/* This file is part of KDE. Copyright (c) 2004 Cornelius Schumacher This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "groupwiseserver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "groupwise.h" namespace KABC { class ResourceMemory : public ResourceCached { public: ResourceMemory() : ResourceCached( 0 ) {} Ticket *requestSaveTicket() { return 0; } bool load() { return true; } bool save( Ticket * ) { return true; } void releaseSaveTicket( Ticket * ) {} }; } extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ); } int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { KInstance instance( "kio_groupwise" ); kdDebug(7000) << "Starting kio_groupwise(pid: " << getpid() << ")" << endl; if (argc != 4) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: kio_groupwise protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit( -1 ); } Groupwise slave( argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] ); slave.dispatchLoop(); return 0; } Groupwise::Groupwise( const TQCString &protocol, const TQCString &pool, const TQCString &app ) : SlaveBase( protocol, pool, app ) { } void Groupwise::get( const KURL &url ) { kdDebug(7000) << "Groupwise::get()" << endl; kdDebug(7000) << " URL: " << url.url() << endl; #if 1 kdDebug(7000) << " Path: " << url.path() << endl; kdDebug(7000) << " Query: " << url.query() << endl; kdDebug(7000) << " Protocol: " << url.protocol() << endl; kdDebug(7000) << " Filename: " << url.filename() << endl; #endif mimeType( "text/plain" ); TQString path = url.path(); debugMessage( "Path: " + path ); if ( path.contains( "/freebusy" ) ) { getFreeBusy( url ); } else if ( path.contains( "/calendar" ) ) { getCalendar( url ); } else if ( path.contains( "/addressbook" ) ) { if ( url.query().contains( "update=true" ) ) updateAddressbook( url ); else getAddressbook( url ); } else { TQString error = i18n("Unknown path. Known paths are '/freebusy/', " "'/calendar/' and '/addressbook/'.") + TQString(" path was %1" ).tqarg( url.url() ); errorMessage( error ); } kdDebug(7000) << "Groupwise::get() done" << endl; } TQString Groupwise::soapUrl( const KURL &url ) { // FIXME: Get SSL from parameter bool useSsl = url.protocol() == "groupwises"; TQString u; if ( useSsl ) u = "https"; else u = "http"; u += "://" + url.host() + ":"; if ( url.port() ) u += TQString::number( url.port() ); else { u += "7191"; } // check for a soap path in the URL // assume that if a path to soap is included in the URL, // it will be at the start of the path, eg. // groupwise://host:port/soap2/freebusy if ( ! ( url.path().startsWith("/freebusy/") || url.path().startsWith("/calendar/") || url.path().startsWith("/addressbook/" ) ) ) { TQString soapPath = TQString("/") + TQStringList::split('/', url.path())[0]; u += soapPath; } else u += "/soap"; return u; } void Groupwise::getFreeBusy( const KURL &url ) { TQString file = url.filename(); if ( file.right( 4 ) != ".ifb" ) { TQString error = i18n("Illegal filename. File has to have '.ifb' suffix."); errorMessage( error ); } else { TQString email = file.left( file.length() - 4 ); debugMessage( "Email: " + email ); // Sanitise local Nuernberg email addresses kdDebug() << "Email before sanitizing: " << email << endl; email = email.replace(TQRegExp("\\.EMEA5-1\\.EMEA5" ), "" ); email = email.replace(TQRegExp("\\.Suse.INTERNET" ), "" ); kdDebug() << "Email after sanitizing: " << email << endl; TQString u = soapUrl( url ); TQString user = url.user(); TQString pass = url.pass(); debugMessage( "URL: " + u ); debugMessage( "User: " + user ); debugMessage( "Password: " + pass ); KCal::FreeBusy *fb = new KCal::FreeBusy; if ( user.isEmpty() || pass.isEmpty() ) { errorMessage( i18n("Need username and password to read Free/Busy information.") ); } else { GroupwiseServer server( u, user, pass, 0 ); // FIXME: Read range from configuration or URL parameters. TQDate start = TQDate::currentDate().addDays( -3 ); TQDate end = TQDate::currentDate().addDays( 60 ); fb->setDtStart( start ); fb->setDtEnd( end ); kdDebug() << "Login" << endl; if ( !server.login() ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to login: ") + server.errorText() ); } else { kdDebug() << "Read free/busy" << endl; if ( !server.readFreeBusy( email, start, end, fb ) ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to read free/busy data: ") + server.errorText() ); } kdDebug() << "Read free/busy" << endl; server.logout(); } } #if 0 TQDateTime s = TQDateTime( TQDate( 2004, 9, 27 ), TQTime( 10, 0 ) ); TQDateTime e = TQDateTime( TQDate( 2004, 9, 27 ), TQTime( 11, 0 ) ); fb->addPeriod( s, e ); #endif // FIXME: This does not take into account the time zone! KCal::ICalFormat format; TQString ical = format.createScheduleMessage( fb, KCal::Scheduler::Publish ); data( ical.utf8() ); finished(); } } void Groupwise::getCalendar( const KURL &url ) { TQString u = soapUrl( url ); TQString user = url.user(); TQString pass = url.pass(); debugMessage( "URL: " + u ); debugMessage( "User: " + user ); debugMessage( "Password: " + pass ); GroupwiseServer server( u, user, pass, 0 ); KCal::CalendarLocal calendar( TQString::fromLatin1("UTC")); kdDebug() << "Login" << endl; if ( !server.login() ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to login: ") + server.errorText() ); } else { kdDebug() << "Read calendar" << endl; if ( !server.readCalendarSynchronous( &calendar ) ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to read calendar data: ") + server.errorText() ); } kdDebug() << "Logout" << endl; server.logout(); } KCal::ICalFormat format; TQString ical = format.toString( &calendar ); data( ical.utf8() ); finished(); } void Groupwise::getAddressbook( const KURL &url ) { TQString u = soapUrl( url ); TQString user = url.user(); TQString pass = url.pass(); debugMessage( "URL: " + u ); debugMessage( "User: " + user ); debugMessage( "Password: " + pass ); TQString query = url.query(); if ( query.isEmpty() || query == "?" ) { errorMessage( i18n("No addressbook IDs given.") ); } else { TQStringList ids; query = query.mid( 1 ); TQStringList queryItems = TQStringList::split( "&", query ); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for( it = queryItems.begin(); it != queryItems.end(); ++it ) { TQStringList item = TQStringList::split( "=", (*it) ); if ( item.count() == 2 && item[ 0 ] == "addressbookid" ) { ids.append( item[ 1 ] ); } } debugMessage( "IDs: " + ids.join( "," ) ); GroupwiseServer server( u, user, pass, 0 ); connect( &server, TQT_SIGNAL( readAddressBookTotalSize( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotReadAddressBookTotalSize( int ) ) ); connect( &server, TQT_SIGNAL( readAddressBookProcessedSize( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotReadAddressBookProcessedSize( int ) ) ); connect( &server, TQT_SIGNAL( errorMessage( const TQString &, bool ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotServerErrorMessage( const TQString &, bool ) ) ); connect( &server, TQT_SIGNAL( gotAddressees( const KABC::Addressee::List ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotReadReceiveAddressees( const KABC::Addressee::List ) ) ); kdDebug() << "Login" << endl; if ( !server.login() ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to login: ") + server.errorText() ); } else { kdDebug() << "Read Addressbook" << endl; if ( !server.readAddressBooksSynchronous( ids ) ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to read addressbook data: ") + server.errorText() ); } kdDebug() << "Logout" << endl; server.logout(); finished(); } } } void Groupwise::slotReadReceiveAddressees( const KABC::Addressee::List addressees ) { kdDebug() << "Groupwise::slotReadReceiveAddressees() - passing " << addressees.count() << " contacts back to application" << endl; KABC::VCardConverter conv; TQString vcard = conv.createVCards( addressees ); data( vcard.utf8() ); } void Groupwise::updateAddressbook( const KURL &url ) { kdDebug() << "Groupwise::updateAddressbook() " << url << endl; TQString u = soapUrl( url ); TQString user = url.user(); TQString pass = url.pass(); debugMessage( "update AB URL: " + u ); debugMessage( "update AB User: " + user ); debugMessage( "update AB Password: " + pass ); TQString query = url.query(); unsigned long lastSequenceNumber = 0; unsigned long lastPORebuildTime = 0; if ( query.isEmpty() || query == "?" ) { errorMessage( i18n("No addressbook IDs given.") ); return; } else { TQStringList ids; query = query.mid( 1 ); TQStringList queryItems = TQStringList::split( "&", query ); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for( it = queryItems.begin(); it != queryItems.end(); ++it ) { TQStringList item = TQStringList::split( "=", (*it) ); if ( item.count() == 2 && item[ 0 ] == "addressbookid" ) { ids.append( item[ 1 ] ); } if ( item.count() == 2 && item[ 0 ] == "lastSeqNo" ) lastSequenceNumber = item[ 1 ].toULong(); if ( item.count() == 2 && item[ 0 ] == "PORebuildTime" ) lastPORebuildTime = item[ 1 ].toULong(); } debugMessage( "update IDs: " + ids.join( "," ) ); GroupwiseServer server( u, user, pass, 0 ); connect( &server, TQT_SIGNAL( errorMessage( const TQString &, bool ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotServerErrorMessage( const TQString &, bool ) ) ); connect( &server, TQT_SIGNAL( gotAddressees( const KABC::Addressee::List ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotReadReceiveAddressees( const KABC::Addressee::List ) ) ); kdDebug() << " Login" << endl; if ( !server.login() ) { errorMessage( i18n("Unable to login: ") + server.errorText() ); } else { kdDebug() << " Updating Addressbook" << endl; if ( !server.updateAddressBooks( ids, lastSequenceNumber + 1, lastPORebuildTime ) ) { error( KIO::ERR_NO_CONTENT, server.errorText() ); //errorMessage( i18n("Unable to update addressbook data: ") + server.errorText() ); } kdDebug() << " Logout" << endl; server.logout(); finished(); } } } void Groupwise::errorMessage( const TQString &msg ) { error( KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, msg ); } void Groupwise::debugMessage( const TQString &msg ) { #if 0 data( ( msg + "\n" ).utf8() ); #else Q_UNUSED( msg ); #endif } void Groupwise::slotReadAddressBookTotalSize( int size ) { totalSize( size ); } void Groupwise::slotReadAddressBookProcessedSize( int size ) { kdDebug() << "Groupwise::processedSize(): " << size << endl; processedSize( size ); } void Groupwise::slotServerErrorMessage( const TQString & serverErrorMessage, bool fatal ) { kdDebug() << "Groupwise::slotJobErrorMessage()" << serverErrorMessage << ( fatal ? ", FATAL!" : ", proceeding" ) << endl; errorMessage( i18n( "An error occurred while communicating with the GroupWise server:\n%1" ).tqarg( serverErrorMessage ) ); } #include "groupwise.moc"