/* stdsoap2.c[pp] 2.7.3 Runtime environment. gSOAP XML Web services tools Copyright (C) 2000-2005, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc., All Rights Reserved. This part of the software is released under one of the following licenses: GPL, the gSOAP public license, or Genivia's license for commercial use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributors: Wind River Systems, Inc., for the following additions: - vxWorks compatible - Support for IPv6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gSOAP public license. The contents of this file are subject to the gSOAP Public License Version 1.3 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soaplicense.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Robert A. van Engelen. Copyright (C) 2000-2005, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc., All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPL license. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Author contact information: engelen@genivia.com / engelen@acm.org -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A commercial use license is available from Genivia, Inc., contact@genivia.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation note: Win32 build needs winsock.dll (Visual C++ "wsock32.lib") To do this in Visual C++ 6.0, go to "Project", "settings", select the "Link" tab (the project file needs to be selected in the file view) and add "wsock32.lib" to the "Object/library modules" entry On Mac OS X with gcc (GCC) 3.1 20020420 (prerelease) you MUST compile with -fstack_check when using -O2 because gcc 3.1 has a bug that smashes the stack when locally allocated data exceeds 64K. */ #include "stdsoap2.h" #ifdef __cplusplus SOAP_SOURCE_STAMP("@(#) stdsoap2.cpp ver 2.7.3 2005-06-27 12:00:00 GMT") extern "C" { #else SOAP_SOURCE_STAMP("@(#) stdsoap2.c ver 2.7.3 2005-06-27 12:00:00 GMT") #endif /* 8bit character representing unknown/nonrepresentable character data (e.g. not supported by current locale) */ #ifndef SOAP_UNKNOWN_CHAR #define SOAP_UNKNOWN_CHAR (127) #endif /* EOF=-1 */ #define SOAP_LT (soap_wchar)(-2) /* XML character '<' */ #define SOAP_TT (soap_wchar)(-3) /* XML character '' */ #define SOAP_QT (soap_wchar)(-5) /* XML character '"' */ #define SOAP_AP (soap_wchar)(-6) /* XML character ''' */ #define SOAP_BOM (soap_wchar)(0xFEFF) /* UTF BOM is Unicode FEFF */ #define soap_blank(c) ((c) >= 0 && (c) <= 32) #define soap_notblank(c) ((c) > 32) #define soap_hash_ptr(p) (((unsigned long)(p) >> 3) & (SOAP_PTRHASH - 1)) static int soap_isxdigit(int); static soap_wchar soap_char(struct soap*); #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF static void soap_update_ptrs(struct soap*, char*, char*, long); static int soap_has_copies(struct soap*, const char*, const char*); static void soap_init_iht(struct soap*); static void soap_free_iht(struct soap*); static void soap_init_pht(struct soap*); static void soap_free_pht(struct soap*); #endif #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_init_logs(struct soap*); static void soap_close_logfile(struct soap*, int); static void soap_set_logfile(struct soap*, int, const char*); static void soap_free_mht(struct soap*); static void soap_track_unlink(struct soap*, const void*); #endif static int soap_set_error(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, const char*, int); static int soap_copy_fault(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, const char*); static int soap_getattrval(struct soap*, char*, size_t, soap_wchar); static void soap_set_local_namespaces(struct soap*); static void *fplugin(struct soap*, const char*); #ifndef WITH_LEAN static const char *soap_set_validation_fault(struct soap*, const char*, const char*); static int soap_isnumeric(struct soap*, const char*); static time_t soap_timegm(struct tm*); #endif #ifdef WITH_FAST static int soap_append_lab(struct soap*, const char*, size_t); #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER static struct soap_multipart *soap_new_multipart(struct soap*, struct soap_multipart**, struct soap_multipart**, char*, size_t); static int soap_putdimefield(struct soap*, const char*, size_t); static char *soap_getdimefield(struct soap*, size_t); static void soap_select_mime_boundary(struct soap*); static int soap_valid_mime_boundary(struct soap*); static int soap_match_cid(const char*, const char*); static void soap_resolve_attachment(struct soap*, struct soap_multipart*); #endif #ifdef WITH_GZIP static int soap_getgziphdr(struct soap*); #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL static int ssl_auth_init(struct soap*); static int ssl_verify_callback(int, X509_STORE_CTX*); static int ssl_password(char*, int, int, void *); static const char *ssl_error(struct soap*, int); /* This callback is included for future references. It should not be deleted static DH *ssl_tmp_dh(SSL*, int, int); */ #endif #if !defined(WITH_NOHTTP) || !defined(WITH_LEANER) static const char *soap_decode(char*, size_t, const char*, const char*); #endif #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP static soap_wchar soap_getchunkchar(struct soap*); static const char *http_error(struct soap*, int); static int http_post(struct soap*, const char*, const char*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t); static int http_get(struct soap*); static int http_send_header(struct soap*, const char*); static int http_post_header(struct soap*, const char*, const char*); static int http_response(struct soap*, int, size_t); static int http_parse(struct soap*); static int http_parse_header(struct soap*, const char*, const char*); #endif #ifndef WITH_NOIO static int fsend(struct soap*, const char*, size_t); static size_t frecv(struct soap*, char*, size_t); static int tcp_init(struct soap*); static const char *tcp_error(struct soap*); #ifndef WITH_IPV6 static int tcp_gethost(struct soap*, const char *addr, struct in_addr *inaddr); #endif static int tcp_connect(struct soap*, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port); static int tcp_accept(struct soap*, int, struct sockaddr*, int*); static int tcp_disconnect(struct soap*); static int tcp_closesocket(struct soap*, SOAP_SOCKET); static int tcp_shutdownsocket(struct soap*, SOAP_SOCKET, int); static const char *soap_strerror(struct soap*); #endif #ifdef VXWORKS static int vx_nonblocking = TRUE; /* ioctl argument */ #endif #if defined(PALM) && !defined(PALM_2) unsigned short errno; #endif #ifndef PALM_1 static const char soap_env1[42] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; static const char soap_enc1[42] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"; static const char soap_env2[40] = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; static const char soap_enc2[40] = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding"; static const char soap_rpc[35] = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-rpc"; #endif #ifndef PALM_1 const struct soap_double_nan soap_double_nan = {0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF}; static const char soap_base64o[65] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static const char soap_base64i[81] = "\76XXX\77\64\65\66\67\70\71\72\73\74\75XXXXXXX\00\01\02\03\04\05\06\07\10\11\12\13\14\15\16\17\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\30\31XXXXXX\32\33\34\35\36\37\40\41\42\43\44\45\46\47\50\51\52\53\54\55\56\57\60\61\62\63"; #endif static const char soap_padding[3] = "\0\0"; #define SOAP_STR_PADDING (soap_padding) #define SOAP_STR_EOS (soap_padding) #define SOAP_NON_NULL (soap_padding) #ifndef WITH_LEAN static const struct soap_code_map html_entity_codes[] = /* entities for XHTML parsing */ { { 160, "nbsp" }, { 161, "iexcl" }, { 162, "cent" }, { 163, "pound" }, { 164, "curren" }, { 165, "yen" }, { 166, "brvbar" }, { 167, "sect" }, { 168, "uml" }, { 169, "copy" }, { 170, "ordf" }, { 171, "laquo" }, { 172, "not" }, { 173, "shy" }, { 174, "reg" }, { 175, "macr" }, { 176, "deg" }, { 177, "plusmn" }, { 178, "sup2" }, { 179, "sup3" }, { 180, "acute" }, { 181, "micro" }, { 182, "para" }, { 183, "middot" }, { 184, "cedil" }, { 185, "sup1" }, { 186, "ordm" }, { 187, "raquo" }, { 188, "frac14" }, { 189, "frac12" }, { 190, "frac34" }, { 191, "iquest" }, { 192, "Agrave" }, { 193, "Aacute" }, { 194, "Acirc" }, { 195, "Atilde" }, { 196, "Auml" }, { 197, "Aring" }, { 198, "AElig" }, { 199, "Ccedil" }, { 200, "Egrave" }, { 201, "Eacute" }, { 202, "Ecirc" }, { 203, "Euml" }, { 204, "Igrave" }, { 205, "Iacute" }, { 206, "Icirc" }, { 207, "Iuml" }, { 208, "ETH" }, { 209, "Ntilde" }, { 210, "Ograve" }, { 211, "Oacute" }, { 212, "Ocirc" }, { 213, "Otilde" }, { 214, "Ouml" }, { 215, "times" }, { 216, "Oslash" }, { 217, "Ugrave" }, { 218, "Uacute" }, { 219, "Ucirc" }, { 220, "Uuml" }, { 221, "Yacute" }, { 222, "THORN" }, { 223, "szlig" }, { 224, "agrave" }, { 225, "aacute" }, { 226, "acirc" }, { 227, "atilde" }, { 228, "auml" }, { 229, "aring" }, { 230, "aelig" }, { 231, "ccedil" }, { 232, "egrave" }, { 233, "eacute" }, { 234, "ecirc" }, { 235, "euml" }, { 236, "igrave" }, { 237, "iacute" }, { 238, "icirc" }, { 239, "iuml" }, { 240, "eth" }, { 241, "ntilde" }, { 242, "ograve" }, { 243, "oacute" }, { 244, "ocirc" }, { 245, "otilde" }, { 246, "ouml" }, { 247, "divide" }, { 248, "oslash" }, { 249, "ugrave" }, { 250, "uacute" }, { 251, "ucirc" }, { 252, "uuml" }, { 253, "yacute" }, { 254, "thorn" }, { 255, "yuml" }, { 0, NULL } }; #endif #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN static const struct soap_code_map h_error_codes[] = { #ifdef HOST_NOT_FOUND { HOST_NOT_FOUND, "Host not found" }, #endif #ifdef TRY_AGAIN { TRY_AGAIN, "Try Again" }, #endif #ifdef NO_RECOVERY { NO_RECOVERY, "No Recovery" }, #endif #ifdef NO_DATA { NO_DATA, "No Data" }, #endif #ifdef NO_ADDRESS { NO_ADDRESS, "No Address" }, #endif { 0, NULL } }; #endif #endif #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef WITH_LEAN static const struct soap_code_map h_http_error_codes[] = { { 201, "Created" }, { 202, "Accepted" }, { 203, "Non-Authoritative Information" }, { 204, "No Content" }, { 205, "Reset Content" }, { 206, "Partial Content" }, { 300, "Multiple Choices" }, { 301, "Moved Permanently" }, { 302, "Found" }, { 303, "See Other" }, { 304, "Not Modified" }, { 305, "Use Proxy" }, { 307, "Temporary Redirect" }, { 400, "Bad Request" }, { 401, "Unauthorized" }, { 402, "Payment Required" }, { 403, "Forbidden" }, { 404, "Not Found" }, { 405, "Method Not Allowed" }, { 406, "Not Acceptable" }, { 407, "Proxy Authentication Required" }, { 408, "Request Time-out" }, { 409, "Conflict" }, { 410, "Gone" }, { 411, "Length Required" }, { 412, "Precondition Failed" }, { 413, "Request Entity Too Large" }, { 414, "Request-URI Too Large" }, { 415, "Unsupported Media Type" }, { 416, "Requested range not satisfiable" }, { 417, "Expectation Failed" }, { 500, "Internal Server Error" }, { 501, "Not Implemented" }, { 502, "Bad Gateway" }, { 503, "Service Unavailable" }, { 504, "Gateway Time-out" }, { 505, "HTTP Version not supported" }, { 0, NULL } }; #endif #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL static const struct soap_code_map h_ssl_error_codes[] = { #define _SSL_ERROR(e) { e, #e } _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_SSL), _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN), _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ), _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE), _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT), _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP), _SSL_ERROR(SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL), { 0, NULL } }; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER static const struct soap_code_map mime_codes[] = { { SOAP_MIME_7BIT, "7bit" }, { SOAP_MIME_8BIT, "8bit" }, { SOAP_MIME_BINARY, "binary" }, { SOAP_MIME_TQUOTED_PRINTABLE, "quoted-printable" }, { SOAP_MIME_BASE64, "base64" }, { SOAP_MIME_IETF_TOKEN, "ietf-token" }, { SOAP_MIME_X_TOKEN, "x-token" }, { 0, NULL } }; #endif #ifdef WIN32 static int tcp_done = 0; #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int fsend(struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n) { register int nwritten; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(WITH_LEAN) if (soap->os) { soap->os->write(s, n); if (soap->os->good()) return SOAP_OK; return SOAP_EOF; } #endif while (n) { if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->send_timeout) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fd; if (soap->send_timeout > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = soap->send_timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = -soap->send_timeout/1000000; timeout.tv_usec = -soap->send_timeout%1000000; } FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &fd); for (;;) { register int r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), NULL, &fd, &fd, &timeout); if (r > 0) break; if (!r) { soap->errnum = 0; return SOAP_EOF; } if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EAGAIN) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; return SOAP_EOF; } } } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->ssl) nwritten = SSL_write(soap->ssl, s, n); else #endif #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) { if (soap->peerlen) nwritten = sendto((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags, (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, soap->peerlen); else nwritten = send((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags); /* retry and back-off algorithm */ /* TODO: this is not very clear from specs so verify and limit conditions under which we should loop (e.g. ENOBUFS) */ if (nwritten < 0) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fd; int udp_repeat; int udp_delay; if ((soap->connect_flags & SO_BROADCAST)) udp_repeat = 3; /* SOAP-over-UDP MULTICAST_UDP_REPEAT - 1 */ else udp_repeat = 1; /* SOAP-over-UDP UNICAST_UDP_REPEAT - 1 */ udp_delay = (soap_random % 201) + 50; /* UDP_MIN_DELAY .. UDP_MAX_DELAY */ do { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 1000 * udp_delay; /* ms */ FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &fd); select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), NULL, NULL, &fd, &timeout); if (soap->peerlen) nwritten = sendto((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags, (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, soap->peerlen); else nwritten = send((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags); udp_delay <<= 1; if (udp_delay > 500) /* UDP_UPPER_DELAY */ udp_delay = 500; } while (nwritten < 0 && --udp_repeat > 0); } } else #endif #ifndef PALM nwritten = send((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags); #else nwritten = send((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, (void*)s, n, soap->socket_flags); #endif if (nwritten <= 0) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL int err; if (soap->ssl && (err = SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, nwritten)) != SSL_ERROR_NONE && err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) return SOAP_EOF; #endif if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EWOULDBLOCK && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EAGAIN) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; return SOAP_EOF; } nwritten = 0; /* and call write() again */ } } else { #ifdef WITH_FASTCGI nwritten = fwrite((void*)s, 1, n, stdout); fflush(stdout); #else #ifdef UNDER_CE nwritten = fwrite(s, 1, n, soap->sendfd); #else #ifdef VXWORKS #ifdef WMW_RPM_IO if (soap->rpmreqid) { httpBlockPut(soap->rpmreqid, s, n); nwritten = n; } else nwritten = fwrite(s, sizeof(char), n, fdopen(soap->sendfd, "w")); #else nwritten = fwrite(s, sizeof(char), n, fdopen(soap->sendfd, "w")); #endif /* WMW_RPM_IO */ #else nwritten = write((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->sendfd, s, n); #endif #endif #endif if (nwritten <= 0) { if (soap_errno != SOAP_EINTR && soap_errno != SOAP_EWOULDBLOCK && soap_errno != SOAP_EAGAIN) { soap->errnum = soap_errno; return SOAP_EOF; } nwritten = 0; /* and call write() again */ } } n -= nwritten; s += nwritten; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_flush_raw(struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n) { if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_STORE) { register char *t; if (!(t = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, n))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; memcpy(t, s, n); #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->fpreparesend) return soap->fpreparesend(soap, s, n); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) { char t[16]; sprintf(t, "\r\n%lX\r\n" + (soap->chunksize ? 0 : 2), (unsigned long)n); DBGMSG(SENT, t, strlen(t)); if ((soap->error = soap->fsend(soap, t, strlen(t)))) return soap->error; soap->chunksize += n; } DBGMSG(SENT, s, n); #endif return soap->error = soap->fsend(soap, s, n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_flush(struct soap *soap) { if (soap->bufidx) { #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) { soap->d_stream.next_in = (Byte*)soap->buf; soap->d_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)soap->bufidx; #ifdef WITH_GZIP soap->z_crc = crc32(soap->z_crc, (Byte*)soap->buf, (unsigned int)soap->bufidx); #endif do { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Deflating %u bytes\n", soap->d_stream.avail_in)); if (deflate(&soap->d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH) != Z_OK) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Unable to deflate: %s\n", soap->d_stream.msg?soap->d_stream.msg:"")); return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; } if (!soap->d_stream.avail_out) { if (soap_flush_raw(soap, soap->z_buf, SOAP_BUFLEN)) return soap->error; soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->z_buf; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN; } } while (soap->d_stream.avail_in); } else #endif if (soap_flush_raw(soap, soap->buf, soap->bufidx)) return soap->error; soap->bufidx = 0; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_raw(struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n) { if (!n) return SOAP_OK; if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) { soap->count += n; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->fpreparesend && (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_STORE) return soap->fpreparesend(soap, s, n); #endif return SOAP_OK; } if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) { register size_t i = SOAP_BUFLEN - soap->bufidx; while (n >= i) { memcpy(soap->buf + soap->bufidx, s, i); soap->bufidx = SOAP_BUFLEN; if (soap_flush(soap)) return soap->error; s += i; n -= i; i = SOAP_BUFLEN; } memcpy(soap->buf + soap->bufidx, s, n); soap->bufidx += n; return SOAP_OK; } return soap_flush_raw(soap, s, n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send(struct soap *soap, const char *s) { if (s) return soap_send_raw(soap, s, strlen(s)); return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send2(struct soap *soap, const char *s1, const char *s2) { if (soap_send(soap, s1)) return soap->error; return soap_send(soap, s2); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send3(struct soap *soap, const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3) { if (soap_send(soap, s1) || soap_send(soap, s2)) return soap->error; return soap_send(soap, s3); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static size_t frecv(struct soap *soap, char *s, size_t n) { register int r; soap->errnum = 0; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(WITH_LEAN) if (soap->is) { if (soap->is->good()) return soap->is->read(s, n).gcount(); return 0; } #endif if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { for (;;) { #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->recv_timeout) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fd; if (soap->recv_timeout > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = soap->recv_timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = -soap->recv_timeout/1000000; timeout.tv_usec = -soap->recv_timeout%1000000; } FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &fd); for (;;) { r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &fd, NULL, &fd, &timeout); if (r > 0) break; if (!r) { soap->errnum = 0; return 0; } if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EAGAIN) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; return 0; } } } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->ssl) { int err; r = SSL_read(soap->ssl, s, n); if ((err = SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, r)) == SSL_ERROR_NONE) return (size_t)r; if (err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) return 0; } else #endif { #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) { SOAP_SOCKLEN_T k = (SOAP_SOCKLEN_T)sizeof(soap->peer); memset((void*)&soap->peer, 0, sizeof(soap->peer)); r = recvfrom((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags, (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, &k); /* portability note: see SOAP_SOCKLEN_T definition in stdsoap2.h */ soap->peerlen = (size_t)k; #ifndef WITH_IPV6 soap->ip = ntohl(soap->peer.sin_addr.s_addr); soap->port = (int)ntohs(soap->peer.sin_port); #endif } else #endif r = recv((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, s, n, soap->socket_flags); if (r >= 0) return (size_t)r; if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EAGAIN && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EWOULDBLOCK) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; return 0; } } #ifndef WITH_LEAN { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fd; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 10000; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &fd); #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->ssl && SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, r) == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), NULL, &fd, &fd, &timeout); else r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &fd, NULL, &fd, &timeout); #else r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &fd, NULL, &fd, &timeout); #endif if (r < 0 && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; return 0; } } #endif } } #ifdef WITH_FASTCGI return fread(s, 1, n, stdin); #else #ifdef UNDER_CE return fread(s, 1, n, soap->recvfd); #else #ifdef WMW_RPM_IO if (soap->rpmreqid) r = httpBlockRead(soap->rpmreqid, s, n); else r = read(soap->recvfd, s, n); if (r >= 0) return r; return 0; #else r = read((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->recvfd, s, n); if (r >= 0) return (size_t)r; soap->errnum = soap_errno; return 0; #endif #endif #endif } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static soap_wchar soap_getchunkchar(struct soap *soap) { if (soap->bufidx < soap->buflen) return soap->buf[soap->bufidx++]; soap->bufidx = 0; soap->buflen = soap->chunkbuflen = soap->frecv(soap, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Read %u bytes from socket %d\n", (unsigned int)soap->buflen, soap->socket)); DBGMSG(RECV, soap->buf, soap->buflen); if (soap->buflen) return soap->buf[soap->bufidx++]; return EOF; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static int soap_isxdigit(int c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_raw(struct soap *soap) { register size_t ret; #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) { if (soap->d_stream.next_out == Z_NULL) return EOF; if (soap->d_stream.avail_in || !soap->d_stream.avail_out) { register int r; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Inflating\n")); soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->buf; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN; r = inflate(&soap->d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (r == Z_OK || r == Z_STREAM_END) { soap->bufidx = 0; soap->buflen = SOAP_BUFLEN - soap->d_stream.avail_out; if (soap->zlib_in == SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP) soap->z_crc = crc32(soap->z_crc, (Byte*)soap->buf, (unsigned int)soap->buflen); if (r == Z_STREAM_END) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Inflated %lu->%lu bytes\n", soap->d_stream.total_in, soap->d_stream.total_out)); soap->z_ratio_in = (float)soap->d_stream.total_in / (float)soap->d_stream.total_out; soap->d_stream.next_out = Z_NULL; } if (soap->buflen) { soap->count += soap->buflen; return SOAP_OK; } } else if (r != Z_BUF_ERROR) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Inflate error: %s\n", soap->d_stream.msg?soap->d_stream.msg:"")); soap->d_stream.next_out = Z_NULL; return EOF; } } zlib_again: if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK && !soap->chunksize) { memcpy(soap->buf, soap->z_buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); soap->buflen = soap->z_buflen; } } #endif #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) /* read HTTP chunked transfer */ { chunk_again: if (soap->chunksize) { soap->buflen = ret = soap->frecv(soap, soap->buf, soap->chunksize > SOAP_BUFLEN ? SOAP_BUFLEN : soap->chunksize); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Getting chunk: read %u bytes\n", (unsigned int)ret)); DBGMSG(RECV, soap->buf, ret); soap->bufidx = 0; soap->chunksize -= ret; } else { register soap_wchar c; char *t, tmp[8]; t = tmp; if (!soap->chunkbuflen) { soap->chunkbuflen = ret = soap->frecv(soap, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Read %u bytes (chunked) from socket %d\n", (unsigned int)ret, soap->socket)); DBGMSG(RECV, soap->buf, ret); soap->bufidx = 0; if (!ret) return EOF; } else soap->bufidx = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->chunkbuflen; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Getting chunk size (%u %u)\n", (unsigned int)soap->bufidx, (unsigned int)soap->buflen)); while (!soap_isxdigit((int)(c = soap_getchunkchar(soap)))) if ((int)c == EOF) return EOF; do *t++ = (char)c; while (soap_isxdigit((int)(c = soap_getchunkchar(soap))) && t - tmp < 7); while ((int)c != EOF && c != '\n') c = soap_getchunkchar(soap); if ((int)c == EOF) return EOF; *t = '\0'; soap->chunksize = soap_strtoul(tmp, &t, 16); if (!soap->chunksize) { soap->chunkbuflen = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End of chunked message\n")); while ((int)c != EOF && c != '\n') c = soap_getchunkchar(soap); return EOF; } soap->buflen = soap->bufidx + soap->chunksize; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Moving buf len to %u (%u %s)\n", (unsigned int)soap->buflen, (unsigned int)soap->bufidx, tmp)); if (soap->buflen > soap->chunkbuflen) { soap->buflen = soap->chunkbuflen; soap->chunksize -= soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; soap->chunkbuflen = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Passed end of buffer for chunked HTTP (%lu bytes left)\n", (unsigned long)(soap->buflen - soap->bufidx))); } else if (soap->chunkbuflen) soap->chunksize = 0; ret = soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; if (!ret) goto chunk_again; } } else #endif { soap->bufidx = 0; soap->buflen = ret = soap->frecv(soap, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Read %u bytes from socket %d\n", (unsigned int)ret, soap->socket)); DBGMSG(RECV, soap->buf, ret); } #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->fpreparerecv && (soap->error = soap->fpreparerecv(soap, soap->buf, ret))) return soap->error; #endif #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) { register int r; memcpy(soap->z_buf, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); soap->d_stream.next_in = (Byte*)(soap->z_buf + soap->bufidx); soap->d_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)ret; soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->buf; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN; r = inflate(&soap->d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (r == Z_OK || r == Z_STREAM_END) { soap->bufidx = 0; soap->z_buflen = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = ret = SOAP_BUFLEN - soap->d_stream.avail_out; if (soap->zlib_in == SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP) soap->z_crc = crc32(soap->z_crc, (Byte*)soap->buf, (unsigned int)soap->buflen); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Inflated %u bytes\n", (unsigned int)ret)); if (!ret) goto zlib_again; if (r == Z_STREAM_END) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Inflated %lu->%lu bytes\n", soap->d_stream.total_in, soap->d_stream.total_out)); soap->z_ratio_in = (float)soap->d_stream.total_in / (float)soap->d_stream.total_out; soap->d_stream.next_out = Z_NULL; } } else { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Unable to inflate: (%d) %s\n", r, soap->d_stream.msg?soap->d_stream.msg:"")); soap->d_stream.next_out = Z_NULL; return EOF; } } #endif soap->count += ret; return !ret; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv(struct soap *soap) { #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) { if (soap->dime.buflen) { char *s; int i; unsigned char tmp[12]; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "DIME hdr for chunked DIME is in buffer\n")); soap->count += soap->dime.buflen - soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->dime.buflen; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Skip padding (%ld bytes)\n", -(long)soap->dime.size&3)); for (i = -(long)soap->dime.size&3; i > 0; i--) { soap->bufidx++; if (soap->bufidx >= soap->buflen) if (soap_recv_raw(soap)) return EOF; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Get DIME hdr for next chunk\n")); s = (char*)tmp; for (i = 12; i > 0; i--) { *s++ = soap->buf[soap->bufidx++]; if (soap->bufidx >= soap->buflen) if (soap_recv_raw(soap)) return EOF; } soap->dime.flags = tmp[0] & 0x7; soap->dime.size = ((size_t)tmp[8] << 24) | ((size_t)tmp[9] << 16) | ((size_t)tmp[10] << 8) | ((size_t)tmp[11]); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Get DIME chunk (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned int)soap->dime.size)); if (soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_CF) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "More chunking\n")); soap->dime.chunksize = soap->dime.size; if (soap->buflen - soap->bufidx >= soap->dime.size) { soap->dime.buflen = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->bufidx + soap->dime.chunksize; } else soap->dime.chunksize -= soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; } else { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Last chunk\n")); soap->dime.buflen = 0; soap->dime.chunksize = 0; } soap->count = soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "%u bytes remaining\n", (unsigned int)soap->count)); return SOAP_OK; } if (soap->dime.chunksize) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Get next DIME hdr for chunked DIME (%u bytes chunk)\n", (unsigned int)soap->dime.chunksize)); if (soap_recv_raw(soap)) return EOF; if (soap->buflen - soap->bufidx >= soap->dime.chunksize) { soap->dime.buflen = soap->buflen; soap->count -= soap->buflen - soap->bufidx - soap->dime.chunksize; soap->buflen = soap->bufidx + soap->dime.chunksize; } else soap->dime.chunksize -= soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "%lu bytes remaining, count=%u\n", (unsigned long)(soap->buflen-soap->bufidx), (unsigned int)soap->count)); return SOAP_OK; } } #endif return soap_recv_raw(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getchar(struct soap *soap) { register soap_wchar c; if (soap->ahead) { c = soap->ahead; soap->ahead = 0; return c; } return soap_get1(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 const struct soap_code_map* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code(const struct soap_code_map *map, const char *str) { if (str) { while (map->string) { if (!strcmp(str, map->string)) /* case sensitive */ return map; map++; } } return NULL; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_int_code(const struct soap_code_map *map, const char *str, long other) { while (map->string) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(str, map->string)) /* case insensitive */ return map->code; map++; } return other; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_str_code(const struct soap_code_map *map, long code) { while (map->code != code && map->string) map++; return map->string; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static soap_wchar soap_char(struct soap *soap) { char tmp[8]; register int i; register soap_wchar c; register char *s = tmp; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { c = soap_get1(soap); if (c == ';' || (int)c == EOF) break; *s++ = (char)c; } *s = '\0'; if (*tmp == '#') { if (tmp[1] == 'x' || tmp[1] == 'X') return soap_strtol(tmp + 2, NULL, 16); return atol(tmp + 1); } if (!strcmp(tmp, "lt")) return '<'; if (!strcmp(tmp, "gt")) return '>'; if (!strcmp(tmp, "amp")) return '&'; if (!strcmp(tmp, "quot")) return '"'; if (!strcmp(tmp, "apos")) return '\''; #ifndef WITH_LEAN return (soap_wchar)soap_int_code(html_entity_codes, tmp, SOAP_UNKNOWN_CHAR); #else return SOAP_UNKNOWN_CHAR; /* use this to represent unknown code */ #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WITH_LEAN soap_wchar soap_get0(struct soap *soap) { if (soap->bufidx >= soap->buflen && soap_recv(soap)) return EOF; return (unsigned char)soap->buf[soap->bufidx]; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WITH_LEAN soap_wchar soap_get1(struct soap *soap) { if (soap->bufidx >= soap->buflen && soap_recv(soap)) return EOF; return (unsigned char)soap->buf[soap->bufidx++]; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get(struct soap *soap) { register soap_wchar c; c = soap->ahead; if (c) soap->ahead = 0; else c = soap_get1(soap); for (;;) { if (soap->cdata) { if (c == ']') { c = soap_get1(soap); if (c == ']') { soap->cdata = 0; soap_get1(soap); /* skip > */ c = soap_get1(soap); } else { soap_revget1(soap); return ']'; } } else return c; } switch (c) { case '<': do c = soap_get1(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); if (c == '!' || c == '?' || c == '%') { register int k = 1; if (c == '!') { c = soap_get1(soap); if (c == '[') { do c = soap_get1(soap); while ((int)c != EOF && c != '['); if ((int)c == EOF) break; soap->cdata = 1; c = soap_get1(soap); continue; } if (c == '-' && (c = soap_get1(soap)) == '-') { do { c = soap_get1(soap); if (c == '-' && (c = soap_get1(soap)) == '-') break; } while ((int)c != EOF); } } while ((int)c != EOF) { if (c == '<') k++; else if (c == '>') { if (--k <= 0) break; } c = soap_get1(soap); } if ((int)c == EOF) break; c = soap_get1(soap); continue; } if (c == '/') return SOAP_TT; soap_revget1(soap); return SOAP_LT; case '>': return SOAP_GT; case '"': return SOAP_QT; case '\'': return SOAP_AP; case '&': return soap_char(soap) | 0x80000000; } break; } return c; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_move(struct soap *soap, long n) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Moving %ld bytes forward\n", (long)n)); for (; n > 0; n--) if ((int)soap_getchar(soap) == EOF) return SOAP_EOF; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_tell(struct soap *soap) { return soap->count - soap->buflen + soap->bufidx - (soap->ahead != 0); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pututf8(struct soap *soap, register unsigned long c) { char tmp[16]; if (c > 0 && c < 0x80) { *tmp = (char)c; return soap_send_raw(soap, tmp, 1); } #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL) { register char *t = tmp; if (c < 0x0800) *t++ = (char)(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); else { if (c < 0x010000) *t++ = (char)(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); else { if (c < 0x200000) *t++ = (char)(0xF0 | ((c >> 18) & 0x07)); else { if (c < 0x04000000) *t++ = (char)(0xF8 | ((c >> 24) & 0x03)); else { *t++ = (char)(0xFC | ((c >> 30) & 0x01)); *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 24) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 18) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)); *t = '\0'; } else #endif sprintf(tmp, "&#%lu;", c); return soap_send(soap, tmp); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getutf8(struct soap *soap) { register soap_wchar c, c1, c2, c3, c4; c = soap_get(soap); if (c < 0x80 || (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_LATIN)) return c; c1 = soap_get(soap); if (c1 < 0x80) { soap_unget(soap, c1); return c; } c1 &= 0x3F; if (c < 0xE0) return ((soap_wchar)(c & 0x1F) << 6) | c1; c2 = (soap_wchar)soap_get1(soap) & 0x3F; if (c < 0xF0) return ((soap_wchar)(c & 0x0F) << 12) | (c1 << 6) | c2; c3 = (soap_wchar)soap_get1(soap) & 0x3F; if (c < 0xF8) return ((soap_wchar)(c & 0x07) << 18) | (c1 << 12) | (c2 << 6) | c3; c4 = (soap_wchar)soap_get1(soap) & 0x3F; if (c < 0xFC) return ((soap_wchar)(c & 0x03) << 24) | (c1 << 18) | (c2 << 12) | (c3 << 6) | c4; return ((soap_wchar)(c & 0x01) << 30) | (c1 << 24) | (c2 << 18) | (c3 << 12) | (c4 << 6) | (soap_wchar)(soap_get1(soap) & 0x3F); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_puthex(struct soap *soap, const unsigned char *s, int n) { char d[2]; register int i; #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { if (!(soap->dom->data = soap_s2hex(soap, s, NULL, n))) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { register int m = *s++; d[0] = (char)((m >> 4) + (m > 159 ? '7' : '0')); m &= 0x0F; d[1] = (char)(m + (m > 9 ? '7' : '0')); if (soap_send_raw(soap, d, 2)) return soap->error; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_gethex(struct soap *soap, int *n) { #ifdef WITH_FAST soap->labidx = 0; for (;;) { register char *s; register int i, k; if (soap_append_lab(soap, NULL, 0)) return NULL; s = soap->labbuf + soap->labidx; k = soap->lablen - soap->labidx; soap->labidx = soap->lablen; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { register char d1, d2; register soap_wchar c; c = soap_get(soap); if (soap_isxdigit(c)) { d1 = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); if (soap_isxdigit(c)) d2 = (char)c; else { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; return NULL; } } else { unsigned char *p; soap_unget(soap, c); if (n) *n = (int)(soap->lablen - k + i); p = (unsigned char*)soap_malloc(soap, soap->lablen - k + i); if (p) memcpy(p, soap->labbuf, soap->lablen - k + i); return p; } *s++ = ((d1 >= 'A' ? (d1 & 0x7) + 9 : d1 - '0') << 4) + (d2 >= 'A' ? (d2 & 0x7) + 9 : d2 - '0'); } } #else if (soap_new_block(soap)) return NULL; for (;;) { register int i; register char *s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, SOAP_BLKLEN); if (!s) { soap_end_block(soap); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < SOAP_BLKLEN; i++) { register char d1, d2; register soap_wchar c = soap_get(soap); if (soap_isxdigit(c)) { d1 = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); if (soap_isxdigit(c)) d2 = (char)c; else { soap_end_block(soap); soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; return NULL; } } else { unsigned char *p; soap_unget(soap, c); if (n) *n = soap_size_block(soap, i); p = (unsigned char*)soap_save_block(soap, NULL, 0); return p; } *s++ = ((d1 >= 'A' ? (d1 & 0x7) + 9 : d1 - '0') << 4) + (d2 >= 'A' ? (d2 & 0x7) + 9 : d2 - '0'); } } #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putbase64(struct soap *soap, const unsigned char *s, int n) { register int i; register unsigned long m; char d[4]; if (!s) return SOAP_OK; #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { if (!(soap->dom->data = soap_s2base64(soap, s, NULL, n))) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif for (; n > 2; n -= 3, s += 3) { m = s[0]; m = (m << 8) | s[1]; m = (m << 8) | s[2]; for (i = 4; i > 0; m >>= 6) d[--i] = soap_base64o[m & 0x3F]; if (soap_send_raw(soap, d, 4)) return soap->error; } if (n > 0) { m = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) m = (m << 8) | *s++; for (; i < 3; i++) m <<= 8; for (i++; i > 0; m >>= 6) d[--i] = soap_base64o[m & 0x3F]; for (i = 3; i > n; i--) d[i] = '='; if (soap_send_raw(soap, d, 4)) return soap->error; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getbase64(struct soap *soap, int *n, int malloc_flag) { #ifdef WITH_FAST soap->labidx = 0; for (;;) { register int i, k; register char *s; if (soap_append_lab(soap, NULL, 2)) return NULL; s = soap->labbuf + soap->labidx; k = 3 * ((soap->lablen - soap->labidx) / 3); soap->labidx = 3 * (soap->lablen / 3); if (!s) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < k; i += 3) { register unsigned long m = 0; register int j = 0; do { register soap_wchar c = soap_get(soap); if (c == '=' || c < 0) { unsigned char *p; switch (j) { case 2: *s++ = (char)((m >> 4) & 0xFF); i++; break; case 3: *s++ = (char)((m >> 10) & 0xFF); *s++ = (char)((m >> 2) & 0xFF); i += 2; } if (n) *n = (int)(soap->lablen - k + i); p = (unsigned char*)soap_malloc(soap, soap->lablen - k + i); if (p) memcpy(p, soap->labbuf, soap->lablen - k + i); if (c >= 0) { while ((int)((c = soap_get(soap)) != EOF) && c != SOAP_LT && c != SOAP_TT) ; } soap_unget(soap, c); return p; } c -= '+'; if (c >= 0 && c <= 79) { m = (m << 6) + soap_base64i[c]; j++; } } while (j < 4); *s++ = (char)((m >> 16) & 0xFF); *s++ = (char)((m >> 8) & 0xFF); *s++ = (char)(m & 0xFF); } } #else if (soap_new_block(soap)) return NULL; for (;;) { register int i; register char *s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, 3 * SOAP_BLKLEN); /* must be multiple of 3 */ if (!s) { soap_end_block(soap); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < SOAP_BLKLEN; i++) { register unsigned long m = 0; register int j = 0; do { register soap_wchar c = soap_get(soap); if (c == '=' || c < 0) { unsigned char *p; i *= 3; switch (j) { case 2: *s++ = (char)((m >> 4) & 0xFF); i++; break; case 3: *s++ = (char)((m >> 10) & 0xFF); *s++ = (char)((m >> 2) & 0xFF); i += 2; } if (n) *n = (int)soap_size_block(soap, i); p = (unsigned char*)soap_save_block(soap, NULL, 0); if (c >= 0) { while ((int)((c = soap_get(soap)) != EOF) && c != SOAP_LT && c != SOAP_TT) ; } soap_unget(soap, c); return p; } c -= '+'; if (c >= 0 && c <= 79) { m = (m << 6) + soap_base64i[c]; j++; } } while (j < 4); *s++ = (char)((m >> 16) & 0xFF); *s++ = (char)((m >> 8) & 0xFF); *s++ = (char)(m & 0xFF); } } #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_xop_forward(struct soap *soap, unsigned char **ptr, int *size, char **id, char **type, char **options) { int body = soap->body; if (!soap_peek_element(soap)) { if (!soap_element_begin_in(soap, "xop:Include", 0) && *soap->href) { if (soap_dime_forward(soap, ptr, size, id, type, options)) return soap->error; } if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, NULL)) return soap->error; } soap->body = body; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dime_forward(struct soap *soap, unsigned char **ptr, int *size, char **id, char **type, char **options) { struct soap_xlist *xp = (struct soap_xlist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_xlist)); *ptr = NULL; *size = 0; *id = soap_strdup(soap, soap->href); *type = NULL; *options = NULL; if (!xp) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; xp->next = soap->xlist; xp->ptr = ptr; xp->size = size; xp->id = *id; xp->type = type; xp->options = options; soap->xlist = xp; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strdup(struct soap *soap, const char *s) { char *t = NULL; if (s && (t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(s) + 1))) strcpy(t, s); return t; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new_block(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_blist *p; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "New block sequence (prev=%p)\n", soap->blist)); if (!(p = (struct soap_blist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_blist)))) return SOAP_EOM; p->next = soap->blist; p->ptr = NULL; p->size = 0; soap->blist = p; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_push_block(struct soap *soap, size_t n) { char *p; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Push block of %u bytes (%u bytes total)\n", (unsigned int)n, (unsigned int)soap->blist->size + (unsigned int)n)); if (!(p = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, n + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(size_t)))) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } *(char**)p = soap->blist->ptr; *(size_t*)(p + sizeof(char*)) = n; soap->blist->ptr = p; soap->blist->size += n; return p + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(size_t); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pop_block(struct soap *soap) { char *p; if (!soap->blist->ptr) return; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Pop block\n")); p = soap->blist->ptr; soap->blist->size -= *(size_t*)(p + sizeof(char*)); soap->blist->ptr = *(char**)p; SOAP_FREE(soap, p); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_update_ptrs(struct soap *soap, char *start, char *end, long offset) { int i; register struct soap_ilist *ip; register struct soap_flist *fp; #ifndef WITH_LEANER register struct soap_xlist *xp; #endif register void *p, **q; for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) { for (ip = soap->iht[i]; ip; ip = ip->next) { if (ip->ptr && (char*)ip->ptr >= start && (char*)ip->ptr < end) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Update id='%s' %p -> %p\n", ip->id, ip->ptr, (char*)ip->ptr + offset)); ip->ptr = (char*)ip->ptr + offset; } for (q = &ip->link; q; q = (void**)p) { p = *q; if (p && (char*)p >= start && (char*)p < end) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Link update id='%s' %p\n", ip->id, p)); *q = (char*)p + offset; } } for (q = &ip->copy; q; q = (void**)p) { p = *q; if (p && (char*)p >= start && (char*)p < end) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Copy chain update id='%s' %p\n", ip->id, p)); *q = (char*)p + offset; } } for (fp = ip->flist; fp; fp = fp->next) { if ((char*)fp->ptr >= start && (char*)fp->ptr < end) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Copy list update id='%s' %p\n", ip->id, fp)); fp->ptr = (char*)fp->ptr + offset; } } } } #ifndef WITH_LEANER for (xp = soap->xlist; xp; xp = xp->next) { if (xp->ptr && (char*)xp->ptr >= start && (char*)xp->ptr < end) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Update id='%s' %p -> %p\n", xp->id?xp->id:"", xp->ptr, (char*)xp->ptr + offset)); xp->ptr = (unsigned char**)((char*)xp->ptr + offset); xp->size = (int*)((char*)xp->size + offset); xp->type = (char**)((char*)xp->type + offset); xp->options = (char**)((char*)xp->options + offset); } } #endif } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 static int soap_has_copies(struct soap *soap, register const char *start, register const char *end) { register int i; register struct soap_ilist *ip; register struct soap_flist *fp; register const char *p; for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) { for (ip = soap->iht[i]; ip; ip = ip->next) { for (p = (const char*)ip->copy; p; p = *(const char**)p) if (p >= start && p < end) return SOAP_ERR; for (fp = ip->flist; fp; fp = fp->next) if ((const char*)fp->ptr >= start && (const char*)fp->ptr < end) return SOAP_ERR; } } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_resolve(struct soap *soap) { register int i; register struct soap_ilist *ip; register struct soap_flist *fp; short flag; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolving forwarded data\n")); for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) { for (ip = soap->iht[i]; ip; ip = ip->next) { if (ip->ptr) { register void *p, **q, *r; q = (void**)ip->link; ip->link = NULL; r = ip->ptr; DBGLOG(TEST, if (q) SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Traversing link chain to resolve id='%s'\n", ip->id)); while (q) { p = *q; *q = r; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "... link %p -> %p\n", q, r)); q = (void**)p; } } else if (*ip->id == '#') { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Missing data for id='%s'\n", ip->id)); strcpy(soap->id, ip->id + 1); return soap->error = SOAP_MISSING_ID; } } } do { flag = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolution phase\n")); for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) { for (ip = soap->iht[i]; ip; ip = ip->next) { if (ip->ptr && !soap_has_copies(soap, (const char*)ip->ptr, (const char*)ip->ptr + ip->size)) { if (ip->copy) { register void *p, **q = (void**)ip->copy; DBGLOG(TEST, if (q) SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Traversing copy chain to resolve id='%s'\n", ip->id)); ip->copy = NULL; do { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "... copy %p -> %p (%u bytes)\n", ip->ptr, q, (unsigned int)ip->size)); p = *q; memcpy(q, ip->ptr, ip->size); q = (void**)p; } while (q); flag = 1; } for (fp = ip->flist; fp; fp = ip->flist) { register unsigned int k = fp->level; register void *p = ip->ptr; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolving forwarded data type=%d location=%p level=%u,%u id='%s'\n", ip->type, p, ip->level, fp->level, ip->id)); while (ip->level < k) { register void **q = (void**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(void*)); if (!q) return soap->error; *q = p; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Descending one level, new location=%p holds=%p...\n", q, *q)); p = (void*)q; k--; } if (fp->fcopy) fp->fcopy(soap, ip->type, fp->type, fp->ptr, p, ip->size); else soap_fcopy(soap, ip->type, fp->type, fp->ptr, p, ip->size); ip->flist = fp->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, fp); flag = 1; } } } } } while (flag); #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) { for (ip = soap->iht[i]; ip; ip = ip->next) { if (ip->copy || ip->flist) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolution error: forwarded data for id='%s' could not be propagated, please report this problem to the developers\n", ip->id)); } } } #endif DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolution done\n")); return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_size_block(struct soap *soap, size_t n) { if (soap->blist->ptr) { soap->blist->size -= *(size_t*)(soap->blist->ptr + sizeof(char*)) - n; *(size_t*)(soap->blist->ptr + sizeof(char*)) = n; } return soap->blist->size; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_first_block(struct soap *soap) { char *p, *q, *r; p = soap->blist->ptr; if (!p) return NULL; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "First block\n")); r = NULL; do { q = *(char**)p; *(char**)p = r; r = p; p = q; } while (p); soap->blist->ptr = r; return r + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(size_t); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_next_block(struct soap *soap) { char *p; p = soap->blist->ptr; if (p) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Next block\n")); soap->blist->ptr = *(char**)p; SOAP_FREE(soap, p); if (soap->blist->ptr) return soap->blist->ptr + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(size_t); } return NULL; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_block_size(struct soap *soap) { return *(size_t*)(soap->blist->ptr + sizeof(char*)); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_block(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_blist *bp; char *p, *q; bp = soap->blist; if (bp) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End of block sequence, free all remaining blocks\n")); for (p = bp->ptr; p; p = q) { q = *(char**)p; SOAP_FREE(soap, p); } soap->blist = bp->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, bp); } DBGLOG(TEST, if (soap->blist) SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Restore previous block sequence\n")); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_save_block(struct soap *soap, char *p, int flag) { register size_t n; register char *q, *s; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Save all blocks in contiguous memory space of %u bytes (%p->%p)\n", (unsigned int)soap->blist->size, soap->blist->ptr, p)); if (soap->blist->size) { if (!p) p = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, soap->blist->size); if (p) { for (s = p, q = soap_first_block(soap); q; q = soap_next_block(soap)) { n = soap_block_size(soap); #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF if (flag) soap_update_ptrs(soap, q, q + n, (long)s - (long)q); /* pointers s and q may or may not be related */ #endif DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Copy %u bytes from %p to %p\n", (unsigned int)n, q, s)); memcpy(s, q, n); s += n; } } else soap->error = SOAP_EOM; } soap_end_block(soap); return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsize(struct soap *soap, const char *type, int size) { return soap_putsizes(soap, type, &size, 1); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsizes(struct soap *soap, const char *type, const int *size, int dim) { return soap_putsizesoffsets(soap, type, size, NULL, dim); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsizesoffsets(struct soap *soap, const char *type, const int *size, const int *offset, int dim) { int i; if (!type) return NULL; if (soap->version == 2) { sprintf(soap->type, "%s[%d", type, size[0]); for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) sprintf(soap->type + strlen(soap->type), " %d", size[i]); } else { if (offset) { sprintf(soap->type, "%s[%d", type, size[0] + offset[0]); for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) sprintf(soap->type + strlen(soap->type), ",%d", size[i] + offset[i]); } else { sprintf(soap->type, "%s[%d", type, size[0]); for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) sprintf(soap->type + strlen(soap->type), ",%d", size[i]); } strcat(soap->type, "]"); } return soap->type; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putoffset(struct soap *soap, int offset) { return soap_putoffsets(soap, &offset, 1); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putoffsets(struct soap *soap, const int *offset, int dim) { register int i; sprintf(soap->arrayOffset, "[%d", offset[0]); for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) sprintf(soap->arrayOffset + strlen(soap->arrayOffset), ",%d", offset[i]); strcat(soap->arrayOffset, "]"); return soap->arrayOffset; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_size(const int *size, int dim) { register int i, n = size[0]; for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) n *= size[i]; return n; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getoffsets(const char *attr, const int *size, int *offset, int dim) { register int i, j = 0; if (offset) for (i = 0; i < dim && attr && *attr; i++) { attr++; j *= size[i]; j += offset[i] = (int)atol(attr); attr = strchr(attr, ','); } else for (i = 0; i < dim && attr && *attr; i++) { attr++; j *= size[i]; j += (int)atol(attr); attr = strchr(attr, ','); } return j; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getsize(const char *attr1, const char *attr2, int *j) { register int n, k; char *s; *j = 0; if (!*attr1) return -1; if (*attr1 == '[') attr1++; n = 1; for (;;) { k = (int)soap_strtol(attr1, &s, 10); n *= k; if (k < 0 || n > SOAP_MAXARRAYSIZE || s == attr1) return -1; attr1 = strchr(s, ','); if (!attr1) attr1 = strchr(s, ' '); if (attr2 && *attr2) { attr2++; *j *= k; k = (int)soap_strtol(attr2, &s, 10); *j += k; if (k < 0) return -1; attr2 = s; } if (!attr1) break; attr1++; } return n - *j; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getsizes(const char *attr, int *size, int dim) { register int i, k, n; if (!*attr) return -1; i = strlen(attr); n = 1; do { for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--) if (attr[i] == '[' || attr[i] == ',' || attr[i] == ' ') break; k = (int)atol(attr + i + 1); n *= size[--dim] = k; if (k < 0 || n > SOAP_MAXARRAYSIZE) return -1; } while (i >= 0 && attr[i] != '['); return n; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getposition(const char *attr, int *pos) { register int i, n; if (!*attr) return -1; n = 0; i = 1; do { pos[n++] = (int)atol(attr + i); while (attr[i] && attr[i] != ',' && attr[i] != ']') i++; if (attr[i] == ',') i++; } while (n < SOAP_MAXDIMS && attr[i] && attr[i] != ']'); return n; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_push_namespace(struct soap *soap, const char *id, const char *ns) { register struct soap_nlist *np; register struct Namespace *p; np = (struct soap_nlist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_nlist) + strlen(id)); if (!np) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; strcpy(np->id, id); np->level = soap->level; np->index = -1; np->ns = NULL; np->next = soap->nlist; soap->nlist = np; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Push namespace binding (level=%u) '%s' '%s'\n", soap->level, id, ns)); p = soap->local_namespaces; if (p) { register short i = 0; for (; p->id; p++, i++) { if (p->ns && !strcmp(ns, p->ns)) { if (p->out) { SOAP_FREE(soap, p->out); p->out = NULL; } break; } if (p->out) { if (!SOAP_STRCMP(ns, p->out)) break; } else if (p->in) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(ns, p->in)) { if ((p->out = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(ns) + 1))) strcpy(p->out, ns); break; } } } if (p && p->id) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Push OK ('%s' matches '%s' in namespace table)\n", id, p->id)); np->index = i; } } if (!p || !p->id) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Push NOT OK: no match found for '%s' in namespace mapping table (added to stack anyway)\n", ns)); np->ns = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(ns) + 1); if (!np->ns) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; strcpy(np->ns, ns); } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pop_namespace(struct soap *soap) { register struct soap_nlist *np; while (soap->nlist && soap->nlist->level >= soap->level) { np = soap->nlist->next; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Popped namespace binding (level=%u) '%s'\n", soap->level, soap->nlist->id)); if (soap->nlist->ns) SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->nlist->ns); SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->nlist); soap->nlist = np; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_namespace(struct soap *soap, const char *id1, const char *id2, int n1, int n2) { register struct soap_nlist *np = soap->nlist; while (np && (strncmp(np->id, id1, n1) || np->id[n1])) np = np->next; if (np) { if (np->index < 0 || (np->index >= 0 && soap->local_namespaces[np->index].id && (strncmp(soap->local_namespaces[np->index].id, id2, n2) || soap->local_namespaces[np->index].id[n2]))) return SOAP_NAMESPACE; return SOAP_OK; } if (n1 == 3 && n1 == n2 && !strcmp(id1, "xml") && !strcmp(id1, id2)) return SOAP_OK; return SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_tag_cmp(const char *s, const char *t) { for (;;) { register int c1 = *s; register int c2 = *t; if (!c1 || c1 == '"') break; if (c2 != '-') { if (c1 != c2) { if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') c1 += 'a' - 'A'; if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') c2 += 'a' - 'A'; } if (c1 != c2) { if (c2 != '*') return 1; c2 = *++t; if (!c2) return 0; if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') c2 += 'a' - 'A'; for (;;) { c1 = *s; if (!c1 || c1 == '"') break; if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') c1 += 'a' - 'A'; if (c1 == c2 && !soap_tag_cmp(s + 1, t + 1)) return 0; s++; } break; } } s++; t++; } if (*t == '*' && !t[1]) return 0; return *t; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_tag(struct soap *soap, const char *tag1, const char *tag2) { register const char *s, *t; if (!tag1 || !tag2 || !*tag2) return SOAP_OK; s = strchr(tag1, ':'); t = strchr(tag2, ':'); if (t) { if (s) { if (t[1] && SOAP_STRCMP(s + 1, t + 1)) return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; if (t != tag2 && soap_match_namespace(soap, tag1, tag2, s - tag1, t - tag2)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Tags '%s' and '%s' match but namespaces differ\n", tag1, tag2)); return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; } } else if (SOAP_STRCMP(tag1, t + 1)) return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; else if (t != tag2 && soap_match_namespace(soap, tag1, tag2, 0, t - tag2)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Tags '%s' and '%s' match but namespaces differ\n", tag1, tag2)); return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Tags and (default) namespaces match: '%s' '%s'\n", tag1, tag2)); return SOAP_OK; } if (s) { if (SOAP_STRCMP(s + 1, tag2)) return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; } else if (SOAP_STRCMP(tag1, tag2)) return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Tags match: '%s' '%s'\n", tag1, tag2)); return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_array(struct soap *soap, const char *type) { if (*soap->arrayType) if (soap_match_tag(soap, soap->arrayType, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->arrayType, "xsd:anyType") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->arrayType, "xsd:ur-type") ) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Array type mismatch: '%s' '%s'\n", soap->arrayType, type)); return SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_server_context(struct soap *soap, unsigned short flags, const char *keyfile, const char *password, const char *cafile, const char *capath, const char *dhfile, const char *randfile, const char *sid) { int err; soap->keyfile = keyfile; soap->password = password; soap->cafile = cafile; soap->capath = capath; if (dhfile) { soap->dhfile = dhfile; soap->rsa = 0; } else { soap->dhfile = NULL; soap->rsa = 1; } soap->randfile = randfile; soap->require_client_auth = (flags & SOAP_SSL_RETQUIRE_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION); if (!(err = soap->fsslauth(soap))) if (sid) SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(soap->ctx, (unsigned char*)sid, strlen(sid)); return err; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_client_context(struct soap *soap, unsigned short flags, const char *keyfile, const char *password, const char *cafile, const char *capath, const char *randfile) { soap->keyfile = keyfile; soap->password = password; soap->cafile = cafile; soap->capath = capath; soap->dhfile = NULL; soap->rsa = 0; soap->randfile = randfile; soap->require_server_auth = (flags & SOAP_SSL_RETQUIRE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION); return soap->fsslauth(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 static void ssl_init(struct soap *soap) { static int done = 0; if (!done) { done = 1; SSL_library_init(); #ifndef WITH_LEAN SSL_load_error_strings(); #endif if (!RAND_load_file("/dev/urandom", 1024)) { RAND_seed(soap->buf, sizeof(soap->buf)); while (!RAND_status()) { int r = soap_random; RAND_seed(&r, sizeof(int)); } } } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static const char * ssl_error(struct soap *soap, int ret) { int err = SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, ret); const char *msg = soap_str_code(h_ssl_error_codes, err); if (msg) strcpy(soap->msgbuf, msg); else return ERR_error_string(err, soap->msgbuf); if (ERR_peek_error()) { unsigned long r; strcat(soap->msgbuf, "\n"); while ((r = ERR_get_error())) ERR_error_string_n(r, soap->msgbuf + strlen(soap->msgbuf), sizeof(soap->msgbuf) - strlen(soap->msgbuf)); } else { switch (ret) { case 0: strcpy(soap->msgbuf, "EOF was observed that violates the protocol. The client probably provided invalid authentication information."); break; case -1: sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "Error observed by underlying BIO: %s", strerror(errno)); break; } } return soap->msgbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static int ssl_password(char *buf, int num, int rwflag, void *userdata) { if (num < (int)strlen((char*)userdata) + 1) return 0; return strlen(strcpy(buf, (char*)userdata)); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ /* This callback is included for future references. It should not be deleted #ifndef PALM_2 static DH * ssl_tmp_dh(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keylength) { static DH *dh512 = NULL; static DH *dh1024 = NULL; DH *dh; switch (keylength) { case 512: if (!dh512) { BIO *bio = BIO_new_file("dh512.pem", "r"); if (bio) { dh512 = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(bio); return dh512; } } else return dh512; default: if (!dh1024) { BIO *bio = BIO_new_file("dh1024.pem", "r"); if (bio) { dh1024 = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(bio); } } dh = dh1024; } return dh; } #endif */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static int ssl_auth_init(struct soap *soap) { ssl_init(soap); if (!soap->ctx) { if (!(soap->ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()))) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't setup context", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } if (soap->randfile) { if (!RAND_load_file(soap->randfile, -1)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't load randomness", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } if (soap->cafile || soap->capath) { if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(soap->ctx, soap->cafile, soap->capath)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read CA file and directory", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } if (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(soap->ctx)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read default CA file and/or directory", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); if (soap->password) { SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(soap->ctx, (void*)soap->password); SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(soap->ctx, ssl_password); } /* See below */ if (soap->keyfile) { if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(soap->ctx, soap->keyfile)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read certificate key file", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); if (soap->password) { SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(soap->ctx, (void*)soap->password); SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(soap->ctx, ssl_password); } if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(soap->ctx, soap->keyfile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read key file", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } /* Suggested alternative approach to check cafile first before the key file: if (!soap->cafile || !SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(soap->ctx, soap->cafile)) { if (soap->keyfile) { if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(soap->ctx, soap->keyfile)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read certificate or key file", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(soap->ctx, soap->keyfile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read key file", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } } */ if (soap->rsa) { RSA *rsa = RSA_generate_key(512, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL); if (!SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa(soap->ctx, rsa)) { if (rsa) RSA_free(rsa); return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't set RSA key", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } RSA_free(rsa); } else if (soap->dhfile) { DH *dh = 0; BIO *bio; bio = BIO_new_file(soap->dhfile, "r"); if (!bio) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't read DH file", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(bio); if (SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(soap->ctx, dh) < 0) { if (dh) DH_free(dh); return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "Can't set DH parameters", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } DH_free(dh); } SSL_CTX_set_options(soap->ctx, SSL_OP_ALL | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); SSL_CTX_set_verify(soap->ctx, soap->require_client_auth ? (SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT) : soap->require_server_auth ? SSL_VERIFY_PEER : SSL_VERIFY_NONE, soap->fsslverify); #if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00905100L) SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(soap->ctx, 1); #else SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(soap->ctx, 9); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static int ssl_verify_callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store) { #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG if (!ok) { char data[256]; X509 *cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(store); fprintf(stderr, "SSL verify error or warning with certificate at depth %d: %s\n", X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(store), X509_verify_cert_error_string(X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(store))); X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), data, sizeof(data)); fprintf(stderr, "certificate issuer %s\n", data); X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), data, sizeof(data)); fprintf(stderr, "certificate subject %s\n", data); } #endif /* return 1 to always continue, but unsafe progress will be terminated by SSL */ return ok; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_accept(struct soap *soap) { int i, r; if (!soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "No socket in soap_ssl_accept()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); if (!soap->ctx && (soap->error = soap->fsslauth(soap))) return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; if (!soap->ssl) { soap->ssl = SSL_new(soap->ctx); if (!soap->ssl) return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "SSL error", "SSL_new() failed in soap_ssl_accept()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } else SSL_clear(soap->ssl); soap->imode |= SOAP_ENC_SSL; soap->omode |= SOAP_ENC_SSL; #ifdef WIN32 { u_long nonblocking = 1; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, FIONBIO, &nonblocking); } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_GETFL)|O_NONBLOCK); #endif soap->bio = BIO_new_socket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, BIO_NOCLOSE); SSL_set_bio(soap->ssl, soap->bio, soap->bio); i = 100; /* 100 * 0.1 ms retries */ while ((r = SSL_accept(soap->ssl)) <= 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, r); if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ || err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fd; if (i-- <= 0) break; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 100000; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &fd); r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &fd, NULL, &fd, &timeout); if (r < 0 && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; return SOAP_EOF; } } else { soap->errnum = err; break; } } #ifdef WIN32 { u_long blocking = 0; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, FIONBIO, &blocking); } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); #endif if (r <= 0) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, ssl_error(soap, r), "SSL_accept() failed in soap_ssl_accept()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); soap_closesock(soap); return SOAP_SSL_ERROR; } if (soap->require_client_auth) { X509 *peer; int err; if ((err = SSL_get_verify_result(soap->ssl)) != X509_V_OK) { soap_closesock(soap); return soap_set_sender_error(soap, X509_verify_cert_error_string(err), "SSL certificate presented by peer cannot be verified in soap_ssl_accept()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(soap->ssl); if (!peer) { soap_closesock(soap); return soap_set_sender_error(soap, "SSL error", "No SSL certificate was presented by the peer in soap_ssl_accept()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); } X509_free(peer); } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_init(struct soap *soap) { soap->errmode = 1; #ifdef WIN32 if (tcp_done) return 0; else { WSADATA w; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &w)) return -1; tcp_done = 1; } #endif return 0; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_done(struct soap *soap) { #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG int i; #endif soap_free(soap); while (soap->clist) { struct soap_clist *p = soap->clist->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->clist); soap->clist = p; } soap->keep_alive = 0; /* to force close the socket */ soap_closesock(soap); #ifdef WITH_COOKIES soap_free_cookies(soap); #endif while (soap->plugins) { register struct soap_plugin *p = soap->plugins->next; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Removing plugin '%s'\n", soap->plugins->id)); if (soap->plugins->fcopy || !soap->copy) soap->plugins->fdelete(soap, soap->plugins); SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->plugins); soap->plugins = p; } soap->fplugin = fplugin; #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP soap->fpost = http_post; soap->fget = http_get; soap->fposthdr = http_post_header; soap->fresponse = http_response; soap->fparse = http_parse; soap->fparsehdr = http_parse_header; #endif #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_IPV6 soap->fresolve = tcp_gethost; #else soap->fresolve = NULL; #endif soap->faccept = tcp_accept; soap->fopen = tcp_connect; soap->fclose = tcp_disconnect; soap->fclosesocket = tcp_closesocket; soap->fshutdownsocket = tcp_shutdownsocket; soap->fsend = fsend; soap->frecv = frecv; soap->fpoll = soap_poll; #else soap->fopen = NULL; soap->fclose = NULL; soap->fpoll = NULL; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->fprepareinit = NULL; soap->fpreparesend = NULL; soap->fpreparerecv = NULL; #endif soap->fseterror = NULL; soap->fignore = NULL; soap->fserveloop = NULL; #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->session) { SSL_SESSION_free(soap->session); soap->session = NULL; } #endif if (!soap->copy) { if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master)) { soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master); soap->master = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->ctx) { SSL_CTX_free(soap->ctx); soap->ctx = NULL; } #endif } #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG for (i = 0; i < SOAP_MAXLOGS; i++) { if (soap->logfile[i]) { SOAP_FREE(soap, (void*)soap->logfile[i]); soap->logfile[i] = NULL; } soap_close_logfile(soap, i); } soap_free_mht(soap); #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_cleanup(struct soap *soap) { soap_done(soap); #ifdef WIN32 if (!tcp_done) return; tcp_done = 0; WSACleanup(); #endif } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static const char* tcp_error(struct soap *soap) { register const char *msg = NULL; switch (soap->errmode) { case 0: msg = soap_strerror(soap); break; case 1: msg = "WSAStartup failed"; break; case 2: { #ifndef WITH_LEAN msg = soap_str_code(h_error_codes, soap->errnum); if (!msg) #endif { sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "TCP/UDP IP error %d", soap->errnum); msg = soap->msgbuf; } } } return msg; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static const char* http_error(struct soap *soap, int status) { register const char *msg = SOAP_STR_EOS; #ifndef WITH_LEAN msg = soap_str_code(h_http_error_codes, status); if (!msg) msg = SOAP_STR_EOS; #endif return msg; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_IPV6 #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_gethost(struct soap *soap, const char *addr, struct in_addr *inaddr) { soap_int32 iadd = -1; struct hostent hostent, *host = &hostent; #ifdef VXWORKS int hostint; char *addrcopy = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(addr) + 1); /*copy of addr. */ /* inet_addr(), and hostGetByName() expect "char *"; addr is a "const char *". */ strncpy(addrcopy, addr, strlen(addr)+1); iadd = inet_addr(addrcopy); #else #if defined(_AIXVERSION_431) || defined(__osf__) struct hostent_data ht_data; #endif iadd = inet_addr(addr); #endif if (iadd != -1) { memcpy(inaddr, &iadd, sizeof(iadd)); #ifdef VXWORKS SOAP_FREE(soap, addrcopy); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #if defined(__GLIBC__) if (gethostbyname_r(addr, &hostent, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN, &host, &soap->errnum) < 0) host = NULL; #elif defined(_AIXVERSION_431) || defined(__osf__) memset((void*)&ht_data, 0, sizeof(ht_data)); if (gethostbyname_r(addr, &hostent, &ht_data) < 0) { host = NULL; soap->errnum = h_errno; } #elif defined(HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R) host = gethostbyname_r(addr, &hostent, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN, &soap->errnum); #elif defined(VXWORKS) /* If the DNS resolver library resolvLib has been configured in the vxWorks * image, a query for the host IP address is sent to the DNS server, if the * name was not found in the local host table. */ hostint = hostGetByName(addrcopy); if (hostint == ERROR) { host = NULL; soap->errnum = soap_errno; } SOAP_FREE(soap, addrcopy); /*free() is placed after the error checking to assure that * errno captured is that from hostGetByName() */ #else if (!(host = gethostbyname(addr))) soap->errnum = h_errno; #endif if (!host) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Host name not found\n")); return SOAP_ERR; } #ifdef VXWORKS inaddr->s_addr = hostint; #else memcpy(inaddr, host->h_addr, host->h_length); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_connect(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port) { #ifdef WITH_IPV6 struct addrinfo hints, *res, *ressave; int err; #endif register int fd; #ifndef WITH_LEAN int len = SOAP_BUFLEN; int set = 1; #endif if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket); soap->socket = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; if (tcp_init(soap)) { soap->errnum = 0; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "TCP init failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } soap->errmode = 0; #ifdef WITH_IPV6 memset((void*)&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; else #endif hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; soap->errmode = 2; if (soap->proxy_host) err = getaddrinfo(soap->proxy_host, soap_int2s(soap, soap->proxy_port), &hints, &res); else err = getaddrinfo(host, soap_int2s(soap, port), &hints, &res); if (err) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, gai_strerror(err), "getaddrinfo failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } ressave = res; again: fd = (int)socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); soap->errmode = 0; #else #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) fd = (int)socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); else #endif fd = (int)socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #endif if (fd < 0) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "socket failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef SOCKET_CLOSE_ON_EXEC #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef UNDER_CE SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); #endif #else fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 1); #endif #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->connect_flags & SO_LINGER) { struct linger linger; memset((void*)&linger, 0, sizeof(linger)); linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 0; if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char*)&linger, sizeof(struct linger))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_LINGER failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } if ((soap->connect_flags & ~SO_LINGER) && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, SOL_SOCKET, soap->connect_flags & ~SO_LINGER, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap->keep_alive && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&len, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_SNDBUF failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&len, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef TCP_NODELAY if (!(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP) && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #endif #endif DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Opening socket %d to host='%s' port=%d\n", fd, host, port)); #ifndef WITH_IPV6 soap->peerlen = sizeof(soap->peer); memset((void*)&soap->peer, 0, sizeof(soap->peer)); soap->peer.sin_family = AF_INET; soap->errmode = 2; if (soap->proxy_host) { if (soap->fresolve(soap, soap->proxy_host, &soap->peer.sin_addr)) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "get proxy host by name failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } soap->peer.sin_port = htons((short)soap->proxy_port); } else { if (soap->fresolve(soap, host, &soap->peer.sin_addr)) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "get host by name failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } soap->peer.sin_port = htons((short)port); } soap->errmode = 0; if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) return fd; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->connect_timeout) #if defined(WIN32) { u_long nonblocking = 1; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking); } #elif defined(VXWORKS) { vx_nonblocking = TRUE; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); /* modified to use fd */ } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_GETFL)|O_NONBLOCK); #endif else #if defined(WIN32) { u_long blocking = 0; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, &blocking); } #elif defined(VXWORKS) { vx_nonblocking = FALSE; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); /* modified to use fd */ } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); #endif #endif for (;;) { #ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (connect((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) #else if (connect((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, sizeof(soap->peer))) #endif { #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->connect_timeout && (soap_socket_errno == SOAP_EINPROGRESS || soap_socket_errno == SOAP_EWOULDBLOCK)) { struct timeval timeout; SOAP_SOCKLEN_T k; fd_set fds; if (soap->connect_timeout > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = soap->connect_timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = -soap->connect_timeout/1000000; timeout.tv_usec = -soap->connect_timeout%1000000; } FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, &fds); for (;;) { int r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(fd + 1), NULL, &fds, NULL, &timeout); if (r > 0) break; if (!r) { soap->errnum = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Connect timeout\n")); soap_set_sender_error(soap, "Timeout", "connect failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not connect to host\n")); soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "connect failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } k = (SOAP_SOCKLEN_T)sizeof(soap->errnum); if (!getsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&soap->errnum, &k) && !soap->errnum) /* portability note: see SOAP_SOCKLEN_T definition in stdsoap2.h */ break; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not connect to host\n")); soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "connect failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } else #endif #ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (res->ai_next) { res = res->ai_next; soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); goto again; } else #endif if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not connect to host\n")); soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "connect failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)fd); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } else break; } #ifdef WITH_IPV6 soap->peerlen = 0; /* IPv6: already connected so use send() */ freeaddrinfo(ressave); #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->connect_timeout) #if defined(WIN32) { u_long blocking = 0; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, &blocking); } #elif defined(VXWORKS) { vx_nonblocking = FALSE; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); /* modified to use fd */ } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); #endif #endif soap->socket = fd; soap->imode &= ~SOAP_ENC_SSL; soap->omode &= ~SOAP_ENC_SSL; if (!strncmp(endpoint, "https:", 6)) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL int r; if (soap->proxy_host) { short v; unsigned int k = soap->omode; /* make sure we only parse HTTP */ size_t n = soap->count; /* save the content length */ soap->omode &= ~SOAP_ENC; /* mask IO and ENC */ soap->omode |= SOAP_IO_BUFFER; soap_begin_send(soap); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Connecting to proxy server\n")); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/%s", host, port, soap->http_version); if ((soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL))) return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->proxy_userid && soap->proxy_passwd && strlen(soap->proxy_userid) + strlen(soap->proxy_passwd) < 761) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + 262, "%s:%s", soap->proxy_userid, soap->proxy_passwd); strcpy(soap->tmpbuf, "Basic "); soap_s2base64(soap, (const unsigned char*)(soap->tmpbuf + 262), soap->tmpbuf + 6, strlen(soap->tmpbuf + 262)); if ((soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Proxy-Authorization", soap->tmpbuf))) return soap->error; } #endif if ((soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, NULL, NULL)) || soap_flush(soap)) return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; soap->omode = k; k = soap->imode; soap->imode &= ~SOAP_ENC; /* mask IO and ENC */ v = soap->version; /* preserve */ if (soap_begin_recv(soap)) return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; soap->version = v; /* restore */ soap->imode = k; /* restore */ soap->count = n; /* restore */ soap_begin_send(soap); } if (!soap->ctx && (soap->error = soap->fsslauth(soap))) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, "SSL error", "SSL authentication failed in tcp_connect(): check password, key file, and ca file.", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } soap->ssl = SSL_new(soap->ctx); if (!soap->ssl) { soap->error = SOAP_SSL_ERROR; return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap->session) { if (!strcmp(soap->session_host, host) && soap->session_port == port) SSL_set_session(soap->ssl, soap->session); SSL_SESSION_free(soap->session); soap->session = NULL; } soap->imode |= SOAP_ENC_SSL; soap->omode |= SOAP_ENC_SSL; soap->bio = BIO_new_socket((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, BIO_NOCLOSE); SSL_set_bio(soap->ssl, soap->bio, soap->bio); #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->connect_timeout) #ifdef WIN32 { u_long nonblocking = 1; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking); } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_GETFL)|O_NONBLOCK); #endif #endif for (;;) { if ((r = SSL_connect(soap->ssl)) <= 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, r); if (err != SSL_ERROR_NONE && err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, ssl_error(soap, r), "SSL connect failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap->connect_timeout) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fds; if (soap->connect_timeout > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = soap->connect_timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = -soap->connect_timeout/1000000; timeout.tv_usec = -soap->connect_timeout%1000000; } FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &fds); for (;;) { int r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &fds, NULL, &fds, &timeout); if (r > 0) break; if (!r) { soap->errnum = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Connect timeout\n")); soap_set_sender_error(soap, "Timeout", "connect failed in tcp_connect()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } continue; } } break; } #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->connect_timeout) #ifdef WIN32 { u_long blocking = 0; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, FIONBIO, &blocking); } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)fd, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); #endif #endif if (soap->require_server_auth) { X509 *peer; int err; if ((err = SSL_get_verify_result(soap->ssl)) != X509_V_OK) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, X509_verify_cert_error_string(err), "SSL certificate presented by peer cannot be verified in tcp_connect()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(soap->ssl); if (!peer) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, "SSL error", "No SSL certificate was presented by the peer in tcp_connect()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(peer), NID_commonName, soap->msgbuf, sizeof(soap->msgbuf)); X509_free(peer); if (soap_tag_cmp(soap->msgbuf, host)) { soap_set_sender_error(soap, "SSL error", "SSL certificate host name mismatch in tcp_connect()", SOAP_SSL_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } #else soap->error = SOAP_SSL_ERROR; return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; #endif } return fd; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_bind(struct soap *soap, const char *host, int port, int backlog) { #ifdef WITH_IPV6 struct addrinfo *addrinfo; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo res; int err; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN int len = SOAP_BUFLEN; int set = 1; #endif if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master)) { soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master); soap->master = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } soap->socket = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; soap->errmode = 1; if (tcp_init(soap)) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "TCP init failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef WITH_IPV6 memset((void*)&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; else #endif hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; soap->errmode = 2; err = getaddrinfo(host, soap_int2s(soap, port), &hints, &addrinfo); if (addrinfo) { res = *addrinfo; soap->peer = *((struct sockaddr_storage*)addrinfo->ai_addr); soap->peerlen = addrinfo->ai_addrlen; res.ai_addr = (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer; res.ai_addrlen = soap->peerlen; freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); } if (err) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, gai_strerror(err), "getaddrinfo failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } soap->master = socket(res.ai_family, res.ai_socktype, res.ai_protocol); #else #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) soap->master = (int)socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); else #endif soap->master = (int)socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #endif soap->errmode = 0; if (!soap_valid_socket(soap->master)) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "socket failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) soap->socket = soap->master; #endif #ifdef SOCKET_CLOSE_ON_EXEC #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef UNDER_CE SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)soap->master, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); #endif #else fcntl(soap->master, F_SETFD, 1); #endif #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->bind_flags && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, SOL_SOCKET, soap->bind_flags, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap->keep_alive && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&len, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_SNDBUF failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&len, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef TCP_NODELAY if (!(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP) && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #endif #endif #ifdef WITH_IPV6 soap->errmode = 0; if (bind((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, res.ai_addr, res.ai_addrlen)) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not bind to host\n")); soap_closesock(soap); soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "bind failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #else soap->peerlen = sizeof(soap->peer); memset((void*)&soap->peer, 0, sizeof(soap->peer)); soap->peer.sin_family = AF_INET; soap->errmode = 2; if (host) { if (soap->fresolve(soap, host, &soap->peer.sin_addr)) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "get host by name failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } else soap->peer.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); soap->peer.sin_port = htons((short)port); soap->errmode = 0; if (bind((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, soap->peerlen)) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not bind to host\n")); soap_closesock(soap); soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "bind failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #endif if (!(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP) && listen((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, backlog)) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not bind to host\n")); soap_closesock(soap); soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "listen failed in soap_bind()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } return soap->master; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_poll(struct soap *soap) { #ifndef WITH_LEAN struct timeval timeout; fd_set rfd, sfd, xfd; int r; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfd); FD_ZERO(&sfd); FD_ZERO(&xfd); if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &rfd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &sfd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &xfd); r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &rfd, &sfd, &xfd, &timeout); if (r > 0 && FD_ISSET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &xfd)) r = -1; } else if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master)) { FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, &sfd); r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->master + 1), NULL, &sfd, NULL, &timeout); } else return SOAP_OK; if (r > 0) { if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket) && FD_ISSET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &sfd) && (!FD_ISSET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &rfd) || recv((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, soap->tmpbuf, 1, MSG_PEEK) > 0)) return SOAP_OK; } else if (r < 0) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; if ((soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "select failed in soap_poll()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return soap->error = SOAP_TCP_ERROR; } } else soap->errnum = 0; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Polling: other end down on socket=%d select=%d\n", soap->socket, r)); return SOAP_EOF; #else return SOAP_OK; #endif } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_accept(struct soap *soap, int s, struct sockaddr *a, int *n) { int fd; fd = (int)accept((SOAP_SOCKET)s, a, (SOAP_SOCKLEN_T*)n); /* portability note: see SOAP_SOCKLEN_T definition in stdsoap2.h */ #ifdef SOCKET_CLOSE_ON_EXEC #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef UNDER_CE SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); #endif #else fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif #endif return fd; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_accept(struct soap *soap) { int n = (int)sizeof(soap->peer); #ifndef WITH_LEAN int len = SOAP_BUFLEN; int set = 1; #endif soap->error = SOAP_OK; #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) return soap->socket = soap->master; #endif memset((void*)&soap->peer, 0, sizeof(soap->peer)); soap->socket = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; soap->errmode = 0; if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master)) { for (;;) { #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->accept_timeout) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fd; if (soap->accept_timeout > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = soap->accept_timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = -soap->accept_timeout/1000000; timeout.tv_usec = -soap->accept_timeout%1000000; } FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, &fd); for (;;) { int r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->master + 1), &fd, &fd, NULL, &timeout); if (r > 0) break; if (!r) { soap->errnum = 0; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "Timeout", "accept failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_closesock(soap); soap_set_sender_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "accept failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } #if defined(WIN32) { u_long nonblocking = 1; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, FIONBIO, &nonblocking); } #elif defined(VXWORKS) { vx_nonblocking = TRUE; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_GETFL)|O_NONBLOCK); #endif } else #if defined(WIN32) { u_long blocking = 0; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, FIONBIO, &blocking); } #elif defined(VXWORKS) { vx_nonblocking = FALSE; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); } #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); #endif #endif soap->socket = soap->faccept(soap, soap->master, (struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, &n); soap->peerlen = (size_t)n; if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { #ifdef WITH_IPV6 /* Use soap->host to store the numeric form of the remote host */ getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)&soap->peer, n, soap->host, sizeof(soap->host), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Accept socket %d from %s\n", soap->socket, soap->host)); soap->ip = 0; /* info stored in soap->peer and soap->host */ soap->port = 0; /* info stored in soap->peer and soap->host */ #else soap->ip = ntohl(soap->peer.sin_addr.s_addr); soap->port = (int)ntohs(soap->peer.sin_port); /* does not return port number on some systems */ DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Accept socket %d at port %d from IP %d.%d.%d.%d\n", soap->socket, soap->port, (int)(soap->ip>>24)&0xFF, (int)(soap->ip>>16)&0xFF, (int)(soap->ip>>8)&0xFF, (int)soap->ip&0xFF)); #endif soap->keep_alive = ((soap->imode & SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE) != 0); #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->accept_flags & SO_LINGER) { struct linger linger; memset((void*)&linger, 0, sizeof(linger)); linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 0; if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char*)&linger, sizeof(struct linger))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_LINGER failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } if ((soap->accept_flags & ~SO_LINGER) && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, SOL_SOCKET, soap->accept_flags & ~SO_LINGER, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (soap->keep_alive && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&len, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_SNDBUF failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } if (setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&len, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef TCP_NODELAY if (!(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP) && setsockopt((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&set, sizeof(int))) { soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } #endif #endif if (soap->accept_timeout) { #if defined(WIN32) u_long blocking = 0; ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, FIONBIO, &blocking); ioctlsocket((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, FIONBIO, &blocking); #elif defined(VXWORKS) vx_nonblocking = FALSE; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, FIONBIO, (int)(&vx_nonblocking)); #elif defined(PALM) fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_GETFL,0)&~O_NONBLOCK); fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_GETFL,0)&~O_NONBLOCK); #elif defined(SYMBIAN) long blocking = 0; ioctl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, 0/*FIONBIO*/, &blocking); #else fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->master, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_SETFL, fcntl((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, F_GETFL)&~O_NONBLOCK); #endif } return soap->socket; } if (soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EINTR && soap_socket_errno != SOAP_EAGAIN) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Accept failed from %s\n", soap->host)); soap->errnum = soap_socket_errno; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "accept failed in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } } else { soap->errnum = 0; soap_set_receiver_error(soap, tcp_error(soap), "no master socket in soap_accept()", SOAP_TCP_ERROR); return SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_disconnect(struct soap *soap) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->ssl) { int r, s = 0; if (soap->session) SSL_SESSION_free(soap->session); if (*soap->host) { soap->session = SSL_get1_session(soap->ssl); if (soap->session) { strcpy(soap->session_host, soap->host); soap->session_port = soap->port; } } r = SSL_shutdown(soap->ssl); if (r != 1) { s = ERR_get_error(); if (s) { if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { soap->fshutdownsocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, 1); soap->socket = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } r = SSL_shutdown(soap->ssl); } } DBGLOG(TEST, if (s) SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Shutdown failed: %d\n", SSL_get_error(soap->ssl, r))); SSL_free(soap->ssl); soap->ssl = NULL; if (s) return SOAP_SSL_ERROR; ERR_remove_state(0); } #endif if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket) && !(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Closing socket %d\n", soap->socket)); soap->fshutdownsocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, 2); soap->fclosesocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket); soap->socket = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_closesocket(struct soap *soap, SOAP_SOCKET fd) { return closesocket(fd); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static int tcp_shutdownsocket(struct soap *soap, SOAP_SOCKET fd, int how) { return shutdown(fd, how); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_closesock(struct soap *soap) { register int status = soap->error; if (status == SOAP_EOF || status == SOAP_TCP_ERROR || status == SOAP_SSL_ERROR || !soap->keep_alive) { if (soap->fclose && (soap->error = soap->fclose(soap))) return soap->error; soap->keep_alive = 0; } #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->zlib_state == SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE) deflateEnd(&soap->d_stream); else if (soap->zlib_state == SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE) inflateEnd(&soap->d_stream); soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; #endif return soap->error = status; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_hash(register const char *s) { register size_t h = 0; while (*s) h = 65599*h + *s++; return h % SOAP_IDHASH; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_init_pht(struct soap *soap) { register int i; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Initializing pointer hashtable\n")); for (i = 0; i < (int)SOAP_PTRHASH; i++) soap->pht[i] = NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new1(soap_mode mode) { return soap_new2(mode, mode); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new() { return soap_new2(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new2(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode) { struct soap *soap = (struct soap*)malloc(sizeof(struct soap)); if (soap) soap_init2(soap, imode, omode); return soap; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_free_pht(struct soap *soap) { register struct soap_plist *pp, *next; register int i; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Free pointer hashtable\n")); for (i = 0; i < (int)SOAP_PTRHASH; i++) { for (pp = soap->pht[i]; pp; pp = next) { next = pp->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, pp); } soap->pht[i] = NULL; } } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embed(struct soap *soap, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, const char *tag, int type) { register int i; struct soap_plist *pp; if (soap->version != 1) soap->encoding = 1; if (a) i = soap_array_pointer_lookup(soap, p, a, n, type, &pp); else i = soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, type, &pp); if (i) { if (soap_is_embedded(soap, pp) || soap_is_single(soap, pp)) return 0; soap_set_embedded(soap, pp); } return i; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_lookup(struct soap *soap, const void *p, int type, struct soap_plist **ppp) { register struct soap_plist *pp; *ppp = NULL; if (p) for (pp = soap->pht[soap_hash_ptr(p)]; pp; pp = pp->next) if (pp->ptr == p && pp->type == type) { *ppp = pp; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Lookup location=%p type=%d id=%d\n", p, type, pp->id)); return pp->id; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Lookup location=%p type=%d: not found\n", p, type)); return 0; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_enter(struct soap *soap, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, int type, struct soap_plist **ppp) { register int h; register struct soap_plist *pp = *ppp = (struct soap_plist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_plist)); if (!pp) return 0; if (a) h = soap_hash_ptr(a->__ptr); else h = soap_hash_ptr(p); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Pointer enter location=%p array=%p size=%d dim=%d type=%d id=%lu\n", p, a?a->__ptr:NULL, a?a->__size:0, n, type, soap->idnum+1)); pp->next = soap->pht[h]; pp->type = type; pp->mark1 = 0; pp->mark2 = 0; pp->ptr = p; pp->array = a; soap->pht[h] = pp; pp->id = ++soap->idnum; return pp->id; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_pointer_lookup(struct soap *soap, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, int type, struct soap_plist **ppp) { register struct soap_plist *pp; *ppp = NULL; if (!p || !a->__ptr) return 0; for (pp = soap->pht[soap_hash_ptr(a->__ptr)]; pp; pp = pp->next) { if (pp->type == type && pp->array && pp->array->__ptr == a->__ptr) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (((const int*)&pp->array->__size)[i] != ((const int*)&a->__size)[i]) break; if (i == n) { *ppp = pp; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Array lookup location=%p type=%d id=%d\n", a->__ptr, type, pp->id)); return pp->id; } } } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Array lookup location=%p type=%d: not found\n", a->__ptr, type)); return 0; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_count(struct soap *soap) { soap_clr_attr(soap); soap_set_local_namespaces(soap); #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) || (soap->omode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) soap->mode = soap->omode | SOAP_IO_LENGTH | SOAP_ENC_DIME; else #endif { soap->mode = soap->omode; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_STORE || (((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK || (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML)) #ifndef WITH_LEANER && !soap->fpreparesend #endif )) soap->mode &= ~SOAP_IO_LENGTH; else soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_LENGTH; } #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) && (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_FLUSH) { if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) soap->mode &= ~SOAP_IO_LENGTH; if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML) soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_BUFFER; else soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_STORE; } #endif if (!soap->encodingStyle && !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_GRAPH)) soap->mode |= SOAP_XML_TREE; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) && (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_MIME; else soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_MTOM; if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) soap_select_mime_boundary(soap); soap->dime.list = soap->dime.last; /* keep track of last DIME attachment */ #endif soap->count = 0; soap->ns = 0; soap->null = 0; soap->position = 0; soap->mustUnderstand = 0; soap->encoding = 0; soap->part = SOAP_BEGIN; soap->idnum = 0; #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->dime.count = 0; /* count # of attachments */ soap->dime.size = 0; /* accumulate total size of attachments */ if (soap->fprepareinit && (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_STORE) soap->fprepareinit(soap); #endif DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Begin count phase (socket=%d mode=0x%x count=%lu)\n", soap->socket, soap->mode, (unsigned long)soap->count)); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_send(struct soap *soap) { soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap_clr_attr(soap); soap_set_local_namespaces(soap); soap->mode = soap->omode | (soap->mode & (SOAP_IO_LENGTH | SOAP_ENC_DIME)); #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) && (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_FLUSH) { if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML) soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_BUFFER; else soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_STORE; } #endif #ifdef WITH_UDP if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) { soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_XML; if (soap->count > SOAP_BUFLEN) return soap->error = SOAP_UDP_ERROR; } #endif if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_FLUSH && soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { if (soap->count || (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) || (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML)) soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_BUFFER; else soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_STORE; } soap->mode &= ~SOAP_IO_LENGTH; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_STORE) soap_new_block(soap); if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE)) soap->keep_alive = 0; if (!soap->encodingStyle && !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_GRAPH)) soap->mode |= SOAP_XML_TREE; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) && (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) { soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_MIME; soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_DIME; } else soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_MTOM; if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) soap_select_mime_boundary(soap); #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef UNDER_CE #ifndef WITH_FASTCGI if (!soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* Set win32 stdout or soap->sendfd to BINARY, e.g. to support DIME */ #ifdef __BORLANDC__ setmode((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->sendfd, O_BINARY); #else _setmode((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->sendfd, _O_BINARY); #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) { soap->bufidx = 0; soap->buflen = 0; } soap->chunksize = 0; soap->ns = 0; soap->null = 0; soap->position = 0; soap->mustUnderstand = 0; soap->encoding = 0; soap->part = SOAP_BEGIN; soap->idnum = 0; soap->level = 0; #ifdef WITH_ZLIB soap->z_ratio_out = 1.0; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) && soap->zlib_state != SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE) { #ifdef WITH_GZIP memcpy(soap->z_buf, "\37\213\10\0\0\0\0\0\0\377", 10); soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->z_buf + 10; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN - 10; soap->z_crc = crc32(0L, NULL, 0); if (deflateInit2(&soap->d_stream, soap->z_level, Z_DEFLATED, -MAX_WBITS, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) != Z_OK) #else soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->z_buf; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN; if (deflateInit(&soap->d_stream, soap->z_level) != Z_OK) #endif return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Deflate initialized\n")); soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE; } #endif DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Begin send phase (socket=%d mode=0x%x count=%lu)\n", soap->socket, soap->mode, (unsigned long)soap->count)); #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->fprepareinit && (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_STORE) soap->fprepareinit(soap); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embedded(struct soap *soap, const void *p, int t) { struct soap_plist *pp; if (soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, t, &pp)) { pp->mark1 = 1; pp->mark2 = 1; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Embedded %p type=%d mark set to 1\n", p, t)); } } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_reference(struct soap *soap, const void *p, int t) { struct soap_plist *pp; if (!p || (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_TREE)) return 1; if (soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, t, &pp)) { if (pp->mark1 == 0) { pp->mark1 = 2; pp->mark2 = 2; } } else if (soap_pointer_enter(soap, p, NULL, 0, t, &pp)) { pp->mark1 = 0; pp->mark2 = 0; } else return 1; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Reference %p type=%d (%d %d)\n", p, t, (int)pp->mark1, (int)pp->mark2)); return pp->mark1; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_reference(struct soap *soap, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, int t) { register int i; struct soap_plist *pp; if (!p) return 1; i = soap_array_pointer_lookup(soap, p, a, n, t, &pp); if (i) { if (pp->mark1 == 0) { pp->mark1 = 2; pp->mark2 = 2; } } else if (!soap_pointer_enter(soap, p, a, n, t, &pp)) return 1; else { pp->mark1 = 0; pp->mark2 = 0; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Array reference %p ptr=%p dim=%d type=%d (%d %d)\n", p, a->__ptr, n, t, (int)pp->mark1, (int)pp->mark2)); return pp->mark1; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embedded_id(struct soap *soap, int id, const void *p, int t) { struct soap_plist *pp; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Embedded_id %p type=%d id=%d\n", p, t, id)); if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_TREE) return id; if (soap->version == 1 && soap->encodingStyle && !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_GRAPH) && soap->part != SOAP_IN_HEADER) { if (id < 0) { id = soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, t, &pp); if (id) { if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) pp->mark1 = 2; else pp->mark2 = 2; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Embedded_id multiref id=%d %p type=%d = (%d %d)\n", id, p, t, (int)pp->mark1, (int)pp->mark2)); } return -1; } return id; } if (id < 0) id = soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, t, &pp); else if (id && !soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, t, &pp)) return 0; if (id && pp) { if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) pp->mark1 = 1; else pp->mark2 = 1; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Embedded_id embedded ref id=%d %p type=%d = (%d %d)\n", id, p, t, (int)pp->mark1, (int)pp->mark2)); } return id; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_is_embedded(struct soap *soap, struct soap_plist *pp) { if (!pp) return 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Is embedded? %d %d\n", (int)pp->mark1, (int)pp->mark2)); if (soap->version == 1 && soap->encodingStyle && !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_GRAPH) && soap->part != SOAP_IN_HEADER) { if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) return pp->mark1 != 0; return pp->mark2 != 0; } if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) return pp->mark1 == 1; return pp->mark2 == 1; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_is_single(struct soap *soap, struct soap_plist *pp) { if (soap->part == SOAP_IN_HEADER) return 1; if (!pp) return 0; if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) return pp->mark1 == 0; return pp->mark2 == 0; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_embedded(struct soap *soap, struct soap_plist *pp) { if (!pp) return; if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) pp->mark1 = 1; else pp->mark2 = 1; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attachment(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, const char *aid, const char *atype, const char *aoptions, int n, const char *type, int t) { struct soap_plist *pp; int i; if (!p || !a->__ptr || (!aid && !atype)) return soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, p, a, n, type, t); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Attachment tag='%s' id='%s' (%d) type='%s'\n", tag, aid?aid:"", id, atype?atype:"")); i = soap_array_pointer_lookup(soap, p, a, n, t, &pp); if (!i) { i = soap_pointer_enter(soap, p, a, n, t, &pp); if (!i) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return -1; } } if (id < 0) id = i; if (!aid) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, soap->dime_id_format, id); aid = soap_strdup(soap, soap->tmpbuf); } if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, 0, type) || soap_element_href(soap, "xop:Include", 0, "href", aid) || soap_element_end_out(soap, tag)) return soap->error; } else if (soap_element_href(soap, tag, 0, "href", aid)) return soap->error; if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) { if (pp->mark1 != 3) { struct soap_multipart *content; if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) content = soap_new_multipart(soap, &soap->mime.first, &soap->mime.last, (char*)a->__ptr, a->__size); else content = soap_new_multipart(soap, &soap->dime.first, &soap->dime.last, (char*)a->__ptr, a->__size); if (!content) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return -1; } if (!strncmp(aid, "cid:", 4)) /* RFC 2111 */ { if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) { char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(aid) - 1); if (s) { *s = '<'; strcpy(s + 1, aid + 4); strcat(s, ">"); content->id = s; } } else content->id = aid + 4; } else content->id = aid; content->type = atype; content->options = aoptions; content->encoding = SOAP_MIME_BINARY; pp->mark1 = 3; } } else pp->mark2 = 3; return -1; } #endif #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_init_iht(struct soap *soap) { register int i; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Initializing ID hashtable\n")); for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) soap->iht[i] = NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_free_iht(struct soap *soap) { register int i; register struct soap_ilist *ip, *p; register struct soap_flist *fp, *fq; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Free ID hashtable\n")); for (i = 0; i < SOAP_IDHASH; i++) { for (ip = soap->iht[i]; ip; ip = p) { for (fp = ip->flist; fp; fp = fq) { fq = fp->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, fp); } p = ip->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, ip); } soap->iht[i] = NULL; } } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_ilist * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup(struct soap *soap, const char *id) { register struct soap_ilist *ip; for (ip = soap->iht[soap_hash(id)]; ip; ip = ip->next) if (!strcmp(ip->id, id)) return ip; return NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_ilist * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_enter(struct soap *soap, const char *id) { register size_t h; register struct soap_ilist *ip; ip = (struct soap_ilist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_ilist) + strlen(id)); if (ip) { h = soap_hash(id); strcpy(ip->id, id); ip->next = soap->iht[h]; soap->iht[h] = ip; return ip; } return NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_malloc(struct soap *soap, size_t n) { register char *p; if (!n) return (void*)SOAP_NON_NULL; if (!soap) return SOAP_MALLOC(soap, n); n += (-(long)n) & 7; if (!(p = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, n + sizeof(void*) + sizeof(size_t)))) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } /* keep chain of alloced cells for later destruction */ soap->alloced = 1; *(void**)(p + n) = soap->alist; *(size_t*)(p + n + sizeof(void*)) = n; soap->alist = p + n; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Malloc %u bytes at location %p\n", (unsigned int)n, p)); return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_init_mht(struct soap *soap) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)SOAP_PTRHASH; i++) soap->mht[i] = NULL; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_free_mht(struct soap *soap) { register int i; register struct soap_mlist *mp, *mq; for (i = 0; i < (int)SOAP_PTRHASH; i++) { for (mp = soap->mht[i]; mp; mp = mq) { mq = mp->next; if (mp->live) fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): malloc() = %p not freed (memory leak or forgot to call soap_end()?)\n", mp->file, mp->line, mp->ptr); free(mp); } soap->mht[i] = NULL; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_track_malloc(struct soap *soap, const char *file, int line, size_t size) { register void *p = malloc(size); if (soap) { register int h = soap_hash_ptr(p); register struct soap_mlist *mp = (struct soap_mlist*)malloc(sizeof(struct soap_mlist)); mp->next = soap->mht[h]; mp->ptr = p; mp->file = file; mp->line = line; mp->live = 1; soap->mht[h] = mp; } return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_track_free(struct soap *soap, const char *file, int line, void *p) { register int h = soap_hash_ptr(p); register struct soap_mlist *mp; for (mp = soap->mht[h]; mp; mp = mp->next) if (mp->ptr == p) break; if (mp) { if (mp->live) { free(p); mp->live = 0; } else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) free(%p): double free of pointer malloced at %s(%d)\n", file, line, p, mp->file, mp->line); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) free(%p): pointer not alloced\n", file, line, p); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_track_unlink(struct soap *soap, const void *p) { register int h = soap_hash_ptr(p); register struct soap_mlist *mp; for (mp = soap->mht[h]; mp; mp = mp->next) if (mp->ptr == p) break; if (mp) mp->live = 0; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dealloc(struct soap *soap, void *p) { if (!soap) return; if (p) { register char **q; for (q = (char**)&soap->alist; *q; q = *(char***)q) { if (p == (void*)(*q - *(size_t*)(*q + sizeof(void*)))) { *q = **(char***)q; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Freed data at %p\n", p)); SOAP_FREE(soap, p); return; } } soap_delete(soap, p); } else { register char *q; while (soap->alist) { q = (char*)soap->alist; soap->alist = *(void**)q; q -= *(size_t*)(q + sizeof(void*)); SOAP_FREE(soap, q); } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Dealloc all data done\n")); } /* we must assume these were deallocated: */ soap->action = NULL; soap->fault = NULL; soap->header = NULL; soap->userid = NULL; soap->passwd = NULL; soap->authrealm = NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap_clr_mime(soap); #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_delete(struct soap *soap, void *p) { register struct soap_clist **cp = &soap->clist; if (p) { while (*cp) { if (p == (*cp)->ptr) { register struct soap_clist *q = *cp; *cp = q->next; q->fdelete(q); SOAP_FREE(soap, q); return; } cp = &(*cp)->next; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not dealloc data %p: address not in list\n", p)); } else { while (*cp) { register struct soap_clist *q = *cp; *cp = q->next; if (q->ptr == (void*)soap->fault) soap->fault = NULL; /* this was deallocated */ else if (q->ptr == (void*)soap->header) soap->header = NULL; /* this was deallocated */ q->fdelete(q); SOAP_FREE(soap, q); } } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_clist * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_link(struct soap *soap, void *p, int t, int n, void (*fdelete)(struct soap_clist*)) { register struct soap_clist *cp; if ((cp = (struct soap_clist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_clist)))) { cp->next = soap->clist; cp->type = t; cp->size = n; cp->ptr = p; cp->fdelete = fdelete; soap->clist = cp; } return cp; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unlink(struct soap *soap, const void *p) { register char **q; register struct soap_clist **cp; if (!soap || !p) return; for (q = (char**)&soap->alist; *q; q = *(char***)q) { if (p == (void*)(*q - *(size_t*)(*q + sizeof(void*)))) { *q = **(char***)q; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Unlinked data %p\n", p)); #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG soap_track_unlink(soap, p); #endif return; } } for (cp = &soap->clist; *cp; cp = &(*cp)->next) { if (p == (*cp)->ptr) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Unlinked class instance %p\n", p)); q = (char**)*cp; *cp = (*cp)->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, q); return; } } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_type(struct soap *soap, const char *id) { register struct soap_ilist *ip; if (id && *id) { ip = soap_lookup(soap, id); if (ip) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Lookup id='%s' type=%d\n", id, ip->type)); return ip->type; } } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "lookup type id='%s' NOT FOUND! Need to get it from xsi:type\n", id)); return 0; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_lookup(struct soap *soap, const char *id, void **p, int t, size_t n, unsigned int k) { struct soap_ilist *ip; void **q; if (!p || !id || !*id) return p; ip = soap_lookup(soap, id); /* lookup pointer to hash table entry for string id */ if (!ip) { ip = soap_enter(soap, id); /* new hash table entry for string id */ DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Forwarding first href='%s' type=%d %p (%u bytes)\n", id, t, p, (unsigned int)n)); ip->type = t; ip->size = n; ip->link = p; ip->copy = NULL; ip->flist = NULL; ip->ptr = NULL; ip->level = k; *p = NULL; } else if (ip->ptr) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolved href='%s' type=%d location=%p (%u bytes)\n", id, t, ip->ptr, (unsigned int)n)); if (ip->type != t) { strcpy(soap->id, id); soap->error = SOAP_HREF; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Type incompatibility: id type=%d href type=%d\n", ip->type, t)); return NULL; } while (ip->level < k) { q = (void**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(void*)); if (!q) return NULL; *p = (void*)q; p = q; k--; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Descending one level...\n")); } *p = ip->ptr; } else if (ip->level > k) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolving level %u pointers to href='%s'\n", ip->level, id)); while (ip->level > k) { void *s, **r = &ip->link; q = (void**)ip->link; while (q) { *r = (void*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(void*)); s = *q; *q = *r; r = (void**)*r; q = (void**)s; } *r = NULL; ip->size = n; ip->copy = NULL; ip->level = ip->level - 1; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Descending one level...\n")); } q = (void**)ip->link; ip->link = p; *p = (void*)q; } else { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Forwarded href='%s' type=%d location=%p (%u bytes)\n", id, t, p, (unsigned int)n)); while (ip->level < k) { q = (void**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(void*)); *p = q; p = q; k--; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Descending one level...\n")); } q = (void**)ip->link; ip->link = p; *p = (void*)q; } return p; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_forward(struct soap *soap, const char *href, void *p, int st, int tt, size_t n, unsigned int k, void (*fcopy)(struct soap*, int, int, void*, const void*, size_t)) { struct soap_ilist *ip; if (!p || !href || !*href) return p; ip = soap_lookup(soap, href); /* lookup pointer to hash table entry for string id */ if (!ip) { ip = soap_enter(soap, href); /* new hash table entry for string id */ ip->type = st; ip->size = n; ip->link = NULL; ip->copy = NULL; ip->ptr = NULL; ip->level = 0; ip->flist = NULL; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "New entry href='%s' type=%d size=%lu level=%d location=%p\n", href, st, (unsigned long)n, k, p)); } else if (ip->type != st || (ip->level == k && ip->size != n)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Type incompatibility id='%s' expect type=%d size=%lu level=%u got type=%d size=%lu\n", href, ip->type, (unsigned long)ip->size, k, st, (unsigned long)n)); strcpy(soap->id, href); soap->error = SOAP_HREF; return NULL; } if (fcopy || n < sizeof(void*) || *href != '#') { register struct soap_flist *fp = (struct soap_flist*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_flist)); if (!fp) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } fp->next = ip->flist; fp->type = tt; fp->ptr = p; fp->level = k; if (fcopy) fp->fcopy = fcopy; else fp->fcopy = soap_fcopy; ip->flist = fp; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Forwarding type=%d (target type=%d) size=%lu location=%p level=%u href='%s'\n", st, tt, (unsigned long)n, p, k, href)); } else { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Forwarding copying address %p for type=%d href='%s'\n", p, st, href)); *(void**)p = ip->copy; ip->copy = p; } return p; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_enter(struct soap *soap, const char *id, void *p, int t, size_t n, unsigned int k, const char *type, const char *arrayType, void *(*finstantiate)(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*)) { #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF struct soap_ilist *ip; #endif DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Enter id='%s' type=%d loc=%p size=%lu level=%u\n", id, t, p, (unsigned long)n, k)); soap->alloced = 0; if (!p) { if (finstantiate) p = finstantiate(soap, t, type, arrayType, &n); else p = soap_malloc(soap, n); if (p) soap->alloced = 1; } #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF if (!id || !*id) #endif return p; #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF ip = soap_lookup(soap, id); /* lookup pointer to hash table entry for string id */ DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Lookup entry id='%s for location=%p'\n", id, p)); if (!ip) { ip = soap_enter(soap, id); /* new hash table entry for string id */ ip->type = t; ip->link = NULL; ip->copy = NULL; ip->flist = NULL; ip->size = n; ip->ptr = p; ip->level = k; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "New entry id='%s' type=%d size=%lu level=%u location=%p\n", id, t, (unsigned long)n, k, p)); } else if ((ip->type != t || (ip->level == k && ip->size != n)) && (ip->copy || ip->flist)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Type incompatibility id='%s' expect type=%d size=%lu level=%u got type=%d size=%lu\n", id, ip->type, (unsigned long)ip->size, k, t, (unsigned long)n)); strcpy(soap->id, id); soap->error = SOAP_HREF; return NULL; } else if (ip->ptr) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Multiply defined id='%s'\n", id)); strcpy(soap->id, id); soap->error = SOAP_MULTI_ID; return NULL; } else { ip->size = n; ip->ptr = p; ip->level = k; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Update entry id='%s' type=%d location=%p size=%lu level=%u\n", id, t, p, (unsigned long)n, k)); } return ip->ptr; #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_fcopy(struct soap *soap, int st, int tt, void *p, const void *q, size_t n) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Copying data type=%d (target type=%d) %p -> %p (%lu bytes)\n", st, tt, q, p, (unsigned long)n)); memcpy(p, q, n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_send(struct soap *soap) { #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->dime.list) { /* SOAP body referenced attachments must appear first */ soap->dime.last->next = soap->dime.first; soap->dime.first = soap->dime.list->next; soap->dime.list->next = NULL; soap->dime.last = soap->dime.list; } if (soap_putdime(soap) || soap_putmime(soap)) return soap->error; soap->mime.list = NULL; soap->mime.first = NULL; soap->mime.last = NULL; soap->dime.list = NULL; soap->dime.first = NULL; soap->dime.last = NULL; #endif DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End send\n")); if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) /* need to flush the remaining data in buffer */ { if (soap_flush(soap)) #ifdef WITH_ZLIB { if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB && soap->zlib_state == SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE) { soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; deflateEnd(&soap->d_stream); } return soap->error; } #else return soap->error; #endif #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) { int r; soap->d_stream.avail_in = 0; do { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Deflating remainder\n")); r = deflate(&soap->d_stream, Z_FINISH); if (soap->d_stream.avail_out != SOAP_BUFLEN) { if (soap_flush_raw(soap, soap->z_buf, SOAP_BUFLEN - soap->d_stream.avail_out)) { soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; deflateEnd(&soap->d_stream); return soap->error; } soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->z_buf; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN; } } while (r == Z_OK); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Deflated %lu->%lu bytes\n", soap->d_stream.total_in, soap->d_stream.total_out)); soap->z_ratio_out = (float)soap->d_stream.total_out / (float)soap->d_stream.total_in; soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_ZLIB; soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; if (deflateEnd(&soap->d_stream) != Z_OK || r != Z_STREAM_END) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Unable to end deflate: %s\n", soap->d_stream.msg?soap->d_stream.msg:"")); return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; } #ifdef WITH_GZIP soap->z_buf[0] = soap->z_crc & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[1] = (soap->z_crc >> 8) & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[2] = (soap->z_crc >> 16) & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[3] = (soap->z_crc >> 24) & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[4] = soap->d_stream.total_in & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[5] = (soap->d_stream.total_in >> 8) & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[6] = (soap->d_stream.total_in >> 16) & 0xFF; soap->z_buf[7] = (soap->d_stream.total_in >> 24) & 0xFF; if (soap_flush_raw(soap, soap->z_buf, 8)) return soap->error; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "gzip crc32=%lu\n", (unsigned long)soap->z_crc)); #endif } #endif if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_STORE) { char *p; #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML)) { soap->mode--; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Sending buffered message of length %u\n", (unsigned int)soap->blist->size)); if (soap->status >= SOAP_POST) soap->error = soap->fpost(soap, soap->endpoint, soap->host, soap->port, soap->path, soap->action, soap->blist->size); else if (soap->status != SOAP_STOP) soap->error = soap->fresponse(soap, soap->status, soap->blist->size); if (soap->error || soap_flush(soap)) return soap->error; soap->mode++; } #endif for (p = soap_first_block(soap); p; p = soap_next_block(soap)) { DBGMSG(SENT, p, soap_block_size(soap)); if ((soap->error = soap->fsend(soap, p, soap_block_size(soap)))) { soap_end_block(soap); return soap->error; } } soap_end_block(soap); } #ifndef WITH_LEANER else if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) { DBGMSG(SENT, "\r\n0\r\n\r\n", 7); if ((soap->error = soap->fsend(soap, "\r\n0\r\n\r\n", 7))) return soap->error; } #endif } #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (!soap->ssl && soap_valid_socket(soap->socket) && !soap->keep_alive && !(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) soap->fshutdownsocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, 1); /* Send TCP FIN */ #else if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket) && !soap->keep_alive && !(soap->omode & SOAP_IO_UDP)) soap->fshutdownsocket(soap, (SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, 1); /* Send TCP FIN */ #endif DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End of send message ok\n")); soap->part = SOAP_END; soap->count = 0; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_recv(struct soap *soap) { soap->part = SOAP_END; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) && soap_getdime(soap)) return soap->error; soap->dime.list = soap->dime.first; soap->dime.first = NULL; soap->dime.last = NULL; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) && soap_getmime(soap)) return soap->error; soap->mime.list = soap->mime.first; soap->mime.first = NULL; soap->mime.last = NULL; soap->mime.boundary = NULL; #endif DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End of receive message ok\n")); #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) { soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_ZLIB; memcpy(soap->buf, soap->z_buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); soap->bufidx = (char*)soap->d_stream.next_in - soap->z_buf; soap->buflen = soap->z_buflen; soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; if (inflateEnd(&soap->d_stream) != Z_OK) return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; #ifdef WITH_GZIP if (soap->zlib_in == SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP) { soap_wchar c; short i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((int)(c = soap_getchar(soap)) == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; soap->z_buf[i] = (char)c; } if (soap->z_crc != ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[0] | ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[1] << 8) | ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[2] << 16) | ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[3] << 24))) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Gzip error: crc check failed, message corrupted? (crc32=%lu)\n", (unsigned long)soap->z_crc)); return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; } if (soap->d_stream.total_out != ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[4] | ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[5] << 8) | ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[6] << 16) | ((uLong)(unsigned char)soap->z_buf[7] << 24))) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Gzip error: incorrect message length\n")); return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; } } #endif } #endif if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) while ((int)soap_getchar(soap) != EOF) /* advance to last chunk */ ; if (soap->fdisconnect && (soap->error = soap->fdisconnect(soap))) return soap->error; #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF return soap_resolve(soap); #else #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->xlist) { if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) return soap->error = SOAP_MIME_HREF; return soap->error = SOAP_DIME_HREF; } #endif return SOAP_OK; #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_free(struct soap *soap) { register struct Namespace *ns; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Free namespace stack\n")); while (soap->nlist) { register struct soap_nlist *np = soap->nlist->next; if (soap->nlist->ns) SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->nlist->ns); SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->nlist); soap->nlist = np; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Free any remaining temp blocks\n")); while (soap->blist) soap_end_block(soap); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Free attributes\n")); while (soap->attributes) { register struct soap_attribute *tp = soap->attributes->next; if (soap->attributes->value) SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->attributes->value); SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->attributes); soap->attributes = tp; } #ifdef WITH_FAST if (soap->labbuf) SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->labbuf); soap->labbuf = NULL; soap->lablen = 0; soap->labidx = 0; #endif #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF soap_free_pht(soap); soap_free_iht(soap); #endif ns = soap->local_namespaces; if (ns) { for (; ns->id; ns++) { if (ns->out) { if (soap->encodingStyle == ns->out) soap->encodingStyle = SOAP_STR_EOS; SOAP_FREE(soap, ns->out); ns->out = NULL; } if (soap->encodingStyle == ns->ns) soap->encodingStyle = SOAP_STR_EOS; } SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->local_namespaces); soap->local_namespaces = NULL; } #ifndef WITH_LEANER while (soap->xlist) { struct soap_xlist *xp = soap->xlist->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->xlist); soap->xlist = xp; } #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_init_logs(struct soap *soap) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SOAP_MAXLOGS; i++) { soap->logfile[i] = NULL; soap->fdebug[i] = NULL; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if !defined(WITH_LEAN) || defined(SOAP_DEBUG) SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_open_logfile(struct soap *soap, int i) { if (soap->logfile[i]) soap->fdebug[i] = fopen(soap->logfile[i], i < 2 ? "ab" : "a"); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_close_logfile(struct soap *soap, int i) { if (soap->fdebug[i]) { fclose(soap->fdebug[i]); soap->fdebug[i] = NULL; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_close_logfiles(struct soap *soap) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SOAP_MAXLOGS; i++) soap_close_logfile(soap, i); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG static void soap_set_logfile(struct soap *soap, int i, const char *logfile) { char *s = NULL; soap_close_logfile(soap, i); if (soap->logfile[i]) SOAP_FREE(soap, (void*)soap->logfile[i]); if (logfile) if ((s = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(logfile) + 1))) strcpy(s, logfile); soap->logfile[i] = s; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_recv_logfile(struct soap *soap, const char *logfile) { soap_set_logfile(soap, SOAP_INDEX_RECV, logfile); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_sent_logfile(struct soap *soap, const char *logfile) { soap_set_logfile(soap, SOAP_INDEX_SENT, logfile); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_test_logfile(struct soap *soap, const char *logfile) { soap_set_logfile(soap, SOAP_INDEX_TEST, logfile); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy(struct soap *soap) { return soap_copy_context((struct soap*)malloc(sizeof(struct soap)), soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy_context(struct soap *copy, struct soap *soap) { if (copy) { register struct soap_plugin *p; memcpy(copy, soap, sizeof(struct soap)); copy->copy = 1; copy->user = NULL; copy->error = SOAP_OK; copy->userid = NULL; copy->passwd = NULL; copy->nlist = NULL; copy->blist = NULL; copy->clist = NULL; copy->alist = NULL; copy->attributes = NULL; #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG soap_init_mht(copy); #endif copy->local_namespaces = NULL; soap_set_local_namespaces(copy); #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF soap_init_iht(copy); soap_init_pht(copy); #endif copy->header = NULL; copy->fault = NULL; copy->action = NULL; *copy->host = '\0'; #ifndef WITH_LEAN #ifdef WITH_COOKIES copy->cookies = soap_copy_cookies(copy); #else copy->cookies = NULL; #endif #endif #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG soap_init_logs(copy); soap_set_recv_logfile(copy, soap->logfile[SOAP_INDEX_RECV]); soap_set_sent_logfile(copy, soap->logfile[SOAP_INDEX_SENT]); soap_set_test_logfile(copy, soap->logfile[SOAP_INDEX_TEST]); #endif copy->plugins = NULL; for (p = soap->plugins; p; p = p->next) { register struct soap_plugin *q = (struct soap_plugin*)SOAP_MALLOC(copy, sizeof(struct soap_plugin)); if (!q) return NULL; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Copying plugin '%s'\n", p->id)); *q = *p; if (p->fcopy && (soap->error = p->fcopy(copy, q, p))) { SOAP_FREE(copy, q); return NULL; } q->next = copy->plugins; copy->plugins = q; } } else soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return copy; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init(struct soap *soap) { soap->version = 0; soap_imode(soap, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT); soap_omode(soap, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT); soap->copy = 0; soap->plugins = NULL; soap->user = NULL; soap->userid = NULL; soap->passwd = NULL; #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP soap->fpost = http_post; soap->fget = http_get; soap->fposthdr = http_post_header; soap->fresponse = http_response; soap->fparse = http_parse; soap->fparsehdr = http_parse_header; #endif soap->fconnect = NULL; soap->fdisconnect = NULL; #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_IPV6 soap->fresolve = tcp_gethost; #else soap->fresolve = NULL; #endif soap->faccept = tcp_accept; soap->fopen = tcp_connect; soap->fclose = tcp_disconnect; soap->fclosesocket = tcp_closesocket; soap->fshutdownsocket = tcp_shutdownsocket; soap->fsend = fsend; soap->frecv = frecv; soap->fpoll = soap_poll; #else soap->fopen = NULL; soap->fclose = NULL; soap->fpoll = NULL; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->fprepareinit = NULL; soap->fpreparesend = NULL; soap->fpreparerecv = NULL; #endif soap->fseterror = NULL; soap->fignore = NULL; soap->fserveloop = NULL; soap->fplugin = fplugin; #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->fdimereadopen = NULL; soap->fdimewriteopen = NULL; soap->fdimereadclose = NULL; soap->fdimewriteclose = NULL; soap->fdimeread = NULL; soap->fdimewrite = NULL; #endif soap->float_format = "%.8g"; /* .8 preserves single FP precision as much as possible, but might not be very efficient */ soap->double_format = "%.17lg"; /* .17 preserves double FP precision as much as possible, but might not be very efficient */ soap->dime_id_format = "cid:id%d"; /* default DIME id format */ soap->http_version = "1.1"; soap->actor = NULL; soap->max_keep_alive = SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE; soap->keep_alive = 0; soap->recv_timeout = 0; soap->send_timeout = 0; soap->connect_timeout = 0; soap->accept_timeout = 0; soap->socket_flags = 0; soap->connect_flags = 0; soap->bind_flags = 0; soap->accept_flags = 0; soap->ip = 0; #ifdef WITH_FAST soap->labbuf = NULL; soap->lablen = 0; soap->labidx = 0; #endif soap->encodingStyle = SOAP_STR_EOS; #ifndef WITH_NONAMESPACES soap->namespaces = namespaces; #else soap->namespaces = NULL; #endif soap->local_namespaces = NULL; soap->nlist = NULL; soap->blist = NULL; soap->clist = NULL; soap->alist = NULL; soap->attributes = NULL; soap->header = NULL; soap->fault = NULL; soap->master = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; soap->socket = SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET; soap->os = NULL; soap->is = NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->dom = NULL; soap->dime.list = NULL; soap->dime.first = NULL; soap->dime.last = NULL; soap->mime.list = NULL; soap->mime.first = NULL; soap->mime.last = NULL; soap->mime.boundary = NULL; soap->mime.start = NULL; soap->xlist = NULL; #endif #ifndef UNDER_CE soap->recvfd = 0; soap->sendfd = 1; #else soap->recvfd = stdin; soap->sendfd = stdout; #endif soap->host[0] = '\0'; soap->port = 0; soap->action = NULL; soap->proxy_host = NULL; soap->proxy_port = 8080; soap->proxy_userid = NULL; soap->proxy_passwd = NULL; soap->authrealm = NULL; soap->prolog = NULL; #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL soap->fsslauth = ssl_auth_init; soap->fsslverify = ssl_verify_callback; soap->bio = NULL; soap->ssl = NULL; soap->ctx = NULL; soap->require_server_auth = 0; soap->require_client_auth = 0; soap->rsa = 0; soap->keyfile = NULL; soap->password = NULL; soap->dhfile = NULL; soap->cafile = NULL; soap->capath = NULL; soap->randfile = NULL; soap->session = NULL; #endif #ifdef WITH_ZLIB soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; soap->zlib_in = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; soap->zlib_out = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; soap->d_stream.zalloc = NULL; soap->d_stream.zfree = NULL; soap->d_stream.opaque = NULL; soap->z_level = 6; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN soap->cookies = NULL; soap->cookie_domain = NULL; soap->cookie_path = NULL; soap->cookie_max = 32; #endif #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG soap_init_mht(soap); soap_init_logs(soap); soap_set_recv_logfile(soap, "RECV.log"); soap_set_sent_logfile(soap, "SENT.log"); soap_set_test_logfile(soap, NULL); #endif #ifdef WMW_RPM_IO soap->rpmreqid = NULL; #endif /* WMW_RPM_IO */ #ifdef PALM palmNetLibOpen(); #endif #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF soap_init_iht(soap); soap_init_pht(soap); #endif soap_begin(soap); #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG soap_set_test_logfile(soap, "TEST.log"); #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init1(struct soap *soap, soap_mode mode) { soap_init2(soap, mode, mode); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init2(struct soap *soap, soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode) { soap_init(soap); soap_imode(soap, imode); soap_omode(soap, omode); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin(struct soap *soap) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Initializing\n")); if (!soap->keep_alive) { soap->buflen = 0; soap->bufidx = 0; } soap->keep_alive = (((soap->imode | soap->omode) & SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE) != 0); soap->null = 0; soap->position = 0; soap->encoding = 0; soap->mustUnderstand = 0; soap->mode = 0; soap->ns = 0; soap->part = SOAP_BEGIN; soap->alloced = 0; soap->count = 0; soap->length = 0; soap->cdata = 0; soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap->peeked = 0; soap->ahead = 0; soap->idnum = 0; soap->level = 0; soap->endpoint[0] = '\0'; #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->dime.chunksize = 0; soap->dime.buflen = 0; #endif soap_free(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end(struct soap *soap) { register struct soap_clist *cp; soap_free(soap); soap_dealloc(soap, NULL); while (soap->clist) { cp = soap->clist->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->clist); soap->clist = cp; } soap_closesock(soap); #ifdef SOAP_DEBUG soap_close_logfiles(soap); #endif #ifdef PALM palmNetLibClose(); #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_namespaces(struct soap *soap, struct Namespace *p) { register struct Namespace *ns = soap->local_namespaces; register struct soap_nlist *np, *nq, *nr; register unsigned int level = soap->level; soap->namespaces = p; soap->local_namespaces = NULL; soap_set_local_namespaces(soap); /* reverse the list */ np = soap->nlist; soap->nlist = NULL; if (np) { nq = np->next; np->next = NULL; while (nq) { nr = nq->next; nq->next = np; np = nq; nq = nr; } } while (np) { soap->level = np->level; /* preserve element nesting level */ if (np->ns) { if (soap_push_namespace(soap, np->id, np->ns)) return soap->error; } else if (np->index >= 0 && ns) { if (ns[np->index].out) { if (soap_push_namespace(soap, np->id, ns[np->index].out)) return soap->error; } else if (soap_push_namespace(soap, np->id, ns[np->index].ns)) return soap->error; } if (np->ns) SOAP_FREE(soap, np->ns); nq = np; np = np->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, nq); } if (ns) { register int i; for (i = 0; ns[i].id; i++) { if (ns[i].out) { SOAP_FREE(soap, ns[i].out); ns[i].out = NULL; } } SOAP_FREE(soap, ns); } soap->level = level; /* restore level */ return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_set_local_namespaces(struct soap *soap) { if (soap->namespaces && !soap->local_namespaces) { register const struct Namespace *ns1; register struct Namespace *ns2; register size_t n = 1; for (ns1 = soap->namespaces; ns1->id; ns1++) n++; n *= sizeof(struct Namespace); ns2 = (struct Namespace*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, n); if (ns2) { memcpy(ns2, soap->namespaces, n); if (ns2[0].ns) { if (!strcmp(ns2[0].ns, soap_env1)) soap->version = 1; else soap->version = 2; } soap->local_namespaces = ns2; } } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) { struct Namespace *ns = soap->local_namespaces; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Element begin tag='%s' id='%d' type='%s'\n", tag, id, type?type:"")); /**/ #ifdef WITH_DOM if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) { register struct soap_dom_element *p, *e = (struct soap_dom_element*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct soap_dom_element)); e->next = NULL; e->prnt = soap->dom; e->nstr = NULL; e->name = soap_strdup(soap, tag); /* check EOM? */ e->data = NULL; e->type = 0; e->node = NULL; e->elts = NULL; e->atts = NULL; if (soap->dom) { p = soap->dom->elts; if (p) { while (p->next) p = p->next; p->next = e; } else soap->dom->elts = e; } soap->dom = e; } else #endif { soap->level++; if (!soap->ns && !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL)) if (soap_send(soap, soap->prolog ? soap->prolog : "")) return soap->error; if (soap_send_raw(soap, "<", 1) || soap_send(soap, tag)) return soap->error; } /**/ if (!soap->ns) { for (ns = soap->local_namespaces; ns && ns->id; ns++) { if (*ns->id && (ns->out || ns->ns)) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "xmlns:%s", ns->id); if (soap_attribute(soap, soap->tmpbuf, ns->out ? ns->out : ns->ns)) return soap->error; } } soap->ns = 1; } if (id > 0) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "_%d", id); if (soap_attribute(soap, "id", soap->tmpbuf)) return soap->error; } if (type && *type) { if (soap_attribute(soap, "xsi:type", type)) return soap->error; } if (soap->null && soap->position > 0) { int i; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "[%d", soap->positions[0]); for (i = 1; i < soap->position; i++) sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ",%d", soap->positions[i]); strcat(soap->tmpbuf, "]"); if (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENC:position", soap->tmpbuf)) return soap->error; } if (soap->mustUnderstand) { if (soap->actor && *soap->actor) { if (soap_attribute(soap, soap->version == 2 ? "SOAP-ENV:role" : "SOAP-ENV:actor", soap->actor)) return soap->error; } if (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand", soap->version == 2 ? "true" : "1")) return soap->error; soap->mustUnderstand = 0; } if (soap->encoding) { if (soap->encodingStyle && soap->local_namespaces) { if (!*soap->encodingStyle) { if (soap->local_namespaces[1].out) soap->encodingStyle = soap->local_namespaces[1].out; else soap->encodingStyle = soap->local_namespaces[1].ns; } if (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle", soap->encodingStyle)) return soap->error; } soap->encoding = 0; } soap->null = 0; soap->position = 0; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_begin_out(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) { if (*tag == '-') return SOAP_OK; if (soap_element(soap, tag, id, type)) return soap->error; return soap_element_start_end_out(soap, NULL); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 #ifndef HAVE_STRRCHR SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strrchr(const char *s, int t) { register char *r = NULL; while (*s) if (*s++ == t) r = (char*)s - 1; return r; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 #ifndef HAVE_STRTOL SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strtol(const char *s, char **t, int b) { register long n = 0; register int c; while (*s > 0 && *s <= 32) s++; if (b == 10) { short neg = 0; if (*s == '-') { s++; neg = 1; } else if (*s == '+') s++; while ((c = *s) && c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (n >= 214748364 && c >= '8') break; n *= 10; n += c - '0'; s++; } if (neg) n = -n; } else /* b == 16 and value is always positive */ { while ((c = *s)) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') c -= 'A' - 10; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') c -= 'a' - 10; if (n > 0x07FFFFFF) break; n <<= 4; n += c; s++; } } if (t) *t = (char*)s; return n; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 #ifndef HAVE_STRTOUL SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strtoul(const char *s, char **t, int b) { unsigned long n = 0; register int c; while (*s > 0 && *s <= 32) s++; if (b == 10) { if (*s == '+') s++; while ((c = *s) && c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (n >= 429496729 && c >= '6') break; n *= 10; n += c - '0'; s++; } } else /* b == 16 */ { while ((c = *s)) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') c -= 'A' - 10; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') c -= 'a' - 10; if (n > 0x0FFFFFFF) break; n <<= 4; n += c; s++; } } if (t) *t = (char*)s; return n; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_begin_out(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *type, const char *offset) { if (soap_element(soap, tag, id, "SOAP-ENC:Array")) return soap->error; if (soap->version == 2) { const char *s; s = soap_strrchr(type, '['); if ((size_t)(s - type) < sizeof(soap->tmpbuf)) { strncpy(soap->tmpbuf, type, s - type); soap->tmpbuf[s - type] = '\0'; if (type && *type && (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENC:itemType", soap->tmpbuf))) return soap->error; if (s && (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENC:arraySize", s + 1))) return soap->error; } } else { if (offset && (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENC:offset", offset))) return soap->error; if (type && *type && (soap_attribute(soap, "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", type))) return soap->error; } return soap_element_start_end_out(soap, NULL); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_start_end_out(struct soap *soap, const char *tag) { register struct soap_attribute *tp; /**/ #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) { if (tp->visible) { register struct soap_dom_attribute *a = (struct soap_dom_attribute*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct soap_dom_attribute)); a->next = soap->dom->atts; a->nstr = NULL; a->name = soap_strdup(soap, tp->name); /* check EOM */ a->data = soap_strdup(soap, tp->value); /* check EOM */ a->wide = NULL; soap->dom->atts = a; tp->visible = 0; } } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /**/ for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) { if (tp->visible) { if (soap_send(soap, " ") || soap_send(soap, tp->name)) return soap->error; if (tp->visible == 2 && tp->value) if (soap_send_raw(soap, "=\"", 2) || soap_string_out(soap, tp->value, 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, "\"", 1)) return soap->error; tp->visible = 0; } } if (tag) { soap->level--; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, ">", 1) || soap_element_end_out(soap, tag)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif return soap_send_raw(soap, "/>", 2); } return soap_send_raw(soap, ">", 1); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_end_out(struct soap *soap, const char *tag) { if (*tag == '-') return SOAP_OK; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Element ending tag='%s'\n", tag)); /**/ #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { if (soap->dom->prnt) soap->dom = soap->dom->prnt; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /**/ soap->level--; if (soap_send_raw(soap, "error; return soap_send_raw(soap, ">", 1); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_ref(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, int href) { register int n = 0; if (soap->version == 2) n = 1; sprintf(soap->href, "#_%d", href); return soap_element_href(soap, tag, id, "href" + n, soap->href + n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_href(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *ref, const char *val) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Element '%s' reference %s='%s'\n", tag, ref, val)); if (soap_element(soap, tag, id, NULL) || soap_attribute(soap, ref, val) || soap_element_start_end_out(soap, tag)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_null(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) { struct soap_attribute *tp; for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) if (tp->visible) break; if (tp || (soap->version == 2 && soap->position > 0) || id > 0 || (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_NIL)) { if (soap_element(soap, tag, id, type)) return soap->error; if (soap->part != SOAP_IN_HEADER && soap->encodingStyle) if (soap_attribute(soap, "xsi:nil", "true")) return soap->error; return soap_element_start_end_out(soap, tag); } soap->null = 1; soap->position = 0; soap->mustUnderstand = 0; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_id(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, const char *type, int t) { if (!p || (a && !a->__ptr)) { soap_element_null(soap, tag, id, type); return -1; } #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_TREE) return 0; if (id < 0) { struct soap_plist *pp; if (a) id = soap_array_pointer_lookup(soap, p, a, n, t, &pp); else id = soap_pointer_lookup(soap, p, t, &pp); if (id) { if (soap_is_embedded(soap, pp)) { soap_element_ref(soap, tag, 0, id); return -1; } if (soap_is_single(soap, pp)) return 0; soap_set_embedded(soap, pp); } } return id; #else return 0; #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_result(struct soap *soap, const char *tag) { if (soap->version == 2 && soap->encodingStyle) if (soap_element(soap, "SOAP-RPC:result", 0, NULL) || soap_attribute(soap, "xmlns:SOAP-RPC", soap_rpc) || soap_element_start_end_out(soap, NULL) || soap_string_out(soap, tag, 0) || soap_element_end_out(soap, "SOAP-RPC:result")) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attribute(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *value) { /**/ #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { register struct soap_dom_attribute *a = (struct soap_dom_attribute*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct soap_dom_attribute)); a->next = soap->dom->atts; a->nstr = NULL; a->name = soap_strdup(soap, name); /* check EOM */ a->data = soap_strdup(soap, value); /* check EOM */ a->wide = NULL; soap->dom->atts = a; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /**/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL) { if (soap_set_attr(soap, name, value)) return soap->error; } else #endif { if (soap_send(soap, " ") || soap_send(soap, name)) return soap->error; if (value) if (soap_send_raw(soap, "=\"", 2) || soap_string_out(soap, value, 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, "\"", 1)) return soap->error; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_begin_in(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int nillable) { if (!soap_peek_element(soap)) { if (soap->other) return soap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH; if (tag && *tag == '-') return SOAP_OK; if (!(soap->error = soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, tag))) { soap->peeked = 0; if (soap->body) soap->level++; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Begin element found (level=%u) '%s'='%s'\n", soap->level, soap->tag, tag?tag:"" )); if (!nillable && soap->null && (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT)) return soap->error = SOAP_NULL; } } else if (soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG && tag && *tag == '-') return soap->error = SOAP_OK; return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_end_in(struct soap *soap, const char *tag) { register soap_wchar c; register char *s; register const char *t; register int n = 0; if (tag && *tag == '-') return SOAP_OK; soap->level--; soap_pop_namespace(soap); if (soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG) soap->error = SOAP_OK; if (soap->peeked && *soap->tag) n++; soap->peeked = 0; do { while (((c = soap_get(soap)) != SOAP_TT)) { if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; if (c == SOAP_LT) n++; else if (c == '/') { c = soap_get(soap); if (c == SOAP_GT) n--; else soap_unget(soap, c); } } } while (n--); s = soap->tag; do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); do { *s++ = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); } while (soap_notblank(c)); *s = '\0'; if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; while (soap_blank(c)) c = soap_get(soap); if (c != SOAP_GT) return soap->error = SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End element found (level=%u) '%s'='%s'\n", soap->level, soap->tag, tag?tag:"")); if (!tag || !*tag) return SOAP_OK; if ((s = strchr(soap->tag, ':'))) s++; else s = soap->tag; if ((t = strchr(tag, ':'))) t++; else t = tag; if (!SOAP_STRCMP(s, t)) return SOAP_OK; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "End element tag name does not match\n")); return soap->error = SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attr_value(struct soap *soap, const char *name, int flag) { register struct soap_attribute *tp; for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) if (!soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, name)) break; if (tp && tp->visible == 2) { if (flag == 2 && (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT)) soap->error = SOAP_PROHIBITED; else return tp->value; } else if (flag == 1 && (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT)) soap->error = SOAP_RETQUIRED; return NULL; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_attr(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *value) { register struct soap_attribute *tp; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Set attribute %s='%s'\n", name, value?value:"")); for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) if (!strcmp(tp->name, name)) break; if (!tp) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Allocate attribute %s\n", name)); if (!(tp = (struct soap_attribute*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_attribute) + strlen(name)))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; tp->ns = NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL) { struct soap_attribute **tpp = &soap->attributes; const char *s = strchr(name, ':'); if (!strncmp(name, "xmlns", 5)) { for (; *tpp; tpp = &(*tpp)->next) if (strncmp((*tpp)->name, "xmlns", 5) || strcmp((*tpp)->name + 5, name + 5) > 0) break; } else if (!s) { for (; *tpp; tpp = &(*tpp)->next) if (strncmp((*tpp)->name, "xmlns", 5) && ((*tpp)->ns || strcmp((*tpp)->name, name) > 0)) break; } else { int k; for (; *tpp; tpp = &(*tpp)->next) { if (!strncmp((*tpp)->name, "xmlns:", 6) && !strncmp((*tpp)->name + 6, name, s - name) && !(*tpp)->name[6 + s - name]) { if (!tp->ns) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Canonicalization: prefix %s=%p(%s)\n", name, (*tpp)->ns, (*tpp)->ns)); tp->ns = (*tpp)->ns; } } else if (strncmp((*tpp)->name, "xmlns", 5) && (*tpp)->ns && tp->ns && ((k = strcmp((*tpp)->ns, tp->ns)) > 0 || (!k && strcmp((*tpp)->name, name) > 0))) break; } } tp->next = *tpp; *tpp = tp; } else #endif { tp->next = soap->attributes; soap->attributes = tp; } strcpy(tp->name, name); tp->value = NULL; } else if (value && tp->value && tp->size <= strlen(value)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Free attribute value of %s (free %p)\n", name, tp->value)); SOAP_FREE(soap, tp->value); tp->value = NULL; tp->ns = NULL; } if (value) { if (!tp->value) { tp->size = strlen(value) + 1; if (!(tp->value = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, tp->size))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Allocate attribute value of %s (%p)\n", tp->name, tp->value)); } strcpy(tp->value, value); if (!strncmp(tp->name, "xmlns:", 6)) tp->ns = tp->value; tp->visible = 2; } else tp->visible = 1; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_attr(struct soap *soap) { register struct soap_attribute *tp; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL) { while (soap->attributes) { tp = soap->attributes->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->attributes->value); SOAP_FREE(soap, soap->attributes); soap->attributes = tp; } } else #endif { for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) tp->visible = 0; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 static int soap_getattrval(struct soap *soap, char *s, size_t n, soap_wchar d) { size_t i; soap_wchar c; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { c = soap_getutf8(soap); switch (c) { case SOAP_TT: *s++ = '<'; soap_unget(soap, '/'); break; case SOAP_LT: *s++ = '<'; break; case SOAP_GT: if (d == ' ') { soap_unget(soap, c); *s = '\0'; return SOAP_OK; } *s++ = '>'; break; case SOAP_QT: if (c == d) { *s = '\0'; return SOAP_OK; } *s++ = '"'; break; case SOAP_AP: if (c == d) { *s = '\0'; return SOAP_OK; } *s++ = '\''; break; case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': case '/': if (d == ' ') { soap_unget(soap, c); *s = '\0'; return SOAP_OK; } default: if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; *s++ = (char)c; } } return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WITH_FAST #ifndef PALM_2 static int soap_append_lab(struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n) { if (soap->labidx + n >= soap->lablen) { register char *t = soap->labbuf; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Enlarging look-aside buffer to append data, old size=%lu", (unsigned long)soap->lablen)); if (soap->lablen == 0) soap->lablen = SOAP_LABLEN; while (soap->labidx + n >= soap->lablen) soap->lablen <<= 1; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, ", new size=%lu\n", (unsigned long)soap->lablen)); soap->labbuf = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, soap->lablen); if (!soap->labbuf) { if (t) free(t); return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; } if (t && soap->labidx) { memcpy(soap->labbuf, t, soap->labidx); free(t); } } if (s) { memcpy(soap->labbuf + soap->labidx, s, n); soap->labidx += n; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_peek_element(struct soap *soap) { register struct soap_attribute *tp; const char *t; register char *s; register soap_wchar c; register int i; if (soap->peeked) { if (!*soap->tag) return soap->error = SOAP_NO_TAG; return SOAP_OK; } soap->peeked = 1; for (;;) { c = soap_getutf8(soap); if (c == SOAP_BOM) c = soap_getutf8(soap); while (soap_blank(c)) c = soap_getutf8(soap); if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; if (c != SOAP_LT) { *soap->tag = '\0'; soap_unget(soap, c); return soap->error = SOAP_NO_TAG; } s = soap->tag; do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); i = sizeof(soap->tag); while (c != '/' && soap_notblank(c)) { if (--i > 0) *s++ = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); } while (soap_blank(c)) c = soap_get(soap); *s = '\0'; if (*soap->tag != '?') break; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "XML PI <%s?>\n", soap->tag)); while ((int)c != EOF && c != SOAP_GT && c != '?') { s = soap->tmpbuf; i = sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - 2; while (c != '=' && c != SOAP_GT && c != '?' && soap_notblank(c)) { if (--i > 0) *s++ = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); } while (soap_blank(c)) c = soap_get(soap); if (c == '=') { *s++ = '='; do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); if (c != SOAP_QT && c != SOAP_AP) { soap_unget(soap, c); c = ' '; /* blank delimiter */ } if (soap_getattrval(soap, s, i, c) == SOAP_EOM) while (soap_getattrval(soap, soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), c) == SOAP_EOM) ; else if (!strcmp(soap->tag, "?xml") && (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->tmpbuf, "encoding=iso-8859-1") || !soap_tag_cmp(soap->tmpbuf, "encoding=latin1"))) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "XML latin1 encoding\n")); soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_LATIN; } } do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); } } soap->id[0] = '\0'; soap->href[0] = '\0'; soap->type[0] = '\0'; soap->arrayType[0] = '\0'; soap->arraySize[0] = '\0'; soap->arrayOffset[0] = '\0'; soap->other = 0; soap->root = -1; soap->position = 0; soap->null = 0; soap->mustUnderstand = 0; soap_clr_attr(soap); while ((int)c != EOF && c != SOAP_GT && c != '/') { s = soap->tmpbuf; i = sizeof(soap->tmpbuf); while (c != '=' && c != '/' && soap_notblank(c)) { if (--i > 0) *s++ = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); } *s = '\0'; if (i == sizeof(soap->tmpbuf)) return soap->error = SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR; if (!strncmp(soap->tmpbuf, "xmlns:", 6)) { soap->tmpbuf[5] = '\0'; t = soap->tmpbuf + 6; } else if (!strcmp(soap->tmpbuf, "xmlns")) t = SOAP_STR_EOS; else t = NULL; for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) if (!SOAP_STRCMP(tp->name, soap->tmpbuf)) break; if (!tp) { tp = (struct soap_attribute*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_attribute) + strlen(soap->tmpbuf)); if (!tp) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; strcpy(tp->name, soap->tmpbuf); tp->value = NULL; tp->size = 0; tp->next = soap->attributes; soap->attributes = tp; } while (soap_blank(c)) c = soap_get(soap); if (c == '=') { do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); if (c != SOAP_QT && c != SOAP_AP) { soap_unget(soap, c); c = ' '; /* blank delimiter */ } if (soap_getattrval(soap, tp->value, tp->size, c)) { #ifdef WITH_FAST if (soap->error != SOAP_EOM) return soap->error; soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap->labidx = 0; if (soap_append_lab(soap, tp->value, tp->size)) return soap->error; SOAP_FREE(soap, tp->value); for (;;) { if (soap_getattrval(soap, soap->labbuf + soap->labidx, soap->lablen - soap->labidx, c)) { if (soap->error != SOAP_EOM) return soap->error; soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap->labidx = soap->lablen; if (soap_append_lab(soap, NULL, 0)) return soap->error; } else break; } tp->size = soap->lablen; if (!(tp->value = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, tp->size))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; memcpy(tp->value, soap->labbuf, soap->lablen); #else size_t n; if (soap->error != SOAP_EOM) return soap->error; soap->error = SOAP_OK; if (soap_new_block(soap)) return soap->error; for (;;) { if (!(s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, SOAP_BLKLEN))) return soap->error; if (soap_getattrval(soap, s, SOAP_BLKLEN, c)) { if (soap->error != SOAP_EOM) return soap->error; soap->error = SOAP_OK; } else break; } n = tp->size + soap->blist->size; if (!(s = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, n))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; if (tp->value) { memcpy(s, tp->value, tp->size); SOAP_FREE(soap, tp->value); } soap_save_block(soap, s + tp->size, 0); tp->value = s; tp->size = n; #endif } do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); tp->visible = 2; /* seen this attribute w/ value */ } else tp->visible = 1; /* seen this attribute w/o value */ if (t && tp->value) { if (soap_push_namespace(soap, t, tp->value)) return soap->error; tp->visible = 0; } } if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; for (tp = soap->attributes; tp; tp = tp->next) { if (tp->visible && tp->value) { if (!strcmp(tp->name, "id")) { *soap->id = '#'; strncpy(soap->id + 1, tp->value, sizeof(soap->id) - 2); soap->id[sizeof(soap->id)-1] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(tp->name, "href")) { strncpy(soap->href, tp->value, sizeof(soap->href) - 1); soap->href[sizeof(soap->href)-1] = '\0'; } else if ((soap->version == 2 || (soap->mode & SOAP_XML_GRAPH)) && !strcmp(tp->name, "ref")) { *soap->href = '#'; strncpy(soap->href + 1, tp->value, sizeof(soap->href) - 2); soap->href[sizeof(soap->href)-1] = '\0'; } else if (!soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "xsi:type")) { strncpy(soap->type, tp->value, sizeof(soap->type) - 1); soap->type[sizeof(soap->type)-1] = '\0'; } else if (soap->version == 1 && !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENC:arrayType")) { s = soap_strrchr(tp->value, '['); if (s && (size_t)(s - tp->value) < sizeof(soap->arrayType)) { strncpy(soap->arrayType, tp->value, s - tp->value); soap->arrayType[s - tp->value] = '\0'; strncpy(soap->arraySize, s, sizeof(soap->arraySize) - 1); } else strncpy(soap->arrayType, tp->value, sizeof(soap->arrayType) - 1); soap->arraySize[sizeof(soap->arrayType)-1] = '\0'; soap->arrayType[sizeof(soap->arrayType)-1] = '\0'; } else if (soap->version == 2 && !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENC:itemType")) strncpy(soap->arrayType, tp->value, sizeof(soap->arrayType) - 1); else if (soap->version == 2 && !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENC:arraySize")) strncpy(soap->arraySize, tp->value, sizeof(soap->arraySize) - 1); else if (soap->version == 1 && !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENC:offset")) strncpy(soap->arrayOffset, tp->value, sizeof(soap->arrayOffset)); else if (soap->version == 1 && !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENC:position")) soap->position = soap_getposition(tp->value, soap->positions); else if (soap->version == 1 && !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENC:root")) soap->root = ((!strcmp(tp->value, "1") || !strcmp(tp->value, "true"))); else if (!soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENV:actor") || !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENV:role")) { if ((!soap->actor || strcmp(soap->actor, tp->value)) && strcmp(tp->value, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next") && strcmp(tp->value, "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope/role/next")) soap->other = 1; } else if (!soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand") && (!strcmp(tp->value, "1") || !strcmp(tp->value, "true"))) soap->mustUnderstand = 1; else if ((!soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "xsi:null") || !soap_match_tag(soap, tp->name, "xsi:nil")) && (!strcmp(tp->value, "1") || !strcmp(tp->value, "true"))) soap->null = 1; } } if (!(soap->body = (c != '/'))) do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); return soap->error = SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_retry(struct soap *soap) { soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap_revert(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_revert(struct soap *soap) { if (!soap->peeked) { soap->peeked = 1; if (soap->body) soap->level--; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Reverting last element (level=%u)\n", soap->level)); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_string_out(struct soap *soap, const char *s, int flag) { register const char *t; register soap_wchar c; register soap_wchar mask = 0xFFFFFF80UL; #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { soap->dom->data = soap_strdup(soap, s); /* check EOM */ return SOAP_OK; } #endif if (soap->mode & SOAP_C_UTFSTRING) mask = 0; t = s; while ((c = *t++)) { switch (c) { case 9: if (flag) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, " ", 5)) return soap->error; s = t; } break; case 10: if (flag || !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL)) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, " ", 5)) return soap->error; s = t; } break; case 13: if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, " ", 5)) return soap->error; s = t; break; case '&': if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, "&", 5)) return soap->error; s = t; break; case '<': if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, "<", 4)) return soap->error; s = t; break; case '>': if (!flag) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, ">", 4)) return soap->error; s = t; } break; case '"': if (flag) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_send_raw(soap, """, 6)) return soap->error; s = t; } break; default: #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifdef HAVE_MBTOWC if (soap->mode & SOAP_C_MBSTRING) { wchar_t wc; register int m = mbtowc(&wc, t - 1, MB_CUR_MAX); if (m > 0 && wc != c) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_pututf8(soap, wc)) return soap->error; s = t += m - 1; continue; } } #endif #endif if (c & mask) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1) || soap_pututf8(soap, (unsigned char)c)) return soap->error; s = t; } } } return soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s - 1); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_string_in(struct soap *soap, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen) { register char *s; char *t = NULL; register size_t i; register long l = 0; register int n = 0; register int m = 0; register soap_wchar c; #if !defined(WITH_LEANER) && defined(HAVE_WCTOMB) char buf[MB_LEN_MAX > 8 ? MB_LEN_MAX : 8]; #else char buf[8]; #endif DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Reading string content\n")); #ifdef WITH_CDATA if (!flag) { register int state = 0; #ifdef WITH_FAST soap->labidx = 0; /* use look-aside buffer */ #else if (soap_new_block(soap)) return NULL; #endif for (;;) { #ifdef WITH_FAST register size_t k; if (soap_append_lab(soap, NULL, 0)) /* allocate more space in look-aside buffer if necessary */ return NULL; s = soap->labbuf + soap->labidx; /* space to populate */ k = soap->lablen - soap->labidx; /* number of bytes available */ soap->labidx = soap->lablen; /* claim this space */ #else register size_t k = SOAP_BLKLEN; if (!(s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, k))) return NULL; #endif for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (m > 0) { *s++ = *t++; /* copy multibyte characters */ m--; continue; } c = soap_getchar(soap); if ((int)c == EOF) goto end; if (c >= 0x80 && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_LATIN)) { soap_unget(soap, c); c = soap_getutf8(soap); if (soap->mode & SOAP_C_UTFSTRING) { if ((c & 0x80000000) && c >= -0x7FFFFF80 && c < SOAP_AP) { c &= 0x7FFFFFFF; t = buf; if (c < 0x0800) *t++ = (char)(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); else { if (c < 0x010000) *t++ = (char)(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); else { if (c < 0x200000) *t++ = (char)(0xF0 | ((c >> 18) & 0x07)); else { if (c < 0x04000000) *t++ = (char)(0xF8 | ((c >> 24) & 0x03)); else { *t++ = (char)(0xFC | ((c >> 30) & 0x01)); *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 24) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 18) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)); m = (int)(t - buf) - 1; t = buf; *s++ = *t++; continue; } } } switch (state) { case 1: if (c == ']') state = 4; *s++ = c; continue; case 2: if (c == '-') state = 6; *s++ = c; continue; case 3: if (c == '?') state = 8; *s++ = c; continue; /* CDATA */ case 4: if (c == ']') state = 5; else state = 1; *s++ = c; continue; case 5: if (c == '>') state = 0; else state = 1; *s++ = c; continue; /* comment */ case 6: if (c == '-') state = 7; else state = 2; *s++ = c; continue; case 7: if (c == '>') state = 0; else state = 2; *s++ = c; continue; /* PI */ case 8: if (c == '>') state = 0; else state = 3; *s++ = c; continue; } switch (c) { case '/': if (n > 0) { c = soap_getchar(soap); if (c == '>') n--; soap_unget(soap, c); } *s++ = '/'; break; case '<': c = soap_getchar(soap); if (c == '/') { if (n == 0) { c = SOAP_TT; goto end; } n--; } else if (c == '!') { c = soap_getchar(soap); if (c == '[') { do c = soap_getchar(soap); while ((int)c != EOF && c != '['); if ((int)c == EOF) goto end; t = (char*)"![CDATA["; m = 8; state = 1; } else if (c == '-') { if ((c = soap_getchar(soap)) == '-') state = 2; t = (char*)"!-"; m = 2; soap_unget(soap, c); } else { t = (char*)"!"; m = 1; soap_unget(soap, c); } *s++ = '<'; break; } else if (c == '?') state = 3; else n++; soap_unget(soap, c); *s++ = '<'; break; case '>': *s++ = '>'; break; case '"': *s++ = '"'; break; default: #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifdef HAVE_WCTOMB if (soap->mode & SOAP_C_MBSTRING) { m = wctomb(buf, c & 0x7FFFFFFF); if (m >= 1 && m <= (int)MB_CUR_MAX) { t = buf; *s++ = *t++; m--; } else { *s++ = SOAP_UNKNOWN_CHAR; m = 0; } } else #endif #endif *s++ = (char)(c & 0xFF); } l++; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && maxlen >= 0 && l > maxlen) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "String too long: maxlen=%ld\n", maxlen)); soap->error = SOAP_LENGTH; return NULL; } } } } #endif #ifdef WITH_FAST soap->labidx = 0; /* use look-aside buffer */ #else if (soap_new_block(soap)) return NULL; #endif for (;;) { #ifdef WITH_FAST register size_t k; if (soap_append_lab(soap, NULL, 0)) /* allocate more space in look-aside buffer if necessary */ return NULL; s = soap->labbuf + soap->labidx; /* space to populate */ k = soap->lablen - soap->labidx; /* number of bytes available */ soap->labidx = soap->lablen; /* claim this space */ #else register size_t k = SOAP_BLKLEN; if (!(s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, k))) return NULL; #endif for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (m > 0) { *s++ = *t++; /* copy multibyte characters */ m--; continue; } if (soap->mode & SOAP_C_UTFSTRING) { if (((c = soap_get(soap)) & 0x80000000) && c >= -0x7FFFFF80 && c < SOAP_AP) { c &= 0x7FFFFFFF; t = buf; if (c < 0x0800) *t++ = (char)(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); else { if (c < 0x010000) *t++ = (char)(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); else { if (c < 0x200000) *t++ = (char)(0xF0 | ((c >> 18) & 0x07)); else { if (c < 0x04000000) *t++ = (char)(0xF8 | ((c >> 24) & 0x03)); else { *t++ = (char)(0xFC | ((c >> 30) & 0x01)); *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 24) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 18) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); } *t++ = (char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)); m = (int)(t - buf) - 1; t = buf; *s++ = *t++; continue; } } else c = soap_getutf8(soap); switch (c) { case SOAP_TT: if (n == 0) goto end; n--; *s++ = '<'; t = (char*)"/"; m = 1; break; case SOAP_LT: n++; *s++ = '<'; break; case SOAP_GT: *s++ = '>'; break; case SOAP_QT: *s++ = '"'; break; case SOAP_AP: *s++ = '\''; break; case '/': if (n > 0) { c = soap_get(soap); if (c == SOAP_GT) n--; soap_unget(soap, c); } *s++ = '/'; break; case '<' | 0x80000000: if (flag) *s++ = '<'; else { *s++ = '&'; t = (char*)"lt;"; m = 3; } break; case '>' | 0x80000000: if (flag) *s++ = '>'; else { *s++ = '&'; t = (char*)"gt;"; m = 3; } break; case '&' | 0x80000000: if (flag) *s++ = '&'; else { *s++ = '&'; t = (char*)"amp;"; m = 4; } break; case '"' | 0x80000000: if (flag) *s++ = '"'; else { *s++ = '&'; t = (char*)"quot;"; m = 5; } break; case '\'' | 0x80000000: if (flag) *s++ = '\''; else { *s++ = '&'; t = (char*)"apos;"; m = 5; } break; default: if ((int)c == EOF) goto end; #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifdef HAVE_WCTOMB if (soap->mode & SOAP_C_MBSTRING) { m = wctomb(buf, c & 0x7FFFFFFF); if (m >= 1 && m <= (int)MB_CUR_MAX) { t = buf; *s++ = *t++; m--; } else { *s++ = SOAP_UNKNOWN_CHAR; m = 0; } } else #endif #endif *s++ = (char)(c & 0xFF); } l++; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && maxlen >= 0 && l > maxlen) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "String too long: maxlen=%ld\n", maxlen)); soap->error = SOAP_LENGTH; return NULL; } } } end: soap_unget(soap, c); *s = '\0'; #ifdef WITH_FAST t = soap_strdup(soap, soap->labbuf); #else soap_size_block(soap, i+1); t = soap_save_block(soap, NULL, 0); #endif if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && l < minlen) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "String too short: %ld chars, minlen=%ld\n", l, minlen)); soap->error = SOAP_LENGTH; return NULL; } if (flag == 2) if (soap_s2TQName(soap, t, &t)) return NULL; if (soap->peeked && *soap->tag) { soap->peeked = 0; if (soap_element_end_in(soap, NULL)) return NULL; } return t; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wstring_out(struct soap *soap, const wchar_t *s, int flag) { const char *t; char tmp; register soap_wchar c; #ifdef WITH_DOM if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_DOM) && soap->dom) { soap->dom->wide = NULL; /* soap_malloc() ??? */ return SOAP_OK; } #endif while ((c = *s++)) { switch (c) { case 9: if (flag) t = " "; else t = "\t"; break; case 10: if (flag || !(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_CANONICAL)) t = " "; else t = "\n"; break; case 13: t = " "; break; case '&': t = "&"; break; case '<': t = "<"; break; case '>': if (flag) t = ">"; else t = ">"; break; case '"': if (flag) t = """; else t = "\""; break; default: if (c > 0 && c < 0x80) { tmp = (char)c; if (soap_send_raw(soap, &tmp, 1)) return soap->error; } else if (soap_pututf8(soap, (unsigned long)c)) return soap->error; continue; } if (soap_send(soap, t)) return soap->error; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wstring_in(struct soap *soap, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen) { wchar_t *s; register int i, n = 0; register long l = 0; register soap_wchar c; const char *t = NULL; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Reading wide string content\n")); if (soap->peeked && *soap->tag) { n = 1; soap->peeked = 0; } if (soap_new_block(soap)) return NULL; for (;;) { if (!(s = (wchar_t*)soap_push_block(soap, sizeof(wchar_t)*SOAP_BLKLEN))) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < SOAP_BLKLEN; i++) { if (t) { *s++ = (wchar_t)*t++; if (!*t) t = NULL; continue; } c = soap_getutf8(soap); switch (c) { case SOAP_TT: if (n == 0) goto end; n--; *s++ = '<'; soap_unget(soap, '/'); break; case SOAP_LT: n++; *s++ = '<'; break; case SOAP_GT: *s++ = '>'; break; case SOAP_QT: *s++ = '"'; break; case SOAP_AP: *s++ = '\''; break; case '/': if (n > 0) { c = soap_getutf8(soap); if (c == SOAP_GT) n--; soap_unget(soap, c); } *s++ = '/'; break; case '<': if (flag) *s++ = (soap_wchar)'<'; else { *s++ = (soap_wchar)'&'; t = "lt;"; } break; case '>': if (flag) *s++ = (soap_wchar)'>'; else { *s++ = (soap_wchar)'&'; t = "gt;"; } break; case '"': if (flag) *s++ = (soap_wchar)'"'; else { *s++ = (soap_wchar)'&'; t = "quot;"; } break; default: if ((int)c == EOF) goto end; *s++ = (wchar_t)c & 0x7FFFFFFF; } l++; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && maxlen >= 0 && l > maxlen) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "String too long: maxlen=%ld\n", maxlen)); soap->error = SOAP_LENGTH; return NULL; } } } end: soap_unget(soap, c); *s = '\0'; soap_size_block(soap, sizeof(wchar_t) * (i + 1)); if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && l < minlen) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "String too short: %ld chars, minlen=%ld\n", l, minlen)); soap->error = SOAP_LENGTH; return NULL; } if (soap->peeked && *soap->tag) { soap->peeked = 0; if (soap_element_end_in(soap, NULL)) return NULL; } return (wchar_t*)soap_save_block(soap, NULL, 0); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_int2s(struct soap *soap, int n) { return soap_long2s(soap, (long)n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outint(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const int *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_long2s(soap, (long)*p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2int(struct soap *soap, const char *s, int *p) { if (s) { char *r; *p = (int)soap_strtol(s, &r, 10); if (*r #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN || soap_errno == SOAP_ERANGE #endif #endif ) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inint(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":int") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":short") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":byte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (int*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(int), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2int(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (int*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(int), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_long2s(struct soap *soap, long n) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "%ld", n); return soap->tmpbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outlong(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const long *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_long2s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2long(struct soap *soap, const char *s, long *p) { if (s) { char *r; *p = soap_strtol(s, &r, 10); if (*r #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN || soap_errno == SOAP_ERANGE #endif #endif ) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 long * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inlong(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, long *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":int") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":short") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":byte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (long*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(long), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2long(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (long*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(long), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_LONG642s(struct soap *soap, LONG64 n) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, n); return soap->tmpbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outLONG64(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const LONG64 *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_LONG642s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2LONG64(struct soap *soap, const char *s, LONG64 *p) { #ifdef HAVE_STRTOLL char *r; if (s && ((*p = strtoll(s, &r, 10)), *r #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN || soap_errno == SOAP_ERANGE #endif #endif )) #else # ifdef HAVE_SSCANF if (s && sscanf(s, SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, p) != 1) # endif #endif soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 LONG64 * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inLONG64(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, LONG64 *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":integer") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":positiveInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":negativeInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":nonPositiveInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":nonNegativeInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":long") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":int") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":short") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":byte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (LONG64*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(LONG64), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2LONG64(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (LONG64*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(LONG64), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_byte2s(struct soap *soap, char n) { return soap_long2s(soap, (long)n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outbyte(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_long2s(soap, (long)*p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2byte(struct soap *soap, const char *s, char *p) { if (s) { long n; char *r; n = soap_strtol(s, &r, 10); if (*r || n < -128 || n > 127) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; *p = (char)n; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inbyte(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, char *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":byte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (char*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(char), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2byte(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (char*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(char), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_short2s(struct soap *soap, short n) { return soap_long2s(soap, (long)n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outshort(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const short *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_long2s(soap, (long)*p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2short(struct soap *soap, const char *s, short *p) { if (s) { long n; char *r; n = soap_strtol(s, &r, 10); if (*r || n < -32768 || n > 32767) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; *p = (short)n; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 short * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inshort(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, short *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":short") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":byte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (short*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(short), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2short(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (short*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(short), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_float2s(struct soap *soap, float n) { const char *s; if (soap_isnan((double)n)) s = "NaN"; else if (soap_ispinff(n)) s = "INF"; else if (soap_isninff(n)) s = "-INF"; else { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, soap->float_format, n); s = soap->tmpbuf; } return s; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outfloat(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const float *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_float2s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2float(struct soap *soap, const char *s, float *p) { if (s) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "INF")) *p = FLT_PINFTY; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "+INF")) *p = FLT_PINFTY; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "-INF")) *p = FLT_NINFTY; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "NaN")) *p = FLT_NAN; else { #if defined(HAVE_STRTOF) char *r; *p = strtof((char*)s, &r); if (*r) #elif defined(HAVE_STRTOD) char *r; *p = (float)strtod(s, &r); if (*r) #endif #ifdef HAVE_SSCANF if (sscanf(s, "%g", p) != 1) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; #else soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; #endif } } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN static int soap_isnumeric(struct soap *soap, const char *type) { if (soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":float") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":double") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":decimal") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":integer") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":positiveInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":negativeInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":nonPositiveInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":nonNegativeInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":long") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":int") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":short") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":byte") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedLong") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedInt") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedShort") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedByte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return SOAP_ERR; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 float * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_infloat(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, float *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type != '\0' && soap_isnumeric(soap, type)) return NULL; #endif p = (float*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(float), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2float(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (float*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(float), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_double2s(struct soap *soap, double n) { const char *s; if (soap_isnan(n)) s = "NaN"; else if (soap_ispinfd(n)) s = "INF"; else if (soap_isninfd(n)) s = "-INF"; else { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, soap->double_format, n); s = soap->tmpbuf; } return s; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outdouble(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const double *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_double2s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2double(struct soap *soap, const char *s, double *p) { if (s) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "INF")) *p = DBL_PINFTY; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "+INF")) *p = DBL_PINFTY; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "-INF")) *p = DBL_NINFTY; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, "NaN")) *p = DBL_NAN; else { #ifdef HAVE_STRTOD char *r; *p = strtod(s, &r); if (*r) #endif #ifdef HAVE_SSCANF if (sscanf(s, "%lg", p) != 1) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; #else soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; #endif } } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 double * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_indouble(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, double *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type != '\0' && soap_isnumeric(soap, type)) return NULL; #endif p = (double*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(double), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2double(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (double*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(double), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedByte2s(struct soap *soap, unsigned char n) { return soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, (unsigned long)n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedByte(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned char *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, (unsigned long)*p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedByte(struct soap *soap, const char *s, unsigned char *p) { if (s) { unsigned long n; char *r; n = soap_strtoul(s, &r, 10); if (*r || n > 255) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; *p = (unsigned char)n; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedByte(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, unsigned char *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedByte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (unsigned char*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(unsigned char), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2unsignedByte(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (unsigned char*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(unsigned char), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedShort2s(struct soap *soap, unsigned short n) { return soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, (unsigned long)n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedShort(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned short *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, (unsigned long)*p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedShort(struct soap *soap, const char *s, unsigned short *p) { if (s) { unsigned long n; char *r; n = soap_strtoul(s, &r, 10); if (*r || n > 65535) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; *p = (unsigned short)n; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned short * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedShort(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, unsigned short *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedShort") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedByte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (unsigned short*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(unsigned short), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2unsignedShort(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (unsigned short*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(unsigned short), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedInt2s(struct soap *soap, unsigned int n) { return soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, (unsigned long)n); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedInt(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned int *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, (unsigned long)*p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedInt(struct soap *soap, const char *s, unsigned int *p) { if (s) { char *r; *p = (unsigned int)soap_strtoul(s, &r, 10); if (*r #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN || soap_errno == SOAP_ERANGE #endif #endif ) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned int * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedInt(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, unsigned int *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedInt") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedShort") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedByte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (unsigned int*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(unsigned int), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2unsignedInt(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (unsigned int*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(unsigned int), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedLong2s(struct soap *soap, unsigned long n) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "%lu", n); return soap->tmpbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedLong(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned long *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_unsignedLong2s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedLong(struct soap *soap, const char *s, unsigned long *p) { if (s) { char *r; *p = soap_strtoul(s, &r, 10); if (*r #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN || soap_errno == SOAP_ERANGE #endif #endif ) soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned long * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedLong(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, unsigned long *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedInt") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedShort") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedByte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } #endif p = (unsigned long*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(unsigned long), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2unsignedLong(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (unsigned long*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(unsigned long), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ULONG642s(struct soap *soap, ULONG64 n) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT, n); return soap->tmpbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outULONG64(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const ULONG64 *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_ULONG642s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2ULONG64(struct soap *soap, const char *s, ULONG64 *p) { #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL char *r; if (s && (*p = strtoull(s, &r, 10), *r #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN || soap_errno == SOAP_ERANGE #endif #endif )) #else # ifdef HAVE_SSCANF if (s && sscanf(s, SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT, p) != 1) # endif #endif soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 ULONG64 * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inULONG64(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, ULONG64 *p, const char *type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":positiveInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":nonNegativeInteger") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedLong") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedInt") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedShort") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":unsignedByte")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } p = (ULONG64*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(ULONG64), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2ULONG64(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (ULONG64*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(ULONG64), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2string(struct soap *soap, const char *s, char **t) { *t = NULL; if (s && !(*t = soap_strdup(soap, s))) soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2TQName(struct soap *soap, const char *s, char **t) { if (s) { struct soap_nlist *np; const char *p; if (!strncmp(s, "xml:", 4)) { *t = soap_strdup(soap, s); return SOAP_OK; } np = soap->nlist; p = strchr(s, ':'); if (p) { register int n = p - s; while (np && (strncmp(np->id, s, n) || np->id[n])) np = np->next; p++; } else { while (np && *np->id) np = np->next; p = s; } if (np) { if (np->index >= 0 && soap->local_namespaces) { register const char *q = soap->local_namespaces[np->index].id; if (q) { if ((*t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(p) + strlen(q) + 2))) sprintf(*t, "%s:%s", q, p); return SOAP_OK; } } if (np->ns) { if ((*t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(p) + strlen(np->ns) + 4))) sprintf(*t, "\"%s\":%s", np->ns, p); return SOAP_OK; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Namespace prefix of '%s' not defined (index=%d, URI=%s)\n", s, np->index, np->ns?np->ns:"")); return soap->error = SOAP_NAMESPACE; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Namespace prefix of '%s' not defined, assuming empty namespace\n", s)); if ((*t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(p) + 4))) sprintf(*t, "\"\":%s", p); } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_TQName2s(struct soap *soap, const char *s) { struct Namespace *p; char *t; int n; if (!s || *s != '"') return s; s++; if ((p = soap->local_namespaces)) { for (; p->id; p++) { if (p->ns) if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, p->ns)) break; if (p->in) if (!soap_tag_cmp(s, p->in)) break; } if (p && p->id) { s = strchr(s, '"'); if (s) { t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(p->id) + strlen(s)); strcpy(t, p->id); strcat(t, s + 1); return t; } } } t = strchr(s, '"'); if (t) n = t - s; else n = 0; t = soap_strdup(soap, s); t[n] = '\0'; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "xmlns:_%lu", soap->idnum++); soap_set_attr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, t); s = strchr(s, '"'); if (s) { t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(soap->tmpbuf) + strlen(s) - 6); strcpy(t, soap->tmpbuf + 6); strcat(t, s + 1); } return t; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outstring(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, char *const*p, const char *type, int n) { id = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, *p, NULL, 0, type, n); if (id < 0 || soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, id, type) || soap_string_out(soap, *p, 0) || soap_element_end_out(soap, tag)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char ** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instring(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, char **p, const char *type, int t, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1)) { if (!tag || *tag != '-' || soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG) return NULL; soap->error = SOAP_OK; } if (!p) if (!(p = (char**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(char*)))) return NULL; if (soap->body) { *p = soap_string_in(soap, flag, minlen, maxlen); if (!*p || !(char*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, *p, t, sizeof(char*), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return NULL; } else *p = NULL; p = (char**)soap_id_lookup(soap, soap->href, (void**)p, t, sizeof(char**), 0); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outwstring(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, wchar_t *const*p, const char *type, int n) { id = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, *p, NULL, 0, type, n); if (id < 0 || soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, id, type) || soap_wstring_out(soap, *p, 0) || soap_element_end_out(soap, tag)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t ** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inwstring(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, wchar_t **p, const char *type, int t, long minlen, long maxlen) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1)) { if (!tag || *tag != '-' || soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG) return NULL; soap->error = SOAP_OK; } if (!p) if (!(p = (wchar_t**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(wchar_t*)))) return NULL; if (soap->body) { *p = soap_wstring_in(soap, 1, minlen, maxlen); if (!*p || !(wchar_t*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, *p, t, sizeof(wchar_t*), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return NULL; } else *p = NULL; p = (wchar_t**)soap_id_lookup(soap, soap->href, (void**)p, t, sizeof(wchar_t**), 0); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN static time_t soap_timegm(struct tm *T) { #if defined(HAVE_TIMEGM) return timegm(T); #elif defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) struct timezone t; struct timeval tv; memset((void*)&t, 0, sizeof(t)); gettimeofday(&tv, &t); T->tm_min -= t.tz_minuteswest - (t.tz_dsttime != 0)*60; T->tm_isdst = t.tz_dsttime; return mktime(T); /* The following define was added for VxWorks*/ #elif defined(HAVE_MKTIME) /* FOR VXWORKS: vxWorks does not seem to have any variable representation of time zones, but timezone information can be set in INSTALL_DIR/target/h/private/timeP.h header file, by setting the ZONEBUFFER define. The ZONEBUFFER define follows this format: name_of_zone:<(unused)>:time_in_minutes_from_UTC:daylight_start:daylight_end To calculate local time, the value of time_in_minutes_from_UTC is subtracted from UTC; time_in_minutes_from_UTC must be positive. Daylight information is expressed as mmddhh (month-day-hour), for example: UTC::0:040102:100102 */ return mktime(T); #elif defined(HAVE_FTIME) struct timeb t; memset((void*)&t, 0, sizeof(t)); t.timezone = 0; t.dstflag = -1; ftime(&t); T->tm_min -= t.timezone - (t.dstflag != 0)*60; T->tm_isdst = (t.dstflag != 0); return mktime(T); #else #warning "time_t (de)serialization is not MT safe on this platform" time_t t; char *tz = getenv("TZ"); putenv("TZ=UTC"); tzset(); t = mktime(T); if (tz) { char tmp[16]; strcpy(tmp, "TZ="); strncat(tmp, tz, 12); tmp[15] = '\0'; putenv(tmp); } else putenv("TZ="); tzset(); return t; #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dateTime2s(struct soap *soap, time_t n) { struct tm T, *pT = &T; #if defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R) if (gmtime_r(&n, pT)) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", pT); /* The following defines were added for VxWorks*/ #elif defined(HAVE_PGMTIME_R) if (gmtime_r(&n, pT)) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", pT); #elif defined(HAVE_PGMTIME) if (gmtime(&n, pT)) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", pT); #elif defined(HAVE_GMTIME) if ((pT = gmtime(&n))) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", pT); #elif defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) struct timezone tz; memset((void*)&tz, 0, sizeof(tz)); # if defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) if (localtime_r(&n, pT)) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), "%+03d:%02d", -tz.tz_minuteswest/60+(pT->tm_isdst!=0), abs(tz.tz_minuteswest)%60); } # else if ((pT = localtime(&n))) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), "%+03d:%02d", -tz.tz_minuteswest/60+(pT->tm_isdst!=0), abs(tz.tz_minuteswest)%60); } #endif #elif defined(HAVE_FTIME) struct timeb t; memset((void*)&t, 0, sizeof(t)); # if defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) if (localtime_r(&n, pT)) { ftime(&t); strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), "%+03d:%02d", -t.timezone/60+(pT->tm_isdst!=0), abs(t.timezone)%60); } /* The following defines were added for VxWorks*/ # elif defined(HAVE_PLOCALTIME_R) if (localtime_r(&n, pT)) { strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf+strlen(soap->tmpbuf), "%+03d:%02d", t.timezone/60, abs(t.timezone)%60); } # else if ((pT = localtime(&n))) { ftime(&t); strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), "%+03d:%02d", -t.timezone/60+(pT->tm_isdst!=0), abs(t.timezone)%60); } # endif #elif defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) if (localtime_r(&n, pT)) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); /* The following defines were added for VxWorks*/ #elif defined(HAVE_PLOCALTIME_R) if (localtime_r(&n, pT)) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); #else if ((pT = localtime(&n))) strftime(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", pT); #endif else strcpy(soap->tmpbuf, "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"); return soap->tmpbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outdateTime(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const time_t *p, const char *type, int n) { if (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, p, n), type) || soap_string_out(soap, soap_dateTime2s(soap, *p), 0)) return soap->error; return soap_element_end_out(soap, tag); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2dateTime(struct soap *soap, const char *s, time_t *p) { if (s) { struct tm T; char zone[16]; memset((void*)&T, 0, sizeof(T)); zone[sizeof(zone)-1] = '\0'; sscanf(s, "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d%15s", &T.tm_year, &T.tm_mon, &T.tm_mday, &T.tm_hour, &T.tm_min, &T.tm_sec, zone); if (T.tm_year == 1) T.tm_year = 70; else T.tm_year -= 1900; T.tm_mon--; if (*zone) { if (*zone == '.') { for (s = zone + 1; *s; s++) if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') break; } else s = zone; if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') { int h = 0, m = 0; if (s[3] == ':') { sscanf(s, "%d:%d", &h, &m); if (h < 0) m = -m; } else { m = (int)atol(s); h = m / 100; m = m % 100; } T.tm_hour -= h; T.tm_min -= m; } *p = soap_timegm(&T); } else *p = mktime(&T); /* no time zone: suppose it is localtime? */ } return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 time_t * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_indateTime(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, time_t *p, const char * type, int t) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0)) return NULL; if (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, ":dateTime")) { soap->error = SOAP_TYPE; soap_revert(soap); return NULL; } p = (time_t*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, p, t, sizeof(time_t), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { if (soap_s2dateTime(soap, soap_value(soap), p)) return NULL; } p = (time_t*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, p, t, 0, sizeof(time_t), 0, NULL); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outliteral(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, char *const*p) { int i; const char *t = NULL; if (tag && *tag != '-') { if (soap->local_namespaces && (t = strchr(tag, ':'))) { strncpy(soap->tmpbuf, tag, t-tag); soap->tmpbuf[t-tag] = '\0'; for (i = 0; soap->local_namespaces[i].id; i++) if (!strcmp(soap->tmpbuf, soap->local_namespaces[i].id)) break; t++; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "<%s xmlns=\"%s\">", t, soap->local_namespaces[i].ns ? soap->local_namespaces[i].ns : SOAP_STR_EOS); } else { t = tag; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "<%s>", tag); } if (soap_send(soap, soap->tmpbuf)) return soap->error; } if (p && *p) { if (soap_send(soap, *p)) return soap->error; } if (t) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "", t); return soap_send(soap, soap->tmpbuf); } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 char ** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inliteral(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, char **p) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1)) { if (soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG || soap_unget(soap, soap_get(soap)) == SOAP_TT) return NULL; soap->error = SOAP_OK; } if (!p) if (!(p = (char**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(char*)))) return NULL; if (soap->null) *p = NULL; else *p = soap_string_in(soap, 0, -1, -1); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outwliteral(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, wchar_t *const*p) { int i; const char *t = NULL; wchar_t c; const wchar_t *s; if (tag && *tag != '-') { if (soap->local_namespaces && (t = strchr(tag, ':'))) { strncpy(soap->tmpbuf, tag, t-tag); soap->tmpbuf[t-tag] = '\0'; for (i = 0; soap->local_namespaces[i].id; i++) if (!strcmp(soap->tmpbuf, soap->local_namespaces[i].id)) break; t++; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "<%s xmlns=\"%s\">", t, soap->local_namespaces[i].ns ? soap->local_namespaces[i].ns : SOAP_STR_EOS); } else { t = tag; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "<%s>", tag); } if (soap_send(soap, soap->tmpbuf)) return soap->error; } if (p) { s = *p; while ((c = *s++)) if (soap_pututf8(soap, (unsigned char)c)) return soap->error; } if (t) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "", t); return soap_send(soap, soap->tmpbuf); } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t ** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inwliteral(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, wchar_t **p) { if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1)) { if (soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG || soap_unget(soap, soap_get(soap)) == SOAP_TT) return NULL; soap->error = SOAP_OK; } if (!p) if (!(p = (wchar_t**)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(wchar_t*)))) return NULL; if (soap->null) *p = NULL; else *p = soap_wstring_in(soap, 0, -1, -1); if (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag)) return NULL; return p; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_token(struct soap *soap) { register size_t i; register soap_wchar c = 0; register char *s = soap->tmpbuf; if (!soap->body) return SOAP_STR_EOS; do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - 1; i++) { if (c == SOAP_TT || (int)c == EOF || soap_blank(c)) break; *s++ = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); } if ((int)c == EOF || c == SOAP_TT) soap_unget(soap, c); *s = '\0'; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Element content value='%s'\n", soap->tmpbuf)); return soap->tmpbuf; /* return non-null pointer */ } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 const char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_value(struct soap *soap) { register size_t i; register soap_wchar c = 0; register char *s = soap->tmpbuf; if (!soap->body) return SOAP_STR_EOS; do c = soap_get(soap); while (soap_blank(c)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - 1; i++) { if (c == SOAP_TT || (int)c == EOF) break; *s++ = (char)c; c = soap_get(soap); } for (s--; i > 0; i--, s--) if (!soap_blank(*s)) break; s[1] = '\0'; if ((int)c == EOF || c == SOAP_TT) soap_unget(soap, c); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Element content value='%s'\n", soap->tmpbuf)); return soap->tmpbuf; /* return non-null pointer */ } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if !defined(WITH_LEANER) || !defined(WITH_NOHTTP) #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getline(struct soap *soap, char *s, int len) { int i = len; soap_wchar c = 0; for (;;) { while (--i > 0) { c = soap_getchar(soap); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; *s++ = (char)c; } if (c != '\n') c = soap_getchar(soap); /* got \r, now get \n */ if (c == '\n') { *s = '\0'; if (i+1 == len) /* empty line: end of HTTP/MIME header */ break; c = soap_unget(soap, soap_getchar(soap)); if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') /* HTTP line continuation? */ break; } else if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static size_t soap_count_attachments(struct soap *soap) { #ifndef WITH_LEANER register struct soap_multipart *content; register size_t count = soap->count; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Calculating the message size with attachments, current count=%lu\n", count)); if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Calculating the size of DIME attachments\n")); for (content = soap->dime.first; content; content = content->next) { count += 12 + ((content->size+3)&(~3)); if (content->id) count += ((strlen(content->id)+3)&(~3)); if (content->type) count += ((strlen(content->type)+3)&(~3)); if (content->options) count += ((((unsigned char)content->options[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)content->options[3]))+7)&(~3); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Size of DIME attachment content is %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)content->size)); } } if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) && soap->mime.boundary) { register size_t n = strlen(soap->mime.boundary); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Calculating the size of MIME attachments\n")); for (content = soap->mime.first; content; content = content->next) { register const char *s; /* count \r\n--boundary\r\n */ count += 6 + n; /* count Content-Type: ...\r\n */ if (content->type) count += 16 + strlen(content->type); /* count Content-Transfer-Encoding: ...\r\n */ s = soap_str_code(mime_codes, content->encoding); if (s) count += 29 + strlen(s); /* count Content-ID: ...\r\n */ if (content->id) count += 14 + strlen(content->id); /* count Content-Location: ...\r\n */ if (content->location) count += 20 + strlen(content->location); /* count Content-Description: ...\r\n */ if (content->description) count += 23 + strlen(content->location); /* count \r\n...content */ count += 2 + content->size; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Size of MIME attachment content is %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)content->size)); } /* count \r\n--boundary-- */ count += 6 + n; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "New count is %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)count)); return count; #else return soap->count; #endif } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static int soap_putdimefield(struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n) { if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, n)) return soap->error; return soap_send_raw(soap, SOAP_STR_PADDING, -(long)n&3); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dime_option(struct soap *soap, unsigned short optype, const char *option) { size_t n; char *s = NULL; if (option) { n = strlen(option); s = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, n + 5); if (s) { s[0] = optype >> 8; s[1] = optype & 0xFF; s[2] = n >> 8; s[3] = n & 0xFF; strcpy(s + 4, option); } } return s; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putdimehdr(struct soap *soap) { unsigned char tmp[12]; size_t optlen = 0, idlen = 0, typelen = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Put DIME header id='%s'\n", soap->dime.id?soap->dime.id:"")); if (soap->dime.options) optlen = (((unsigned char)soap->dime.options[2] << 8) | ((unsigned char)soap->dime.options[3])) + 4; if (soap->dime.id) idlen = strlen(soap->dime.id); if (soap->dime.type) typelen = strlen(soap->dime.type); tmp[0] = SOAP_DIME_VERSION | (soap->dime.flags & 0x7); tmp[1] = soap->dime.flags & 0xF0; tmp[2] = optlen >> 8; tmp[3] = optlen & 0xFF; tmp[4] = idlen >> 8; tmp[5] = idlen & 0xFF; tmp[6] = typelen >> 8; tmp[7] = typelen & 0xFF; tmp[8] = soap->dime.size >> 24; tmp[9] = (soap->dime.size >> 16) & 0xFF; tmp[10] = (soap->dime.size >> 8) & 0xFF; tmp[11] = soap->dime.size & 0xFF; if (soap_send_raw(soap, (char*)tmp, 12) || soap_putdimefield(soap, soap->dime.options, optlen) || soap_putdimefield(soap, soap->dime.id, idlen) || soap_putdimefield(soap, soap->dime.type, typelen)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putdime(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_multipart *content; if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) return SOAP_OK; for (content = soap->dime.first; content; content = content->next) { void *handle; soap->dime.size = content->size; soap->dime.id = content->id; soap->dime.type = content->type; soap->dime.options = content->options; soap->dime.flags = SOAP_DIME_VERSION | SOAP_DIME_MEDIA; if (soap->fdimereadopen && ((handle = soap->fdimereadopen(soap, (void*)content->ptr, content->id, content->type, content->options)) || soap->error)) { size_t size = content->size; if (!handle) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "fdimereadopen failed\n")); return soap->error; } if (!content->size && ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML) || (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK || (soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_STORE)) { size_t chunksize = sizeof(soap->tmpbuf); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Chunked streaming DIME\n")); do { size = soap->fdimeread(soap, handle, soap->tmpbuf, chunksize); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "fdimeread returned %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)size)); if (size < chunksize) { soap->dime.flags &= ~SOAP_DIME_CF; if (!content->next) soap->dime.flags |= SOAP_DIME_ME; } else soap->dime.flags |= SOAP_DIME_CF; soap->dime.size = size; if (soap_putdimehdr(soap) || soap_putdimefield(soap, soap->tmpbuf, size)) break; if (soap->dime.id) { soap->dime.flags &= ~(SOAP_DIME_MB | SOAP_DIME_MEDIA); soap->dime.id = NULL; soap->dime.type = NULL; soap->dime.options = NULL; } } while (size >= chunksize); } else { if (!content->next) soap->dime.flags |= SOAP_DIME_ME; if (soap_putdimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; do { size_t bufsize; if (size < sizeof(soap->tmpbuf)) bufsize = size; else bufsize = sizeof(soap->tmpbuf); if (!(bufsize = soap->fdimeread(soap, handle, soap->tmpbuf, bufsize))) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "fdimeread failed: insufficient data (%lu bytes remaining from %lu bytes)\n", (unsigned long)size, (unsigned long)soap->dime.size)); soap->error = SOAP_EOF; break; } if (soap_send_raw(soap, soap->tmpbuf, bufsize)) break; size -= bufsize; } while (size); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "fdimereadclose\n")); soap_send_raw(soap, SOAP_STR_PADDING, -(long)soap->dime.size&3); } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "fdimereadclose\n")); if (soap->fdimereadclose) soap->fdimereadclose(soap, handle); } else { if (!content->next) soap->dime.flags |= SOAP_DIME_ME; if (soap_putdimehdr(soap) || soap_putdimefield(soap, (char*)content->ptr, content->size)) return soap->error; } } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static char * soap_getdimefield(struct soap *soap, size_t n) { register soap_wchar c; register int i; register char *s; char *p = NULL; if (n) { p = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, n + 1); if (p) { s = p; for (i = n; i > 0; i--) { if ((int)(c = soap_get1(soap)) == EOF) { soap->error = SOAP_EOF; return NULL; } *s++ = (char)c; } *s = '\0'; if ((soap->error = soap_move(soap, -(long)n&3))) return NULL; } else soap->error = SOAP_EOM; } return p; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getdimehdr(struct soap *soap) { register soap_wchar c; register char *s; register int i; unsigned char tmp[12]; size_t optlen, idlen, typelen; if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) return soap->error = SOAP_DIME_END; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Get DIME header\n")); if (soap->dime.buflen || soap->dime.chunksize) { if (soap_move(soap, (long)(soap->dime.size - soap_tell(soap)))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; soap_unget(soap, soap_getchar(soap)); /* skip padding and get hdr */ DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "... From chunked\n")); return SOAP_OK; } s = (char*)tmp; for (i = 12; i > 0; i--) { if ((int)(c = soap_getchar(soap)) == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; *s++ = (char)c; } if ((tmp[0] & 0xF8) != SOAP_DIME_VERSION) return soap->error = SOAP_DIME_MISMATCH; soap->dime.flags = (tmp[0] & 0x7) | (tmp[1] & 0xF0); optlen = (tmp[2] << 8) | tmp[3]; idlen = (tmp[4] << 8) | tmp[5]; typelen = (tmp[6] << 8) | tmp[7]; soap->dime.size = (tmp[8] << 24) | (tmp[9] << 16) | (tmp[10] << 8) | tmp[11]; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "DIME size=%lu flags=0x%X\n", (unsigned long)soap->dime.size, soap->dime.flags)); if (!(soap->dime.options = soap_getdimefield(soap, optlen)) && soap->error) return soap->error; if (!(soap->dime.id = soap_getdimefield(soap, idlen)) && soap->error) return soap->error; if (!(soap->dime.type = soap_getdimefield(soap, typelen)) && soap->error) return soap->error; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "DIME id=%s, type=%s, options=%s\n", soap->dime.id?soap->dime.id:"", soap->dime.type?soap->dime.type:"", soap->dime.options?soap->dime.options+4:"")); if (soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_ME) soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_DIME; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getdime(struct soap *soap) { while (soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_CF) { if (soap_getdimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; if (soap_move(soap, soap->dime.size)) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; } if (soap_move(soap, ((soap->dime.size+3)&(~3))-soap_tell(soap))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; for (;;) { register struct soap_multipart *content; if (soap_getdimehdr(soap)) break; if (soap->fdimewriteopen && ((soap->dime.ptr = (char*)soap->fdimewriteopen(soap, soap->dime.id, soap->dime.type, soap->dime.options)) || soap->error)) { const char *id, *type, *options; size_t size, n; if (!soap->dime.ptr) return soap->error; id = soap->dime.id; type = soap->dime.type; options = soap->dime.options; for (;;) { size = soap->dime.size; for (;;) { n = soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; if (size < n) n = size; if ((soap->error = soap->fdimewrite(soap, (void*)soap->dime.ptr, soap->buf + soap->bufidx, n))) break; size -= n; if (!size) { soap->bufidx += n; break; } if (soap_recv(soap)) { soap->error = SOAP_EOF; goto end; } } if (soap_move(soap, -(long)soap->dime.size&3)) { soap->error = SOAP_EOF; break; } if (!(soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_CF)) break; if (soap_getdimehdr(soap)) break; } end: if (soap->fdimewriteclose) soap->fdimewriteclose(soap, (void*)soap->dime.ptr); soap->dime.size = 0; soap->dime.id = id; soap->dime.type = type; soap->dime.options = options; } else if (soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_CF) { const char *id, *type, *options; register soap_wchar c; register char *s; register int i; id = soap->dime.id; type = soap->dime.type; options = soap->dime.options; if (soap_new_block(soap)) return SOAP_EOM; for (;;) { s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, soap->dime.size); if (!s) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; for (i = soap->dime.size; i > 0; i--) { if ((int)(c = soap_get1(soap)) == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; *s++ = (char)c; } if (soap_move(soap, -(long)soap->dime.size&3)) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; if (!(soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_CF)) break; if (soap_getdimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; } soap->dime.size = soap->blist->size++; /* allocate one more for '\0' */ if (!(soap->dime.ptr = soap_save_block(soap, NULL, 0))) return soap->error; soap->dime.ptr[soap->dime.size] = '\0'; /* force 0-terminated */ soap->dime.id = id; soap->dime.type = type; soap->dime.options = options; } else soap->dime.ptr = soap_getdimefield(soap, soap->dime.size); content = soap_new_multipart(soap, &soap->dime.first, &soap->dime.last, soap->dime.ptr, soap->dime.size); if (!content) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; content->id = soap->dime.id; content->type = soap->dime.type; content->options = soap->dime.options; soap_resolve_attachment(soap, content); if (soap->error) return soap->error; } if (soap->error != SOAP_DIME_END) return soap->error; return soap->error = SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getmimehdr(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_multipart *content; do { if (soap_getline(soap, soap->msgbuf, sizeof(soap->msgbuf))) return soap->error; } while (!*soap->msgbuf); if (soap->msgbuf[0] == '-' && soap->msgbuf[1] == '-') { char *s = soap->msgbuf + strlen(soap->msgbuf) - 1; /* remove white space */ while (soap_blank(*s)) s--; s[1] = '\0'; if (soap->mime.boundary) { if (strcmp(soap->msgbuf + 2, soap->mime.boundary)) return soap->error = SOAP_MIME_ERROR; } else soap->mime.boundary = soap_strdup(soap, soap->msgbuf + 2); if (soap_getline(soap, soap->msgbuf, sizeof(soap->msgbuf))) return soap->error; } if (soap_set_mime_attachment(soap, NULL, 0, SOAP_MIME_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; content = soap->mime.last; for (;;) { register char *key = soap->msgbuf; register char *val; if (!*key) break; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "MIME header: %s\n", key)); val = strchr(soap->msgbuf, ':'); if (val) { *val = '\0'; do val++; while (*val && *val <= 32); if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-ID")) content->id = soap_strdup(soap, val); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Location")) content->location = soap_strdup(soap, val); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Disposition")) content->id = soap_strdup(soap, soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "name")); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Type")) content->type = soap_strdup(soap, val); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Description")) content->description = soap_strdup(soap, val); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Transfer-Encoding")) content->encoding = (enum soap_mime_encoding)soap_int_code(mime_codes, val, (long)SOAP_MIME_NONE); } if (soap_getline(soap, key, sizeof(soap->msgbuf))) return soap->error; } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getmime(struct soap *soap) { register soap_wchar c; if (!soap->mime.last) return SOAP_OK; for (;;) { register size_t i, m = 0; register char *s, *t = NULL; struct soap_multipart *content = soap->mime.last; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Parsing MIME content id=%s type=%s\n", content->id?content->id:"", content->type?content->type:"")); if (soap_new_block(soap)) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; for (;;) { if (!(s = (char*)soap_push_block(soap, SOAP_BLKLEN))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; for (i = 0; i < SOAP_BLKLEN; i++) { if (m > 0) { *s++ = *t++; m--; } else { c = soap_get1(soap); if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; if (c == '\r') { t = soap->tmpbuf; memset(t, 0, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf)); strcpy(t, "\n--"); if (soap->mime.boundary) strncat(t, soap->mime.boundary, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf)-4); do c = soap_getchar(soap); while (c == *t++); if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; if (!*--t) goto end; *t = (char)c; m = t - soap->tmpbuf + 1; t = soap->tmpbuf; c = '\r'; } *s++ = (char)c; } } } end: *s = '\0'; /* force 0-terminated */ content->size = soap_size_block(soap, i+1)-1; content->ptr = soap_save_block(soap, NULL, 0); soap_resolve_attachment(soap, content); if (c == '-' && soap_getchar(soap) == '-') break; while (c != '\r' && (int)c != EOF && soap_blank(c)) c = soap_getchar(soap); if (c != '\r' || soap_getchar(soap) != '\n') return soap->error = SOAP_MIME_ERROR; if (soap_getmimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; } /* do c = soap_getchar(soap); while ((int)c != EOF && c != '\r' && c != '\n'); if ((int)c != '\r' || soap_getchar(soap) != '\n') return soap->error = SOAP_MIME_ERROR; */ return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static int soap_match_cid(const char *s, const char *t) { register size_t n; if (!s) return 1; if (!strcmp(s, t)) return 0; if (!strncmp(s, "cid:", 4)) s += 4; n = strlen(t); if (*t == '<') { t++; n -= 2; } if (!strncmp(s, t, n) && !s[n]) return 0; return 1; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_resolve_attachment(struct soap *soap, struct soap_multipart *content) { if (content->id) { register struct soap_xlist **xp = &soap->xlist; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Resolving attachment data for id=%s\n", content->id)); while (*xp) { register struct soap_xlist *xq = *xp; if (!soap_match_cid(xq->id, content->id)) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Found matching attachment %s for content id=%s\n", xq->id, content->id)); *xp = xq->next; *xq->ptr = (unsigned char*)content->ptr; *xq->size = (int)content->size; *xq->type = (char*)content->type; if (content->options) *xq->options = (char*)content->options; else *xq->options = (char*)content->description; SOAP_FREE(soap, xq); } else xp = &(*xp)->next; } } } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putmimehdr(struct soap *soap, struct soap_multipart *content) { const char *s; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "MIME attachment type=%s\n", content->type?content->type:"")); if (soap_send3(soap, "\r\n--", soap->mime.boundary, "\r\n")) return soap->error; if (content->type && soap_send3(soap, "Content-Type: ", content->type, "\r\n")) return soap->error; s = soap_str_code(mime_codes, content->encoding); if (s && soap_send3(soap, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", s, "\r\n")) return soap->error; if (content->id && soap_send3(soap, "Content-ID: ", content->id, "\r\n")) return soap->error; if (content->location && soap_send3(soap, "Content-Location: ", content->location, "\r\n")) return soap->error; if (content->description && soap_send3(soap, "Content-Description: ", content->description, "\r\n")) return soap->error; return soap_send_raw(soap, "\r\n", 2); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putmime(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_multipart *content; if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) || !soap->mime.boundary) return SOAP_OK; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Sending MIME attachments\n")); for (content = soap->mime.first; content; content = content->next) if (soap_putmimehdr(soap, content) || soap_send_raw(soap, content->ptr, content->size)) return soap->error; return soap_send3(soap, "\r\n--", soap->mime.boundary, "--"); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_dime(struct soap *soap) { soap->omode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME; soap->dime.first = NULL; soap->dime.last = NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_mime(struct soap *soap, const char *boundary, const char *start) { soap->omode |= SOAP_ENC_MIME; soap->mime.first = NULL; soap->mime.last = NULL; soap->mime.boundary = soap_strdup(soap, boundary); soap->mime.start = soap_strdup(soap, start); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_dime(struct soap *soap) { soap->omode &= ~SOAP_ENC_DIME; soap->dime.first = NULL; soap->dime.last = NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_mime(struct soap *soap) { soap->omode &= ~SOAP_ENC_MIME; soap->mime.first = NULL; soap->mime.last = NULL; soap->mime.boundary = NULL; soap->mime.start = NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static struct soap_multipart* soap_new_multipart(struct soap *soap, struct soap_multipart **first, struct soap_multipart **last, char *ptr, size_t size) { struct soap_multipart *content; content = (struct soap_multipart*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct soap_multipart)); if (content) { content->next = NULL; content->ptr = ptr; content->size = size; content->id = NULL; content->type = NULL; content->options = NULL; content->encoding = SOAP_MIME_NONE; content->location = NULL; content->description = NULL; if (!*first) *first = content; if (*last) (*last)->next = content; *last = content; } return content; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_dime_attachment(struct soap *soap, char *ptr, size_t size, const char *type, const char *id, unsigned short optype, const char *option) { struct soap_multipart *content = soap_new_multipart(soap, &soap->dime.first, &soap->dime.last, ptr, size); if (!content) return SOAP_EOM; content->id = soap_strdup(soap, id); content->type = soap_strdup(soap, type); content->options = soap_dime_option(soap, optype, option); return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_mime_attachment(struct soap *soap, char *ptr, size_t size, enum soap_mime_encoding encoding, const char *type, const char *id, const char *location, const char *description) { struct soap_multipart *content = soap_new_multipart(soap, &soap->mime.first, &soap->mime.last, ptr, size); if (!content) return SOAP_EOM; content->id = soap_strdup(soap, id); content->type = soap_strdup(soap, type); content->encoding = encoding; content->location = soap_strdup(soap, location); content->description = soap_strdup(soap, description); return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_multipart* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_next_multipart(struct soap_multipart *content) { if (content) return content->next; return NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static void soap_select_mime_boundary(struct soap *soap) { while (!soap->mime.boundary || soap_valid_mime_boundary(soap)) { register char *s = soap->mime.boundary; register size_t n = 0; if (s) n = strlen(s); if (n < 16) { n = 72; s = soap->mime.boundary = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, n + 1); if (!s) return; } strcpy(s, "<>"); s += 2; n -= 4; while (n) { *s++ = soap_base64o[soap_random & 0x3F]; n--; } strcpy(s, "<>"); } if (!soap->mime.start) soap->mime.start = ""; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEANER #ifndef PALM_1 static int soap_valid_mime_boundary(struct soap *soap) { register struct soap_multipart *content; register size_t k = strlen(soap->mime.boundary); for (content = soap->mime.first; content; content = content->next) { if (content->ptr && content->size >= k) { register const char *p = (const char*)content->ptr; register size_t i; for (i = 0; i < content->size - k; i++, p++) if (!strncmp(p, soap->mime.boundary, k)) return SOAP_ERR; } } return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WITH_COOKIES /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_encode_cookie(const char *s, char *t, size_t len) { register int c; register size_t n = len; while ((c = *s++) && --n > 0) { if (c > ' ' && c < 128 && !strchr("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={}", c)) *t++ = c; else if (n > 2) { *t++ = '%'; *t++ = (c >> 4) + (c > 159 ? '7' : '0'); c &= 0xF; *t++ = c + (c > 9 ? '7' : '0'); n -= 2; } else break; } *t = '\0'; return len - n; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_cookie* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_cookie(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; size_t n; if (!domain) domain = soap->cookie_domain; if (!path) path = soap->cookie_path; if (*path == '/') path++; n = strlen(path); for (p = soap->cookies; p; p = p->next) if (!strcmp(p->name, name) && domain && p->domain && !strcmp(p->domain, domain) && !strncmp(p->path, path, n)) break; return p; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_cookie* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_cookie(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *value, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie **p, *q; int n; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Set cookie: %s=%s domain=%s path=%s\n", name, value?value:"", domain?domain:"", path?path:"")); if (!domain) domain = soap->cookie_domain; if (!path) path = soap->cookie_path; if (!path) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "Cookie path not set", NULL, SOAP_HTTP_ERROR); return NULL; } if (*path == '/') path++; q = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path); if (!q) { if ((q = (struct soap_cookie*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_cookie)))) { if ((q->name = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(name)+1))) strcpy(q->name, name); q->value = NULL; q->domain = NULL; q->path = NULL; q->expire = -1; q->version = 0; q->secure = 0; q->modified = 0; for (p = &soap->cookies, n = soap->cookie_max; *p && n; p = &(*p)->next, n--) if (!strcmp((*p)->name, name) && (*p)->path && strcmp((*p)->path, path) < 0) break; if (n) { q->next = *p; *p = q; } else { SOAP_FREE(soap, q->name); SOAP_FREE(soap, q); q = NULL; } } } else q->modified = 1; if (q) { if (q->value) { SOAP_FREE(soap, q->value); q->value = NULL; } if (q->domain) { SOAP_FREE(soap, q->domain); q->domain = NULL; } if (q->path) { SOAP_FREE(soap, q->path); q->path = NULL; } if (value && *value && (q->value = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(value)+1))) strcpy(q->value, value); if (domain && *domain && (q->domain = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(domain)+1))) strcpy(q->domain, domain); if (path && *path && (q->path = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(path)+1))) strcpy(q->path, path); q->session = 1; q->env = 0; } return q; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_cookie(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie **p, *q; if (!domain) domain = soap->cookie_domain; if (!domain) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "Cookie domain not set", NULL, SOAP_HTTP_ERROR); return; } if (!path) path = soap->cookie_path; if (!path) { soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "Cookie path not set", NULL, SOAP_HTTP_ERROR); return; } if (*path == '/') path++; for (p = &soap->cookies, q = *p; q; q = *p) if (!strcmp(q->name, name) && !strcmp(q->domain, domain) && !strncmp(q->path, path, strlen(q->path))) { if (q->value) SOAP_FREE(soap, q->value); if (q->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, q->domain); if (q->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, q->path); *p = q->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, q); } else p = &q->next; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_cookie_value(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; if ((p = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path))) return p->value; return NULL; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 char * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_env_cookie_value(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; if ((p = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path)) && p->env) return p->value; return NULL; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_cookie_expire(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; if ((p = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path))) return p->expire; return -1; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_cookie_expire(struct soap *soap, const char *name, long expire, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; if ((p = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path))) { p->expire = expire; p->modified = 1; return SOAP_OK; } return SOAP_ERR; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_cookie_session(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; if ((p = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path))) { p->session = 1; p->modified = 1; return SOAP_OK; } return SOAP_ERR; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_cookie_session(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *domain, const char *path) { struct soap_cookie *p; if ((p = soap_cookie(soap, name, domain, path))) { p->session = 0; p->modified = 1; return SOAP_OK; } return SOAP_ERR; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsetcookies(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_cookie *p; char *s, tmp[4096]; const char *t; for (p = soap->cookies; p; p = p->next) { if (p->modified || !p->env) { s = tmp; if (p->name) s += soap_encode_cookie(p->name, s, tmp-s+4064); if (p->value && *p->value) { *s++ = '='; s += soap_encode_cookie(p->value, s, tmp-s+4064); } if (p->domain && (int)strlen(p->domain) < tmp-s+4064) sprintf(s, ";Domain=\"%s\"", p->domain); else if (soap->cookie_domain && (int)strlen(soap->cookie_domain) < tmp-s+4064) sprintf(s, ";Domain=\"%s\"", soap->cookie_domain); strcat(s, ";Path=\"/"); if (p->path) t = p->path; else t = soap->cookie_path; if (t) { if (*t == '/') t++; if ((int)strlen(t) < tmp-s+4064) strcat(s, t); } s += strlen(s); *s++ = '"'; if (p->version > 0) sprintf(s, ";Version=%u", p->version); if (p->expire >= 0) sprintf(s, ";Max-Age=%ld", p->expire); if (p->secure) strcat(s, ";Secure"); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Set-Cookie: %s\n", tmp)); if ((soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Set-Cookie", tmp))) return soap->error; } } return SOAP_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putcookies(struct soap *soap, const char *domain, const char *path, int secure) { struct soap_cookie **p, *q; unsigned int version = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); char *s, tmp[4096]; p = &soap->cookies; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Sending cookies for domain=%s path=%s\n", domain, path)); while ((q = *p)) { if (q->expire && now > q->expire) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Cookie %s expired\n", q->name)); SOAP_FREE(soap, q->name); if (q->value) SOAP_FREE(soap, q->value); if (q->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, q->domain); if (q->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, q->path); *p = q->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, q); } else { size_t domlen = 0; if (q->domain) { const char *s = strchr(q->domain, ':'); if (s) domlen = s - q->domain; else domlen = strlen(q->domain); } if ((!q->domain || !strncmp(q->domain, domain, domlen)) && (!q->path || !strncmp(q->path, path, strlen(q->path))) && (!q->secure || secure)) { s = tmp; if (q->version != version) { sprintf(s, "$Version=%u;", q->version); version = q->version; } if (q->name) s += soap_encode_cookie(q->name, s, tmp-s+4080); if (q->value && *q->value) { *s++ = '='; s += soap_encode_cookie(q->value, s, tmp-s+4080); } if (q->path && (int)strlen(q->path) < tmp-s+4080) { sprintf(s, ";$Path=\"/%s\"", (*q->path == '/' ? q->path + 1 : q->path)); s += strlen(s); } if (q->domain && (int)strlen(q->domain) < tmp-s+4080) sprintf(s, ";$Domain=\"%s\"", q->domain); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Cookie: %s\n", tmp)); if ((soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Cookie", tmp))) return soap->error; } p = &q->next; } } return SOAP_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getcookies(struct soap *soap, const char *val) { struct soap_cookie *p = NULL, *q; const char *s; char *t, tmp[4096]; /* cookie size is up to 4096 bytes [RFC2109] */ char *domain = NULL; char *path = NULL; unsigned int version = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); if (!val) return; s = val; while (*s) { s = soap_decode_key(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (!soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "$Version")) { if ((s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s))) { if (p) p->version = (int)atol(tmp); else version = (int)atol(tmp); } } else if (!soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "$Path")) { s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (*tmp) { if ((t = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(tmp)+1))) strcpy(t, tmp); } else t = NULL; if (p) { if (p->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->path); p->path = t; } else { if (path) SOAP_FREE(soap, path); path = t; } } else if (!soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "$Domain")) { s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (*tmp) { if ((t = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(tmp)+1))) strcpy(t, tmp); } else t = NULL; if (p) { if (p->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->domain); p->domain = t; } else { if (domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, domain); domain = t; } } else if (p && !soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "Path")) { if (p->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->path); s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (*tmp) { if ((p->path = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(tmp)+1))) strcpy(p->path, tmp); } else p->path = NULL; } else if (p && !soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "Domain")) { if (p->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->domain); s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (*tmp) { if ((p->domain = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(tmp)+1))) strcpy(p->domain, tmp); } else p->domain = NULL; } else if (p && !soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "Version")) { s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); p->version = (unsigned int)atol(tmp); } else if (p && !soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "Max-Age")) { s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); p->expire = now + atol(tmp); } else if (p && !soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "Expires")) { struct tm T; char a[3]; static const char mns[] = "anebarprayunulugepctovec"; s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (strlen(tmp) > 20) { memset((void*)&T, 0, sizeof(T)); a[0] = tmp[4]; a[1] = tmp[5]; a[2] = '\0'; T.tm_mday = (int)atol(a); a[0] = tmp[8]; a[1] = tmp[9]; T.tm_mon = (strstr(mns, a) - mns) / 2; a[0] = tmp[11]; a[1] = tmp[12]; T.tm_year = 100 + (int)atol(a); a[0] = tmp[13]; a[1] = tmp[14]; T.tm_hour = (int)atol(a); a[0] = tmp[16]; a[1] = tmp[17]; T.tm_min = (int)atol(a); a[0] = tmp[19]; a[1] = tmp[20]; T.tm_sec = (int)atol(a); p->expire = soap_timegm(&T); } } else if (p && !soap_tag_cmp(tmp, "Secure")) p->secure = 1; else { if (p) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Got environment cookie %s=%s domain=%s path=%s expire=%ld secure=%d\n", p->name, p->value?p->value:"", p->domain?p->domain:"", p->path?p->path:"", p->expire, p->secure)); if ((q = soap_set_cookie(soap, p->name, p->value, p->domain, p->path))) { q->version = p->version; q->expire = p->expire; q->secure = p->secure; q->env = 1; } if (p->name) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->name); if (p->value) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->value); if (p->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->domain); if (p->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->path); SOAP_FREE(soap, p); } if ((p = (struct soap_cookie*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_cookie)))) { p->name = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(tmp)+1); strcpy(p->name, tmp); s = soap_decode_val(tmp, sizeof(tmp), s); if (*tmp) { p->value = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(tmp)+1); strcpy(p->value, tmp); } else p->value = NULL; p->domain = domain; p->path = path; p->expire = 0; p->secure = 0; p->version = version; } } } if (p) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Got environment cookie %s=%s domain=%s path=%s expire=%ld secure=%d\n", p->name, p->value?p->value:"", p->domain?p->domain:"", p->path?p->path:"", p->expire, p->secure)); if ((q = soap_set_cookie(soap, p->name, p->value, p->domain, p->path))) { q->version = p->version; q->expire = p->expire; q->secure = p->secure; q->env = 1; } if (p->name) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->name); if (p->value) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->value); if (p->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->domain); if (p->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->path); SOAP_FREE(soap, p); } if (domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, domain); if (path) SOAP_FREE(soap, path); } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getenv_cookies(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_cookie *p; const char *s; char key[4096], val[4096]; /* cookie size is up to 4096 bytes [RFC2109] */ if (!(s = getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"))) return SOAP_ERR; do { s = soap_decode_key(key, sizeof(key), s); s = soap_decode_val(val, sizeof(val), s); p = soap_set_cookie(soap, key, val, NULL, NULL); if (p) p->env = 1; } while (*s); return SOAP_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_cookie* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy_cookies(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_cookie *p, **q, *r; q = &r; for (p = soap->cookies; p; p = p->next) { if (!(*q = (struct soap_cookie*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_cookie)))) return r; **q = *p; if (p->name) { if (((*q)->name = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(p->name)+1))) strcpy((*q)->name, p->name); } if (p->value) { if (((*q)->value = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(p->value)+1))) strcpy((*q)->value, p->value); } if (p->domain) { if (((*q)->domain = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(p->domain)+1))) strcpy((*q)->domain, p->domain); } if (p->path) { if (((*q)->path = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, strlen(p->path)+1))) strcpy((*q)->path, p->path); } q = &(*q)->next; } *q = NULL; return r; } /******************************************************************************/ SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_free_cookies(struct soap *soap) { struct soap_cookie *p; for (p = soap->cookies; p; p = soap->cookies) { soap->cookies = p->next; SOAP_FREE(soap, p->name); if (p->value) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->value); if (p->domain) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->domain); if (p->path) SOAP_FREE(soap, p->path); SOAP_FREE(soap, p); } } /******************************************************************************/ #endif /* WITH_COOKIES */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WITH_GZIP #ifndef PALM_1 static int soap_getgziphdr(struct soap *soap) { int i; soap_wchar c, f = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Get gzip header\n")); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if ((int)(c = soap_get1(soap) == EOF)) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; if (i == 2) f = c; } if (f & 0x04) /* FEXTRA */ { for (i = soap_get1(soap) | (soap_get1(soap) << 8); i; i--) if ((int)soap_get1(soap) == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; } if (f & 0x08) /* FNAME */ do c = soap_get1(soap); while (c && (int)c != EOF); if ((int)c != EOF && (f & 0x10)) /* FCOMMENT */ do c = soap_get1(soap); while (c && (int)f != EOF); if ((int)c != EOF && (f & 0x01)) /* FHCRC */ { if ((int)(c = soap_get1(soap)) != EOF) c = soap_get1(soap); } if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_recv(struct soap *soap) { soap_wchar c; soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap_free(soap); soap_set_local_namespaces(soap); soap->version = 0; /* don't assume we're parsing SOAP content by default */ #ifndef WITH_NOIDREF soap_free_iht(soap); #endif if ((soap->imode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) soap->omode |= SOAP_IO_CHUNK; soap->imode &= ~SOAP_IO; soap->mode = soap->imode; if (!soap->keep_alive) { soap->buflen = 0; soap->bufidx = 0; } if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE)) soap->keep_alive = 0; soap->ahead = 0; soap->peeked = 0; soap->level = 0; soap->part = SOAP_BEGIN; soap->alloced = 0; soap->count = 0; soap->length = 0; soap->cdata = 0; *soap->endpoint = '\0'; soap->action = NULL; #ifndef WITH_LEANER soap->dime.chunksize = 0; soap->dime.buflen = 0; soap->dime.list = NULL; soap->dime.first = NULL; soap->dime.last = NULL; soap->mime.list = NULL; soap->mime.first = NULL; soap->mime.last = NULL; soap->mime.boundary = NULL; soap->mime.start = NULL; soap->xlist = NULL; #endif #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef UNDER_CE #ifndef WITH_FASTCGI if (!soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) #ifdef __BORLANDC__ setmode((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->recvfd, O_BINARY); #else _setmode((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->recvfd, _O_BINARY); #endif #endif #endif #endif #ifdef WITH_ZLIB soap->mode &= ~SOAP_ENC_ZLIB; soap->zlib_in = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; soap->zlib_out = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; soap->d_stream.next_in = Z_NULL; soap->d_stream.avail_in = 0; soap->d_stream.next_out = (Byte*)soap->buf; soap->d_stream.avail_out = SOAP_BUFLEN; soap->z_ratio_in = 1.0; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->fprepareinit) soap->fprepareinit(soap); #endif c = soap_getchar(soap); #ifdef WITH_GZIP if (c == 0x1F) { if (soap_getgziphdr(soap)) return soap->error; if (inflateInit2(&soap->d_stream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK) return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE; soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_ZLIB; soap->zlib_in = SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP; soap->z_crc = crc32(0L, NULL, 0); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "gzip initialized\n")); memcpy(soap->z_buf, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); /* should not chunk over plain transport, so why bother to check? */ /* if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) */ /* soap->z_buflen = soap->bufidx; */ /* else */ soap->d_stream.next_in = (Byte*)(soap->z_buf + soap->bufidx); soap->d_stream.avail_in = soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; soap->z_buflen = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->bufidx; c = soap_getchar(soap); } #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (c == '-' && soap_get0(soap) == '-') soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_MIME; else if ((c & 0xFFFC) == (SOAP_DIME_VERSION | SOAP_DIME_MB) && (soap_get0(soap) & 0xFFF0) == 0x20) soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME; else #endif { while (soap_blank(c)) c = soap_getchar(soap); } if ((int)c == EOF) return soap->error = SOAP_EOF; soap_unget(soap, c); #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP if (c != '<' && !(soap->mode & (SOAP_ENC_MIME | SOAP_ENC_DIME | SOAP_ENC_ZLIB))) { soap->mode &= ~SOAP_IO; if ((soap->error = soap->fparse(soap))) { soap->keep_alive = 0; /* force close later */ return soap->error; } if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) { soap->chunkbuflen = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->bufidx; soap->chunksize = 0; } #ifndef WITH_LEANER else if (soap->fpreparerecv && soap->buflen != soap->bufidx) soap->fpreparerecv(soap, soap->buf + soap->bufidx, soap->buflen - soap->bufidx); #endif #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->zlib_in) { /* fparse should not use soap_unget to push back last char */ #ifdef WITH_GZIP c = soap_get1(soap); if (c == 0x1F) { if (soap_getgziphdr(soap)) return soap->error; if (inflateInit2(&soap->d_stream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK) return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE; soap->z_crc = crc32(0L, NULL, 0); DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "gzip initialized\n")); } else { soap_revget1(soap); #else { #endif if (inflateInit(&soap->d_stream) != Z_OK) return soap->error = SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; soap->zlib_state = SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Inflate initialized\n")); } soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_ZLIB; memcpy(soap->z_buf, soap->buf, SOAP_BUFLEN); soap->d_stream.next_in = (Byte*)(soap->z_buf + soap->bufidx); soap->d_stream.avail_in = soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; soap->z_buflen = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->bufidx; } #endif } #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) { if (soap_getmimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; if (soap_get_header_attribute(soap, soap->mime.first->type, "application/dime")) soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME; } if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) { if (soap_getdimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; if (soap->dime.flags & SOAP_DIME_CF) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Chunked DIME SOAP message\n")); soap->dime.chunksize = soap->dime.size; if (soap->buflen - soap->bufidx >= soap->dime.chunksize) { soap->dime.buflen = soap->buflen; soap->buflen = soap->bufidx + soap->dime.chunksize; } else soap->dime.chunksize -= soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; } soap->count = soap->buflen - soap->bufidx; } #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_parse(struct soap *soap) { char header[SOAP_HDRLEN], *s; unsigned short g = 0, k = 0; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Waiting for response...\n")); *soap->endpoint = '\0'; soap->length = 0; soap->userid = NULL; soap->passwd = NULL; soap->action = NULL; soap->authrealm = NULL; do { if (soap_getline(soap, soap->msgbuf, sizeof(soap->msgbuf))) return soap->error; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "HTTP status: %s\n", soap->msgbuf)); for (;;) { if (soap_getline(soap, header, SOAP_HDRLEN)) { if (soap->error == SOAP_EOF) { soap->error = SOAP_OK; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "EOF in HTTP header, continue anyway\n")); break; } return soap->error; } if (!*header) break; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "HTTP header: %s\n", header)); s = strchr(header, ':'); if (s) { *s = '\0'; do s++; while (*s && *s <= 32); if ((soap->error = soap->fparsehdr(soap, header, s))) return soap->error; } } if ((s = strchr(soap->msgbuf, ' '))) { k = (unsigned short)soap_strtoul(s, &s, 10); if (!soap_blank(*s)) k = 0; } else k = 0; } while (k == 100); DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Finished HTTP header parsing\n")); s = strstr(soap->msgbuf, "HTTP/"); if (s && s[7] != '1') { if (soap->keep_alive == 1) soap->keep_alive = 0; if (k == 0 && (soap->omode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) /* k == 0 for HTTP request */ { soap->imode |= SOAP_IO_CHUNK; soap->omode = (soap->omode & ~SOAP_IO) | SOAP_IO_STORE; } } if (soap->keep_alive < 0) soap->keep_alive = 1; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Keep alive connection = %d\n", soap->keep_alive)); if (s && (((g = !strncmp(soap->msgbuf, "GET ", 4))) || !strncmp(soap->msgbuf, "POST ", 5))) { size_t m = strlen(soap->endpoint); size_t n = m + (s - soap->msgbuf) - 5 - (!g); if (n >= sizeof(soap->endpoint)) n = sizeof(soap->endpoint) - 1; strncpy(soap->path, soap->msgbuf + 4 + (!g), n - m); soap->path[n - m] = '\0'; strcat(soap->endpoint, soap->path); DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Target endpoint='%s'\n", soap->endpoint)); if (g) { soap->error = soap->fget(soap); if (soap->error == SOAP_OK) soap->error = SOAP_STOP; /* prevents further processing */ return soap->error; } return SOAP_OK; } if (k == 0 || (k >= 200 && k <= 299) || k == 400 || k == 500) return SOAP_OK; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "HTTP error %d\n", k)); return soap_set_receiver_error(soap, "HTTP error", soap->msgbuf, k); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_parse_header(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Host")) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap->imode & SOAP_ENC_SSL) strcpy(soap->endpoint, "https://"); else #endif strcpy(soap->endpoint, "http://"); strncat(soap->endpoint, val, sizeof(soap->endpoint) - 8); soap->endpoint[sizeof(soap->endpoint) - 1] = '\0'; } #ifndef WITH_LEANER else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Type")) { if (soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "application/dime")) soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME; else if (soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "multipart/related") || soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "multipart/form-data")) { soap->mime.boundary = soap_strdup(soap, soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "boundary")); soap->mime.start = soap_strdup(soap, soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "start")); soap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_MIME; } } #endif else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Length")) soap->length = soap_strtoul(val, NULL, 10); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Content-Encoding")) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "deflate")) #ifdef WITH_ZLIB soap->zlib_in = SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE; #else return SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; #endif else if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "gzip")) #ifdef WITH_GZIP soap->zlib_in = SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP; #else return SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR; #endif } #ifdef WITH_ZLIB else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Accept-Encoding")) { #ifdef WITH_GZIP if (strchr(val, '*') || soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "gzip")) soap->zlib_out = SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP; else #endif if (strchr(val, '*') || soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val, "deflate")) soap->zlib_out = SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE; else soap->zlib_out = SOAP_ZLIB_NONE; } #endif else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Transfer-Encoding")) { soap->mode &= ~SOAP_IO; if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "chunked")) soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_CHUNK; } else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Connection")) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "keep-alive")) soap->keep_alive = -soap->keep_alive; else if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "close")) soap->keep_alive = 0; } #ifndef WITH_LEAN else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Authorization")) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "Basic *")) { int n; char *s; soap_base642s(soap, val + 6, soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - 1, &n); soap->tmpbuf[n] = '\0'; if ((s = strchr(soap->tmpbuf, ':'))) { *s = '\0'; soap->userid = soap_strdup(soap, soap->tmpbuf); soap->passwd = soap_strdup(soap, s + 1); } } } else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "WWW-Authenticate")) soap->authrealm = soap_strdup(soap, soap_get_header_attribute(soap, val + 6, "realm")); else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Expect")) { if (!soap_tag_cmp(val, "100-continue")) { if ((soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue", NULL)) || (soap->error = soap->fposthdr(soap, NULL, NULL))) return soap->error; } } #endif else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "SOAPAction")) { if (val[0] && val[1]) { soap->action = soap_strdup(soap, val + 1); soap->action[strlen(soap->action) - 1] = '\0'; } } else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Location")) { strncpy(soap->endpoint, val, sizeof(soap->endpoint)); soap->endpoint[sizeof(soap->endpoint) - 1] = '\0'; } #ifdef WITH_COOKIES else if (!soap_tag_cmp(key, "Cookie") || !soap_tag_cmp(key, "Set-Cookie")) soap_getcookies(soap, val); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if !defined(WITH_NOHTTP) || !defined(WITH_LEANER) #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get_header_attribute(struct soap *soap, const char *line, const char *key) { register const char *s = line; if (s) { while (*s) { register short flag; s = soap_decode_key(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), s); flag = soap_tag_cmp(soap->tmpbuf, key); s = soap_decode_val(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), s); if (!flag) return soap->tmpbuf; } } return NULL; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if !defined(WITH_NOHTTP) || !defined(WITH_LEANER) #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_decode_key(char *buf, size_t len, const char *val) { return soap_decode(buf, len, val, "=,;"); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if !defined(WITH_NOHTTP) || !defined(WITH_LEANER) #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_decode_val(char *buf, size_t len, const char *val) { if (*val != '=') { *buf = '\0'; return val; } return soap_decode(buf, len, val + 1, ",;"); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if !defined(WITH_NOHTTP) || !defined(WITH_LEANER) #ifndef PALM_1 static const char* soap_decode(char *buf, size_t len, const char *val, const char *sep) { const char *s; char *t = buf; for (s = val; *s; s++) if (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && !strchr(sep, *s)) break; if (*s == '"') { s++; while (*s && *s != '"' && --len) *t++ = *s++; } else { while (soap_notblank(*s) && !strchr(sep, *s) && --len) { if (*s == '%') { *t++ = ((s[1] >= 'A' ? (s[1] & 0x7) + 9 : s[1] - '0') << 4) + (s[2] >= 'A' ? (s[2] & 0x7) + 9 : s[2] - '0'); s += 3; } else *t++ = *s++; } } *t = '\0'; while (*s && !strchr(sep, *s)) s++; return s; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_begin_out(struct soap *soap) { #ifndef WITH_LEANER size_t n = 0; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) && soap->mime.boundary && soap->mime.start) { const char *s; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM)) s = "application/dime"; else if (soap->version == 2) s = "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"; else s = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"; sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "--%s\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\nContent-ID: %s\r\n\r\n", soap->mime.boundary, s, soap->mime.start); n = strlen(soap->tmpbuf); if (soap_send_raw(soap, soap->tmpbuf, n)) return soap->error; } if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) soap->dime.size = soap->count; /* DIME in MIME correction */ if (!(soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) && (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME)) { if (soap_putdimehdr(soap)) return soap->error; } #endif soap->part = SOAP_IN_ENVELOPE; return soap_element_begin_out(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", 0, NULL); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_end_out(struct soap *soap) { if (soap_element_end_out(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Envelope")) return soap->error; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) && (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM)) { soap->dime.size = soap->count - soap->dime.size; /* DIME in MIME correction */ sprintf(soap->id, soap->dime_id_format, 0); soap->dime.id = soap->id; if (soap->local_namespaces) { if (soap->local_namespaces[0].out) soap->dime.type = (char*)soap->local_namespaces[0].out; else soap->dime.type = (char*)soap->local_namespaces[0].ns; } soap->dime.options = NULL; soap->dime.flags = SOAP_DIME_MB | SOAP_DIME_ABSURI; if (!soap->dime.first) soap->dime.flags |= SOAP_DIME_ME; soap->count += 12 + ((strlen(soap->dime.id)+3)&(~3)) + ((strlen(soap->dime.type)+3)&(~3)); } if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_DIME) && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM)) return soap_send_raw(soap, SOAP_STR_PADDING, -(long)soap->dime.size&3); #endif soap->part = SOAP_END_ENVELOPE; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_begin_in(struct soap *soap) { register struct Namespace *p; soap->part = SOAP_IN_ENVELOPE; if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", 0)) return soap->error = SOAP_VERSIONMISMATCH; p = soap->local_namespaces; if (p) { const char *ns = p[0].out; if (!ns) ns = p[0].ns; if (!strcmp(ns, soap_env1)) { soap->version = 1; /* make sure we use SOAP 1.1 */ if (p[1].out) SOAP_FREE(soap, p[1].out); if ((p[1].out = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(soap_enc1)))) strcpy(p[1].out, soap_enc1); } else if (!strcmp(ns, soap_env2)) { soap->version = 2; /* make sure we use SOAP 1.2 */ if (p[1].out) SOAP_FREE(soap, p[1].out); if ((p[1].out = (char*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(soap_enc2)))) strcpy(p[1].out, soap_enc2); } } return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_end_in(struct soap *soap) { if (soap_element_end_in(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Envelope")) return soap->error; soap->part = SOAP_END_ENVELOPE; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_begin_out(struct soap *soap) { soap->part = SOAP_IN_BODY; if (soap->version == 1) soap->encoding = 1; if (soap_element(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Body", 0, NULL)) return soap->error; if ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_SEC) && soap_attribute(soap, "id", "_0")) return soap->error; return soap_element_start_end_out(soap, NULL); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_end_out(struct soap *soap) { if (soap_element_end_out(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Body")) return soap->error; soap->part = SOAP_IN_BODY; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_begin_in(struct soap *soap) { soap->part = SOAP_IN_BODY; if (soap_element_begin_in(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Body", 0)) return soap->error; if (!soap->body) soap->part = SOAP_NO_BODY; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_end_in(struct soap *soap) { if (soap->part != SOAP_NO_BODY) { if (soap_element_end_in(soap, "SOAP-ENV:Body")) return soap->error; } soap->part = SOAP_END_BODY; return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_header(struct soap *soap) { if (soap_getheader(soap) && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH) soap->error = SOAP_OK; return soap->error; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_endpoint(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint) { register const char *s; register size_t i, n; soap->endpoint[0] = '\0'; soap->host[0] = '\0'; soap->path[0] = '/'; soap->path[1] = '\0'; soap->port = 80; if (!endpoint || !*endpoint) return; if (!strncmp(endpoint, "https:", 6)) soap->port = 443; strncpy(soap->endpoint, endpoint, sizeof(soap->endpoint) - 1); s = strchr(endpoint, ':'); if (s && s[1] == '/' && s[2] == '/') s += 3; else s = endpoint; n = strlen(s); if (n >= sizeof(soap->host)) n = sizeof(soap->host) - 1; #ifdef WITH_IPV6 if ('[' == s[0]) { s++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { soap->host[i] = s[i]; if (']' == s[i]) { s++; break; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { soap->host[i] = s[i]; if (s[i] == '/' || s[i] == ':') break; } } #else for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { soap->host[i] = s[i]; if (s[i] == '/' || s[i] == ':') break; } #endif soap->host[i] = '\0'; if (s[i] == ':') { soap->port = (int)atol(s + i + 1); for (i++; i < n; i++) if (s[i] == '/') break; } if (s[i]) { strncpy(soap->path, s + i, sizeof(soap->path)); soap->path[sizeof(soap->path) - 1] = '\0'; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_connect(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *action) { return soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_POST, endpoint, action); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_connect_command(struct soap *soap, int http_command, const char *endpoint, const char *action) { char host[sizeof(soap->host)]; int port; size_t count; soap->error = SOAP_OK; strcpy(host, soap->host); /* save to compare */ port = soap->port; /* save to compare */ soap_set_endpoint(soap, endpoint); #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->fconnect) { if ((soap->error = soap->fconnect(soap, endpoint, soap->host, soap->port))) return soap->error; } else #endif if (soap->fopen && *soap->host) { soap->status = http_command; if (!soap->keep_alive || !soap_valid_socket(soap->socket) || strcmp(soap->host, host) || soap->port != port || !soap->fpoll || soap->fpoll(soap)) { soap->keep_alive = 0; /* to force close */ soap->omode &= ~SOAP_IO_UDP; /* to force close */ soap_closesock(soap); DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Connect/reconnect to host='%s' path='%s' port=%d\n", soap->host, soap->path, soap->port)); #ifdef WITH_UDP if (!strncmp(endpoint, "soap.udp:", 9)) soap->omode |= SOAP_IO_UDP; #endif soap->socket = soap->fopen(soap, endpoint, soap->host, soap->port); if (soap->error) return soap->error; soap->keep_alive = ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE) != 0); } } count = soap_count_attachments(soap); if (soap_begin_send(soap)) return soap->error; #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_STORE && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML) && endpoint) { unsigned int k = soap->mode; soap->mode &= ~(SOAP_IO | SOAP_ENC_ZLIB); if ((k & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_FLUSH) soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_BUFFER; if ((soap->error = soap->fpost(soap, endpoint, soap->host, soap->port, soap->path, action, count))) return soap->error; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((k & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) { if (soap_flush(soap)) return soap->error; } #endif soap->mode = k; } else if (action) soap->action = soap_strdup(soap, action); if (http_command != SOAP_POST) return soap_end_send(soap); #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2base64(struct soap *soap, const unsigned char *s, char *t, size_t n) { register size_t i; register unsigned long m; register char *p; if (!t) t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, (n + 2) / 3 * 4 + 1); if (!t) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } p = t; t[0] = '\0'; if (!s) return p; for (; n > 2; n -= 3, s += 3) { m = s[0]; m = (m << 8) | s[1]; m = (m << 8) | s[2]; for (i = 4; i > 0; m >>= 6) t[--i] = soap_base64o[m & 0x3F]; t += 4; } t[0] = '\0'; if (n > 0) { m = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) m = (m << 8) | *s++; for (; i < 3; i++) m <<= 8; for (i++; i > 0; m >>= 6) t[--i] = soap_base64o[m & 0x3F]; for (i = 3; i > n; i--) t[i] = '='; t[4] = '\0'; } return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_base642s(struct soap *soap, const char *s, char *t, size_t l, int *n) { register int i, j, c; register unsigned long m; register const char *p; if (!t) { l = (strlen(s) + 3) / 4 * 3; t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, l); } if (!t) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } p = t; if (n) *n = 0; for (;;) { for (i = 0; i < SOAP_BLKLEN; i++) { m = 0; j = 0; while (j < 4) { c = *s++; if (c == '=' || !c) { i *= 3; switch (j) { case 2: *t++ = (char)((m >> 4) & 0xFF); i++; break; case 3: *t++ = (char)((m >> 10) & 0xFF); *t++ = (char)((m >> 2) & 0xFF); i += 2; } if (n) *n += i; return p; } c -= '+'; if (c >= 0 && c <= 79) { m = (m << 6) + soap_base64i[c]; j++; } } *t++ = (char)((m >> 16) & 0xFF); *t++ = (char)((m >> 8) & 0xFF); *t++ = (char)(m & 0xFF); if (l < 3) { if (n) *n += i; return p; } l -= 3; } if (n) *n += 3 * SOAP_BLKLEN; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2hex(struct soap *soap, const unsigned char *s, char *t, size_t n) { register char *p; if (!t) t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, 2 * n + 1); if (!t) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } p = t; t[0] = '\0'; if (s) { for (; n > 0; n--) { register int m = *s++; *t++ = (char)((m >> 4) + (m > 159 ? 'a' - 10 : '0')); m &= 0x0F; *t++ = (char)(m + (m > 9 ? 'a' - 10 : '0')); } } *t++ = '\0'; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_hex2s(struct soap *soap, const char *s, char *t, size_t l, int *n) { register const char *p; if (!t) { l = strlen(s) / 2; t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, l); } if (!t) { soap->error = SOAP_EOM; return NULL; } p = t; while (l > 1) { register int d1 = *s++; register int d2 = *s++; *t++ = ((d1 >= 'A' ? (d1 & 0x7) + 9 : d1 - '0') << 4) + (d2 >= 'A' ? (d2 & 0x7) + 9 : d2 - '0'); l -= 2; } if (n) *n = t - p; return p; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_puthttphdr(struct soap *soap, int status, size_t count) { register const char *s; #ifndef WITH_LEANER register const char *r = NULL; #endif register int err; if (status == SOAP_FILE && soap->http_content) s = soap->http_content; else if (status == SOAP_HTML) s = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; else if (soap->version == 2) s = "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"; else s = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if (soap->mode & (SOAP_ENC_DIME | SOAP_ENC_MTOM)) { if (soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MTOM) { r = s; s = "application/xop+xml; charset=utf-8"; } else s = "application/dime"; } if ((soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_MIME) && soap->mime.boundary && soap->status != SOAP_GET) { register const char *t = strchr(s, ';'); sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "multipart/related; boundary=\"%s\"; type=\"", soap->mime.boundary); if (t) strncat(soap->tmpbuf, s, t - s); else strcat(soap->tmpbuf, s); if (soap->mime.start) { strcat(soap->tmpbuf, "\"; start=\""); strcat(soap->tmpbuf, soap->mime.start); } strcat(soap->tmpbuf, "\""); if (r) { strcat(soap->tmpbuf, "; start-info=\""); strcat(soap->tmpbuf, r); strcat(soap->tmpbuf, "\""); } s = soap->tmpbuf; } #endif if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Content-Type", s))) return err; #ifdef WITH_ZLIB if (soap->omode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB) { #ifdef WITH_GZIP err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Content-Encoding", "gzip"); #else err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Content-Encoding", "deflate"); #endif if (err) return err; } #endif #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); else #endif if (count > 0) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)count); err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Content-Length", soap->tmpbuf); } if (err) return err; return soap->fposthdr(soap, "Connection", soap->keep_alive ? "keep-alive" : "close"); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_get(struct soap *soap) { return SOAP_GET_METHOD; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_post(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port, const char *path, const char *action, size_t count) { register const char *s; register int err; if (soap->status == SOAP_GET) { s = "GET"; count = 0; } else s = "POST"; #ifdef PALM if (!endpoint || (strncmp(endpoint, "http:", 5) && strncmp(endpoint, "https:", 6) && strncmp(endpoint, "httpg:", 6)) && strncmp(endpoint, "_beam:", 6) && strncmp(endpoint, "_local:", 7) && strncmp(endpoint, "_btobex:", 8)) #else if (!endpoint || (strncmp(endpoint, "http:", 5) && strncmp(endpoint, "https:", 6) && strncmp(endpoint, "httpg:", 6))) #endif return SOAP_OK; if (soap->proxy_host && strncmp(endpoint, "https:", 6)) sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "%s %s HTTP/%s", s, endpoint, soap->http_version); else sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "%s /%s HTTP/%s", s, (*path == '/' ? path + 1 : path), soap->http_version); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL))) return err; if (port != 80) sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "%s:%d", host, port); else strcpy(soap->tmpbuf, host); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Host", soap->tmpbuf)) || (err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "User-Agent", "gSOAP/2.7")) || (err = soap_puthttphdr(soap, SOAP_OK, count))) return err; #ifdef WITH_ZLIB #ifdef WITH_GZIP if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"))) #else if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Accept-Encoding", "deflate"))) #endif return err; #endif #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->userid && soap->passwd && strlen(soap->userid) + strlen(soap->passwd) < 761) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + 262, "%s:%s", soap->userid, soap->passwd); strcpy(soap->tmpbuf, "Basic "); soap_s2base64(soap, (const unsigned char*)(soap->tmpbuf + 262), soap->tmpbuf + 6, strlen(soap->tmpbuf + 262)); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Authorization", soap->tmpbuf))) return err; } if (soap->proxy_userid && soap->proxy_passwd && strlen(soap->proxy_userid) + strlen(soap->proxy_passwd) < 761) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + 262, "%s:%s", soap->proxy_userid, soap->proxy_passwd); strcpy(soap->tmpbuf, "Basic "); soap_s2base64(soap, (const unsigned char*)(soap->tmpbuf + 262), soap->tmpbuf + 6, strlen(soap->tmpbuf + 262)); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Proxy-Authorization", soap->tmpbuf))) return err; } #endif #ifdef WITH_COOKIES #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (soap_putcookies(soap, host, path, soap->ssl != NULL)) return soap->error; #else if (soap_putcookies(soap, host, path, 0)) return soap->error; #endif #endif if (action && soap->version == 1) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "\"%s\"", action); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "SOAPAction", soap->tmpbuf))) return err; } return soap->fposthdr(soap, NULL, NULL); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_send_header(struct soap *soap, const char *s) { register const char *t; do { t = strchr(s, '\n'); /* disallow \n in HTTP headers */ if (!t) t = s + strlen(s); if (soap_send_raw(soap, s, t - s)) return soap->error; s = t + 1; } while (*t); return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_post_header(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val) { if (key) { if (http_send_header(soap, key)) return soap->error; if (val && (soap_send_raw(soap, ": ", 2) || http_send_header(soap, val))) return soap->error; } return soap_send_raw(soap, "\r\n", 2); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 static int http_response(struct soap *soap, int status, size_t count) { register int err; #ifdef WMW_RPM_IO if (soap->rpmreqid) httpOutputEnable(soap->rpmreqid); #endif /* WMW_RPM_IO */ if (!status || status == SOAP_HTML || status == SOAP_FILE) { DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "OK 200\n")); #ifdef WMW_RPM_IO if (soap->rpmreqid || soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* RPM behaves as if standalone */ #else if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* standalone application */ #endif /* WMW_RPM_IO */ { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "HTTP/%s 200 OK", soap->http_version); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL))) return err; } else if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "tqStatus", "200 OK"))) return err; } else if (status > 200 && status < 600) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "HTTP/%s %d %s", soap->http_version, status, http_error(soap, status)); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL))) return err; #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (status == 401) { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "Basic realm=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm ? soap->authrealm : "gSOAP Web Service"); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "WWW-Authenticate", soap->tmpbuf))) return err; } else if ((status >= 301 && status <= 303) || status == 307) { if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Location", soap->endpoint))) return err; } #endif } else { const char *s = *soap_faultcode(soap); if (soap->version == 2 && !strcmp(s, "SOAP-ENV:Sender")) s = "400 Bad Request"; else s = "500 Internal Server Error"; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Error %s (status=%d)\n", s, status)); #ifdef WMW_RPM_IO if (soap->rpmreqid || soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* RPM behaves as if standalone */ #else if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* standalone application */ #endif /* WMW_RPM_IO */ { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "HTTP/%s %s", soap->http_version, s); if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL))) return err; } else if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "tqStatus", s))) return err; } if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Server", "gSOAP/2.7")) || (err = soap_puthttphdr(soap, status, count))) return err; #ifdef WITH_COOKIES if (soap_putsetcookies(soap)) return soap->error; #endif return soap->fposthdr(soap, NULL, NULL); } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_response(struct soap *soap, int status) { register size_t count; if (!(soap->omode & (SOAP_ENC_XML | SOAP_IO_STORE /* this tests for chunking too */)) && (status == SOAP_HTML || status == SOAP_FILE)) { soap->omode &= ~SOAP_IO; soap->omode |= SOAP_IO_STORE; } soap->status = status; count = soap_count_attachments(soap); if (soap_begin_send(soap)) return soap->error; #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP if ((soap->mode & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_STORE && !(soap->mode & SOAP_ENC_XML)) { register int n = soap->mode; soap->mode &= ~(SOAP_IO | SOAP_ENC_ZLIB); if ((n & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_FLUSH) soap->mode |= SOAP_IO_BUFFER; if ((soap->error = soap->fresponse(soap, status, count))) return soap->error; #ifndef WITH_LEANER if ((n & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK) { if (soap_flush(soap)) return soap->error; } #endif soap->mode = n; } #endif return SOAP_OK; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_LEAN static const char* soap_set_validation_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *s, const char *t) { if (*soap->tag) sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "Validation constraint violation: %s%s in element <%s>", s, t?t:SOAP_STR_EOS, soap->tag); else sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "Validation constraint violation: %s%s", s, t?t:SOAP_STR_EOS); return soap->msgbuf; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_fault(struct soap *soap) { const char **c = soap_faultcode(soap); const char **s = soap_faultstring(soap); if (!*c && !*s && soap->fseterror) soap->fseterror(soap, c, s); if (!*c) { if (soap->version == 2) *c = "SOAP-ENV:Sender"; else *c = "SOAP-ENV:Client"; } if (*s) return; switch (soap->error) { #ifndef WITH_LEAN case SOAP_CLI_FAULT: *s = "Client fault"; break; case SOAP_SVR_FAULT: *s = "Server fault"; break; case SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "tag name or namespace mismatch", NULL); break; case SOAP_TYPE: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "data type mismatch ", soap->type); break; case SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR: *s = "Well-formedness violation"; break; case SOAP_NO_TAG: *s = "No XML element tag"; break; case SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND: *c = "SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand"; sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "The data in element '%s' must be understood but cannot be handled", soap->tag); *s = soap->msgbuf; break; case SOAP_VERSIONMISMATCH: *c = "SOAP-ENV:VersionMismatch"; *s = "SOAP version mismatch or invalid SOAP message"; break; case SOAP_DATAENCODINGUNKNOWN: *c = "SOAP-ENV:DataEncodingUnknown"; *s = "Unsupported SOAP data encoding"; break; case SOAP_NAMESPACE: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "namespace mismatch", NULL); break; case SOAP_FATAL_ERROR: *s = "Fatal error"; break; case SOAP_NO_METHOD: sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "Method '%s' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized", soap->tag); *s = soap->msgbuf; break; case SOAP_GET_METHOD: *s = "HTTP GET method not implemented"; break; case SOAP_EOM: *s = "Out of memory"; break; case SOAP_IOB: *s = "Array index out of bounds"; break; case SOAP_NULL: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "nil not allowed", NULL); break; case SOAP_MULTI_ID: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "multiple definitions of id ", soap->id); break; case SOAP_MISSING_ID: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "missing id for ref ", soap->id); break; case SOAP_HREF: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "incompatible object ref ", soap->id); break; case SOAP_FAULT: break; #ifndef WITH_NOIO case SOAP_UDP_ERROR: *s = "Message too large for UDP packet"; break; case SOAP_TCP_ERROR: *s = tcp_error(soap); break; #endif case SOAP_HTTP_ERROR: *s = "HTTP error"; break; case SOAP_SSL_ERROR: #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL *s = "SSL error"; #else *s = "OpenSSL not installed: recompile with -DWITH_OPENSSL"; #endif break; case SOAP_PLUGIN_ERROR: *s = "Plugin registry error"; break; case SOAP_DIME_ERROR: *s = "DIME format error"; break; case SOAP_DIME_HREF: *s = "DIME href to missing attachment"; break; case SOAP_DIME_MISMATCH: *s = "DIME version/transmission error"; break; case SOAP_DIME_END: *s = "End of DIME error"; break; case SOAP_MIME_ERROR: *s = "MIME format error"; break; case SOAP_MIME_HREF: *s = "MIME href to missing attachment"; break; case SOAP_MIME_END: *s = "End of MIME error"; break; case SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR: #ifdef WITH_ZLIB sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "Zlib/gzip error: '%s'", soap->d_stream.msg?soap->d_stream.msg:""); *s = soap->msgbuf; #else *s = "Zlib/gzip not installed for (de)compression: recompile with -DWITH_GZIP"; #endif break; case SOAP_RETQUIRED: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "missing required attribute", NULL); break; case SOAP_PROHIBITED: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "prohibited attribute present", NULL); break; case SOAP_OCCURS: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "min/maxOccurs violation", NULL); break; case SOAP_LENGTH: *s = soap_set_validation_fault(soap, "content length violation", NULL); break; case SOAP_STOP: *s = "Stopped: no response sent"; break; #endif case SOAP_EOF: #ifndef WITH_NOIO sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "End of file or no input: '%s'", soap_strerror(soap)); *s = soap->msgbuf; break; #else *s = "End of file or no input"; break; #endif default: #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap->error > 200 && soap->error < 600) { sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "HTTP Error: %d %s", soap->error, http_error(soap, soap->error)); *s = soap->msgbuf; } else #endif #endif { sprintf(soap->msgbuf, "Error %d", soap->error); *s = soap->msgbuf; } } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_fault(struct soap *soap) { register int status = soap->error; int r = 1; if (status == SOAP_STOP) return status; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Sending back fault struct for error code %d\n", soap->error)); soap->keep_alive = 0; /* to terminate connection */ soap_set_fault(soap); #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef WITH_LEAN if (soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set rfd, sfd; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfd); FD_ZERO(&sfd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &rfd); FD_SET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &sfd); r = select((SOAP_SOCKET)(soap->socket + 1), &rfd, &sfd, NULL, &timeout); if (r > 0) { if (!FD_ISSET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &sfd) || (FD_ISSET((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, &rfd) && recv((SOAP_SOCKET)soap->socket, soap->tmpbuf, 1, MSG_PEEK) < 0)) r = 0; } } #endif #endif if ((status != SOAP_EOF || (!soap->recv_timeout && !soap->send_timeout)) && r > 0) { soap->error = SOAP_OK; soap_serializeheader(soap); soap_serializefault(soap); soap_begin_count(soap); if (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH) { soap_envelope_begin_out(soap); soap_putheader(soap); soap_body_begin_out(soap); soap_putfault(soap); soap_body_end_out(soap); soap_envelope_end_out(soap); } if (soap_response(soap, status) || soap_envelope_begin_out(soap) || soap_putheader(soap) || soap_body_begin_out(soap) || soap_putfault(soap) || soap_body_end_out(soap) || soap_envelope_end_out(soap)) return soap_closesock(soap); soap_end_send(soap); } soap->error = status; return soap_closesock(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_fault(struct soap *soap) { register int status = soap->error; DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Receiving SOAP Fault\n")); soap->error = SOAP_OK; if (soap_getfault(soap)) { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Error: soap_get_soapfault() failed. Is this a SOAP message at all?\n")); *soap_faultcode(soap) = (soap->version == 2 ? "SOAP-ENV:Sender" : "SOAP-ENV:Client"); soap->error = status; soap_set_fault(soap); } else { register const char *s = *soap_faultcode(soap); if (!soap_match_tag(soap, s, "SOAP-ENV:Server") || !soap_match_tag(soap, s, "SOAP-ENV:Receiver")) status = SOAP_SVR_FAULT; else if (!soap_match_tag(soap, s, "SOAP-ENV:Client") || !soap_match_tag(soap, s, "SOAP-ENV:Sender")) status = SOAP_CLI_FAULT; else if (!soap_match_tag(soap, s, "SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand")) status = SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND; else if (!soap_match_tag(soap, s, "SOAP-ENV:VersionMismatch")) status = SOAP_VERSIONMISMATCH; else { DBGLOG(TEST,SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Fault code %s\n", s)); status = SOAP_FAULT; } if (soap_body_end_in(soap) || soap_envelope_end_in(soap) || soap_end_recv(soap)) return soap_closesock(soap); soap->error = status; } return soap_closesock(soap); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_empty_response(struct soap *soap) { soap->count = 0; if (soap_response(soap, SOAP_OK) || soap_end_send(soap)) return soap_closesock(soap); return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOHTTP #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_empty_response(struct soap *soap) { if (soap_begin_recv(soap) || soap_end_recv(soap)) return soap_closesock(soap); return SOAP_OK; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WITH_NOIO #ifndef PALM_1 static const char* soap_strerror(struct soap *soap) { register int err = soap->errnum; if (err) { #ifndef WIN32 return strerror(err); #else FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, 0, (LPTSTR)&soap->errorstr, sizeof(soap->errorstr), NULL); return soap->errorstr; #endif } return "Operation interrupted or timed out"; } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 static int soap_set_error(struct soap *soap, const char *faultcode, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail, int soaperror) { *soap_faultcode(soap) = faultcode; *soap_faultstring(soap) = faultstring; if (faultdetail && *faultdetail) { register const char **s = soap_faultdetail(soap); if (s) *s = faultdetail; } return soap->error = soaperror; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_sender_error(struct soap *soap, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail, int soaperror) { return soap_set_error(soap, soap->version == 2 ? "SOAP-ENV:Sender" : "SOAP-ENV:Client", faultstring, faultdetail, soaperror); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_receiver_error(struct soap *soap, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail, int soaperror) { return soap_set_error(soap, soap->version == 2 ? "SOAP-ENV:Receiver" : "SOAP-ENV:Server", faultstring, faultdetail, soaperror); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 static int soap_copy_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *faultcode, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail) { char *s = NULL, *t = NULL; if (faultstring) s = soap_strdup(soap, faultstring); if (faultdetail) t = soap_strdup(soap, faultdetail); return soap_set_error(soap, faultcode, s, t, SOAP_FAULT); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_sender_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail) { return soap_copy_fault(soap, soap->version == 2 ? "SOAP-ENV:Sender" : "SOAP-ENV:Client", faultstring, faultdetail); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_receiver_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail) { return soap_copy_fault(soap, soap->version == 2 ? "SOAP-ENV:Receiver" : "SOAP-ENV:Server", faultstring, faultdetail); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 #ifndef WITH_NOSTDLIB SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_print_fault(struct soap *soap, FILE *fd) { if (soap->error) { const char **s; if (!*soap_faultcode(soap)) soap_set_fault(soap); fprintf(fd, "SOAP FAULT: %s\n\"%s\"\n", *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap)); s = soap_faultdetail(soap); if (s && *s) fprintf(fd, "Detail: %s\n", *s); } } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 #ifndef WITH_NOSTDLIB SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_print_fault_location(struct soap *soap, FILE *fd) { #ifndef WITH_LEAN int i, j, c1, c2; if (soap->error && soap->buflen > 0) { i = (int)soap->bufidx - 1; if (i <= 0) i = 0; c1 = soap->buf[i]; soap->buf[i] = '\0'; if ((int)soap->buflen >= i + 1024) j = i + 1023; else j = (int)soap->buflen - 1; c2 = soap->buf[j]; soap->buf[j] = '\0'; fprintf(fd, "%s%c\n** HERE **\n", soap->buf, c1); if (soap->bufidx < soap->buflen) fprintf(fd, "%s\n", soap->buf + soap->bufidx); soap->buf[i] = c1; soap->buf[j] = c2; } #endif } #endif #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_register_plugin_arg(struct soap *soap, int (*fcreate)(struct soap*, struct soap_plugin*, void*), void *arg) { register struct soap_plugin *p; register int r; if (!(p = (struct soap_plugin*)SOAP_MALLOC(soap, sizeof(struct soap_plugin)))) return soap->error = SOAP_EOM; p->id = NULL; p->data = NULL; p->fcopy = NULL; p->fdelete = NULL; r = fcreate(soap, p, arg); if (!r && p->fdelete) { p->next = soap->plugins; soap->plugins = p; DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Registered '%s' plugin\n", p->id)); return SOAP_OK; } DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Could not register plugin '%s': plugin returned error %d (or fdelete callback not set)\n", p->id?p->id:"?", r)); SOAP_FREE(soap, p); return r; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_1 static void * fplugin(struct soap *soap, const char *id) { register struct soap_plugin *p; for (p = soap->plugins; p; p = p->next) if (p->id == id || !strcmp(p->id, id)) return p->data; return NULL; } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PALM_2 SOAP_FMAC1 void * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_plugin(struct soap *soap, const char *id) { return soap->fplugin(soap, id); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif