/* appearanceconfigwidget.cpp This file is part of kleopatra, the KDE key manager Copyright (c) 2002,2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Marc Mutz Libkleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Libkleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "appearanceconfigwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; class CategoryListViewItem : public QListViewItem { public: CategoryListViewItem( TQListView* lv, TQListViewItem* prev, const KConfigBase& config ) : TQListViewItem( lv, prev ) { setName( config.readEntry( "Name", i18n("") ) ); mForegroundColor = config.readColorEntry( "foreground-color" ); mBackgroundColor = config.readColorEntry( "background-color" ); mHasFont = config.hasKey( "font" ); if ( mHasFont ) { setFont( config.readFontEntry( "font" ) ); // sets mItalic and mBold } else { mItalic = config.readBoolEntry( "font-italic", false ); mBold = config.readBoolEntry( "font-bold", false ); } mStrikeOut = config.readBoolEntry( "font-strikeout", false ); mIsExpired = config.readBoolEntry( "is-expired", false ); mDirty = false; } void save( KConfigBase& config ) { config.writeEntry( "Name", text( 0 ) ); config.writeEntry( "foreground-color", mForegroundColor ); config.writeEntry( "background-color", mBackgroundColor ); if ( mHasFont ) config.writeEntry( "font", mFont ); else { config.deleteEntry( "font" ); config.writeEntry( "font-italic", mItalic ); config.writeEntry( "font-bold", mBold ); } config.writeEntry( "font-strikeout", mStrikeOut ); } void setForegroundColor( const TQColor& foreground ) { mForegroundColor = foreground; mDirty = true; } void setBackgroundColor( const TQColor& background ) { mBackgroundColor = background; mDirty = true; } void setFont( const TQFont& font ) { mFont = font; mHasFont = true; mItalic = font.italic(); mBold = font.bold(); mDirty = true; } TQColor foregroundColor() const { return mForegroundColor; } TQColor backgroundColor() const { return mBackgroundColor; } TQFont font() const { return mFont; } void setDefaultAppearance() { mForegroundColor = mIsExpired ? Qt::red : TQColor(); mBackgroundColor = TQColor(); mHasFont = false; mFont = TQFont(); mBold = false; mItalic = false; mStrikeOut = false; mDirty = true; } bool isDirty() const { return mDirty; } bool isItalic() const { return mItalic; } bool isBold() const { return mBold; } bool isStrikeout() const { return mStrikeOut; } bool hasFont() const { return mHasFont; } void toggleItalic() { mItalic = !mItalic; if ( mHasFont ) mFont.setItalic( mItalic ); mDirty = true; } void toggleBold() { mBold = !mBold; if ( mHasFont ) mFont.setBold( mBold ); mDirty = true; } void toggleStrikeout() { mStrikeOut = !mStrikeOut; mDirty = true; } private: void setName( const TQString& name ) { setText( 0, name ); } void paintCell( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ); private: TQColor mForegroundColor, mBackgroundColor; TQFont mFont; bool mHasFont; bool mIsExpired; // used for default settings bool mItalic; bool mBold; bool mStrikeOut; bool mDirty; }; void CategoryListViewItem::paintCell( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ) { TQColorGroup _cg = cg; TQFont font = p->font(); if ( mHasFont ) font = mFont; else { if ( mItalic ) font.setItalic( true ); if ( mBold ) font.setBold( true ); } if ( mStrikeOut ) font.setStrikeOut( true ); p->setFont( font ); if ( mForegroundColor.isValid() ) _cg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, mForegroundColor ); if ( mBackgroundColor.isValid() ) _cg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, mBackgroundColor ); TQListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, alignment ); } //// Kleo::AppearanceConfigWidget::AppearanceConfigWidget ( TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : AppearanceConfigWidgetBase( parent, name, fl ) { categoriesLV->setSorting( -1 ); load(); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ AppearanceConfigWidget::~AppearanceConfigWidget() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem* item ) { bool sel = item != 0; foregroundButton->setEnabled( sel ); backgroundButton->setEnabled( sel ); fontButton->setEnabled( sel ); italicCB->setEnabled( item ); boldCB->setEnabled( item ); strikeoutCB->setEnabled( item ); defaultLookPB->setEnabled( sel ); if ( item ) { CategoryListViewItem* clvi = static_cast( item ); italicCB->setChecked( clvi->isItalic() ); boldCB->setChecked( clvi->isBold() ); strikeoutCB->setChecked( clvi->isStrikeout() ); } else { italicCB->setChecked( false ); boldCB->setChecked( false ); strikeoutCB->setChecked( false ); } } /* * set default appearance for selected category */ void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotDefaultClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); if ( !item ) return; item->setDefaultAppearance(); item->repaint(); slotSelectionChanged( item ); emit changed(); } void AppearanceConfigWidget::load() { categoriesLV->clear(); KConfig * config = Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->configObject(); if ( !config ) return; TQStringList groups = config->groupList().grep( TQRegExp( "^Key Filter #\\d+$" ) ); for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = groups.begin() ; it != groups.end() ; ++it ) { KConfigGroup cfg( config, *it ); (void) new CategoryListViewItem( categoriesLV, categoriesLV->lastItem(), cfg ); } } void AppearanceConfigWidget::save() { KConfig * config = Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->configObject(); if ( !config ) return; // We know (assume) that the groups in the config object haven't changed, // so we just iterate over them and over the listviewitems, and map one-to-one. TQStringList groups = config->groupList().grep( TQRegExp( "^Key Filter #\\d+$" ) ); if ( groups.isEmpty() ) { // If we created the default categories ourselves just now, then we need to make up their list TQListViewItemIterator lvit( categoriesLV ); for ( ; lvit.current() ; ++lvit ) groups << lvit.current()->text( 0 ); } TQListViewItemIterator lvit( categoriesLV ); for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = groups.begin() ; it != groups.end() && lvit.current(); ++it, ++lvit ) { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(lvit.current() ); KConfigGroup cfg( config, *it ); item->save( cfg ); } config->sync(); Kleo::KeyFilterManager::instance()->reload(); } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotForegroundClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); Q_ASSERT( item ); if( !item ) return; TQColor fg = item->foregroundColor(); int result = KColorDialog::getColor( fg ); if ( result == KColorDialog::Accepted ) { item->setForegroundColor( fg ); item->repaint(); emit changed(); } } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotBackgroundClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); Q_ASSERT( item ); if( !item ) return; TQColor bg = item->backgroundColor(); int result = KColorDialog::getColor( bg ); if ( result == KColorDialog::Accepted ) { item->setBackgroundColor( bg ); item->repaint(); emit changed(); } } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotFontClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); Q_ASSERT( item ); if( !item ) return; TQFont font = item->font(); int result = KFontDialog::getFont( font ); if ( result == KFontDialog::Accepted ) { item->setFont( font ); item->repaint(); emit changed(); } } void AppearanceConfigWidget::defaults() { // This simply means "default look for every category" TQListViewItemIterator lvit( categoriesLV ); for ( ; lvit.current() ; ++lvit ) { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast( lvit.current() ); item->setDefaultAppearance(); item->repaint(); } emit changed(); } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotItalicClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); if ( item ) { item->toggleItalic(); item->repaint(); emit changed(); } } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotBoldClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); if ( item ) { item->toggleBold(); item->repaint(); emit changed(); } } void AppearanceConfigWidget::slotStrikeoutClicked() { CategoryListViewItem* item = static_cast(categoriesLV->selectedItem() ); if ( item ) { item->toggleStrikeout(); item->repaint(); emit changed(); } } #include "appearanceconfigwidget.moc"