagrow; d->ptag(tagrow) = tag.utf8().data(); int tagidx = d->tagView.Find(tagrow); if (tagidx != -1) { tagrow = d->tagView.GetAt(tagidx); c4_View tagView = d->ptaggedArticles(tagrow); int size = tagView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) list += QString(d->pguid(tagView.GetAt(i))); } } return list; } QStringList FeedStorageMK4Impl::articles(const Category& cat) { QStringList list; /* c4_Row catrow; d->pcatTerm(catrow) = cat.term.utf8().data(); d->pcatScheme(catrow) = cat.scheme.utf8().data(); int catidx = d->catView.Find(catrow); if (catidx != -1) { catrow = d->catView.GetAt(catidx); c4_View catView = d->pcategorizedArticles(catrow); int size = catView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) list += QString(d->pguid(catView.GetAt(i))); } */ return list; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::addEntry(const QString& guid) { c4_Row row; d->pguid(row) = guid.ascii(); if (!contains(guid)) { d->archiveView.Add(row); markDirty(); setTotalCount(totalCount()+1); } } bool FeedStorageMK4Impl::contains(const QString& guid) { return findArticle(guid) != -1; } int FeedStorageMK4Impl::findArticle(const QString& guid) { c4_Row findrow; d->pguid(findrow) = guid.ascii(); return d->archiveView.Find(findrow); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::deleteArticle(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx != -1) { QStringList list = tags(guid); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) removeTag(guid, *it); setTotalCount(totalCount()-1); d->archiveView.RemoveAt(findidx); markDirty(); } } int FeedStorageMK4Impl::comments(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? d->pcomments(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx)) : 0; } QString FeedStorageMK4Impl::commentsLink(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? QString(d->pcommentsLink(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx))) : ""; } bool FeedStorageMK4Impl::guidIsHash(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? d->pguidIsHash(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx)) : false; } bool FeedStorageMK4Impl::guidIsPermaLink(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? d->pguidIsPermaLink(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx)) : false; } uint FeedStorageMK4Impl::hash(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? d->phash(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx)) : 0; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setDeleted(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); QStringList list = tags(guid); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) removeTag(guid, *it); d->pdescription(row) = ""; d->ptitle(row) = ""; d->plink(row) = ""; d->pauthor(row) = ""; d->pcommentsLink(row) = ""; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } QString FeedStorageMK4Impl::link(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? QString(d->plink(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx))) : ""; } uint FeedStorageMK4Impl::pubDate(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? d->ppubDate(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx)) : 0; } int FeedStorageMK4Impl::status(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? d->pstatus(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx)) : 0; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setStatus(const QString& guid, int status) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pstatus(row) = status; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } QString FeedStorageMK4Impl::title(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? QString::fromUtf8(d->ptitle(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx))) : ""; } QString FeedStorageMK4Impl::description(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? QString::fromUtf8(d->pdescription(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx))) : ""; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setPubDate(const QString& guid, uint pubdate) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->ppubDate(row) = pubdate; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setGuidIsHash(const QString& guid, bool isHash) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pguidIsHash(row) = isHash; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setLink(const QString& guid, const QString& link) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->plink(row) = !link.isEmpty() ? link.ascii() : ""; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setHash(const QString& guid, uint hash) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->phash(row) = hash; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setTitle(const QString& guid, const QString& title) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->ptitle(row) = !title.isEmpty() ? title.utf8().data() : ""; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setDescription(const QString& guid, const QString& description) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pdescription(row) = !description.isEmpty() ? description.utf8().data() : ""; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setAuthor(const QString& guid, const QString& author) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pauthor(row) = !author.isEmpty() ? author.utf8().data() : ""; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } QString FeedStorageMK4Impl::author(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); return findidx != -1 ? QString::fromUtf8(d->pauthor(d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx))) : ""; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setCommentsLink(const QString& guid, const QString& commentsLink) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pcommentsLink(row) = !commentsLink.isEmpty() ? commentsLink.utf8().data() : ""; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setComments(const QString& guid, int comments) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pcomments(row) = comments; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setGuidIsPermaLink(const QString& guid, bool isPermaLink) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pguidIsPermaLink(row) = isPermaLink; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::addCategory(const QString& /*guid*/, const Category& /*cat*/) { return; /* int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); c4_View catView = d->pcategories(row); c4_Row findrow; d->pcatTerm(findrow) = cat.term.utf8().data(); d->pcatScheme(findrow) = cat.scheme.utf8().data(); int catidx = catView.Find(findrow); if (catidx == -1) { d->pcatName(findrow) = cat.name.utf8().data(); catidx = catView.Add(findrow); d->pcategories(row) = catView; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); // add to category->articles index c4_Row catrow; d->pcatTerm(catrow) = cat.term.utf8().data(); d->pcatScheme(catrow) = cat.scheme.utf8().data(); d->pcatName(catrow) = cat.name.utf8().data(); int catidx2 = d->catView.Find(catrow); if (catidx2 == -1) { catidx2 = d->catView.Add(catrow); } c4_Row catrow2 = d->catView.GetAt(catidx2); c4_View catView2 = d->pcategorizedArticles(catrow2); c4_Row row3; d->pguid(row3) = guid.ascii(); int guididx = catView2.Find(row3); if (guididx == -1) { guididx = catView2.Add(row3); catView2.SetAt(guididx, row3); d->pcategorizedArticles(catrow2) = catView2; d->catView.SetAt(catidx2, catrow2); } markDirty(); } */ } QValueList FeedStorageMK4Impl::categories(const QString& /*guid*/) { QValueList list; return list; /* if (!guid.isNull()) // return categories for an article { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return list; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); c4_View catView = d->pcategories(row); int size = catView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Category cat; cat.term = QString::fromUtf8(d->pcatTerm(catView.GetAt(i))); cat.scheme = QString::fromUtf8(d->pcatScheme(catView.GetAt(i))); cat.name = QString::fromUtf8(d->pcatName(catView.GetAt(i))); list += cat; } } else // return all categories in the feed { int size = d->catView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { c4_Row row = d->catView.GetAt(i); Category cat; cat.term = QString(d->pcatTerm(row)); cat.scheme = QString(d->pcatScheme(row)); cat.name = QString(d->pcatName(row)); list += cat; } } return list;*/ } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::addTag(const QString& guid, const QString& tag) { if (!d->taggingEnabled) return; int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); c4_View tagView = d->ptags(row); c4_Row findrow; d->ptag(findrow) = tag.utf8().data(); int tagidx = tagView.Find(findrow); if (tagidx == -1) { tagidx = tagView.Add(findrow); d->ptags(row) = tagView; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); // add to tag->articles index c4_Row tagrow; d->ptag(tagrow) = tag.utf8().data(); int tagidx2 = d->tagView.Find(tagrow); if (tagidx2 == -1) tagidx2 = d->tagView.Add(tagrow); tagrow = d->tagView.GetAt(tagidx2); c4_View tagView2 = d->ptaggedArticles(tagrow); c4_Row row3; d->pguid(row3) = guid.ascii(); int guididx = tagView2.Find(row3); if (guididx == -1) { guididx = tagView2.Add(row3); tagView2.SetAt(guididx, row3); d->ptaggedArticles(tagrow) = tagView2; d->tagView.SetAt(tagidx2, tagrow); } markDirty(); } } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::removeTag(const QString& guid, const QString& tag) { if (!d->taggingEnabled) return; int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); c4_View tagView = d->ptags(row); c4_Row findrow; d->ptag(findrow) = tag.utf8().data(); int tagidx = tagView.Find(findrow); if (tagidx != -1) { tagView.RemoveAt(tagidx); d->ptags(row) = tagView; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); // remove from tag->articles index c4_Row tagrow; d->ptag(tagrow) = tag.utf8().data(); int tagidx2 = d->tagView.Find(tagrow); if (tagidx2 != -1) { tagrow = d->tagView.GetAt(tagidx2); c4_View tagView2 = d->ptaggedArticles(tagrow); c4_Row row3; d->pguid(row3) = guid.ascii(); int guididx = tagView2.Find(row3); if (guididx != -1) { tagView2.RemoveAt(guididx); d->ptaggedArticles(tagrow) = tagView2; d->tagView.SetAt(tagidx2, tagrow); } } markDirty(); } } QStringList FeedStorageMK4Impl::tags(const QString& guid) { QStringList list; if (!d->taggingEnabled) return list; if (!guid.isNull()) // return tags for an articles { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return list; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); c4_View tagView = d->ptags(row); int size = tagView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) list += QString::fromUtf8(d->ptag(tagView.GetAt(i))); } else // return all tags in the feed { int size = d->tagView.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) list += QString(d->ptag(d->tagView.GetAt(i))); } return list; } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::add(FeedStorage* source) { QStringList articles = source->articles(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = articles.begin(); it != articles.end(); ++it) copyArticle(*it, source); setUnread(source->unread()); setLastFetch(source->lastFetch()); setTotalCount(source->totalCount()); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::copyArticle(const QString& guid, FeedStorage* source) { if (!contains(guid)) addEntry(guid); setComments(guid, source->comments(guid)); setCommentsLink(guid, source->commentsLink(guid)); setDescription(guid, source->description(guid)); setGuidIsHash(guid, source->guidIsHash(guid)); setGuidIsPermaLink(guid, source->guidIsPermaLink(guid)); setHash(guid, source->hash(guid)); setLink(guid, source->link(guid)); setPubDate(guid, source->pubDate(guid)); setStatus(guid, source->status(guid)); setTitle(guid, source->title(guid)); setAuthor(guid, source->author(guid)); QStringList tags = source->tags(guid); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it) addTag(guid, *it); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::setEnclosure(const QString& guid, const QString& url, const QString& type, int length) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pHasEnclosure(row) = true; d->pEnclosureUrl(row) = !url.isEmpty() ? url.utf8().data() : ""; d->pEnclosureType(row) = !type.isEmpty() ? type.utf8().data() : ""; d->pEnclosureLength(row) = length; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::removeEnclosure(const QString& guid) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) return; c4_Row row; row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); d->pHasEnclosure(row) = false; d->pEnclosureUrl(row) = ""; d->pEnclosureType(row) = ""; d->pEnclosureLength(row) = -1; d->archiveView.SetAt(findidx, row); markDirty(); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::enclosure(const QString& guid, bool& hasEnclosure, QString& url, QString& type, int& length) { int findidx = findArticle(guid); if (findidx == -1) { hasEnclosure = false; url = QString::null; type = QString::null; length = -1; return; } c4_Row row = d->archiveView.GetAt(findidx); hasEnclosure = d->pHasEnclosure(row); url = d->pEnclosureUrl(row); type = d->pEnclosureType(row); length = d->pEnclosureLength(row); } void FeedStorageMK4Impl::clear() { d->storage->RemoveAll(); if (d->taggingEnabled) d->tagStorage->RemoveAll(); setUnread(0); markDirty(); } } // namespace Backend } // namespace Akregator