/** * Copyright (c) 2005 Till Adam * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of this program with any edition of * the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions * of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked * combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to * your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from * your version. */ #include "copyfolderjob.h" #include "folderstorage.h" #include "kmacctcachedimap.h" #include "kmfoldercachedimap.h" #include "kmfolder.h" #include "kmfolderdir.h" #include "kmfoldertype.h" #include "kmfoldermgr.h" #include "kmcommands.h" #include "kmmsgbase.h" #include "undostack.h" #include #include #include using namespace KMail; CopyFolderJob::CopyFolderJob( FolderStorage* const storage, KMFolderDir* const newParent ) : FolderJob( 0, tOther, (storage ? storage->folder() : 0) ), mStorage( storage ), mNewParent( newParent ), mNewFolder( 0 ), mChildFolderNodeIterator( *mStorage->folder()->createChildFolder() ), mNextChildFolder( 0 ) { mStorage->open( "copyfolder" ); } CopyFolderJob::~CopyFolderJob() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; if ( mNewFolder ) mNewFolder->setMoveInProgress( false ); if ( mStorage ) { mStorage->folder()->setMoveInProgress( false ); mStorage->close( "copyfolder" ); } } /* * The basic strategy is to first create the target folder, then copy all the mail * from the source to the target folder, then recurse for each of the folder's children */ void CopyFolderJob::execute() { if ( createTargetDir() ) { copyMessagesToTargetDir(); } } void CopyFolderJob::copyMessagesToTargetDir() { // Hmmmm. Tasty hack. Can I have fries with that? mStorage->blockSignals( true ); // move all messages to the new folder QPtrList msgList; for ( int i = 0; i < mStorage->count(); i++ ) { const KMMsgBase* msgBase = mStorage->getMsgBase( i ); assert( msgBase ); msgList.append( msgBase ); } if ( msgList.count() == 0 ) { mStorage->blockSignals( false ); // ### be careful, after slotCopyNextChild() the source folder // (including mStorage) might already be deleted! slotCopyNextChild(); // no contents, check subfolders } else { KMCommand *command = new KMCopyCommand( mNewFolder, msgList ); connect( command, SIGNAL( completed( KMCommand * ) ), this, SLOT( slotCopyCompleted( KMCommand * ) ) ); command->start(); } } void CopyFolderJob::slotCopyCompleted( KMCommand* command ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << (command?command->result():0) << endl; disconnect( command, SIGNAL( completed( KMCommand * ) ), this, SLOT( slotCopyCompleted( KMCommand * ) ) ); mStorage->blockSignals( false ); if ( command && command->result() != KMCommand::OK ) { rollback(); return; } // if we have children, recurse if ( mStorage->folder()->child() ) { slotCopyNextChild(); } else { emit folderCopyComplete( true ); deleteLater(); } } void CopyFolderJob::slotCopyNextChild( bool success ) { //kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; if ( mNextChildFolder ) mNextChildFolder->close( "copyfolder" ); // refcount // previous sibling failed if ( !success ) { kdDebug(5006) << "Failed to copy one subfolder, let's not continue: " << mNewFolder->prettyURL() << endl; rollback(); emit folderCopyComplete( false ); deleteLater(); } KMFolderNode* node = mChildFolderNodeIterator.current(); while ( node && node->isDir() ) { ++mChildFolderNodeIterator; node = mChildFolderNodeIterator.current(); } if ( node ) { mNextChildFolder = static_cast(node); ++mChildFolderNodeIterator; } else { // no more children, we are done emit folderCopyComplete( true ); deleteLater(); return; } KMFolderDir * const dir = mNewFolder->createChildFolder(); if ( !dir ) { kdDebug(5006) << "Failed to create subfolders of: " << mNewFolder->prettyURL() << endl; emit folderCopyComplete( false ); deleteLater(); return; } // let it do its thing and report back when we are ready to do the next sibling mNextChildFolder->open( "copyfolder" ); // refcount FolderJob* job = new CopyFolderJob( mNextChildFolder->storage(), dir); connect( job, SIGNAL( folderCopyComplete( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotCopyNextChild( bool ) ) ); job->start(); } // FIXME factor into CreateFolderJob and make async, so it works with online imap // (create folder code taken from newfolderdialog.cpp) bool CopyFolderJob::createTargetDir() { // get the default mailbox type KConfig * const config = KMKernel::config(); KConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "General"); int deftype = config->readNumEntry("default-mailbox-format", 1); if ( deftype < 0 || deftype > 1 ) deftype = 1; // the type of the new folder KMFolderType typenew = ( deftype == 0 ) ? KMFolderTypeMbox : KMFolderTypeMaildir; if ( mNewParent->owner() ) typenew = mNewParent->owner()->folderType(); bool success = false, waitForFolderCreation = false; if ( mNewParent->owner() && mNewParent->owner()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) { KMFolderImap* selectedStorage = static_cast( mNewParent->owner()->storage() ); KMAcctImap *anAccount = selectedStorage->account(); // check if a connection is available BEFORE creating the folder if (anAccount->makeConnection() == ImapAccountBase::Connected) { mNewFolder = kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->createFolder( mStorage->folder()->name(), false, typenew, mNewParent ); if ( mNewFolder ) { QString imapPath; imapPath = anAccount->createImapPath( selectedStorage->imapPath(), mStorage->folder()->name() ); KMFolderImap* newStorage = static_cast( mNewFolder->storage() ); connect( selectedStorage, SIGNAL(folderCreationResult(const QString&, bool)), this, SLOT(folderCreationDone(const QString&, bool)) ); selectedStorage->createFolder(mStorage->folder()->name(), QString::null); // create it on the server newStorage->initializeFrom( selectedStorage, imapPath, QString::null ); static_cast(mNewParent->owner()->storage())->setAccount( selectedStorage->account() ); waitForFolderCreation = true; success = true; } } } else if ( mNewParent->owner() && mNewParent->owner()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { mNewFolder = kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->createFolder( mStorage->folder()->name(), false, typenew, mNewParent ); if ( mNewFolder ) { KMFolderCachedImap* selectedStorage = static_cast( mNewParent->owner()->storage() ); KMFolderCachedImap* newStorage = static_cast( mNewFolder->storage() ); newStorage->initializeFrom( selectedStorage ); success = true; } } else { // local folder mNewFolder = kmkernel->folderMgr()->createFolder(mStorage->folder()->name(), false, typenew, mNewParent ); if ( mNewFolder ) success = true; } if ( !success ) { kdWarning(5006) << k_funcinfo << "could not create folder" << endl; emit folderCopyComplete( false ); deleteLater(); return false; } mNewFolder->setMoveInProgress( true ); mStorage->folder()->setMoveInProgress( true ); // inherit the folder type // FIXME we should probably copy over most if not all settings mNewFolder->storage()->setContentsType( mStorage->contentsType(), true /*quiet*/ ); mNewFolder->storage()->writeConfig(); kdDebug(5006)<< "CopyJob::createTargetDir - " << mStorage->folder()->idString() << " |=> " << mNewFolder->idString() << endl; return !waitForFolderCreation; } void CopyFolderJob::rollback() { // copy failed - rollback the last transaction // kmkernel->undoStack()->undo(); // .. and delete the new folder if ( mNewFolder ) { if ( mNewFolder->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) { kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->remove( mNewFolder ); } else if ( mNewFolder->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { // tell the account (see KMFolderCachedImap::listDirectory2) KMFolderCachedImap* folder = static_cast(mNewFolder->storage()); KMAcctCachedImap* acct = folder->account(); if ( acct ) acct->addDeletedFolder( folder->imapPath() ); kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->remove( mNewFolder ); } else if ( mNewFolder->folderType() == KMFolderTypeSearch ) { // invalid kdWarning(5006) << k_funcinfo << "cannot remove a search folder" << endl; } else { kmkernel->folderMgr()->remove( mNewFolder ); } } emit folderCopyComplete( false ); deleteLater(); } void CopyFolderJob::folderCreationDone(const QString & name, bool success) { if ( mStorage->folder()->name() != name ) return; // not our business kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << success << endl; if ( !success ) { rollback(); } else { copyMessagesToTargetDir(); } } #include "copyfolderjob.moc"