T U T O R I A L F O R M I M E + + 1. Introduction Welcome to MIME++, a C++ class library for creating, parsing, and modifying messages in MIME format. MIME++ has been designed specifically with the following objectives in mind: * Create classes that directly correspond to the elements described in RFC-822, RFC-2045, and other MIME-related documents. * Create a library that is easy to use. * Create a library that is extensible. MIME++ classes directly model the elements of the BNF grammar specified in RFC-822, RFC-2045, and RFC-2046. For this reason, I recommend that you understand these RFCs and keep a copy of them handy as you learn MIME++. If you know C++ well, and if you are familiar with the RFCs, you should find MIME++ easy to learn and use. If you are new to C++ and object-oriented programming, you will find in MIME++ some very good object-oriented techinques, and hopefully you will learn a lot. Before looking at the MIME++ classes, it is important to understand how MIME++ represents a message. There are two representations of a message. The first is a string representation, in which a message is considered simply a sequence of characters. The second is a 'broken-down' -- that is, parsed -- representation, in which the message is represented as a tree of components. The tree will be explained later, but for now, let's consider the relationship between the string representation and the broken-down representation. When you create a new message, the string representation is initially empty. After you set the contents of the broken-down representation, such as the header fields and the message body, you then assemble the message from its broken-down representation into its string representation. The assembling is done through a call to the Assemble() member function of the DwMessage class. Conversely, when you receive a message, it is received in its string representation, and you parse the message to create its broken-down representation. The parsing is done through a call to the Parse() member function of the DwMessage class. From the broken-down representation, you can access the header fields, the body, and so on. If you want to modify a received message, you can change the contents of the broken-down representation, then assemble the message to create the modified string representation. Because of the way MIME++ implements the broken-down representation, only those specific components that were modified in the broken-down representation will be modified in the new string representation. The broken-down representation takes the form of a tree. The idea for the tree comes from the idea that a message can be broken down into various components, and that the components form a hierarchy. At the highest level, we have the complete message. We can break the message down into a header and a body to arrive at the second-highest level. We can break the header down into a collection of header fields. We can break each header field down into a field-name and a field-body. If the header field is a structured field, we can further break down its field-body into components specific to that field-body, such as a local-part and domain for a mailbox. Now, we can think of each component of the message as a node in the tree. The top, or root, node is the message itself. Below that, the message node contains child nodes for the header and body; the header node contains a child node for each header field; and so on. Each node contains a substring of the entire message, and a node's string is the concatenation of all of its child nodes' strings. In the MIME++ implementation, the abstract base class DwMessageComponent encapsulates all the common attributes and behavior of the tree's nodes. The most important member functions of DwMessageComponent are Parse() and Assemble(), which are declared as pure virtual functions. Normally, you would use these member functions only as operations on objects of the class DwMessage, a subclass of DwMessageComponent. Parse() builds the entire tree of components with the DwMessage object at the root. Assemble() builds the string representation of the DwMessage object by traversing the tree and concatenating the strings of the leaf nodes. While every node in the tree is a DwMessageComponent, and therefore has a Parse() and Assemble() member function, you do not have to call these member functions for every node in the tree. The reason is that both of these functions traverse the subtree rooted at the current node. Parse() acts first on the current node, then calls the Parse() member function of its child nodes. Assemble() first calls the Assemble() member functions of a node's child nodes, then concatenates the string representations of its child nodes. Therefore, when you call Parse() or Assemble() for an object of the class DwMessage, Parse() or Assemble() will be called automatically for every component (that is, child node) in the message. DwMessageComponent also has one important attribute that you should be aware of. That attribute is an is-modified flag (aka dirty flag), which is cleared whenever Parse() or Assemble() is called, and is set whenever the broken-down representation is modified. To understand how this works, suppose you have just called Parse() on a DwMessage object to create its broken-down representation. If you add a new DwField object (representing a new header field) to the DwHeaders object (representing the header), the is-modified flag will be set for the DwHeaders object, indicating that the string representation of the DwHeaders object will have to be re-assembled from the header fields that it contains. When a node's is-modified flag is set, it also notifies its tqparent node to set its is-modified flag. Thus, when the DwHeaders object's is-modified flag is set, the DwMessage object that is its tqparent will also have its is-modified flag set. That way, when Assemble() is called for the DwMessage object, it will call the Assemble() member function for the DwHeaders object, as required. Notice that the value of having an is-modified flag is that it can purge the tree traversal when the string representation of a message is being assembled. One of the first classes you should become familiar with is the DwString class, which handles character strings in MIME++. DwString has been designed to handle very large character strings, so it may be different from string classes in other libraries. Most of the standard C library string functions have DwString counterparts in MIME++. These functions all start with "Dw", and include DwStrcpy(), DwStrcmp(), DwStrcasecmp(), and so on. In addition, the equality operators and assignment operators work as expected. If you have used string classes from other libraries, you will find DwString fairly intuitive. The following sections describe how to create, parse, and modify a message. You should also look at the example programs included with the distribution. These example programs are well-commented and use wrapper classes. The wrapper classes BasicMessage, MultipartMessage, and MessageWithAttachments, are designed with three purposes in mind. First, if your requirements are very modest -- say you just want to send a few files as attachments -- then you may find these classes to be adequate for your needs, and you will not have to learn the MIME++ library classes. Second, wrapper classes are the recommended way to use MIME++. You should consider starting with these classes and customizing them for your own application. Using wrapper classes will simplify the use of the MIME++ library, but will also help to shield your application from future changes in the MIME++ library. Third, these classes provide excellent examples for how to use the MIME++ library classes. The rest of this tutorial focuses on the library classes themselves. 2. Creating a Message Creating a message with MIME++ involves instantiating a DwMessage object, setting values for its parts, and assembling the message into its final string representation. The following simple example shows how to accomplish this. void SendMessage( const char* aTo, const char* aFrom, const char* aSubject, const char* aBody) { // Create an empty message DwMessage msg; // Set the header fields. // [ Note that a temporary DwString object is created for // the argument for FromString() using the // DwString::DwString(const char*) constructor. ] DwHeaders& headers = msg.Headers(); headers.MessageId().CreateDefault(); headers.Date().FromCalendarTime(time(NULL)); //current date, time headers.To().FromString(aTo); headers.From().FromString(aFrom); headers.Subject().FromString(aSubject); // Set the message body msg.Body().FromString(aBody); // Assemble the message from its parts msg.Assemble(); // Finally, send it. In this example, just print it to the // cout stream. cout << msg.AsString(); } In this example, we set the fields 'Message-Id', 'Date', 'To', 'From', and 'Subject', which are all documented in RFC-822. The MIME++ class DwHeaders directly supports all header fields documented in RFC-822, RFC-2045, and RFC-1036. To access the field-body for any one these fields, use the member function from DwHeaders that has a name corresponding to the field-name for that field. The correspondence between a field-name and the name of the member function in DwHeaders is consistent: hyphens are dropped and the first character after the hyphen is capitalized. Thus, field-name Content-type in RFC-1521 corresponds to the member function name ContentType. These field-body access functions create an empty field in the headers if that field does not already exist. To check if a particular field exists already, DwHeaders provides member functions HasXxxxx(); for example, HasSender(), HasMimeVersion(), or HasXref() will indicate whether the DwHeaders object has a 'Sender' field, a 'MIME-Version' field, or an 'Xref' field, respectively. In the example, we used the FromString() member function of DwMessageComponent to set the string representation of the field-bodies. This is the simplest way to set the contents of a DwFieldBody object. Many of the field-bodies also have a broken-down represenation, and it is possible to set the parts of the broken-down representation. Consider, for example, the DwDateTime class, which represents the date-time element of the BNF grammar specified in RFC-822. In the example above, we did not set the string representation -- that would be more difficult and error prone. Instead we set the contents from the time_t value returned from a call to the ANSI C function time(). The DwDateTime class also contains member functions for setting individual attributes. For example, we could have used the following code: DwDateTime& date = msg.Headers().Date(); time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm stm = *localtime(&t); date.SetYear(stm.tm_year); date.SetMonth(stm.tm_mon); date.SetDay(stm.tm_mday); date.SetHour(stm.tm_hour); date.SetMinute(stm.tm_min); 3. Parsing a Message Parsing a received message with MIME++ involves instantiating a DwMessage object, setting its string representation to contain the message, and then calling the Parse() member function of the DwMessage object. The following simple example shows how to accomplish this. void ParseMessage(DwString& aMessageStr) { // Create a message object // We can set the message's string representation directly from the // constructor, as in the uncommented version. Or, we can use the // default constructor and set its string representation using // the member function DwMessage::FromString(), as in the // commented version. DwMessage msg(aMessageStr); // Alternate technique: // DwMessage msg; // Default constructor // msg.FromString(aMessageStr); // Set its string representation // Execute the parse method, which will create the broken-down // representation (the tree representation, if you recall) msg.Parse(); // Print some of the header fields, just to show how it's done // Date field. First check if the field exists, since // DwHeaders::Date() will create it if is not found. if (msg.Headers().HasDate()) { cout << "Date of message is " << msg.Headers().Date().AsString() << '\n'; } // From field. Here we access the broken-down field body, too, // to get the full name (which may be empty), the local part, // and the domain of the first mailbox. (The 'From' field can // have a list of mailboxes). if (msg.Headers().HasFrom()) { DwMailboxList& from = msg.Headers().From(); cout << "Message is from "; // Get first mailbox, then iterate through the list int isFirst = 1; DwMailbox* mb = from.FirstMailbox(); while (mb) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = 0; } else { cout << ", "; } DwString& fullName = mb->FullName(); if (fullName != "") { cout << fullName << '\n'; } else { // Apparently, there is no full name, so use the email // address cout << mb->LocalPart() << '@' << mb->Domain() << '\n'; } mb = mb->Next(); } } // Finally, print the message body, just to show how the body is // retrieved. cout << msg.Body().AsString() << '\n'; } Once you have parsed the message, you can access any of its parts. The field-bodies of well-known header fields can be accessed by calling member functions of DwHeaders. Some examples follow. DwMediaType& contType = msg.Headers().ContentType(); DwMechanism& cte = msg.Headers().ContentTransferEncoding(); DwDateTime& date = msg.Headers().Date(); The various subclasses of DwFieldBody, including DwMediaType, DwMechanism, and DwDateTime above, have member functions that allow you to access the parts of the field-body. For example, DwMediaType has member functions to allow you to access its type, subtype, and parameters. If the message is a multipart message, you may access the body parts by calling member functions of the class DwBody. See the example code in multipar.cpp for an example of how to do this. 4. Modifying a Message Modifying a message combines the procedures of parsing a message and creating a message. First, parse the message, as explained above. Then set the values of the components -- field-bodies, new fields, new body parts, or what have you -- that you wish to modify. Finally, call the Assemble() member function of the DwMessage object to reassemble the message. You can then access the modified message by calling DwMessage::AsString(). These final steps are the same as those involved in creating a new message. 5. Customizing MIME++ Classes MIME++ has been designed to be easily customizable. Typically, you customize C++ library classes through inheritance. MIME++ allows you to create subclasses of most of its library classes in order to change their behavior. MIME++ also includes certain 'hooks', which make it far easier to customize certain parts of the library. The most common customization is that of changing the way header fields are dealt with. This could include adding the ability to handle certain non-standard header fields, or to change the way the field-bodies of certain standard header fields are interpreted or parsed. As an example of the former customization, you may want to add the 'X-status' field or 'X-sender' field to your messages. As an example of the latter, you may want to change DwMediaType so that it will handle other MIME subtypes. Let's begin with the latter situation -- that of subclassing DwMediaType. Obviously, you will have to become familiar with DwMediaType and its superclasses before you change its behavior. Then, at a minimum, you will want to provide your own implementation of the virtual member functions Parse() and Assemble(). Once you feel comfortable with the behavior of the behavior of your new class -- call it MyMediaType -- you will have to take the right steps to ensure that the MIME++ library internal routines will create objects of type MyMediaType, and not DwMediaType. There are three such steps. First, define a function NewMyMediaType(), matching the prototype DwMediaType* NewMyMediaType( const DwString& aStr, DwMessage* aParent) that creates a new instance of MyMediaType and returns it. Set the static data member DwMediaType::sNewMediaType to point to this function. DwMediaType::sNewMediaType is normally NULL, meaning that no user-defined function is available. When you set this static data member, however, MIME++'s internal routines will call your own function, and will therefore be able to create instances of your subclass. Second, make sure you have reimplemented the virtual function DwMediaType::Clone() to return a clone of your own subclassed object. Clone() serves as a 'virtual constructor'. (See the discussion of virtual constructors in Stroustrup's _The C++ Programming Language_, 2nd Ed). Third, you should define a function CreateFieldBody(), matching the prototype DwFieldBody* CreateFieldBody( const DwString& aFieldName, const DwString& aFieldBody, DwMessageComponent* aParent) that returns an object of a subclass of DwFieldBody. (DwFieldBody is a superclass of MyMediaType). CreateFieldBody() is similar to the NewMyMediaType() function already described, except that its first argument supplies the field-name for the particular field currently being handled by MIME++. CreateFieldBody() should examine the field-name, create an object of the appropriate subclass of DwFieldBody, and return a pointer to the object. In this particular case, you need to make sure that when the field-name is 'Content-Type' you return an object of the class MyMediaType. Set the hook for CreateFieldBody() setting the static data member DwField::sCreateFieldBody to point to your CreateFieldBody() function. DwField::sCreateFieldBody is normally NULL when no user function is provided. These three steps are sufficient to ensure that your subclass of DwMediaType is integrated with the other MIME++ classes. The other customization task mentioned above is that of adding support for a non-standard header field. There is a simple way to do this, and a way that involves creating a subclass of DwHeaders. You can access any header field by calling DwHeaders's member functions. In fact, you can iterate over all the header fields if you would like. Therefore, the really simple way is just to not change anything and just use existing member functions. The relevant functions include DwHeaders::HasField(), which will return a boolean value indicating if the header has the specified field, and DwHeaders::FieldBody(), which will return the DwFieldBody object associated with a specified field. [ Note that DwHeaders::FieldBody() will create a field if it is not found. ] The default DwFieldBody subclass, which applies to all header fields not recognized by MIME++, is DwText, which is suitable for the unstructured field-bodies described in RFC-822 such as 'Subject', 'Comments', and so on. If a DwText object is suitable for your non-standard header field, then you don't have to do anything at all. Suppose, however, that you want an object of your own subclass of DwFieldBody, say StatusFieldBody, to be attached to the 'X-status' field. In this case, you will need to set the hook DwField::sCreateFieldBody as discussed above. Your CreateFieldBody() function should return an instance of StatusFieldBody whenever the field-name is 'X-status'. Finally, while you can access any header field using DwHeaders's member functions, you may want to create your own subclass of DwHeaders for some reason or other -- maybe to add a convenience function to access the 'X-status' header field. To ensure that your new class is integrated with the library routines, you basically follow steps 1 and 2 above for subclassing DwFieldBody. First, define a function NewMyHeaders() and set the static data member DwHeaders::sNewHeaders to point to your function. Second, make sure you have reimplemented the virtual function DwHeaders::Clone() to return an instance of your subclass. Step 3 for subclassing DwFieldBody does not apply when subclassing DwHeaders. 6. Getting Help I will try to help anyone who needs help specific to MIME++. I won't try to answer general questions about C++ that could be answered by any C++ expert. Bug reports will receive the highest priority. Other questions about how to do something I will try to answer in time, but I ask for your patience. If you have any comments -- perhaps maybe you know of a better way to do something -- please send them. My preferred email is dwsauder@fwb.gulf.net, but dwsauder@tasc.com is also acceptable. Good luck!