/* kmime_message.cpp KMime, the KDE internet mail/usenet news message library. Copyright (c) 2001 the KMime authors. See file AUTHORS for details This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #include "kmime_message.h" using namespace KMime; namespace KMime { Message::Message() { s_ubject.setParent(this); d_ate.setParent(this); } Message::~Message() {} void Message::parse() { Content::parse(); TQCString raw; if( !(raw=rawHeader(s_ubject.type())).isEmpty() ) s_ubject.from7BitString(raw); if( !(raw=rawHeader(d_ate.type())).isEmpty() ) d_ate.from7BitString(raw); } void Message::assemble() { Headers::Base *h; TQCString newHead=""; //Message-ID if( (h=messageID(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //From h=from(); // "From" is mandatory newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Subject h=subject(); // "Subject" is mandatory newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //To if( (h=to(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Cc if( (h=cc(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Reply-To if( (h=replyTo(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Date h=date(); // "Date" is mandatory newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //References if( (h=references(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Organization if( (h=organization(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //UserAgent if( (h=userAgent(false))!=0 ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Mime-Version newHead+="MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //Content-Type newHead+=contentType()->as7BitString()+"\n"; //Content-Transfer-Encoding newHead+=contentTransferEncoding()->as7BitString()+"\n"; //X-Headers int pos=h_ead.tqfind("\nX-"); if(pos>-1) //we already have some x-headers => "recycle" them newHead+=h_ead.mid(pos+1, h_ead.length()-pos-1); else if(h_eaders && !h_eaders->isEmpty()) { for(h=h_eaders->first(); h; h=h_eaders->next()) { if( h->isXHeader() && (strncasecmp(h->type(), "X-KNode", 7)!=0) ) newHead+=h->as7BitString()+"\n"; } } h_ead=newHead; } void Message::clear() { s_ubject.clear(); d_ate.clear(); f_lags.clear(); Content::clear(); } Headers::Base* Message::getHeaderByType(const char *type) { if(strcasecmp("Subject", type)==0) { if(s_ubject.isEmpty()) return 0; else return &s_ubject; } else if(strcasecmp("Date", type)==0){ if(d_ate.isEmpty()) return 0; else return &d_ate; } else return Content::getHeaderByType(type); } void Message::setHeader(Headers::Base *h) { bool del=true; if(h->is("Subject")) s_ubject.fromUnicodeString(h->asUnicodeString(), h->rfc2047Charset()); else if(h->is("Date")) d_ate.setUnixTime( (static_cast<Headers::Date*>(h))->unixTime() ); else { del=false; Content::setHeader(h); } if(del) delete h; } bool Message::removeHeader(const char *type) { if(strcasecmp("Subject", type)==0) s_ubject.clear(); else if(strcasecmp("Date", type)==0) d_ate.clear(); else return Content::removeHeader(type); return true; } } // namespace KMime