/* KNode, the KDE newsreader Copyright (c) 1999-2005 the KNode authors. See file AUTHORS for details This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #ifndef KNCOMPOSER_H #define KNCOMPOSER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class QGroupBox; class KProcess; class KSpell; class KDictSpellingHighlighter; class KSelectAction; class KToggleAction; class KNLocalArticle; class KNAttachment; class SpellingFilter; class KNComposer : public KMainWindow , virtual public KNodeComposerIface { Q_OBJECT public: enum composerResult { CRsendNow, CRsendLater, CRdelAsk, CRdel, CRsave, CRcancel }; enum MessageMode { news=0, mail=1, news_mail=2 }; // unwraped == original, not rewraped text // firstEdit==true: place the cursor at the end of the article KNComposer(KNLocalArticle *a, const TQString &text=TQString::null, const TQString &sig=TQString::null, const TQString &unwraped=TQString::null, bool firstEdit=false, bool dislikesCopies=false, bool createCopy=false); ~KNComposer(); void setConfig(bool onlyFonts); void setMessageMode(MessageMode mode); //get result bool hasValidData(); composerResult result() const { return r_esult; } KNLocalArticle* article()const { return a_rticle; } bool applyChanges(); void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *e); //set data from the given article void initData(const TQString &text); // inserts at cursor position if clear is false, replaces content otherwise // puts the file content into a box if box==true // "file" is already open for reading void insertFile(TQFile *file, bool clear=false, bool box=false, TQString boxTitle=TQString::null); // ask for a filename, handle network urls void insertFile(bool clear=false, bool box=false); TQPopupMenu * popupMenu( const TQString& name ); int listOfResultOfCheckWord( const TQStringList & lst , const TQString & selectWord); //internal classes class ComposerView; class Editor; class AttachmentView; class AttachmentViewItem; class AttachmentPropertiesDlg; //GUI ComposerView *v_iew; TQPopupMenu *a_ttPopup; //Data composerResult r_esult; KNLocalArticle *a_rticle; TQString s_ignature, u_nwraped; TQCString c_harset; MessageMode m_ode; bool n_eeds8Bit, // false: fall back to us-ascii v_alidated, // hasValidData was run and found no problems, n_eeds8Bit is valid a_uthorDislikesMailCopies; //edit bool e_xternalEdited; KProcess *e_xternalEditor; KTempFile *e_ditorTempfile; KSpell *s_pellChecker; SpellingFilter* mSpellingFilter; //Attachments TQValueList mDeletedAttachments; TQPtrList m_listAction; bool a_ttChanged; //------------------------------ ----------------------------- KAccel *a_ccel; KAction *a_ctExternalEditor, *a_ctSpellCheck, *a_ctRemoveAttachment, *a_ctAttachmentProperties, *a_ctSetCharsetKeyb; KToggleAction *a_ctPGPsign, *a_ctDoPost, *a_ctDoMail, *a_ctWordWrap; KSelectAction *a_ctSetCharset; bool spellLineEdit; protected slots: void slotSendNow(); void slotSendLater(); void slotSaveAsDraft(); void slotArtDelete(); void slotAppendSig(); void slotInsertFile(); void slotInsertFileBoxed(); void slotAttachFile(); void slotRemoveAttachment(); void slotAttachmentProperties(); void slotToggleDoPost(); void slotToggleDoMail(); void slotSetCharset(const TQString &s); void slotSetCharsetKeyboard(); void slotToggleWordWrap(); void slotUndoRewrap(); void slotExternalEditor(); void slotSpellcheck(); void slotUpdateStatusBar(); void slotUpdateCursorPos(); void slotConfKeys(); void slotConfToolbar(); void slotNewToolbarConfig(); //------------------------------ ---------------------------- // GUI void slotSubjectChanged(const TQString &t); void slotGroupsChanged(const TQString &t); void slotToBtnClicked(); void slotGroupsBtnClicked(); // external editor void slotEditorFinished(KProcess *); void slotCancelEditor(); // attachment list void slotAttachmentPopup(KListView*, TQListViewItem *it, const TQPoint &p); void slotAttachmentSelected(TQListViewItem *it); void slotAttachmentEdit(TQListViewItem *it); void slotAttachmentRemove(TQListViewItem *it); // spellcheck operation void slotSpellStarted(KSpell *); void slotSpellDone(const TQString&); void slotSpellFinished(); // DND handling virtual void slotDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *); virtual void slotDropEvent(TQDropEvent *); void slotUndo(); void slotRedo(); void slotCut(); void slotCopy(); void slotPaste(); void slotSelectAll(); void slotMisspelling(const TQString &text, const TQStringList &lst, unsigned int pos); void slotCorrected (const TQString &oldWord, const TQString &newWord, unsigned int pos); void addRecentAddress(); protected: // DND handling virtual void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *); virtual void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *); signals: void composerDone(KNComposer*); private: bool mFirstEdit; }; class KNLineEditSpell; class KNLineEdit; class KNComposer::ComposerView : public TQSplitter { public: ComposerView(KNComposer *_composer, const char *n=0); ~ComposerView(); void focusNextPrevEdit(const TQWidget* aCur, bool aNext); void setMessageMode(KNComposer::MessageMode mode); void showAttachmentView(); void hideAttachmentView(); void showExternalNotification(); void hideExternalNotification(); void restartBackgroundSpellCheck(); TQValueList mEdtList; TQLabel *l_to, *l_groups, *l_fup2; KNLineEditSpell *s_ubject; KNLineEdit *g_roups; KNLineEdit *t_o; KComboBox *f_up2; TQPushButton *g_roupsBtn, *t_oBtn; Editor *e_dit; TQGroupBox *n_otification; TQPushButton *c_ancelEditorBtn; TQWidget *a_ttWidget; AttachmentView *a_ttView; TQPushButton *a_ttAddBtn, *a_ttRemoveBtn, *a_ttEditBtn; KDictSpellingHighlighter *mSpellChecker; bool v_iewOpen; }; //internal class : handle Tabs... (expanding them in textLine(), etc.) class KNComposer::Editor : public KEdit { Q_OBJECT public: Editor(KNComposer::ComposerView *_composerView, KNComposer *_composer, TQWidget *parent=0, char *name=0); ~Editor(); TQStringList processedText(); public slots: void slotPasteAsQuotation(); void slotFind(); void slotSearchAgain(); void slotReplace(); void slotAddQuotes(); void slotRemoveQuotes(); void slotAddBox(); void slotRemoveBox(); void slotRot13(); void slotCorrectWord(); protected slots: void slotSpellStarted( KSpell *); void slotSpellDone(const TQString &); void slotSpellFinished(); void slotMisspelling (const TQString &, const TQStringList &lst, unsigned int); virtual void cut(); virtual void clear(); virtual void del(); void slotAddSuggestion( const TQString &, const TQStringList &lst, unsigned int ); signals: void sigDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *); void sigDropEvent(TQDropEvent *); protected: // DND handling virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *); virtual void contentsDropEvent(TQDropEvent *); virtual void contentsContextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e ); virtual void keyPressEvent ( TQKeyEvent *e); virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject*, TQEvent*); private: KNComposer *m_composer; KNComposer::ComposerView *m_composerView; KSpell *spell; TQMap m_replacements; TQRegExp m_bound; }; class KNComposer::AttachmentView : public KListView { Q_OBJECT public: AttachmentView(TQWidget *parent, char *name=0); ~AttachmentView(); protected: void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ); signals: void delPressed ( TQListViewItem * ); // the user used Key_Delete on a list view item }; class KNComposer::AttachmentViewItem : public KListViewItem { public: AttachmentViewItem(KListView *v, KNAttachment *a); ~AttachmentViewItem(); KNAttachment *attachment; }; class KNComposer::AttachmentPropertiesDlg : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: AttachmentPropertiesDlg( KNAttachment *a, TQWidget *p=0, const char *n=0); ~AttachmentPropertiesDlg(); void apply(); protected: KLineEdit *m_imeType, *d_escription; TQComboBox *e_ncoding; KNAttachment *a_ttachment; bool n_onTextAsText; protected slots: void accept(); void slotMimeTypeTextChanged(const TQString &text); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class KNLineEdit : public KABC::AddressLineEdit { Q_OBJECT typedef KABC::AddressLineEdit KNLineEditInherited; public: KNLineEdit(KNComposer::ComposerView *_composerView, bool useCompletion, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); protected: // Inherited. Always called by the parent when this widget is created. virtual void loadAddresses(); void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *e); virtual TQPopupMenu *createPopupMenu(); private slots: void editRecentAddresses(); private: KNComposer::ComposerView *composerView; }; class KNLineEditSpell : public KNLineEdit { Q_OBJECT public: KNLineEditSpell(KNComposer::ComposerView *_composerView, bool useCompletion,TQWidget * parent, const char * name = 0); void highLightWord( unsigned int length, unsigned int pos ); void spellCheckDone( const TQString &s ); void spellCheckerMisspelling( const TQString &text, const TQStringList &, unsigned int pos); void spellCheckerCorrected( const TQString &old, const TQString &corr, unsigned int pos); }; #endif