/* This file is part of KDE. Copyright (c) 2004 Cornelius Schumacher Copyright (c) 2004 Tobias Koenig This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef GROUPWISESERVER_H #define GROUPWISESERVER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gwjobs.h" namespace TDEABC { class AddresseeList; class Resource; } namespace KCal { class Calendar; class Incidence; class ResourceCached; } class ngwt__Settings; class KExtendedSocket; struct soap; class ngwt__Folder; class ngwt__Item; class ngwt__Appointment; class ngwt__Mail; class ngwt__Task; class ngwt__Status; class GroupWiseBinding; namespace GroupWise { enum ErrorCode { NoError, RefreshNeeded }; class AddressBook { public: typedef TQValueList List; AddressBook() : isPersonal( false ), isFrequentContacts( false ), isSystemAddressBook( false ) {} TQString id; TQString name; TQString description; bool isPersonal; bool isFrequentContacts; bool isSystemAddressBook; }; class DeltaInfo { public: long count; long firstSequence; long lastSequence; long lastTimePORebuild; }; } class GroupwiseServer : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public: bool checkResponse( int result, ngwt__Status *status ); enum RetractCause { DueToResend, Other }; GroupwiseServer( const TQString &url, const TQString &user, const TQString &password, TQObject *parent ); ~GroupwiseServer(); int error() const { return mError; } TQString errorText() const { return mErrorText; } bool login(); bool logout(); /** * Send an accept message for an incidence organised by someone else to the server */ bool acceptIncidence( KCal::Incidence * ); /** * Add a new incidence to the server. This is a smart method that adds Incidences to the GroupWise server using the * appropriate GroupWise call - own appointments are Sent, whereas appointments organized by others are Accepted. */ bool addIncidence( KCal::Incidence *, KCal::ResourceCached * ); /** * Alter an existing incidence on the server. This is a smart method that adds Incidences to the GroupWise server * using the appropriate GroupWise call. If the item has no other attendees (personal), * this is carried out with changeItem, otherwise it is retracted and resent. */ bool changeIncidence( KCal::Incidence * ); /** * send a Decline message for the given incidence to the server */ bool declineIncidence( KCal::Incidence * ); /** * delete an incidence from the server. This is a smart method that adds Incidences to the GroupWise server * using the appropriate GroupWise call. If the item is personal, it is deleted. Items with attendees are Declined. */ bool deleteIncidence( KCal::Incidence * ); /** * @brief Retract a meeting request. * This is needed to change a meeting, because you need to retract it from others' mailboxes before resending. * @param causedByResend indicate if the retraction is caused by a resend, suppresses the retraction message in favour of the resent meeting. */ bool retractRequest( KCal::Incidence *, RetractCause cause ); /** * @brief update a todo's completed state. * @param the todo to set the completed state for. */ bool setCompleted( KCal::Todo * todo ); bool readCalendarSynchronous( KCal::Calendar *cal ); GroupWise::AddressBook::List addressBookList(); bool readAddressBooksSynchronous( const TQStringList &addrBookIds ); bool updateAddressBooks( const TQStringList &addrBookIds, const unsigned long startSequenceNumber, const unsigned long lastPORebuildTime ); bool insertAddressee( const TQString &addrBookId, TDEABC::Addressee& ); bool changeAddressee( const TDEABC::Addressee& ); bool removeAddressee( const TDEABC::Addressee& ); bool readFreeBusy( const TQString &email, const TQDate &start, const TQDate &end, KCal::FreeBusy * ); bool dumpData(); void dumpFolderList(); // bool getDelta(); GroupWise::DeltaInfo getDeltaInfo( const TQStringList & addressBookIds ); bool getCategoryList(); int gSoapOpen( struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port ); int gSoapClose( struct soap *soap ); int gSoapSendCallback( struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n ); size_t gSoapReceiveCallback( struct soap *soap, char *s, size_t n ); void emitReadAddressBookTotalSize( int ); void emitReadAddressBookProcessedSize( int ); void emitErrorMessage( const TQString &, bool ); void emitGotAddressees( const TDEABC::Addressee::List ); bool readUserSettings( ngwt__Settings *&settings ); bool modifyUserSettings( TQMap & ); TQString userEmail() const { return mUserEmail; } TQString userName() const { return mUserName; } TQString userUuid() const { return mUserUuid; } signals: void readAddressBookTotalSize( int ); void readAddressBookProcessedSize( int ); void errorMessage( const TQString &, bool ); void gotAddressees( const TDEABC::Addressee::List ); protected: void dumpCalendarFolder( const std::string &id ); void dumpFolder( ngwt__Folder * ); void dumpItem( ngwt__Item * ); void dumpAppointment( ngwt__Appointment * ); void dumpTask( ngwt__Task * ); void dumpMail( ngwt__Mail * ); /** * Given a partial record ID, query the server for the full version from the calendar folder */ std::string getFullIDFor( const TQString & ); /** * Check if an incidence involves other people */ bool iAmTheOrganizer( KCal::Incidence * ); void log( const TQString &prefix, const char *s, size_t n ); protected slots: void slotSslError(); private: TQString mUrl; TQString mUser; TQString mPassword; bool mSSL; std::string mSession; TQString mUserName; TQString mUserEmail; TQString mUserUuid; std::string mCalendarFolder; std::string mCheckListFolder; struct soap *mSoap; GroupWiseBinding *mBinding; KExtendedSocket *m_sock; int mError; TQString mErrorText; TQString mLogFile; }; #endif