/* This file is part of kdepim. Copyright (c) 2004 Tobias Koenig This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "incidenceconverter.h" #define GW_MAX_RECURRENCES 50 IncidenceConverter::IncidenceConverter( struct soap* soap ) : GWConverter( soap ) { mTimezone = KPimPrefs::timezone(); } void IncidenceConverter::setFrom( const QString &name, const QString &email, const QString &uuid ) { mFromName = name; mFromEmail = email; mFromUuid = uuid; } KCal::Event* IncidenceConverter::convertFromAppointment( ngwt__Appointment* appointment ) { kdDebug() << "IncidenceConverter::convertFromAppointment()" << endl; if ( !appointment ) return 0; KCal::Event *event = new KCal::Event(); if ( !convertFromCalendarItem( appointment, event ) ) { delete event; return 0; } if ( appointment->allDayEvent && (*appointment->allDayEvent) ) { event->setFloats( true ); if ( appointment->startDay != 0 ) event->setDtStart( stringToQDate( appointment->startDay ).addDays( 1 ) ); if ( appointment->endDay != 0 ) event->setDtEnd( stringToQDate( appointment->endDay) ); kdDebug() << " all day event." << endl; } else { event->setFloats( false ); if ( appointment->startDate != 0 ) { event->setDtStart( charToQDateTime( appointment->startDate, mTimezone ) ); } if ( appointment->endDate != 0 ) event->setDtEnd( charToQDateTime( appointment->endDate, mTimezone ) ); } kdDebug() << "start date: " << event->dtStart() << endl; kdDebug() << "end date: " << event->dtEnd() << endl; if ( appointment->alarm ) { KCal::Alarm *alarm = event->newAlarm(); alarm->setStartOffset( appointment->alarm->__item * -1 ); alarm->setEnabled( appointment->alarm->enabled ); } if ( appointment->place ) event->setLocation( stringToQString( appointment->place ) ); if ( appointment->acceptLevel ) { if ( *appointment->acceptLevel == Tentative ) event->setTransparency( KCal::Event::Transparent ); else event->setTransparency( KCal::Event::Opaque ); } return event; } ngwt__Appointment* IncidenceConverter::convertToAppointment( KCal::Event* event ) { kdDebug() << "IncidenceConverter::convertToAppointment()" << endl; if ( !event ) return 0; ngwt__Appointment* appointment = soap_new_ngwt__Appointment( soap(), -1 ); appointment->startDate = 0; appointment->endDate = 0; appointment->startDay = 0; appointment->endDay = 0; appointment->acceptLevel = 0; appointment->alarm = 0; appointment->allDayEvent = 0; appointment->place = 0; appointment->timezone = 0; if ( !convertToCalendarItem( event, appointment ) ) { soap_dealloc( soap(), appointment ); return 0; } if ( event->doesFloat() ) { bool *allDayEvent = (bool*)soap_malloc( soap(), 1 ); (*allDayEvent ) = true; appointment->allDayEvent = allDayEvent; if ( event->dtStart().isValid() ) { /* kdDebug() << " convertToAppointment() raw start date: " << event->dtStart().toString() << endl;*/ QDateTime start = event->dtStart(); start.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ); appointment->startDate = qDateTimeToChar( start, mTimezone ); //appointment->startDay = qDateToString( event->dtStart().date()/*.addDays( -1 )*/ ); /* kdDebug() << " converted start date: " << appointment->startDate << endl;*/ } else kdDebug() << " event start date not valid " << endl; if ( event->hasEndDate() ) { // kdDebug() << " convertToAppointment() raw end date: " << event->dtEnd().toString() << endl; QDateTime end = event->dtEnd(); end = end.addDays( 1 ); end.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ); appointment->endDate = qDateTimeToChar( end, mTimezone ); //appointment->endDay = qDateToString( event->dtEnd().date() ); // kdDebug() << " converted end date:" << appointment->endDate << endl; } else kdDebug() << " event end date not valid " << endl; } else { appointment->allDayEvent = 0; if ( event->dtStart().isValid() ) appointment->startDate = qDateTimeToChar( event->dtStart(), mTimezone ); if ( event->hasEndDate() ) appointment->endDate = qDateTimeToChar( event->dtEnd(), mTimezone ); } enum ngwt__AcceptLevel * al = (enum ngwt__AcceptLevel*)soap_malloc(soap(), sizeof(enum ngwt__AcceptLevel)); *al = Busy; appointment->acceptLevel = al; KCal::Alarm::List alarms = event->alarms(); if ( !alarms.isEmpty() ) { ngwt__Alarm* alarm = soap_new_ngwt__Alarm( soap(), -1 ); alarm->__item = alarms.first()->startOffset().asSeconds() * -1; bool * enabled = (bool *)soap_malloc(soap(), sizeof(bool)); *enabled = alarms.first()->enabled(); alarm->enabled = enabled; appointment->alarm = alarm; } else appointment->alarm = 0; if ( !event->location().isEmpty() ) { std::string* location = qStringToString( event->location() ); appointment->place = location; } else appointment->place = 0; appointment->timezone = 0; return appointment; } KCal::Todo* IncidenceConverter::convertFromTask( ngwt__Task* task ) { if ( !task ) return 0; KCal::Todo *todo = new KCal::Todo(); if ( !convertFromCalendarItem( task, todo ) ) { delete todo; return 0; } if ( task->startDate ) { todo->setHasStartDate( true ); todo->setDtStart( stringToQDateTime( task->startDate ) ); } if ( task->dueDate ) { todo->setHasDueDate( true ); todo->setDtDue( stringToQDateTime( task->dueDate ) ); } if ( task->taskPriority ) { QString priority = stringToQString( task->taskPriority ); // FIXME: Store priority string somewhere int p = priority.toInt(); if ( p == 0 ) p = 3; todo->setPriority( p ); } if ( task->completed ) todo->setCompleted( *task->completed ); todo->setLocation( i18n( "Novell GroupWise does not support locations for to-dos." ) ); return todo; } ngwt__Task* IncidenceConverter::convertToTask( KCal::Todo* todo ) { if ( !todo ) return 0; ngwt__Task* task = soap_new_ngwt__Task( soap(), -1 ); task->startDate = 0; task->dueDate = 0; task->assignedDate = 0; task->taskPriority = 0; task->completed = 0; if ( !convertToCalendarItem( todo, task ) ) { soap_dealloc( soap(), task ); return 0; } if ( todo->dtStart().isValid() ) task->startDate = qDateTimeToString( todo->dtStart(), mTimezone ); if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) { task->dueDate = qDateTimeToString( todo->dtDue() ); } // FIXME: Restore custom priorities QString priority = QString::number( todo->priority() ); task->taskPriority = qStringToString( priority ); task->completed = (bool*)soap_malloc( soap(), 1 ); if ( todo->isCompleted() ) (*task->completed) = true; else (*task->completed) = false; return task; } KCal::Journal* IncidenceConverter::convertFromNote( ngwt__Note* note) { kdDebug() << "IncidenceConverter::convertFromNote()" << endl; if ( !note ) return 0; KCal::Journal *journal = new KCal::Journal(); if ( !convertFromCalendarItem( note, journal ) ) { kdDebug() << "Couldn't convert Note to Journal!" << endl; delete journal; return 0; } if ( note->startDate ) { kdDebug() << "Journal start date is: " << note->startDate->c_str() << endl; journal->setDtStart( stringToQDate( note->startDate ) ); } return journal; } ngwt__Note* IncidenceConverter::convertToNote( KCal::Journal* journal ) { if ( !journal ) return 0; ngwt__Note* note = soap_new_ngwt__Note( soap(), -1 ); note->startDate = 0; if ( !convertToCalendarItem( journal, note ) ) { soap_dealloc( soap(), note ); return 0; } if ( journal->doesFloat() ) { if ( journal->dtStart().isValid() ) note->startDate = qDateToString( journal->dtStart().date() ); } else { if ( journal->dtStart().isValid() ) note->startDate = qDateTimeToString( journal->dtStart(), mTimezone ); } if ( !note->subject ) note->subject = qStringToString( QString("NO SUBJECT") ); return note; } bool IncidenceConverter::convertToCalendarItem( KCal::Incidence* incidence, ngwt__CalendarItem* item ) { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; //TODO: support the new iCal standard recurrence rule // ngwt__CalendarItem item->rdate = 0; item->rrule = 0; item->exdate = 0; item->recurrenceKey = 0; item->iCalId = 0; // ngwt__Mail item->subject = 0; item->originalSubject = 0; item->subjectPrefix = 0; item->distribution = 0; item->message = 0; item->attachments = 0; item->options = 0; item->link = 0; item->hasAttachment = false; item->size = 0; item->subType = 0; item->nntpOrImap = 0; item->smimeType = 0; // ngwt__BoxEntry item->status = 0; item->thread = 0; item->msgId = 0; item->messageId = 0; item->source = 0; item->returnSentItemsId = 0; item->delivered = 0; item->class_ = 0; item->security = 0; item->comment = 0; // ngwt__ContainerItem item->categories = 0; item->created = 0; item->customs = 0; // ngwt__Item item->id = 0; item->name = 0; item->version = 0; item->modified = 0; item->changes = 0; QString id = incidence->customProperty( "GWRESOURCE", "UID" ); if ( !id.isEmpty() ) item->id = qStringToString( id ); // Container if ( !incidence->customProperty( "GWRESOURCE", "CONTAINER" ).isEmpty() ) { std::vector* container = soap_new_std__vectorTemplateOfPointerTongwt__ContainerRef( soap(), -1 ); ngwt__ContainerRef* containerRef = soap_new_ngwt__ContainerRef( soap(), -1 ); containerRef->deleted = 0; containerRef->__item = incidence->customProperty( "GWRESOURCE", "CONTAINER" ).utf8(); container->push_back( containerRef ); item->container = *container; } // secrecy item->class_ = (ngwt__ItemClass *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( ngwt__ItemClass ) ); switch ( incidence->secrecy() ) { case KCal::Event::SecrecyPublic: *item->class_ = Public; break; case KCal::Event::SecrecyPrivate: *item->class_ = Private; break; case KCal::Event::SecrecyConfidential: *item->class_ = Private; break; } // options item->options = soap_new_ngwt__ItemOptions( soap(), -1 ); item->options->concealSubject = 0; item->options->delayDeliveryUntil = 0; item->options->expires = 0; item->options->hidden = 0; item->options->priority = Standard; // summary if ( !incidence->summary().isEmpty() ) item->subject = qStringToString( incidence->summary() ); // TODO: reinstate when we know that this isn't causing problems with recurrence // if ( incidence->created().isValid() ) { // item->created = qDateTimeToChar( incidence->created(), mTimezone ); // } else // item->created = 0; // if ( incidence->lastModified().isValid() ) // item->modified = qDateTimeToChar( incidence->lastModified(), mTimezone ); setItemDescription( incidence, item ); item->source = (ngwt__ItemSource *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( ngwt__ItemSource ) ); #if 1 if ( incidence->attendeeCount() > 0 ) { setAttendees( incidence, item ); *item->source = sent_; } else *item->source = personal_; #endif setRecurrence( incidence, item ); return true; } void IncidenceConverter::setAttendees( KCal::Incidence *incidence, ngwt__CalendarItem *item ) { item->distribution = soap_new_ngwt__Distribution( soap(), -1 ); item->distribution->from = soap_new_ngwt__From( soap(), -1 ); // ngwt__From item->distribution->from->replyTo = 0; // ngwt__NameAndEmail item->distribution->from->displayName = 0; item->distribution->from->email = 0; item->distribution->from->uuid = 0; item->distribution->from->displayName = qStringToString( incidence->organizer().name() ); item->distribution->from->email = qStringToString( incidence->organizer().email() ); if ( !mFromName.isEmpty() ) item->distribution->from->displayName = qStringToString( mFromName ); if ( !mFromEmail.isEmpty() ) item->distribution->from->email = qStringToString( mFromEmail ); if ( !mFromUuid.isEmpty() ) item->distribution->from->uuid = qStringToString( mFromUuid ); QString to; // To list consists of display names of organizer and attendees separated by "; " to += incidence->organizer().name(); item->distribution->sendoptions = soap_new_ngwt__SendOptions( soap(), -1 ); item->distribution->sendoptions->requestReply = 0; item->distribution->sendoptions->mimeEncoding = 0; item->distribution->sendoptions->notification = 0; item->distribution->sendoptions->statusTracking = soap_new_ngwt__StatusTracking( soap(), -1 ); item->distribution->sendoptions->statusTracking->autoDelete = false; item->distribution->sendoptions->statusTracking->__item = All_; item->distribution->recipients = soap_new_ngwt__RecipientList( soap(), -1 ); item->distribution->recipients->recipient = *( soap_new_std__vectorTemplateOfPointerTongwt__Recipient( soap(), -1 ) ); KCal::Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees(); KCal::Attendee::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) { if ( !to.isEmpty() ) to += QString::fromLatin1( "; %1" ).arg( (*it)->name() ); kdDebug() << "IncidenceConverter::setAttendees(), adding " << (*it)->fullName() << endl; QString uuid; QValueList addList = KABC::StdAddressBook::self()->findByEmail( (*it)->email() ); if ( !addList.first().isEmpty() ) uuid = addList.first().custom( "GWRESOURCE", "UUID" ); //uuid may be mandatory for the recipients list to be stored on the server... item->distribution->recipients->recipient.push_back( createRecipient( (*it)->name(), (*it)->email(), uuid ) ); } item->distribution->to = qStringToString( to ); item->distribution->cc = 0; item->distribution->bc = 0; } ngwt__Recipient *IncidenceConverter::createRecipient( const QString &name, const QString &email, const QString &uuid ) { ngwt__Recipient *recipient = soap_new_ngwt__Recipient( soap(), -1 ); recipient->recipientStatus = 0; if ( !uuid.isEmpty() ) recipient->uuid = qStringToString( uuid ); else recipient->uuid = 0; if ( !name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug() << "- recipient name: " << name << endl; recipient->displayName = qStringToString( name ); } else { recipient->displayName = 0; } if ( !email.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug() << "- recipient email: " << email << endl; recipient->email = qStringToString( email ); } else { recipient->email = 0; } recipient->distType = TO; recipient->recipType = User_; recipient->acceptLevel = 0; return recipient; } bool IncidenceConverter::convertFromCalendarItem( ngwt__CalendarItem* item, KCal::Incidence* incidence ) { incidence->setCustomProperty( "GWRESOURCE", "UID", stringToQString( item->id ) ); if ( item->subject && !item->subject->empty() ) incidence->setSummary( stringToQString( item->subject ) ); kdDebug() << "SUMMARY: " << incidence->summary() << endl; if ( item->created ) { kdDebug() << "item created at " << item->created << endl; incidence->setCreated( charToQDateTime( item->created, mTimezone ) ); } if ( item->modified != 0 ) { kdDebug() << "item modified at " << item->created << endl; incidence->setLastModified( charToQDateTime( item->modified, mTimezone ) ); } getItemDescription( item, incidence ); getAttendees( item, incidence ); if ( item->recurrenceKey ) incidence->setCustomProperty( "GWRESOURCE", "RECURRENCEKEY", QString::number( *item->recurrenceKey ) ); /* // This must just be a very early cut at recurrence if ( item->rdate && item->rdate->date ) { std::vector* dateList = item->rdate->date; std::vector::const_iterator it; for ( it = dateList->begin(); it != dateList->end(); ++it ) { QDate date = QDate::fromString( s2q( *it ), Qt::ISODate ); if ( date.isValid() ) } } */ /* bool* isRecurring 0; std::string* iCalId 0; */ return true; } void IncidenceConverter::getItemDescription( ngwt__CalendarItem *item, KCal::Incidence *incidence ) { if ( item->message ) { std::vector parts = item->message->part; std::vector::const_iterator it = parts.begin(); for ( ; it != parts.end(); ++it ) { xsd__base64Binary data = (*it)->__item; // text/plain should be the description if ( stringToQString( (*it)->contentType ) == "text/plain" ) { QString description = QString::fromUtf8( (char*)data.__ptr, data.__size ); incidence->setDescription( description ); kdDebug() << "Incidence description decodes to: " << description << endl; return; } } } } void IncidenceConverter::setItemDescription( KCal::Incidence *incidence, ngwt__CalendarItem *item ) { if ( !incidence->description().isEmpty() ) { ngwt__MessageBody *message = soap_new_ngwt__MessageBody( soap(), -1 ); message->part = *soap_new_std__vectorTemplateOfPointerTongwt__MessagePart( soap(), -1 ); ngwt__MessagePart *part = soap_new_ngwt__MessagePart( soap(), -1 ); xsd__base64Binary data; data.__ptr = (unsigned char*)qStringToChar( incidence->description().utf8() ); data.__size = incidence->description().utf8().length(); part->id = 0; part->__item = data; part->contentId = 0; std::string *str = soap_new_std__string( soap(), -1 ); str->append( "text/plain" ); part->contentType = str; part->length = 0; // this is optional and sending the actual length of the source string truncates the data. part->offset = 0; // optional message->part.push_back( part ); item->message = message; } else item->message = 0; } void IncidenceConverter::getAttendees( ngwt__CalendarItem *item, KCal::Incidence *incidence ) { kdDebug() << "IncidenceConverter::getAttendees()" << ( item->subject ? item->subject->c_str() : "no subject" ) << endl; if ( item->distribution && item->distribution->from ) { kdDebug() << "-- from" << endl; KCal::Person organizer( stringToQString( item->distribution->from->displayName ), stringToQString( item->distribution->from->email ) ); incidence->setOrganizer( organizer ); } if ( item->distribution && item->distribution->recipients ) { kdDebug() << "-- recipients" << endl; std::vector recipients = item->distribution->recipients->recipient; std::vector::const_iterator it; for ( it = recipients.begin(); it != recipients.end(); ++it ) { ngwt__Recipient *recipient = *it; kdDebug() << "---- recipient " << recipient->email->c_str() << endl; KCal::Attendee *attendee = new KCal::Attendee( stringToQString( recipient->displayName ), stringToQString( recipient->email ) ); // set our status if ( emailsMatch( stringToQString(recipient->email), mFromEmail ) ) if ( item->status->accepted ) attendee->setStatus( ( *item->status->accepted ) ? KCal::Attendee::Accepted : KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction ); else kdDebug() << "---- found ourselves, but not accepted" << endl; else kdDebug() << "---- '" << "' != '" << (qStringToString( mFromEmail ))->c_str() << "'" << endl; incidence->addAttendee( attendee ); } } } void IncidenceConverter::setRecurrence( KCal::Incidence * incidence, ngwt__CalendarItem * item ) { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; ngwt__Frequency * freq = 0; const KCal::Recurrence * recur = incidence->recurrence(); if ( incidence->doesRecur() ) { item->rrule = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceRule( soap(), -1 ); item->rrule->frequency = 0; // item->rrule->count = 0; item->rrule->until = 0; // item->rrule->interval = 0; // item->rrule->byDay = 0; item->rrule->byYearDay = 0; item->rrule->byMonthDay = 0; item->rrule->byMonth = 0; freq = (ngwt__Frequency *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( ngwt__Frequency ) ); // interval if ( recur->frequency() > 1 ) { item->rrule->interval = (unsigned long *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( unsigned long * ) ); *item->rrule->interval = recur->frequency(); } // end date if ( recur->duration() > 0 ) // number of recurrences. If end date is set we don't use this. { item->rrule->count = (long unsigned int *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( long unsigned int * ) ); *item->rrule->count = recur->duration(); } #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) else if ( recur->endDateTime().isValid() ) #else else if ( recur->endDate().isValid() ) #endif item->rrule->until = qDateToString( recur->endDate() ); else // GROUPWISE doesn't accept infinite recurrence so end after GW_MAX_RECURRENCES recurrences { item->rrule->count = (long unsigned int *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( long unsigned int * ) ); *item->rrule->count = GW_MAX_RECURRENCES; } // recurrence date - try setting it using the recurrence start date - didn't help /* std::string startDate; startDate.append( recur->recurStart().date().toString( Qt::ISODate ).utf8() ); item->rdate = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceDateType( soap(), -1 ); item->rdate->date.push_back( startDate );*/ // exceptions list - try sending empty list even if no exceptions #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) KCal::DateList exceptions = recur->exDates(); #else KCal::DateList exceptions = incidence->exDates(); #endif if ( !exceptions.isEmpty() ) { item->exdate = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceDateType( soap(), -1 ); for ( KCal::DateList::ConstIterator it = exceptions.begin(); it != exceptions.end(); ++it ) { std::string startDate; startDate.append( (*it).toString( Qt::ISODate ).utf8() ); item->exdate->date.push_back( startDate ); } } } #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rDaily ) #else if ( incidence->doesRecur() == KCal::Recurrence::rDaily ) #endif { kdDebug() << "incidence recurs daily" << endl; *freq = Daily; item->rrule->frequency = freq; } #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rWeekly ) #else else if ( incidence->doesRecur() == KCal::Recurrence::rWeekly ) #endif { kdDebug() << "incidence recurs weekly" << endl; #if 1 //trying out byDay recurrence *freq = Weekly; item->rrule->frequency = freq; // now change the bitArray of the days of the week that it recurs on to a ngwt__DayOfWeekList * QBitArray ba = recur->days(); ngwt__DayOfYearWeekList * weeklyDays = soap_new_ngwt__DayOfYearWeekList( soap(), -1 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) { if ( ba[i] ) { ngwt__DayOfYearWeek * day = soap_new_ngwt__DayOfYearWeek( soap(), -1 ); day->occurrence = 0; switch( i ) { case 0: day->__item = Monday; break; case 1: day->__item = Tuesday; break; case 2: day->__item = Wednesday; break; case 3: day->__item = Thursday; break; case 4: day->__item = Friday; break; case 5: day->__item = Saturday; break; case 6: day->__item = Sunday; break; } weeklyDays->day.push_back( day ); } } // add the list of days to the recurrence rule item->rrule->byDay = weeklyDays; #endif } #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rMonthlyDay ) #else else if ( incidence->doesRecur() == KCal::Recurrence::rMonthlyDay ) #endif { kdDebug() << "incidence recurs monthly" << endl; ; *freq = Monthly; item->rrule->frequency = freq; // TODO: translate '3rd wednesday of month' etc into rdates } #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyDay ) #else else if ( incidence->doesRecur() == KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyDay ) #endif { kdDebug() << "incidence recurs yearly on day #" << endl; *freq = Yearly; item->rrule->frequency = freq; // TODO: translate '1st sunday in may' ngwt__DayOfYearList * daysOfYear = soap_new_ngwt__DayOfYearList( soap(), -1 ); #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) QValueList rmd; rmd = recur->yearMonths(); daysOfYear->day.push_back( rmd.first() ); #else QPtrList rmd; rmd = recur->yearNums(); daysOfYear->day.push_back( *rmd.first() ); #endif item->rrule->byYearDay = daysOfYear; // no need to do MonthList recurrence as these will appear as separate instances when fetched from GW } #if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 ) else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyMonth ) #else else if ( incidence->doesRecur() == KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyMonth ) #endif { kdDebug() << "incidence recurs yearly on monthday" << endl; *freq = Yearly; item->rrule->frequency = freq; } }