/* -*- c++ -*- keyresolver.cpp This file is part of libkleopatra, the KDE keymanagement library Copyright (c) 2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB Based on kpgp.cpp Copyright (C) 2001,2002 the KPGP authors See file libkdenetwork/AUTHORS.kpgp for details Libkleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Libkleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "keyresolver.h" #include "kcursorsaver.h" #include "kleo_util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // some predicates to be used in STL algorithms: // static inline bool EmptyKeyList( const Kleo::KeyApprovalDialog::Item & item ) { return item.keys.empty(); } static inline TQString ItemDotAddress( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ) { return item.address; } static inline bool ApprovalNeeded( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ) { return item.pref == Kleo::UnknownPreference || item.pref == Kleo::NeverEncrypt || item.keys.empty() ; } static inline Kleo::KeyResolver::Item CopyKeysAndEncryptionPreferences( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & oldItem, const Kleo::KeyApprovalDialog::Item & newItem ) { return Kleo::KeyResolver::Item( oldItem.address, newItem.keys, newItem.pref, oldItem.signPref, oldItem.format ); } static inline bool ByKeyID( const GpgME::Key & left, const GpgME::Key & right ) { return qstrcmp( left.keyID(), right.keyID() ) < 0 ; } static inline bool WithRespectToKeyID( const GpgME::Key & left, const GpgME::Key & right ) { return qstrcmp( left.keyID(), right.keyID() ) == 0 ; } static bool ValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { if ( key.protocol() != GpgME::Context::OpenPGP ) { return false; } #if 0 if ( key.isRevoked() ) kdWarning() << " is revoked" << endl; if ( key.isExpired() ) kdWarning() << " is expired" << endl; if ( key.isDisabled() ) kdWarning() << " is disabled" << endl; if ( !key.canEncrypt() ) kdWarning() << " can't encrypt" << endl; #endif if ( key.isRevoked() || key.isExpired() || key.isDisabled() || !key.canEncrypt() ) return false; const std::vector uids = key.userIDs(); for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = uids.begin() ; it != uids.end() ; ++it ) { if ( !it->isRevoked() && it->validity() != GpgME::UserID::Marginal ) return true; #if 0 else if ( it->isRevoked() ) kdWarning() << "a userid is revoked" << endl; else kdWarning() << "bad validity " << it->validity() << endl; #endif } return false; } static bool ValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { if ( key.protocol() != GpgME::Context::CMS ) return false; if ( key.isRevoked() || key.isExpired() || key.isDisabled() || !key.canEncrypt() ) return false; return true; } static inline bool ValidTrustedEncryptionKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { switch ( key.protocol() ) { case GpgME::Context::OpenPGP: return ValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey( key ); case GpgME::Context::CMS: return ValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey( key ); default: return false; } } static inline bool ValidSigningKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { if ( key.isRevoked() || key.isExpired() || key.isDisabled() || !key.canSign() ) return false; return key.hasSecret(); } static inline bool ValidOpenPGPSigningKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return key.protocol() == GpgME::Context::OpenPGP && ValidSigningKey( key ); } static inline bool ValidSMIMESigningKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return key.protocol() == GpgME::Context::CMS && ValidSigningKey( key ); } static inline bool NotValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return !ValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey( key ); } static inline bool NotValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return !ValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey( key ); } static inline bool NotValidTrustedEncryptionKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return !ValidTrustedEncryptionKey( key ); } static inline bool NotValidSigningKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return !ValidSigningKey( key ); } static inline bool NotValidOpenPGPSigningKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return !ValidOpenPGPSigningKey( key ); } static inline bool NotValidSMIMESigningKey( const GpgME::Key & key ) { return !ValidSMIMESigningKey( key ); } static TQStringList keysAsStrings( const std::vector& keys ) { TQStringList strings; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = keys.begin() ; it != keys.end() ; ++it ) { assert( !(*it).userID(0).isNull() ); TQString keyLabel = TQString::fromUtf8( (*it).userID(0).email() ); if ( keyLabel.isEmpty() ) keyLabel = TQString::fromUtf8( (*it).userID(0).name() ); if ( keyLabel.isEmpty() ) keyLabel = TQString::fromUtf8( (*it).userID(0).id() ); strings.append( keyLabel ); } return strings; } static inline std::vector TrustedOrConfirmed( const std::vector & keys ) { std::vector fishies; std::vector ickies; std::vector::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); const std::vector::const_iterator end = keys.end(); for ( ; it != end ; it++ ) { const GpgME::Key key = *it; assert( ValidTrustedEncryptionKey( key ) ); const std::vector uids = key.userIDs(); for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = uids.begin() ; it != uids.end() ; ++it ) { if ( !it->isRevoked() && it->validity() == GpgME::UserID::Marginal ) { fishies.push_back( key ); break; } if ( !it->isRevoked() && it->validity() < GpgME::UserID::Never ) { ickies.push_back( key ); break; } } } if ( fishies.empty() && ickies.empty() ) return keys; // if some keys are not fully trusted, let the user confirm their use TQString msg = i18n("One or more of your configured OpenPGP encryption " "keys or S/MIME certificates is not fully trusted " "for encryption."); if ( !fishies.empty() ) { // certificates can't have marginal trust msg += i18n( "\nThe following keys are only marginally trusted: \n"); msg += keysAsStrings( fishies ).join(","); } if ( !ickies.empty() ) { msg += i18n( "\nThe following keys or certificates have unknown trust level: \n"); msg += keysAsStrings( ickies ).join(","); } if( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Not Fully Trusted Encryption Keys"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "not fully trusted encryption key warning" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) return keys; else return std::vector(); } namespace { struct IsNotForFormat : public std::unary_function { IsNotForFormat( Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat f ) : format( f ) {} bool operator()( const GpgME::Key & key ) const { return ( isOpenPGP( format ) && key.protocol() != GpgME::Context::OpenPGP ) || ( isSMIME( format ) && key.protocol() != GpgME::Context::CMS ); } const Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat format; }; } class Kleo::KeyResolver::SigningPreferenceCounter : public std::unary_function { public: SigningPreferenceCounter() : mTotal( 0 ), mUnknownSigningPreference( 0 ), mNeverSign( 0 ), mAlwaysSign( 0 ), mAlwaysSignIfPossible( 0 ), mAlwaysAskForSigning( 0 ), mAskSigningWheneverPossible( 0 ) { } void operator()( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ); #define make_int_accessor(x) unsigned int num##x() const { return m##x; } make_int_accessor(UnknownSigningPreference) make_int_accessor(NeverSign) make_int_accessor(AlwaysSign) make_int_accessor(AlwaysSignIfPossible) make_int_accessor(AlwaysAskForSigning) make_int_accessor(AskSigningWheneverPossible) make_int_accessor(Total) #undef make_int_accessor private: unsigned int mTotal; unsigned int mUnknownSigningPreference, mNeverSign, mAlwaysSign, mAlwaysSignIfPossible, mAlwaysAskForSigning, mAskSigningWheneverPossible; }; void Kleo::KeyResolver::SigningPreferenceCounter::operator()( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ) { switch ( item.signPref ) { #define CASE(x) case x: ++m##x; break CASE(UnknownSigningPreference); CASE(NeverSign); CASE(AlwaysSign); CASE(AlwaysSignIfPossible); CASE(AlwaysAskForSigning); CASE(AskSigningWheneverPossible); #undef CASE } ++mTotal; } class Kleo::KeyResolver::EncryptionPreferenceCounter : public std::unary_function { const Kleo::KeyResolver * _this; public: EncryptionPreferenceCounter( const Kleo::KeyResolver * kr, EncryptionPreference defaultPreference ) : _this( kr ), mDefaultPreference( defaultPreference ), mTotal( 0 ), mNoKey( 0 ), mNeverEncrypt( 0 ), mUnknownPreference( 0 ), mAlwaysEncrypt( 0 ), mAlwaysEncryptIfPossible( 0 ), mAlwaysAskForEncryption( 0 ), mAskWheneverPossible( 0 ) { } void operator()( Item & item ); #define make_int_accessor(x) unsigned int num##x() const { return m##x; } make_int_accessor(NoKey) make_int_accessor(NeverEncrypt) make_int_accessor(UnknownPreference) make_int_accessor(AlwaysEncrypt) make_int_accessor(AlwaysEncryptIfPossible) make_int_accessor(AlwaysAskForEncryption) make_int_accessor(AskWheneverPossible) make_int_accessor(Total) #undef make_int_accessor private: EncryptionPreference mDefaultPreference; unsigned int mTotal; unsigned int mNoKey; unsigned int mNeverEncrypt, mUnknownPreference, mAlwaysEncrypt, mAlwaysEncryptIfPossible, mAlwaysAskForEncryption, mAskWheneverPossible; }; void Kleo::KeyResolver::EncryptionPreferenceCounter::operator()( Item & item ) { if ( item.needKeys ) item.keys = _this->getEncryptionKeys( item.address, true ); if ( item.keys.empty() ) { ++mNoKey; return; } switch ( !item.pref ? mDefaultPreference : item.pref ) { #define CASE(x) case Kleo::x: ++m##x; break CASE(NeverEncrypt); CASE(UnknownPreference); CASE(AlwaysEncrypt); CASE(AlwaysEncryptIfPossible); CASE(AlwaysAskForEncryption); CASE(AskWheneverPossible); #undef CASE } ++mTotal; } namespace { class FormatPreferenceCounterBase : public std::unary_function { public: FormatPreferenceCounterBase() : mTotal( 0 ), mInlineOpenPGP( 0 ), mOpenPGPMIME( 0 ), mSMIME( 0 ), mSMIMEOpaque( 0 ) { } #define make_int_accessor(x) unsigned int num##x() const { return m##x; } make_int_accessor(Total) make_int_accessor(InlineOpenPGP) make_int_accessor(OpenPGPMIME) make_int_accessor(SMIME) make_int_accessor(SMIMEOpaque) #undef make_int_accessor unsigned int numOf( Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat f ) const { switch ( f ) { #define CASE(x) case Kleo::x##Format: return m##x CASE(InlineOpenPGP); CASE(OpenPGPMIME); CASE(SMIME); CASE(SMIMEOpaque); #undef CASE default: return 0; } } protected: unsigned int mTotal; unsigned int mInlineOpenPGP, mOpenPGPMIME, mSMIME, mSMIMEOpaque; }; class EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter : public FormatPreferenceCounterBase { public: EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter() : FormatPreferenceCounterBase() {} void operator()( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ); }; class SigningFormatPreferenceCounter : public FormatPreferenceCounterBase { public: SigningFormatPreferenceCounter() : FormatPreferenceCounterBase() {} void operator()( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ); }; #define CASE(x) if ( item.format & Kleo::x##Format ) ++m##x; void EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter::operator()( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ) { if ( item.format & (Kleo::InlineOpenPGPFormat|Kleo::OpenPGPMIMEFormat) && std::find_if( item.keys.begin(), item.keys.end(), ValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey ) != item.keys.end() ) { CASE(OpenPGPMIME); CASE(InlineOpenPGP); } if ( item.format & (Kleo::SMIMEFormat|Kleo::SMIMEOpaqueFormat) && std::find_if( item.keys.begin(), item.keys.end(), ValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey ) != item.keys.end() ) { CASE(SMIME); CASE(SMIMEOpaque); } ++mTotal; } void SigningFormatPreferenceCounter::operator()( const Kleo::KeyResolver::Item & item ) { CASE(InlineOpenPGP); CASE(OpenPGPMIME); CASE(SMIME); CASE(SMIMEOpaque); ++mTotal; } #undef CASE } // anon namespace static TQString canonicalAddress( const TQString & _address ) { const TQString address = KPIM::getEmailAddress( _address ); if ( address.find('@') == -1 ) { // local address //char hostname[1024]; //gethostname(hostname,1024); //return address + '@' + hostname; return address + "@localdomain"; } else return address; } struct FormatInfo { std::vector splitInfos; std::vector signKeys; }; struct Kleo::KeyResolver::Private { std::set alreadyWarnedFingerprints; std::vector mOpenPGPSigningKeys; // signing std::vector mSMIMESigningKeys; // signing std::vector mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys; // encryption to self std::vector mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys; // encryption to self std::vector mPrimaryEncryptionKeys; // encryption to To/CC std::vector mSecondaryEncryptionKeys; // encryption to BCC std::map mFormatInfoMap; // key=email address, value=crypto preferences for this contact (from kabc) typedef std::map ContactPreferencesMap; ContactPreferencesMap mContactPreferencesMap; }; Kleo::KeyResolver::KeyResolver( bool encToSelf, bool showApproval, bool oppEncryption, unsigned int f, int encrWarnThresholdKey, int signWarnThresholdKey, int encrWarnThresholdRootCert, int signWarnThresholdRootCert, int encrWarnThresholdChainCert, int signWarnThresholdChainCert ) : mEncryptToSelf( encToSelf ), mShowApprovalDialog( showApproval ), mOpportunisticEncyption( oppEncryption ), mCryptoMessageFormats( f ), mEncryptKeyNearExpiryWarningThreshold( encrWarnThresholdKey ), mSigningKeyNearExpiryWarningThreshold( signWarnThresholdKey ), mEncryptRootCertNearExpiryWarningThreshold( encrWarnThresholdRootCert ), mSigningRootCertNearExpiryWarningThreshold( signWarnThresholdRootCert ), mEncryptChainCertNearExpiryWarningThreshold( encrWarnThresholdChainCert ), mSigningChainCertNearExpiryWarningThreshold( signWarnThresholdChainCert ) { d = new Private(); } Kleo::KeyResolver::~KeyResolver() { delete d; d = 0; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::checkKeyNearExpiry( const GpgME::Key & key, const char * dontAskAgainName, bool mine, bool sign, bool ca, int recur_limit, const GpgME::Key & orig ) const { if ( recur_limit <= 0 ) { kdDebug() << "Kleo::KeyResolver::checkKeyNearExpiry(): key chain too long (>100 certs)" << endl; return Kpgp::Ok; } const GpgME::Subkey subkey = key.subkey(0); if ( d->alreadyWarnedFingerprints.count( subkey.fingerprint() ) ) return Kpgp::Ok; // already warned about this one (and so about it's issuers) d->alreadyWarnedFingerprints.insert( subkey.fingerprint() ); if ( subkey.neverExpires() ) return Kpgp::Ok; static const double secsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60; const int daysTillExpiry = 1 + int( ::difftime( subkey.expirationTime(), time(0) ) / secsPerDay ); kdDebug() << "Key 0x" << key.shortKeyID() << " expires in less than " << daysTillExpiry << " days" << endl; const int threshold = ca ? ( key.isRoot() ? ( sign ? signingRootCertNearExpiryWarningThresholdInDays() : encryptRootCertNearExpiryWarningThresholdInDays() ) : ( sign ? signingChainCertNearExpiryWarningThresholdInDays() : encryptChainCertNearExpiryWarningThresholdInDays() ) ) : ( sign ? signingKeyNearExpiryWarningThresholdInDays() : encryptKeyNearExpiryWarningThresholdInDays() ); if ( threshold > -1 && daysTillExpiry <= threshold ) { const TQString msg = key.protocol() == GpgME::Context::OpenPGP ? ( mine ? sign ? i18n("

Your OpenPGP signing key

%1 (KeyID 0x%2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

Your OpenPGP signing key

%1 (KeyID 0x%2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

Your OpenPGP encryption key

%1 (KeyID 0x%2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

Your OpenPGP encryption key

%1 (KeyID 0x%2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

The OpenPGP key for

%1 (KeyID 0x%2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The OpenPGP key for

%1 (KeyID 0x%2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) ).arg( TQString::fromUtf8( key.userID(0).id() ), key.shortKeyID() ) : ( ca ? ( key.isRoot() ? ( mine ? sign ? i18n("

The root certificate


" "

for your S/MIME signing certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The root certificate


" "

for your S/MIME signing certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

The root certificate


" "

for your S/MIME encryption certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The root certificate


" "

for your S/MIME encryption certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

The root certificate


" "

for S/MIME certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The root certificate


" "

for S/MIME certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) ) : ( mine ? sign ? i18n("

The intermediate CA certificate


" "

for your S/MIME signing certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The intermediate CA certificate


" "

for your S/MIME signing certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

The intermediate CA certificate


" "

for your S/MIME encryption certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The intermediate CA certificate


" "

for your S/MIME encryption certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

The intermediate CA certificate


" "

for S/MIME certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The intermediate CA certificate


" "

for S/MIME certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) ) ).arg( Kleo::DN( orig.userID(0).id() ).prettyDN(), orig.issuerSerial(), Kleo::DN( key.userID(0).id() ).prettyDN() ) : ( mine ? sign ? i18n("

Your S/MIME signing certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

Your S/MIME signing certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

Your S/MIME encryption certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

Your S/MIME encryption certificate

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) : i18n("

The S/MIME certificate for

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than a day.

", "

The S/MIME certificate for

%1 (serial number %2)

" "

expires in less than %n days.

", daysTillExpiry ) ).arg( Kleo::DN( key.userID(0).id() ).prettyDN(), key.issuerSerial() ) ); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, key.protocol() == GpgME::Context::OpenPGP ? i18n("OpenPGP Key Expires Soon" ) : i18n("S/MIME Certificate Expires Soon" ), KStdGuiItem::cont(), dontAskAgainName ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; } if ( key.isRoot() ) return Kpgp::Ok; else if ( const char * chain_id = key.chainID() ) { const std::vector issuer = lookup( chain_id, false ); if ( issuer.empty() ) return Kpgp::Ok; else return checkKeyNearExpiry( issuer.front(), dontAskAgainName, mine, sign, true, recur_limit-1, ca ? orig : key ); } return Kpgp::Ok; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::setEncryptToSelfKeys( const TQStringList & fingerprints ) { if ( !encryptToSelf() ) return Kpgp::Ok; std::vector keys = lookup( fingerprints ); std::remove_copy_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys ), NotValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey ); std::remove_copy_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter( d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys ), NotValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey ); if ( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.size() + d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.size() < keys.size() ) { // too few keys remain... const TQString msg = i18n("One or more of your configured OpenPGP encryption " "keys or S/MIME certificates is not usable for " "encryption. Please reconfigure your encryption keys " "and certificates for this identity in the identity " "configuration dialog.\n" "If you choose to continue, and the keys are needed " "later on, you will be prompted to specify the keys " "to use."); return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Unusable Encryption Keys"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "unusable own encryption key warning" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ? Kpgp::Ok : Kpgp::Canceled ; } // check for near-expiry: for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.begin() ; it != d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.end() ; ++it ) { const Kpgp::Result r = checkKeyNearExpiry( *it, "own encryption key expires soon warning", true, false ); if ( r != Kpgp::Ok ) return r; } for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.begin() ; it != d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.end() ; ++it ) { const Kpgp::Result r = checkKeyNearExpiry( *it, "own encryption key expires soon warning", true, false ); if ( r != Kpgp::Ok ) return r; } return Kpgp::Ok; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::setSigningKeys( const TQStringList & fingerprints ) { std::vector keys = lookup( fingerprints, true ); // secret keys std::remove_copy_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter( d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys ), NotValidOpenPGPSigningKey ); std::remove_copy_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter( d->mSMIMESigningKeys ), NotValidSMIMESigningKey ); if ( d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys.size() + d->mSMIMESigningKeys.size() < keys.size() ) { // too few keys remain... const TQString msg = i18n("One or more of your configured OpenPGP signing keys " "or S/MIME signing certificates is not usable for " "signing. Please reconfigure your signing keys " "and certificates for this identity in the identity " "configuration dialog.\n" "If you choose to continue, and the keys are needed " "later on, you will be prompted to specify the keys " "to use."); return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Unusable Signing Keys"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "unusable signing key warning" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ? Kpgp::Ok : Kpgp::Canceled ; } // check for near expiry: for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys.begin() ; it != d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys.end() ; ++it ) { const Kpgp::Result r = checkKeyNearExpiry( *it, "signing key expires soon warning", true, true ); if ( r != Kpgp::Ok ) return r; } for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = d->mSMIMESigningKeys.begin() ; it != d->mSMIMESigningKeys.end() ; ++it ) { const Kpgp::Result r = checkKeyNearExpiry( *it, "signing key expires soon warning", true, true ); if ( r != Kpgp::Ok ) return r; } return Kpgp::Ok; } void Kleo::KeyResolver::setPrimaryRecipients( const TQStringList & addresses ) { d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys = getEncryptionItems( addresses ); } void Kleo::KeyResolver::setSecondaryRecipients( const TQStringList & addresses ) { d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys = getEncryptionItems( addresses ); } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::getEncryptionItems( const TQStringList & addresses ) { std::vector items; items.reserve( addresses.size() ); for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = addresses.begin() ; it != addresses.end() ; ++it ) { TQString addr = canonicalAddress( *it ).lower(); const ContactPreferences pref = lookupContactPreferences( addr ); items.push_back( Item( *it, /*getEncryptionKeys( *it, true ),*/ pref.encryptionPreference, pref.signingPreference, pref.cryptoMessageFormat ) ); } return items; } static Kleo::Action action( bool doit, bool ask, bool dont, bool requested ) { if ( requested && !dont ) return Kleo::DoIt; if ( doit && !ask && !dont ) return Kleo::DoIt; if ( !doit && ask && !dont ) return Kleo::Ask; if ( !doit && !ask && dont ) return requested ? Kleo::Conflict : Kleo::DontDoIt ; if ( !doit && !ask && !dont ) return Kleo::DontDoIt ; return Kleo::Conflict; } Kleo::Action Kleo::KeyResolver::checkSigningPreferences( bool signingRequested ) const { if ( signingRequested && d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys.empty() && d->mSMIMESigningKeys.empty() ) return Impossible; SigningPreferenceCounter count; count = std::for_each( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), count ); count = std::for_each( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), count ); unsigned int sign = count.numAlwaysSign(); unsigned int ask = count.numAlwaysAskForSigning(); const unsigned int dontSign = count.numNeverSign(); if ( signingPossible() ) { sign += count.numAlwaysSignIfPossible(); ask += count.numAskSigningWheneverPossible(); } return action( sign, ask, dontSign, signingRequested ); } bool Kleo::KeyResolver::signingPossible() const { return !d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys.empty() || !d->mSMIMESigningKeys.empty() ; } Kleo::Action Kleo::KeyResolver::checkEncryptionPreferences( bool encryptionRequested ) const { if ( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.empty() && d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.empty() ) return DontDoIt; if ( encryptionRequested && encryptToSelf() && d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.empty() && d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.empty() ) return Impossible; EncryptionPreferenceCounter count( this, mOpportunisticEncyption ? AskWheneverPossible : UnknownPreference ); count = std::for_each( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), count ); count = std::for_each( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), count ); unsigned int encrypt = count.numAlwaysEncrypt(); unsigned int ask = count.numAlwaysAskForEncryption(); const unsigned int dontEncrypt = count.numNeverEncrypt() + count.numNoKey(); if ( encryptionPossible() ) { encrypt += count.numAlwaysEncryptIfPossible(); ask += count.numAskWheneverPossible(); } const Action act = action( encrypt, ask, dontEncrypt, encryptionRequested ); if ( act != Ask || std::for_each( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), std::for_each( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), EncryptionPreferenceCounter( this, UnknownPreference ) ) ).numAlwaysAskForEncryption() ) return act; else return AskOpportunistic; } bool Kleo::KeyResolver::encryptionPossible() const { return std::find_if( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), EmptyKeyList ) == d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end() && std::find_if( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), EmptyKeyList ) == d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end() ; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::resolveAllKeys( bool& signingRequested, bool& encryptionRequested ) { if ( !encryptionRequested && !signingRequested ) { // make a dummy entry with all recipients, but no signing or // encryption keys to avoid special-casing on the caller side: dump(); d->mFormatInfoMap[OpenPGPMIMEFormat].splitInfos.push_back( SplitInfo( allRecipients() ) ); dump(); return Kpgp::Ok; } Kpgp::Result result = Kpgp::Ok; if ( encryptionRequested ) result = resolveEncryptionKeys( signingRequested ); if ( result != Kpgp::Ok ) return result; if ( signingRequested ) if ( encryptionRequested ) result = resolveSigningKeysForEncryption(); else { result = resolveSigningKeysForSigningOnly(); if ( result == Kpgp::Failure ) { signingRequested = false; return Kpgp::Ok; } } return result; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::resolveEncryptionKeys( bool signingRequested ) { // // 1. Get keys for all recipients: // for ( std::vector::iterator it = d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin() ; it != d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end() ; ++it ) { if ( !it->needKeys ) continue; it->keys = getEncryptionKeys( it->address, false ); if ( it->keys.empty() ) return Kpgp::Canceled; TQString addr = canonicalAddress( it->address ).lower(); const ContactPreferences pref = lookupContactPreferences( addr ); it->pref = pref.encryptionPreference; it->signPref = pref.signingPreference; it->format = pref.cryptoMessageFormat; } for ( std::vector::iterator it = d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin() ; it != d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end() ; ++it ) { if ( !it->needKeys ) continue; it->keys = getEncryptionKeys( it->address, false ); if ( it->keys.empty() ) return Kpgp::Canceled; TQString addr = canonicalAddress( it->address ).lower(); const ContactPreferences pref = lookupContactPreferences( addr ); it->pref = pref.encryptionPreference; it->signPref = pref.signingPreference; it->format = pref.cryptoMessageFormat; } // 1a: Present them to the user const Kpgp::Result res = showKeyApprovalDialog(); if ( res != Kpgp::Ok ) return res; // // 2. Check what the primary recipients need // // 2a. Try to find a common format for all primary recipients, // else use as many formats as needed const EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter primaryCount = std::for_each( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter() ); CryptoMessageFormat commonFormat = AutoFormat; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numConcreteCryptoMessageFormats ; ++i ) { if ( !( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] & mCryptoMessageFormats ) ) continue; if ( signingRequested && signingKeysFor( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ).empty() ) continue; if ( encryptToSelf() && encryptToSelfKeysFor( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ).empty() ) continue; if ( primaryCount.numOf( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ) == primaryCount.numTotal() ) { commonFormat = concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i]; break; } } if ( commonFormat != AutoFormat ) addKeys( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys, commonFormat ); else addKeys( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys ); collapseAllSplitInfos(); // these can be encrypted together // 2b. Just try to find _something_ for each secondary recipient, // with a preference to a common format (if that exists) const EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter secondaryCount = std::for_each( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter() ); if ( commonFormat != AutoFormat && secondaryCount.numOf( commonFormat ) == secondaryCount.numTotal() ) addKeys( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys, commonFormat ); else addKeys( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys ); // 3. Check for expiry: for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numConcreteCryptoMessageFormats ; ++i ) { const std::vector si_list = encryptionItems( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ); for ( std::vector::const_iterator sit = si_list.begin() ; sit != si_list.end() ; ++sit ) for ( std::vector::const_iterator kit = sit->keys.begin() ; kit != sit->keys.end() ; ++kit ) { const Kpgp::Result r = checkKeyNearExpiry( *kit, "other encryption key near expiry warning", false, false ); if ( r != Kpgp::Ok ) return r; } } // 4. Check that we have the right keys for encryptToSelf() if ( !encryptToSelf() ) return Kpgp::Ok; // 4a. Check for OpenPGP keys if ( !encryptionItems( InlineOpenPGPFormat ).empty() || !encryptionItems( OpenPGPMIMEFormat ).empty() ) { // need them if ( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.empty() ) { const TQString msg = i18n("Examination of recipient's encryption preferences " "yielded that the message should be encrypted using " "OpenPGP, at least for some recipients;\n" "however, you have not configured valid trusted " "OpenPGP encryption keys for this identity.\n" "You may continue without encrypting to yourself, " "but be aware that you will not be able to read your " "own messages if you do so."); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Unusable Encryption Keys"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "encrypt-to-self will fail warning" ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; // FIXME: Allow selection } addToAllSplitInfos( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys, InlineOpenPGPFormat|OpenPGPMIMEFormat ); } // 4b. Check for S/MIME certs: if ( !encryptionItems( SMIMEFormat ).empty() || !encryptionItems( SMIMEOpaqueFormat ).empty() ) { // need them if ( d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.empty() ) { // don't have one const TQString msg = i18n("Examination of recipient's encryption preferences " "yielded that the message should be encrypted using " "S/MIME, at least for some recipients;\n" "however, you have not configured valid " "S/MIME encryption certificates for this identity.\n" "You may continue without encrypting to yourself, " "but be aware that you will not be able to read your " "own messages if you do so."); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Unusable Encryption Keys"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "encrypt-to-self will fail warning" ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; // FIXME: Allow selection } addToAllSplitInfos( d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys, SMIMEFormat|SMIMEOpaqueFormat ); } // FIXME: Present another message if _both_ OpenPGP and S/MIME keys // are missing. return Kpgp::Ok; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::resolveSigningKeysForEncryption() { if ( ( !encryptionItems( InlineOpenPGPFormat ).empty() || !encryptionItems( OpenPGPMIMEFormat ).empty() ) && d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys.empty() ) { const TQString msg = i18n("Examination of recipient's signing preferences " "yielded that the message should be signed using " "OpenPGP, at least for some recipients;\n" "however, you have not configured valid " "OpenPGP signing certificates for this identity."); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Unusable Signing Keys"), i18n("Do Not OpenPGP-Sign"), "signing will fail warning" ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; // FIXME: Allow selection } if ( ( !encryptionItems( SMIMEFormat ).empty() || !encryptionItems( SMIMEOpaqueFormat ).empty() ) && d->mSMIMESigningKeys.empty() ) { const TQString msg = i18n("Examination of recipient's signing preferences " "yielded that the message should be signed using " "S/MIME, at least for some recipients;\n" "however, you have not configured valid " "S/MIME signing certificates for this identity."); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Unusable Signing Keys"), i18n("Do Not S/MIME-Sign"), "signing will fail warning" ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; // FIXME: Allow selection } // FIXME: Present another message if _both_ OpenPGP and S/MIME keys // are missing. for ( std::map::iterator it = d->mFormatInfoMap.begin() ; it != d->mFormatInfoMap.end() ; ++it ) if ( !it->second.splitInfos.empty() ) { dump(); it->second.signKeys = signingKeysFor( it->first ); dump(); } return Kpgp::Ok; } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::resolveSigningKeysForSigningOnly() { // // we don't need to distinguish between primary and secondary // recipients here: // SigningFormatPreferenceCounter count; count = std::for_each( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), count ); count = std::for_each( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), count ); // try to find a common format that works for all (and that we have signing keys for): CryptoMessageFormat commonFormat = AutoFormat; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numConcreteCryptoMessageFormats ; ++i ) { if ( !(mCryptoMessageFormats & concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i]) ) continue; // skip if ( signingKeysFor( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ).empty() ) continue; // skip if ( count.numOf( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ) == count.numTotal() ) { commonFormat = concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i]; break; } } if ( commonFormat != AutoFormat ) { // found dump(); FormatInfo & fi = d->mFormatInfoMap[ commonFormat ]; fi.signKeys = signingKeysFor( commonFormat ); fi.splitInfos.resize( 1 ); fi.splitInfos.front() = SplitInfo( allRecipients() ); dump(); return Kpgp::Ok; } const TQString msg = i18n("Examination of recipient's signing preferences " "showed no common type of signature matching your " "available signing keys.\n" "Send message without signing?" ); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("No signing possible"), KStdGuiItem::cont() ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) { d->mFormatInfoMap[OpenPGPMIMEFormat].splitInfos.push_back( SplitInfo( allRecipients() ) ); return Kpgp::Failure; // means "Ok, but without signing" } return Kpgp::Canceled; } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::signingKeysFor( CryptoMessageFormat f ) const { if ( isOpenPGP( f ) ) return d->mOpenPGPSigningKeys; if ( isSMIME( f ) ) return d->mSMIMESigningKeys; return std::vector(); } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::encryptToSelfKeysFor( CryptoMessageFormat f ) const { if ( isOpenPGP( f ) ) return d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys; if ( isSMIME( f ) ) return d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys; return std::vector(); } TQStringList Kleo::KeyResolver::allRecipients() const { TQStringList result; std::transform( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( result ), ItemDotAddress ); std::transform( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( result ), ItemDotAddress ); return result; } void Kleo::KeyResolver::collapseAllSplitInfos() { dump(); for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numConcreteCryptoMessageFormats ; ++i ) { std::map::iterator pos = d->mFormatInfoMap.find( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ); if ( pos == d->mFormatInfoMap.end() ) continue; std::vector & v = pos->second.splitInfos; if ( v.size() < 2 ) continue; SplitInfo & si = v.front(); for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = v.begin() + 1; it != v.end() ; ++it ) { si.keys.insert( si.keys.end(), it->keys.begin(), it->keys.end() ); qCopy( it->recipients.begin(), it->recipients.end(), std::back_inserter( si.recipients ) ); } v.resize( 1 ); } dump(); } void Kleo::KeyResolver::addToAllSplitInfos( const std::vector & keys, unsigned int f ) { dump(); if ( !f || keys.empty() ) return; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numConcreteCryptoMessageFormats ; ++i ) { if ( !( f & concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ) ) continue; std::map::iterator pos = d->mFormatInfoMap.find( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] ); if ( pos == d->mFormatInfoMap.end() ) continue; std::vector & v = pos->second.splitInfos; for ( std::vector::iterator it = v.begin() ; it != v.end() ; ++it ) it->keys.insert( it->keys.end(), keys.begin(), keys.end() ); } dump(); } void Kleo::KeyResolver::dump() const { #ifndef NDEBUG if ( d->mFormatInfoMap.empty() ) std::cerr << "Keyresolver: Format info empty" << std::endl; for ( std::map::const_iterator it = d->mFormatInfoMap.begin() ; it != d->mFormatInfoMap.end() ; ++it ) { std::cerr << "Format info for " << Kleo::cryptoMessageFormatToString( it->first ) << ":" << std::endl << " Signing keys: "; for ( std::vector::const_iterator sit = it->second.signKeys.begin() ; sit != it->second.signKeys.end() ; ++sit ) std::cerr << sit->shortKeyID() << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; unsigned int i = 0; for ( std::vector::const_iterator sit = it->second.splitInfos.begin() ; sit != it->second.splitInfos.end() ; ++sit, ++i ) { std::cerr << " SplitInfo #" << i << " encryption keys: "; for ( std::vector::const_iterator kit = sit->keys.begin() ; kit != sit->keys.end() ; ++kit ) std::cerr << kit->shortKeyID() << " "; std::cerr << std::endl << " SplitInfo #" << i << " recipients: " << sit->recipients.join(", ").utf8() << std::endl; } } #endif } Kpgp::Result Kleo::KeyResolver::showKeyApprovalDialog() { const bool showKeysForApproval = showApprovalDialog() || std::find_if( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), ApprovalNeeded ) != d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end() || std::find_if( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), ApprovalNeeded ) != d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end() ; if ( !showKeysForApproval ) return Kpgp::Ok; std::vector items; items.reserve( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.size() + d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.size() ); std::copy( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( items ) ); std::copy( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( items ) ); std::vector senderKeys; senderKeys.reserve( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.size() + d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.size() ); std::copy( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.begin(), d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( senderKeys ) ); std::copy( d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.begin(), d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( senderKeys ) ); const KCursorSaver idle( KBusyPtr::idle() ); Kleo::KeyApprovalDialog dlg( items, senderKeys ); if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Rejected ) return Kpgp::Canceled; items = dlg.items(); senderKeys = dlg.senderKeys(); if ( dlg.preferencesChanged() ) { for ( uint i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i ) { ContactPreferences pref = lookupContactPreferences( items[i].address ); pref.encryptionPreference = items[i].pref; pref.pgpKeyFingerprints.clear(); pref.smimeCertFingerprints.clear(); const std::vector & keys = items[i].keys; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = keys.begin(), end = keys.end() ; it != end ; ++it ) { if ( it->protocol() == GpgME::Context::OpenPGP ) { if ( const char * fpr = it->primaryFingerprint() ) pref.pgpKeyFingerprints.push_back( fpr ); } else if ( it->protocol() == GpgME::Context::CMS ) { if ( const char * fpr = it->primaryFingerprint() ) pref.smimeCertFingerprints.push_back( fpr ); } } saveContactPreference( items[i].address, pref ); } } // show a warning if the user didn't select an encryption key for // herself: if ( encryptToSelf() && senderKeys.empty() ) { const TQString msg = i18n("You did not select an encryption key for yourself " "(encrypt to self). You will not be able to decrypt " "your own message if you encrypt it."); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Missing Key Warning"), i18n("&Encrypt") ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; else mEncryptToSelf = false; } // count empty key ID lists const unsigned int emptyListCount = std::count_if( items.begin(), items.end(), EmptyKeyList ); // show a warning if the user didn't select an encryption key for // some of the recipients if ( items.size() == emptyListCount ) { const TQString msg = ( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.size() + d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.size() == 1 ) ? i18n("You did not select an encryption key for the " "recipient of this message; therefore, the message " "will not be encrypted.") : i18n("You did not select an encryption key for any of the " "recipients of this message; therefore, the message " "will not be encrypted."); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Missing Key Warning"), i18n("Send &Unencrypted") ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; } else if ( emptyListCount > 0 ) { const TQString msg = ( emptyListCount == 1 ) ? i18n("You did not select an encryption key for one of " "the recipients: this person will not be able to " "decrypt the message if you encrypt it.") : i18n("You did not select encryption keys for some of " "the recipients: these persons will not be able to " "decrypt the message if you encrypt it." ); KCursorSaver idle( KBusyPtr::idle() ); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, msg, i18n("Missing Key Warning"), i18n("&Encrypt") ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return Kpgp::Canceled; } std::transform( d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.end(), items.begin(), d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), CopyKeysAndEncryptionPreferences ); std::transform( d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.end(), items.begin() + d->mPrimaryEncryptionKeys.size(), d->mSecondaryEncryptionKeys.begin(), CopyKeysAndEncryptionPreferences ); d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys.clear(); d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys.clear(); std::remove_copy_if( senderKeys.begin(), senderKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( d->mOpenPGPEncryptToSelfKeys ), NotValidTrustedOpenPGPEncryptionKey ); std::remove_copy_if( senderKeys.begin(), senderKeys.end(), std::back_inserter( d->mSMIMEEncryptToSelfKeys ), NotValidTrustedSMIMEEncryptionKey ); return Kpgp::Ok; } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::encryptionItems( Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat f ) const { dump(); std::map::const_iterator it = d->mFormatInfoMap.find( f ); return it != d->mFormatInfoMap.end() ? it->second.splitInfos : std::vector() ; } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::signingKeys( CryptoMessageFormat f ) const { dump(); std::map::const_iterator it = d->mFormatInfoMap.find( f ); return it != d->mFormatInfoMap.end() ? it->second.signKeys : std::vector() ; } // // // Private helper methods below: // // std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::selectKeys( const TQString & person, const TQString & msg, const std::vector & selectedKeys ) const { Kleo::KeySelectionDialog dlg( i18n("Encryption Key Selection"), msg, selectedKeys, Kleo::KeySelectionDialog::ValidEncryptionKeys, true, true ); // multi-selection and "remember choice" box if ( dlg.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted ) return std::vector(); std::vector keys = dlg.selectedKeys(); keys.erase( std::remove_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), NotValidTrustedEncryptionKey ), keys.end() ); if ( !keys.empty() && dlg.rememberSelection() ) setKeysForAddress( person, dlg.pgpKeyFingerprints(), dlg.smimeFingerprints() ); return keys; } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::getEncryptionKeys( const TQString & person, bool quiet ) const { const TQString address = canonicalAddress( person ).lower(); // First look for this person's address in the address->key dictionary const TQStringList fingerprints = keysForAddress( address ); if ( !fingerprints.empty() ) { kdDebug() << "Using encryption keys 0x" << fingerprints.join( ", 0x" ) << " for " << person << endl; std::vector keys = lookup( fingerprints ); if ( !keys.empty() ) { // Check if all of the keys are trusted and valid encryption keys if ( std::find_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), NotValidTrustedEncryptionKey ) != keys.end() ) { // not ok, let the user select: this is not conditional on !quiet, // since it's a bug in the configuration and the user should be // notified about it as early as possible: keys = selectKeys( person, i18n("if in your language something like " "'key(s)' isn't possible please " "use the plural in the translation", "There is a problem with the " "encryption key(s) for \"%1\".\n\n" "Please re-select the key(s) which should " "be used for this recipient.").arg(person), keys ); } keys = TrustedOrConfirmed( keys ); if ( !keys.empty() ) return keys; // hmmm, should we not return the keys in any case here? } } // Now search all public keys for matching keys std::vector matchingKeys = lookup( person ); matchingKeys.erase( std::remove_if( matchingKeys.begin(), matchingKeys.end(), NotValidTrustedEncryptionKey ), matchingKeys.end() ); // if no keys match the complete address look for keys which match // the canonical mail address if ( matchingKeys.empty() ) { matchingKeys = lookup( address ); matchingKeys.erase( std::remove_if( matchingKeys.begin(), matchingKeys.end(), NotValidTrustedEncryptionKey ), matchingKeys.end() ); } // if called with quite == true (from EncryptionPreferenceCounter), we only want to // check if there are keys for this recipients, not (yet) their validity, so // don't show the untrusted encryption key warning in that case if ( !quiet ) matchingKeys = TrustedOrConfirmed( matchingKeys ); if ( quiet || matchingKeys.size() == 1 ) return matchingKeys; // no match until now, or more than one key matches; let the user // choose the key(s) // FIXME: let user get the key from keyserver return TrustedOrConfirmed( selectKeys( person, matchingKeys.empty() ? i18n("if in your language something like " "'key(s)' isn't possible please " "use the plural in the translation", "No valid and trusted encryption key was " "found for \"%1\".\n\n" "Select the key(s) which should " "be used for this recipient.").arg(person) : i18n("if in your language something like " "'key(s)' isn't possible please " "use the plural in the translation", "More than one key matches \"%1\".\n\n" "Select the key(s) which should " "be used for this recipient.").arg(person), matchingKeys ) ); } std::vector Kleo::KeyResolver::lookup( const TQStringList & patterns, bool secret ) const { if ( patterns.empty() ) return std::vector(); kdDebug() << "Kleo::KeyResolver::lookup( \"" << patterns.join( "\", \"" ) << "\", " << secret << " )" << endl; std::vector result; if ( mCryptoMessageFormats & (InlineOpenPGPFormat|OpenPGPMIMEFormat) ) if ( const Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol * p = Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->openpgp() ) { std::auto_ptr job( p->keyListJob( false, false, true ) ); // use validating keylisting if ( job.get() ) { std::vector keys; job->exec( patterns, secret, keys ); result.insert( result.end(), keys.begin(), keys.end() ); } } if ( mCryptoMessageFormats & (SMIMEFormat|SMIMEOpaqueFormat) ) if ( const Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol * p = Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->smime() ) { std::auto_ptr job( p->keyListJob( false, false, true ) ); // use validating keylisting if ( job.get() ) { std::vector keys; job->exec( patterns, secret, keys ); result.insert( result.end(), keys.begin(), keys.end() ); } } kdDebug() << " returned " << result.size() << " keys" << endl; return result; } void Kleo::KeyResolver::addKeys( const std::vector & items, CryptoMessageFormat f ) { dump(); for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = items.begin() ; it != items.end() ; ++it ) { SplitInfo si( it->address ); std::remove_copy_if( it->keys.begin(), it->keys.end(), std::back_inserter( si.keys ), IsNotForFormat( f ) ); dump(); kdWarning( si.keys.empty() ) << "Kleo::KeyResolver::addKeys(): Fix EncryptionFormatPreferenceCounter. " << "It detected a common format, but the list of such keys for recipient \"" << it->address << "\" is empty!" << endl; d->mFormatInfoMap[ f ].splitInfos.push_back( si ); } dump(); } void Kleo::KeyResolver::addKeys( const std::vector & items ) { dump(); for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = items.begin() ; it != items.end() ; ++it ) { SplitInfo si( it->address ); CryptoMessageFormat f = AutoFormat; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numConcreteCryptoMessageFormats ; ++i ) { if ( concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i] & it->format ) { f = concreteCryptoMessageFormats[i]; break; } } if ( f == AutoFormat ) kdWarning() << "Kleo::KeyResolver::addKeys(): Something went wrong. Didn't find a format for \"" << it->address << "\"" << endl; else std::remove_copy_if( it->keys.begin(), it->keys.end(), std::back_inserter( si.keys ), IsNotForFormat( f ) ); d->mFormatInfoMap[ f ].splitInfos.push_back( si ); } dump(); } Kleo::KeyResolver::ContactPreferences Kleo::KeyResolver::lookupContactPreferences( const TQString& address ) const { const Private::ContactPreferencesMap::iterator it = d->mContactPreferencesMap.find( address ); if ( it != d->mContactPreferencesMap.end() ) return it->second; KABC::AddressBook *ab = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true ); const KABC::Addressee::List res = ab->findByEmail( address ); ContactPreferences pref; if ( !res.isEmpty() ) { KABC::Addressee addr = res.first(); TQString encryptPref = addr.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "CRYPTOENCRYPTPREF" ); pref.encryptionPreference = Kleo::stringToEncryptionPreference( encryptPref ); TQString signPref = addr.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "CRYPTOSIGNPREF" ); pref.signingPreference = Kleo::stringToSigningPreference( signPref ); TQString cryptoFormats = addr.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "CRYPTOPROTOPREF" ); pref.cryptoMessageFormat = Kleo::stringToCryptoMessageFormat( cryptoFormats ); pref.pgpKeyFingerprints = TQStringList::split( ',', addr.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "OPENPGPFP" ) ); pref.smimeCertFingerprints = TQStringList::split( ',', addr.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "SMIMEFP" ) ); } // insert into map and grab resulting iterator d->mContactPreferencesMap.insert( std::make_pair( address, pref ) ); return pref; } void Kleo::KeyResolver::saveContactPreference( const TQString& email, const ContactPreferences& pref ) const { d->mContactPreferencesMap.insert( std::make_pair( email, pref ) ); KABC::AddressBook *ab = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true ); KABC::Addressee::List res = ab->findByEmail( email ); KABC::Addressee addr; if ( res.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = true; TQString fullName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Name Selection" ), i18n( "Which name shall the contact '%1' have in your addressbook?" ).arg( email ), TQString::null, &ok ); if ( ok ) { addr.setNameFromString( fullName ); addr.insertEmail( email, true ); } else return; } else addr = res.first(); addr.insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "CRYPTOENCRYPTPREF", Kleo::encryptionPreferenceToString( pref.encryptionPreference ) ); addr.insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "CRYPTOSIGNPREF", Kleo::signingPreferenceToString( pref.signingPreference ) ); addr.insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "CRYPTOPROTOPREF", cryptoMessageFormatToString( pref.cryptoMessageFormat ) ); addr.insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "OPENPGPFP", pref.pgpKeyFingerprints.join( "," ) ); addr.insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "SMIMEFP", pref.smimeCertFingerprints.join( "," ) ); ab->insertAddressee( addr ); KABC::Ticket *ticket = ab->requestSaveTicket( addr.resource() ); if ( ticket ) ab->save( ticket ); // Assumption: 'pref' comes from d->mContactPreferencesMap already, no need to update that } Kleo::KeyResolver::ContactPreferences::ContactPreferences() : encryptionPreference( UnknownPreference ), signingPreference( UnknownSigningPreference ), cryptoMessageFormat( AutoFormat ) { } TQStringList Kleo::KeyResolver::keysForAddress( const TQString & address ) const { if( address.isEmpty() ) { return TQStringList(); } TQString addr = canonicalAddress( address ).lower(); const ContactPreferences pref = lookupContactPreferences( addr ); return pref.pgpKeyFingerprints + pref.smimeCertFingerprints; } void Kleo::KeyResolver::setKeysForAddress( const TQString& address, const TQStringList& pgpKeyFingerprints, const TQStringList& smimeCertFingerprints ) const { if( address.isEmpty() ) { return; } TQString addr = canonicalAddress( address ).lower(); ContactPreferences pref = lookupContactPreferences( addr ); pref.pgpKeyFingerprints = pgpKeyFingerprints; pref.smimeCertFingerprints = smimeCertFingerprints; saveContactPreference( addr, pref ); }