/* knconfigmanager.cpp KNode, the KDE newsreader Copyright (c) 1999-2005 the KNode authors. See file AUTHORS for details This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #include "knconfigmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "utilities.h" #include "knglobals.h" #include "articlewidget.h" #include "knarticlefactory.h" #include "knmainwidget.h" KNConfigManager::KNConfigManager(QObject *p, const char *n) : QObject(p, n), d_ialog(0) { i_dentity = new KNConfig::Identity(); a_ppearance = new KNConfig::Appearance(); r_eadNewsGeneral = new KNConfig::ReadNewsGeneral(); r_eadNewsNavigation = new KNConfig::ReadNewsNavigation(); r_eadNewsViewer = new KNConfig::ReadNewsViewer(); d_isplayedHeaders = new KNConfig::DisplayedHeaders(); s_coring = new KNConfig::Scoring(); p_ostNewsTechnical = new KNConfig::PostNewsTechnical(); p_ostNewsCompose = new KNConfig::PostNewsComposer(); c_leanup = new KNConfig::Cleanup(); //c_ache = new KNConfig::Cache(); } KNConfigManager::~KNConfigManager() { delete i_dentity; delete a_ppearance; delete r_eadNewsGeneral; delete r_eadNewsNavigation; delete r_eadNewsViewer; delete d_isplayedHeaders; delete s_coring; delete p_ostNewsTechnical; delete p_ostNewsCompose; delete c_leanup; //delete c_ache; } void KNConfigManager::configure() { if(!d_ialog) { d_ialog=new KNConfigDialog(knGlobals.topWidget, "Preferences_Dlg"); connect(d_ialog, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotDialogDone())); d_ialog->show(); } else KWin::activateWindow(d_ialog->winId()); } void KNConfigManager::syncConfig() { a_ppearance->save(); r_eadNewsGeneral->save(); r_eadNewsNavigation->save(); r_eadNewsViewer->save(); d_isplayedHeaders->save(); s_coring->save(); p_ostNewsTechnical->save(); p_ostNewsCompose->save(); c_leanup->save(); //c_ache->save(); } void KNConfigManager::slotDialogDone() { d_ialog->delayedDestruct(); d_ialog=0; } //=================================================================================================== KNConfigDialog::KNConfigDialog(QWidget *p, const char *n) : KCMultiDialog(p, n) { addModule ( "knode_config_identity", false ); addModule ( "knode_config_accounts", false ); addModule ( "knode_config_appearance", false ); addModule ( "knode_config_read_news", false ); addModule ( "knode_config_post_news", false ); addModule ( "knode_config_privacy", false ); addModule ( "knode_config_cleanup", false ); setHelp("anc-setting-your-identity"); connect(this, SIGNAL(configCommitted()), this, SLOT(slotConfigCommitted())); } void KNConfigDialog::slotConfigCommitted() { knGlobals.configManager()->syncConfig(); KNode::ArticleWidget::configChanged(); if(knGlobals.top) knGlobals.top->configChanged(); if(knGlobals.artFactory) knGlobals.artFactory->configChanged(); } //----------------------------- #include "knconfigmanager.moc"