/* This file is part of libkabc and/or kaddressbook. Copyright (c) 2002 - 2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include "resourcekolab.h" #include "contact.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kolab; class KolabFactory : public KRES::PluginFactoryBase { public: KRES::Resource *resource( const TDEConfig *config ) { return new TDEABC::ResourceKolab( config ); } KRES::ConfigWidget *configWidget( TQWidget* ) { return 0; } }; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdeabc_kolab,KolabFactory) static const char* s_kmailContentsType = "Contact"; static const char* s_attachmentMimeTypeContact = "application/x-vnd.kolab.contact"; static const char* s_attachmentMimeTypeDistList = "application/x-vnd.kolab.contact.distlist"; static const char* s_inlineMimeType = "text/x-vcard"; TDEABC::ResourceKolab::ResourceKolab( const TDEConfig *config ) : KPIM::ResourceABC( config ), Kolab::ResourceKolabBase( "ResourceKolab-KABC" ), mCachedSubresource( TQString() ), mCachedSubresourceNotFound( false ), mLocked( false ) { setType( "imap" ); if ( !config ) { setResourceName( i18n( "Kolab Server" ) ); } } TDEABC::ResourceKolab::~ResourceKolab() { // The resource is deleted on exit (StdAddressBook's KStaticDeleter), // and it wasn't closed before that, so close here to save the config. if ( isOpen() ) { close(); } } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::loadSubResourceConfig( TDEConfig& config, const TQString& name, const TQString& label, bool writable ) { TDEConfigGroup group( &config, name ); bool active = group.readBoolEntry( "Active", true ); int completionWeight = group.readNumEntry( "CompletionWeight", 80 ); mSubResources.insert( name, Kolab::SubResource( active, writable, label, completionWeight ) ); } bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::doOpen() { TDEConfig config( configFile() ); // Read the calendar entries TQValueList subResources; if ( !kmailSubresources( subResources, s_kmailContentsType ) ) return false; mSubResources.clear(); TQValueList::ConstIterator it; for ( it = subResources.begin(); it != subResources.end(); ++it ) { loadSubResourceConfig( config, (*it).location, (*it).label, (*it).writable ); } return true; } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::doClose() { writeConfig(); } TDEABC::Ticket * TDEABC::ResourceKolab::requestSaveTicket() { if ( !addressBook() ) { kdError() << "no addressbook" << endl; return 0; } mLocked = true; return createTicket( this ); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::releaseSaveTicket( Ticket* ticket ) { mLocked = false; mCachedSubresource = TQString(); mCachedSubresourceNotFound = false; delete ticket; } TQString TDEABC::ResourceKolab::loadContact( const TQString& contactData, const TQString& subResource, TQ_UINT32 sernum, KMailICalIface::StorageFormat format ) { TDEABC::Addressee addr; if ( format == KMailICalIface::StorageXML ) { Contact contact( contactData, this, subResource, sernum ); // load contact.saveTo( &addr ); } else { TDEABC::VCardConverter converter; #if defined(KABC_VCARD_ENCODING_FIX) addr = converter.parseVCardRaw( contactData.utf8() ); #else addr = converter.parseVCard( contactData ); #endif } addr.setResource( this ); addr.setChanged( false ); TDEABC::Resource::insertAddressee( addr ); // same as mAddrMap.insert( addr.uid(), addr ); mUidMap[ addr.uid() ] = StorageReference( subResource, sernum ); kdDebug(5650) << "Loaded contact uid=" << addr.uid() << " sernum=" << sernum << " fullName=" << addr.name() << endl; return addr.uid(); } static const struct { const char* mimetype; KMailICalIface::StorageFormat format; } s_formats[] = { { s_attachmentMimeTypeContact, KMailICalIface::StorageXML }, { s_attachmentMimeTypeDistList, KMailICalIface::StorageXML }, { s_inlineMimeType, KMailICalIface::StorageIcalVcard } }; bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::loadSubResource( const TQString& subResource ) { int count = 0; if ( !kmailIncidencesCount( count, TQString(), subResource ) ) { kdError() << "Communication problem in TDEABC::ResourceKolab::loadSubResource()\n"; return false; } if ( !count ) return true; // Read that many contacts at a time. // If this number is too small we lose time in kmail. // If it's too big the progressbar is jumpy. const int nbMessages = 200; (void)Observer::self(); // ensure tdeio_uiserver is running UIServer_stub uiserver( "tdeio_uiserver", "UIServer" ); int progressId = 0; if ( count > 200 ) { progressId = uiserver.newJob( kapp->dcopClient()->appId(), true ); uiserver.totalFiles( progressId, count ); uiserver.infoMessage( progressId, i18n( "Loading contacts..." ) ); uiserver.transferring( progressId, "Contacts" ); } for ( int startIndex = 0; startIndex < count; startIndex += nbMessages ) { // TODO it would be faster to pass the s_formats array to kmail and let it load // all events - to avoid loading each mail 3 times. But then we need to extend the returned // TQMap to also tell us the StorageFormat of each found contact... for ( int indexFormat = 0; indexFormat < 3; ++indexFormat ) { const char* mimetype = s_formats[indexFormat].mimetype; KMailICalIface::StorageFormat format = s_formats[indexFormat].format; TQMap lst; if ( !kmailIncidences( lst, mimetype, subResource, startIndex, nbMessages ) ) { kdError() << "Communication problem in TDEABC::ResourceKolab::loadSubResource()\n"; if ( progressId ) uiserver.jobFinished( progressId ); return false; } for( TQMap::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { loadContact( it.data(), subResource, it.key(), format ); } } if ( progressId ) { uiserver.processedFiles( progressId, startIndex ); uiserver.percent( progressId, 100 * startIndex / count ); } // if ( progress.wasCanceled() ) { // uiserver.jobFinished( progressId ); // return false; // } } kdDebug(5650) << "Contacts kolab resource: got " << count << " contacts in " << subResource << endl; if ( progressId ) uiserver.jobFinished( progressId ); return true; } bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::load() { mUidMap.clear(); mAddrMap.clear(); bool rc = true; Kolab::ResourceMap::ConstIterator itR; for ( itR = mSubResources.begin(); itR != mSubResources.end(); ++itR ) { if ( !itR.data().active() ) // This resource is disabled continue; rc &= loadSubResource( itR.key() ); } return rc; } bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::save( Ticket* ) { bool rc = true; for( ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) if( (*it).changed() ) { rc &= kmailUpdateAddressee( *it ); } if ( !rc ) kdDebug(5650) << k_funcinfo << " failed." << endl; return rc; } namespace Kolab { struct AttachmentList { TQStringList attachmentURLs; TQStringList attachmentNames; TQStringList attachmentMimeTypes; TQStringList deletedAttachments; TQValueList tempFiles; void addAttachment( const TQString& url, const TQString& name, const TQString& mimetype ) { attachmentURLs.append( url ); attachmentNames.append( name ); attachmentMimeTypes.append( mimetype ); } void updatePictureAttachment( const TQImage& image, const TQString& name ); void updateAttachment( const TQByteArray& data, const TQString& name, const char* mimetype ); }; } // namespace void AttachmentList::updatePictureAttachment( const TQImage& image, const TQString& name ) { assert( !name.isEmpty() ); if ( !image.isNull() ) { KTempFile tempFile; image.save( tempFile.file(), "PNG" ); tempFile.close(); KURL url; url.setPath( tempFile.name() ); kdDebug(5650) << "picture saved to " << url.path() << endl; addAttachment( url.url(), name, "image/png" ); } else { deletedAttachments.append( name ); } } void AttachmentList::updateAttachment( const TQByteArray& data, const TQString& name, const char* mimetype ) { assert( !name.isEmpty() ); if ( !data.isNull() ) { KTempFile tempFile; tempFile.file()->writeBlock( data ); tempFile.close(); KURL url; url.setPath( tempFile.name() ); kdDebug(5650) << "data saved to " << url.path() << endl; addAttachment( url.url(), name, mimetype ); } else { deletedAttachments.append( name ); } } bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::kmailUpdateAddressee( const Addressee& addr ) { const TQString uid = addr.uid(); TQString subResource; TQ_UINT32 sernum; if ( mUidMap.find( uid ) != mUidMap.end() ) { subResource = mUidMap[ uid ].resource(); if ( !subresourceWritable( subResource ) ) { kdWarning() << "Wow! Something tried to update a non-writable addressee! Fix this caller: " << kdBacktrace() << endl; return false; } sernum = mUidMap[ uid ].serialNumber(); } else { if ( !mCachedSubresource.isNull() || mCachedSubresourceNotFound ) { subResource = mCachedSubresource; } else { subResource = findWritableResource( Kolab::Contacts, mSubResources ); // We were locked, remember the subresource we are working with until // we are unlocked if ( mLocked ) { mCachedSubresource = subResource; // If the subresource is empty here, it means findWritableResource() failed, for example // because the user cancelled the resource selection dialog. Remember that, so we avoid // asking multiple times when locked. mCachedSubresourceNotFound = subResource.isEmpty(); } } if ( subResource.isEmpty() ) return false; sernum = 0; } TQString data; TQString mimetype; AttachmentList att; bool isXMLStorageFormat = kmailStorageFormat( subResource ) == KMailICalIface::StorageXML; TQString subject = uid; // as per kolab2 spec if ( isXMLStorageFormat ) { Contact contact( &addr ); // The addressee is converted to: 1) the xml 2) the optional picture 3) the optional logo 4) the optional sound data = contact.saveXML(); att.updatePictureAttachment( contact.picture(), contact.pictureAttachmentName() ); att.updatePictureAttachment( contact.logo(), contact.logoAttachmentName() ); // no way to know the mimetype. The addressee editor allows to attach _any_ kind of file, // and the sound system sorts it out. att.updateAttachment( contact.sound(), contact.soundAttachmentName(), "audio/unknown" ); mimetype = contact.isDistributionList() ? s_attachmentMimeTypeDistList : s_attachmentMimeTypeContact; } else { mimetype = s_inlineMimeType; TDEABC::VCardConverter converter; #if defined(KABC_VCARD_ENCODING_FIX) data = TQString::fromUtf8( converter.createVCardRaw( addr ) ); #else data = converter.createVCard( addr ); #endif subject.prepend( "vCard " ); // as per kolab1 spec } bool rc = kmailUpdate( subResource, sernum, data, mimetype, subject, CustomHeaderMap(), att.attachmentURLs, att.attachmentMimeTypes, att.attachmentNames, att.deletedAttachments ); if ( !rc ) kdDebug(5650) << "kmailUpdate returned false!" << endl; if ( rc ) { kdDebug(5650) << "kmailUpdate returned, now sernum=" << sernum << " for uid=" << uid << endl; mUidMap[ uid ] = StorageReference( subResource, sernum ); // This is ugly, but it's faster than doing // mAddrMap.find(addr.uid()), which would give the same :-( // Reason for this: The Changed attribute of Addressee should // be mutable const_cast(addr).setChanged( false ); } for( TQValueList::Iterator it = att.tempFiles.begin(); it != att.tempFiles.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->setAutoDelete( true ); delete (*it); } return rc; } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::insertAddressee( const Addressee& addr ) { const TQString uid = addr.uid(); //kdDebug(5650) << k_funcinfo << uid << endl; bool ok = false; if ( mUidMap.contains( uid ) ) { mUidsPendingUpdate.append( uid ); } else { mUidsPendingAdding.append( uid ); } ok = kmailUpdateAddressee( addr ); if ( ok ) Resource::insertAddressee( addr ); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::removeAddressee( const Addressee& addr ) { const TQString uid = addr.uid(); if ( mUidMap.find( uid ) == mUidMap.end() ) return; //kdDebug(5650) << k_funcinfo << uid << endl; const TQString resource = mUidMap[ uid ].resource(); if ( !subresourceWritable( resource ) ) { kdWarning() << "Wow! Something tried to delete a non-writable addressee! Fix this caller: " << kdBacktrace() << endl; return; } /* The user told us to delete, tell KMail */ kmailDeleteIncidence( resource, mUidMap[ uid ].serialNumber() ); mUidsPendingDeletion.append( uid ); mUidMap.remove( uid ); Resource::removeAddressee( addr ); } /* * These are the DCOP slots that KMail call to notify when something * changed. */ bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::fromKMailAddIncidence( const TQString& type, const TQString& subResource, TQ_UINT32 sernum, int format, const TQString& contactXML ) { // Check if this is a contact if( type != s_kmailContentsType || !subresourceActive( subResource ) ) return false; // Load contact to find the UID const TQString uid = loadContact( contactXML, subResource, sernum, ( KMailICalIface::StorageFormat )format ); //kdDebug(5650) << k_funcinfo << uid << endl; // Emit "addressbook changed" if this comes from kmail and not from the GUI if ( !mUidsPendingAdding.contains( uid ) && !mUidsPendingUpdate.contains( uid ) ) { addressBook()->emitAddressBookChanged(); } else { mUidsPendingAdding.remove( uid ); mUidsPendingUpdate.remove( uid ); } return true; } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::fromKMailDelIncidence( const TQString& type, const TQString& subResource, const TQString& uid ) { // Check if this is a contact if( type != s_kmailContentsType || !subresourceActive( subResource ) ) return; //kdDebug(5650) << k_funcinfo << uid << endl; // Can't be in both, by contract if ( mUidsPendingDeletion.contains( uid ) ) { mUidsPendingDeletion.remove( uid ); } else if ( mUidsPendingUpdate.contains( uid ) ) { // It's good to know if was deleted, but we are waiting on a new one to // replace it, so let's just sit tight. } else { // We didn't trigger this, so KMail did, remove the reference to the uid mAddrMap.remove( uid ); mUidMap.remove( uid ); addressBook()->emitAddressBookChanged(); } } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::fromKMailRefresh( const TQString& type, const TQString& /*subResource*/ ) { // Check if this is a contact if( type != s_kmailContentsType ) return; //kdDebug(5650) << k_funcinfo << endl; load(); // ### should call loadSubResource(subResource) probably addressBook()->emitAddressBookChanged(); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::fromKMailAddSubresource( const TQString& type, const TQString& subResource, const TQString& label, bool writable, bool ) { if( type != s_kmailContentsType ) return; if ( mSubResources.contains( subResource ) ) // Already registered return; TDEConfig config( configFile() ); config.setGroup( "Contact" ); loadSubResourceConfig( config, subResource, label, writable ); loadSubResource( subResource ); addressBook()->emitAddressBookChanged(); emit signalSubresourceAdded( this, type, subResource ); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::fromKMailDelSubresource( const TQString& type, const TQString& subResource ) { if( type != s_kmailContentsType ) return; if ( !mSubResources.contains( subResource ) ) // Not registered return; // Ok, it's our job, and we have it here mSubResources.erase( subResource ); TDEConfig config( configFile() ); config.deleteGroup( subResource ); config.sync(); // Make a list of all uids to remove Kolab::UidMap::ConstIterator mapIt; TQStringList uids; for ( mapIt = mUidMap.begin(); mapIt != mUidMap.end(); ++mapIt ) if ( mapIt.data().resource() == subResource ) // We have a match uids << mapIt.key(); // Finally delete all the incidences if ( !uids.isEmpty() ) { TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for ( it = uids.begin(); it != uids.end(); ++it ) { mAddrMap.remove( *it ); mUidMap.remove( *it ); } addressBook()->emitAddressBookChanged(); } emit signalSubresourceRemoved( this, type, subResource ); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::fromKMailAsyncLoadResult( const TQMap& map, const TQString& /* type */, const TQString& folder ) { // FIXME KMailICalIface::StorageFormat format = KMailICalIface::StorageXML; for( TQMap::ConstIterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it ) { loadContact( it.data(), folder, it.key(), format ); } if ( !addressBook() ){ kdDebug(5650) << "asyncLoadResult() : addressBook() returning NULL pointer.\n"; }else addressBook()->emitAddressBookChanged(); } TQStringList TDEABC::ResourceKolab::subresources() const { return mSubResources.keys(); } bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::subresourceActive( const TQString& subresource ) const { if ( mSubResources.contains( subresource ) ) { return mSubResources[ subresource ].active(); } // Safe default bet: kdDebug(5650) << "subresourceActive( " << subresource << " ): Safe bet\n"; return true; } bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::subresourceWritable( const TQString& subresource ) const { if ( mSubResources.contains( subresource ) ) { return mSubResources[ subresource ].writable(); } return false; //better a safe default } int TDEABC::ResourceKolab::subresourceCompletionWeight( const TQString& subresource ) const { if ( mSubResources.contains( subresource ) ) { return mSubResources[ subresource ].completionWeight(); } kdDebug(5650) << "subresourceCompletionWeight( " << subresource << " ): not found, using default\n"; return 80; } TQString TDEABC::ResourceKolab::subresourceLabel( const TQString& subresource ) const { if ( mSubResources.contains( subresource ) ) { return mSubResources[ subresource ].label(); } kdDebug(5650) << "subresourceLabel( " << subresource << " ): not found!\n"; return TQString(); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::setSubresourceCompletionWeight( const TQString& subresource, int completionWeight ) { if ( mSubResources.contains( subresource ) ) { mSubResources[ subresource ].setCompletionWeight( completionWeight ); } else { kdDebug(5650) << "setSubresourceCompletionWeight: subresource " << subresource << " not found" << endl; } } TQMap TDEABC::ResourceKolab::uidToResourceMap() const { // TODO: Couldn't this be made simpler? TQMap map; Kolab::UidMap::ConstIterator mapIt; for ( mapIt = mUidMap.begin(); mapIt != mUidMap.end(); ++mapIt ) map[ mapIt.key() ] = mapIt.data().resource(); return map; } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::setSubresourceActive( const TQString &subresource, bool active ) { if ( mSubResources.contains( subresource ) ) { mSubResources[ subresource ].setActive( active ); load(); } else { kdDebug(5650) << "setSubresourceCompletionWeight: subresource " << subresource << " not found" << endl; } writeConfig(); } /*virtual*/ bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::addSubresource( const TQString& label, const TQString& parent ) { return kmailAddSubresource( label, parent, s_kmailContentsType ); } /*virtual*/ bool TDEABC::ResourceKolab::removeSubresource( const TQString& id ) { return kmailRemoveSubresource( id ); } void TDEABC::ResourceKolab::writeConfig() { TDEConfig config( configFile() ); Kolab::ResourceMap::ConstIterator it; for ( it = mSubResources.constBegin(); it != mSubResources.constEnd(); ++it ) { config.setGroup( it.key() ); config.writeEntry( "Active", it.data().active() ); config.writeEntry( "CompletionWeight", it.data().completionWeight() ); } } #include "resourcekolab.moc"