/* * eventlistviewbase.cpp - base classes for widget showing list of events * Program: kalarm * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by David Jarvie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kalarm.h" #include #include #include #include #include "find.h" #include "eventlistviewbase.moc" class EventListWhatsThisBase : public QWhatsThis { public: EventListWhatsThisBase(EventListViewBase* lv) : TQWhatsThis(lv), mListView(lv) { } virtual TQString text(const TQPoint&); private: EventListViewBase* mListView; }; /*============================================================================= = Class: EventListViewBase = Base class for displaying a list of events. =============================================================================*/ EventListViewBase::EventListViewBase(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : KListView(parent, name), mFind(0), mLastColumn(-1), mLastColumnHeaderWidth(0) { setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); setShowSortIndicator(true); new EventListWhatsThisBase(this); } void EventListViewBase::addLastColumn(const TQString& title) { addColumn(title); mLastColumn = columns() - 1; mLastColumnHeaderWidth = columnWidth(mLastColumn); setColumnWidthMode(mLastColumn, TQListView::Maximum); } /****************************************************************************** * Refresh the list by clearing it and redisplaying all the current alarms. */ void EventListViewBase::refresh() { TQString currentID; if (currentItem()) currentID = currentItem()->event().id(); // save current item for restoration afterwards clear(); populate(); resizeLastColumn(); EventListViewItemBase* current = getEntry(currentID); if (current) { setCurrentItem(current); ensureItemVisible(current); } } /****************************************************************************** * Get the item for a given event ID. */ EventListViewItemBase* EventListViewBase::getEntry(const TQString& eventID) const { if (!eventID.isEmpty()) { for (EventListViewItemBase* item = firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) if (item->event().id() == eventID) return item; } return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Add an event to every list instance. * If 'selectionView' is non-null, the selection highlight is moved to the new * event in that listView instance. */ void EventListViewBase::addEvent(const KAEvent& event, const InstanceList& instanceList, EventListViewBase* selectionView) { for (InstanceListConstIterator it = instanceList.begin(); it != instanceList.end(); ++it) (*it)->addEntry(event, true, (*it == selectionView)); } /****************************************************************************** * Modify an event in every list instance. * If 'selectionView' is non-null, the selection highlight is moved to the * modified event in that listView instance. */ void EventListViewBase::modifyEvent(const TQString& oldEventID, const KAEvent& newEvent, const InstanceList& instanceList, EventListViewBase* selectionView) { for (InstanceListConstIterator it = instanceList.begin(); it != instanceList.end(); ++it) { EventListViewBase* v = *it; EventListViewItemBase* item = v->getEntry(oldEventID); if (item) v->deleteEntry(item, false); v->addEntry(newEvent, true, (v == selectionView)); } } /****************************************************************************** * Delete an event from every displayed list. */ void EventListViewBase::deleteEvent(const TQString& eventID, const InstanceList& instanceList) { for (InstanceListConstIterator it = instanceList.begin(); it != instanceList.end(); ++it) { EventListViewBase* v = *it; EventListViewItemBase* item = v->getEntry(eventID); if (item) v->deleteEntry(item, true); else v->refresh(); } } /****************************************************************************** * Add a new item to the list. * If 'reselect' is true, select/highlight the new item. */ EventListViewItemBase* EventListViewBase::addEntry(const KAEvent& event, bool setSize, bool reselect) { if (!shouldShowEvent(event)) return 0; return addEntry(createItem(event), setSize, reselect); } EventListViewItemBase* EventListViewBase::addEntry(EventListViewItemBase* item, bool setSize, bool reselect) { if (setSize) resizeLastColumn(); if (reselect) { clearSelection(); setSelected(item, true); } return item; } /****************************************************************************** * Update a specified item in the list. * If 'reselect' is true, select the updated item. */ EventListViewItemBase* EventListViewBase::updateEntry(EventListViewItemBase* item, const KAEvent& newEvent, bool setSize, bool reselect) { deleteEntry(item); return addEntry(newEvent, setSize, reselect); } /****************************************************************************** * Delete a specified item from the list. */ void EventListViewBase::deleteEntry(EventListViewItemBase* item, bool setSize) { if (item) { delete item; if (setSize) resizeLastColumn(); emit itemDeleted(); } } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the Find action is selected. * Display the non-modal Find dialog. */ void EventListViewBase::slotFind() { if (!mFind) { mFind = new Find(this); connect(mFind, TQT_SIGNAL(active(bool)), TQT_SIGNAL(findActive(bool))); } mFind->display(); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the Find Next or Find Prev action is selected. */ void EventListViewBase::findNext(bool forward) { if (mFind) mFind->findNext(forward); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the Select All action is selected. * Select all items in the list. */ void EventListViewBase::slotSelectAll() { if (selectionMode() == TQListView::Multi || selectionMode() == TQListView::Extended) selectAll(true); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the Deselect action is selected. * Deselect all items in the list. */ void EventListViewBase::slotDeselect() { selectAll(false); } /****************************************************************************** * Check whether there are any selected items. */ bool EventListViewBase::anySelected() const { for (TQListViewItem* item = KListView::firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) if (isSelected(item)) return true; return false; } /****************************************************************************** * Get the single selected event. * Reply = the event * = 0 if no event is selected or multiple events are selected. */ const KAEvent* EventListViewBase::selectedEvent() const { EventListViewItemBase* sel = selectedItem(); return sel ? &sel->event() : 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Fetch the single selected item. * This method works in both Single and Multi selection mode, unlike * TQListView::selectedItem(). * Reply = null if no items are selected, or if multiple items are selected. */ EventListViewItemBase* EventListViewBase::selectedItem() const { if (selectionMode() == TQListView::Single) return (EventListViewItemBase*)KListView::selectedItem(); TQListViewItem* item = 0; for (TQListViewItem* it = firstChild(); it; it = it->nextSibling()) { if (isSelected(it)) { if (item) return 0; item = it; } } return (EventListViewItemBase*)item; } /****************************************************************************** * Fetch all selected items. */ TQValueList EventListViewBase::selectedItems() const { TQValueList items; for (TQListViewItem* item = firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) { if (isSelected(item)) items.append((EventListViewItemBase*)item); } return items; } /****************************************************************************** * Return how many items are selected. */ int EventListViewBase::selectedCount() const { int count = 0; for (TQListViewItem* item = firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) { if (isSelected(item)) ++count; } return count; } /****************************************************************************** * Sets the last column in the list view to extend at least to the right hand * edge of the list view. */ void EventListViewBase::resizeLastColumn() { int lastColumnWidth = mLastColumnHeaderWidth; for (EventListViewItemBase* item = firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) { int mw = item->lastColumnWidth(); if (mw > lastColumnWidth) lastColumnWidth = mw; } TQHeader* head = header(); int x = head->sectionPos(mLastColumn); int availableWidth = visibleWidth() - x; int rightColWidth = 0; int index = head->mapToIndex(mLastColumn); if (index < mLastColumn) { // The last column has been dragged by the user to a different position. // Ensure that the columns now to the right of it are still shown. for (int i = index + 1; i <= mLastColumn; ++i) rightColWidth += columnWidth(head->mapToSection(i)); availableWidth -= rightColWidth; } if (availableWidth < lastColumnWidth) availableWidth = lastColumnWidth; setColumnWidth(mLastColumn, availableWidth); if (contentsWidth() > x + availableWidth + rightColWidth) resizeContents(x + availableWidth + rightColWidth, contentsHeight()); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the widget's size has changed (before it is painted). * Sets the last column in the list view to extend at least to the right hand * edge of the list view. */ void EventListViewBase::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* re) { KListView::resizeEvent(re); resizeLastColumn(); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the widget is first displayed. * Sets the last column in the list view to extend at least to the right hand * edge of the list view. */ void EventListViewBase::showEvent(TQShowEvent* se) { KListView::showEvent(se); resizeLastColumn(); } /****************************************************************************** * Find the height of one list item. */ int EventListViewBase::itemHeight() { EventListViewItemBase* item = firstChild(); if (!item) { // The list is empty, so create a temporary item to find its height TQListViewItem* item = new TQListViewItem(this, TQString::null); int height = item->height(); delete item; return height; } else return item->height(); } /*============================================================================= = Class: EventListViewItemBase = Base class containing the details of one event for display in an * EventListViewBase. =============================================================================*/ TQPixmap* EventListViewItemBase::mTextIcon; TQPixmap* EventListViewItemBase::mFileIcon; TQPixmap* EventListViewItemBase::mCommandIcon; TQPixmap* EventListViewItemBase::mEmailIcon; int EventListViewItemBase::mIconWidth = 0; EventListViewItemBase::EventListViewItemBase(EventListViewBase* parent, const KAEvent& event) : TQListViewItem(parent), mEvent(event) { iconWidth(); // load the icons } /****************************************************************************** * Set the text for the last column, and find its width. */ void EventListViewItemBase::setLastColumnText() { EventListViewBase* parent = (EventListViewBase*)listView(); setText(parent->lastColumn(), lastColumnText()); mLastColumnWidth = width(parent->fontMetrics(), parent, parent->lastColumn()); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the width of the widest alarm type icon. */ int EventListViewItemBase::iconWidth() { if (!mIconWidth) { mTextIcon = new TQPixmap(SmallIcon("message")); mFileIcon = new TQPixmap(SmallIcon("file")); mCommandIcon = new TQPixmap(SmallIcon("exec")); mEmailIcon = new TQPixmap(SmallIcon("mail_generic")); if (mTextIcon) mIconWidth = mTextIcon->width(); if (mFileIcon && mFileIcon->width() > mIconWidth) mIconWidth = mFileIcon->width(); if (mCommandIcon && mCommandIcon->width() > mIconWidth) mIconWidth = mCommandIcon->width(); if (mEmailIcon && mEmailIcon->width() > mIconWidth) mIconWidth = mEmailIcon->width(); } return mIconWidth; } /****************************************************************************** * Return the icon associated with the event's action. */ TQPixmap* EventListViewItemBase::eventIcon() const { switch (mEvent.action()) { case KAAlarm::FILE: return mFileIcon; case KAAlarm::COMMAND: return mCommandIcon; case KAAlarm::EMAIL: return mEmailIcon; case KAAlarm::MESSAGE: default: return mTextIcon; } } /*============================================================================= = Class: EventListWhatsThisBase = Sets What's This? text depending on where in the list view is clicked. =============================================================================*/ TQString EventListWhatsThisBase::text(const TQPoint& pt) { int column = -1; TQPoint viewportPt = mListView->viewport()->mapFrom(mListView, pt); TQRect frame = mListView->header()->frameGeometry(); if (frame.contains(pt) || mListView->itemAt(TQPoint(mListView->itemMargin(), viewportPt.y())) && frame.contains(TQPoint(pt.x(), frame.y()))) column = mListView->header()->sectionAt(pt.x()); return mListView->whatsThisText(column); }