/* * kmail: KDE mail client * Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Stefan Taferner <taferner@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef kmmsginfo_h #define kmmsginfo_h #include <config.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "kmmsgbase.h" class KMMessage; class KMMsgInfo: public KMMsgBase { public: KMMsgInfo(KMFolder* parent, off_t off=0, short len=0); virtual ~KMMsgInfo(); /** left for old style index files */ void compat_fromOldIndexString(const TQCString& str, bool toUtf8); /** Initialize with given values and set dirty flag to FALSE. */ virtual void init(const TQCString& subject, const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to, time_t date, KMMsgStatus status, const TQCString& xmark, const TQCString& replyToId, const TQCString& replyToAuxId, const TQCString& msgId, KMMsgEncryptionState encryptionState, KMMsgSignatureState signatureState, KMMsgMDNSentState mdnSentState, const TQCString& prefCharset, off_t folderOffset=0, size_t msgSize=0, size_t msgSizeServer = 0, ulong UID = 0); /** Initialize with given values and set dirty flag to FALSE. */ virtual void init(const TQCString& subject, const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to, time_t date, KMMsgStatus status, const TQCString& xmark, const TQCString& replyToId, const TQCString& replyToAuxId, const TQCString& msgId, const TQCString& fileName, KMMsgEncryptionState encryptionState, KMMsgSignatureState signatureState, KMMsgMDNSentState mdnSentState, const TQCString& prefCharset, size_t msgSize=0, size_t msgSizeServer = 0, ulong UID = 0); /** Inherited methods (see KMMsgBase for description): */ virtual TQString subject(void) const; virtual TQString fromStrip(void) const; virtual TQString from() const; virtual TQString toStrip(void) const; virtual TQString to() const; virtual TQString xmark(void) const; virtual TQString replyToIdMD5(void) const; virtual TQString replyToAuxIdMD5() const; virtual TQString strippedSubjectMD5() const; virtual bool subjectIsPrefixed() const; virtual TQString msgIdMD5(void) const; virtual TQString fileName(void) const; virtual KMMsgStatus status(void) const; virtual KMMsgEncryptionState encryptionState() const; virtual KMMsgSignatureState signatureState() const; virtual KMMsgMDNSentState mdnSentState() const; virtual off_t folderOffset(void) const; virtual size_t msgSize(void) const; virtual size_t msgSizeServer(void) const; virtual time_t date(void) const; virtual ulong UID(void) const; void setMsgSize(size_t sz); void setMsgSizeServer(size_t sz); void setFolderOffset(off_t offs); void setFileName(const TQString& file); virtual void setStatus(const KMMsgStatus status, int idx = -1); virtual void setDate(time_t aUnixTime); virtual void setSubject(const TQString&); virtual void setXMark(const TQString&); virtual void setReplyToIdMD5(const TQString&); virtual void setReplyToAuxIdMD5( const TQString& ); virtual void initStrippedSubjectMD5(); virtual void setMsgIdMD5(const TQString&); virtual void setEncryptionState( const KMMsgEncryptionState, int idx = -1 ); virtual void setSignatureState( const KMMsgSignatureState, int idx = -1 ); virtual void setMDNSentState( const KMMsgMDNSentState, int idx = -1 ); virtual void setUID(ulong); virtual void setFrom( const TQString &from ); virtual void setTo( const TQString &to ); /** Grr.. c++! */ virtual void setStatus(const char* s1, const char* s2=0) { KMMsgBase::setStatus(s1, s2); } virtual void setDate(const char* s1) { KMMsgBase::setDate(s1); } virtual bool dirty(void) const; /** Copy operators. */ KMMsgInfo& operator=(const KMMessage&); private: // Currently unused KMMsgInfo& operator=(const KMMsgInfo&); KMMsgInfo(const KMMsgInfo&); // WARNING: Do not add new member variables to the class. Add them to kd class KMMsgInfoPrivate; KMMsgInfoPrivate *kd; }; typedef KMMsgInfo* KMMsgInfoPtr; #endif /*kmmsginfo_h*/