 *  traywindow.cpp  -  the KDE system tray applet
 *  Program:  kalarm
 *  Copyright © 2002-2005,2007 by David Jarvie <software@astrojar.org.uk>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "kalarm.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <tqtooltip.h>

#include <kapplication.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kstdguiitem.h>
#include <kaccel.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include "alarmcalendar.h"
#include "alarmlistview.h"
#include "alarmtext.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "kalarmapp.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "messagewin.h"
#include "prefdlg.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "templatemenuaction.h"
#include "traywindow.moc"

class TrayTooltip : public TQToolTip
		TrayTooltip(TQWidget* parent) : TQToolTip(parent) { }
		virtual ~TrayTooltip() {}
		virtual void maybeTip(const TQPoint&);

struct TipItem
	TQDateTime  dateTime;
	TQString    text;

= Class: TrayWindow
= The KDE system tray window.

TrayWindow::TrayWindow(MainWindow* parent, const char* name)
	: KSystemTray((theApp()->wantRunInSystemTray() ? parent : 0), name),
	kdDebug(5950) << "TrayWindow::TrayWindow()\n";
	// Set up GUI icons
	mPixmapEnabled  = loadIcon("kalarm");
	mPixmapDisabled = loadIcon("kalarm_disabled");
	if (mPixmapEnabled.isNull() || mPixmapDisabled.isNull())
		KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot load system tray icon."));
	setAcceptDrops(true);         // allow drag-and-drop onto this window

	// Set up the context menu
	KActionCollection* actcol = actionCollection();
	AlarmEnableAction* a = Daemon::createAlarmEnableAction(actcol, "tAlarmEnable");
	connect(a, TQT_SIGNAL(switched(bool)), TQT_SLOT(setEnabledtqStatus(bool)));
	KAlarm::createNewAlarmAction(i18n("&New Alarm..."), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewAlarm()), actcol, "tNew")->plug(contextMenu());
	KAlarm::createNewFromTemplateAction(i18n("New Alarm From &Template"), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewFromTemplate(const KAEvent&)), actcol, "tNewFromTempl")->plug(contextMenu());
	KStdAction::preferences(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotPreferences()), actcol)->plug(contextMenu());

	// Replace the default handler for the Quit context menu item
	const char* quitName = KStdAction::name(KStdAction::Quit);
	KStdAction::quit(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotQuit()), actcol);

	// Set icon to correspond with the alarms enabled menu status

	mTooltip = new TrayTooltip(this);

	kdDebug(5950) << "TrayWindow::~TrayWindow()\n";
	delete mTooltip;
	mTooltip = 0;
	emit deleted();

* Called just before the context menu is displayed.
* Update the Alarms Enabled item status.
void TrayWindow::contextMenuAboutToShow(KPopupMenu* menu)
	KSystemTray::contextMenuAboutToShow(menu);     // needed for KDE <= 3.1 compatibility

*  Called when the "New Alarm" menu item is selected to edit a new alarm.
void TrayWindow::slotNewAlarm()

*  Called when the "New Alarm" menu item is selected to edit a new alarm.
void TrayWindow::slotNewFromTemplate(const KAEvent& event)

*  Called when the "Configure KAlarm" menu item is selected.
void TrayWindow::slotPreferences()

* Called when the Quit context menu item is selected.
void TrayWindow::slotQuit()

* Called when the Alarms Enabled action status has changed.
* Updates the alarms enabled menu item check state, and the icon pixmap.
void TrayWindow::setEnabledtqStatus(bool status)
	kdDebug(5950) << "TrayWindow::setEnabledStatus(" << (int)status << ")\n";
	setPixmap(status ? mPixmapEnabled : mPixmapDisabled);

*  Called when the mouse is clicked over the panel icon.
*  A left click displays the KAlarm main window.
*  A middle button click displays the New Alarm window.
void TrayWindow::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent* e)
	if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton  &&  !theApp()->wantRunInSystemTray())
		// Left click: display/hide the first main window
		mAssocMainWindow = MainWindow::toggleWindow(mAssocMainWindow);
	else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton)
		MainWindow::executeNew();    // display a New Alarm dialog

*  Called when the mouse is released over the panel icon.
*  The main window (if not hidden) is raised and made the active window.
*  If this is done in mousePressEvent(), it doesn't work.
void TrayWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent* e)
	if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton  &&  mAssocMainWindow  &&  mAssocMainWindow->isVisible())

*  Called when the drag cursor enters the panel icon.
void TrayWindow::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* e)

*  Called when an object is dropped on the panel icon.
*  If the object is recognised, the edit alarm dialog is opened appropriately.
void TrayWindow::dropEvent(TQDropEvent* e)
	MainWindow::executeDropEvent(0, e);

*  Return the tooltip text showing alarms due in the next 24 hours.
*  The limit of 24 hours is because only times, not dates, are displayed.
void TrayWindow::tooltipAlarmText(TQString& text) const
	KAEvent event;
	const TQString& prefix = Preferences::tooltipTimeToPrefix();
	int maxCount = Preferences::tooltipAlarmCount();
	TQDateTime now = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();

	// Get today's and tomorrow's alarms, sorted in time order
	TQValueList<TipItem> items;
	TQValueList<TipItem>::Iterator iit;
	KCal::Event::List events = AlarmCalendar::activeCalendar()->eventsWithAlarms(now.date(), now.addDays(1));
	for (KCal::Event::List::ConstIterator it = events.begin();  it != events.end();  ++it)
		KCal::Event* kcalEvent = *it;
		if (event.enabled()  &&  !event.expired()  &&  event.action() == KAEvent::MESSAGE)
			TipItem item;
			DateTime dateTime = event.displayDateTime();
			if (dateTime.date() > now.date())
				// Ignore alarms after tomorrow at the current clock time
				if (dateTime.date() != now.date().addDays(1)
				||  dateTime.time() >= now.time())
			item.dateTime = dateTime.dateTime();

			// The alarm is due today, or early tomorrow
			bool space = false;
			if (Preferences::showTooltipAlarmTime())
				item.text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(item.dateTime.time());
				item.text += ' ';
				space = true;
			if (Preferences::showTooltipTimeToAlarm())
				int mins = (now.secsTo(item.dateTime) + 59) / 60;
				if (mins < 0)
					mins = 0;
				char minutes[3] = "00";
				minutes[0] = (mins%60) / 10 + '0';
				minutes[1] = (mins%60) % 10 + '0';
				if (Preferences::showTooltipAlarmTime())
					item.text += i18n("prefix + hours:minutes", "(%1%2:%3)").tqarg(prefix).tqarg(mins/60).tqarg(minutes);
					item.text += i18n("prefix + hours:minutes", "%1%2:%3").tqarg(prefix).tqarg(mins/60).tqarg(minutes);
				item.text += ' ';
				space = true;
			if (space)
				item.text += ' ';
			item.text += AlarmText::summary(event);

			// Insert the item into the list in time-sorted order
			for (iit = items.begin();  iit != items.end();  ++iit)
				if (item.dateTime <= (*iit).dateTime)
			items.insert(iit, item);
	kdDebug(5950) << "TrayWindow::tooltipAlarmText():\n";
	int count = 0;
	for (iit = items.begin();  iit != items.end();  ++iit)
		kdDebug(5950) << "-- " << (count+1) << ") " << (*iit).text << endl;
		text += '\n';
		text += (*iit).text;
		if (++count == maxCount)

* Called when the associated main window is closed.
void TrayWindow::removeWindow(MainWindow* win)
	if (win == mAssocMainWindow)
		mAssocMainWindow = 0;

	#include <X11/X.h>
	#include <X11/Xlib.h>
	#include <X11/Xutil.h>

* Check whether the widget is in the system tray.
* Note that it is only sometime AFTER the show event that the system tray
* becomes the widget's parent. So for a definitive status, call this method
* only after waiting a bit...
* Reply = true if the widget is in the system tray, or its status can't be determined.
*       = false if it is not currently in the system tray.
bool TrayWindow::inSystemTray() const
	Window  xParent;    // receives parent window
	Window  root;
	Window* tqchildren = 0;
	unsigned int ntqchildren;
	// Find the X parent window of the widget. This is not the same as the TQt parent widget.
	if (!XQueryTree(qt_xdisplay(), winId(), &root, &xParent, &tqchildren, &ntqchildren))
		return true;    // error determining its parent X window
	if (tqchildren)

	// If it is in the system tray, the system tray window will be its X parent.
	// Otherwise, the root window will be its X parent.
	return xParent != root;
	return true;
#endif // HAVE_X11_HEADERS

*  Displays the appropriate tooltip depending on preference settings.
void TrayTooltip::maybeTip(const TQPoint&)
	TrayWindow* parent = (TrayWindow*)parentWidget();
	TQString text;
	if (Daemon::monitoringAlarms())
		text = kapp->aboutData()->programName();
		text = i18n("%1 - disabled").tqarg(kapp->aboutData()->programName());
	kdDebug(5950) << "TrayTooltip::maybeTip(): " << text << endl;
	if (Preferences::tooltipAlarmCount())
	tip(parent->rect(), text);