path: root/scripts/svn2dist
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/svn2dist')
1 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/svn2dist b/scripts/svn2dist
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..eb7ef8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/svn2dist
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# This is svn2dist
+# Based on cvs2dist by <>.
+# Original author (of was Sebastian Stein <>
+# Heavy, heavy modifications by Jason Katz-Brown <>
+# Some modifications for i18n inclusion by Dominique Devriese <>
+# Added --no-i18n-lang and --replace-files by Michael Buesch <>
+# License: GPL (
+# Last modification: 2005/01/08
+echo >&2 "Warning: this script needs more testing!"
+echo >&2 ""
+remove="config.cache config.log config.status Makefile configure inst-apps CVS acinclude.m4 aclocal.m4 libtool subdirs *.moc *.la .libs .deps .svn .cvsignore autom4te.cache {arch} .arch-ids *.lo *.o *.bbg *.da *.bb"
+toplevelremove=" config.h config.status config.log stamp-h stamp-h1 subdirs configure.files "
+# whitespace seperated list of languages to never include.
+ echo -n "Cleaning up... "
+ if [ -d $temp_dir ]; then
+ test -z "$debug" && rm -Rf $temp_dir
+ fi
+ echo "done."
+trap "exit_cleanup; exit 1" SIGINT SIGTERM
+test -e ~/.svn2distrc && extraoptions=`cat ~/.svn2distrc`
+# getopt usage from the getopt bash example
+# --log has optional argument
+TEMP=`getopt \
+-o v:n:r:e:a:B:dhmbgol \
+--long log::,version:,name:,required-header:,required-header-error-message:,make-unpackaged,help,no-bz2,no-bzip2,no-gzip,only-directory,remove-hidden,admin-dir:,branch:,no-i18n,no-i18n-lang:,svn-root:,i18n-module:,debug,replace-files: \
+-n svn2dist -- $extraoptions "$@"`
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Aborted." >&2
+ exit 1
+eval set -- "$TEMP"
+while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -v|--version) version=$2; shift 2 ;;
+ -n|--name) name=$2; shift 2 ;;
+ -a|--admin-dir) admindir=$2;
+ if [ `echo $admindir | sed -e 's#^/##'` = $admindir ]; then
+ admindir="`pwd`/$admindir"
+ fi
+ shift 2 ;;
+ --debug) debug="non-empty"; shift 1 ;;
+ --svn-root) svnroot="$2"; shift 2 ;;
+ --i18n-module) i18nmodule="$2"; shift 2 ;;
+ -r|--required-header) requiredheader=$2; shift 2 ;;
+ --no-i18n) doi18n="no"; shift 1 ;;
+ --no-i18n-lang) noi18nlang="$2"; shift 2 ;;
+ -e|--required-header-error-message) requiredmsg=$2; shift 2 ;;
+ -m|--make-unpackaged) leavedir="non-empty"; shift 1 ;;
+ -h|--help) showhelp="non-empty"; shift 1 ;;
+ -b|--no-bz2|--no-bzip2) nobzip2="non-empty"; shift 1 ;;
+ -o|--only-directory)
+ nogzip="non-empty"
+ nobzip2="non-empty"
+ leavedir="non-empty"
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -g|--no-gzip) nogzip="non-empty"; shift 1 ;;
+ -d|--remove-hidden) removehidden="non-empty"; shift 1 ;;
+ -l) calclog=1; shift 1 ;;
+ --log)
+ case "$2" in
+ # no-argument case
+ "") calclog=1; shift 2 ;;
+ # something, should be a file
+ *) log=$2
+ origlog=$log
+ if [ `echo $log | sed -e 's#^/##'` = $log ]; then
+ log="`pwd`/$log"
+ fi
+ shift 2 ;;
+ esac ;;
+ --replace-files) replace_files="$2"; shift 2 ;;
+ --) shift
+ break ;;
+ *) echo "Aborted."
+ exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+for arg do
+ test $count = 0 && module=$arg
+ test $count = 1 && directory=$arg
+ if [ $count -ge 2 ]; then
+ modarg=$arg
+ if [ `echo $modarg | sed -e 's#^/##'` = $modarg ]; then
+ modarg="`pwd`/$modarg"
+ fi
+ addfiles="$addfiles $modarg"
+ fi
+ let count count++
+# test if a module and directory name was given
+if [ ! -z $showhelp ] || [ -z $module ] || [ -z $directory ]; then
+ echo "Usage: svn2dist module directory [options] [addfile1] [addfile2] ..."
+ echo ""
+ echo " -n --name <name>"
+ echo " -v --version <version>"
+ echo " --svn-root <root> the value to use as svn root"
+ echo " variable. It is not necessary if you use --no-i18n."
+ echo " --admin-dir <dir> admin/ location (default is module/admin)"
+ echo " (symbolic links are OK.)"
+ echo " -B --branch <branch> use branch for i18n checkouts."
+ echo " --no-i18n don't try to automatically checkout the translations from svn."
+ echo " --no-i18n-lang <languages> exclude all languages in the given comma"
+ echo " seperated list. example:"
+ echo " --no-i18n-lang uk,de,en_GB"
+ echo " --i18n-module <name> i18n subdir"
+ echo " if not specified it is guessed"
+ echo " from module name by replacing \"/\" by \"-\""
+ echo " --log=<logfile> If logfile unspecified, default file is used."
+ echo " (The '=' is essential and may not be ommited"
+ echo " when specifying the logfile.)"
+ echo " -l Log to default logfile."
+ echo " -m --make-unpackaged Also makes an unpacked distribution"
+ echo " in the current directory."
+ echo " -g --no-gzip Do not create gzip package."
+ echo " -b --no-bz2 Do not create bzip2 package."
+ echo " --no-bzip2 Alias for the above."
+ echo " -o --only-directory Alias for -mbg (no packages, only a directory.)"
+ echo " -r --required-header <header> Errors if header is not installed."
+ echo " -e --required-header-error-message <message>"
+ echo " Error message for above."
+ echo " -d --remove-hidden Remove hidden files/directories from packages"
+ echo " --replace-files <file-pair-list>"
+ echo " <file-pair-list> is a comma separated list of file pairs"
+ echo " which should be replaced in the final distribution package."
+ echo " Each element of a pair is separated by an @"
+ echo -n " Example: --replace-files take_this_file@and_move_it_here,"
+ echo ""
+ echo " The filenames are all relative to your package root."
+ echo " Please be careful! Try to avoid the usage of .. in the path. It"
+ echo " may break stuff! There can not be blank characters in the paths."
+ echo " -h --help Show this help"
+ echo ""
+ echo " Name defaults to the last part of the directory."
+ echo "By default, creates name[-version].tar.gz if gzip is installed"
+ echo "and/or name[-version].tar.bz2 if bzip2 is installed in the current"
+ echo "directory. Removes all temporary files it creates. Produces"
+ echo "tarballs that are standard distribution tarballs with a"
+ echo "configure script."
+ echo " Unless --no-i18n is given, it automatically tries to check out "
+ echo "strings and documentation translation from svn."
+ echo " Arguments after the second are added to the toplevel directory"
+ echo "in the package. Short options can be combined, eg -dm to create"
+ echo "a directory and remove hidden files. ~/.svn2distrc is added to"
+ echo "the beginning of command line arguments if it exists."
+ echo " '--' signifies the end of options."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Example: svn2dist /sources/kdegames kolf/objects/picture \\"
+ echo " -n kolf-picture -v 0.9 -r \"kolf/game.h\" \\"
+ echo " --log ~/tmp/extra-file"
+ echo ""
+ echo " Creates packages of the kolf picture plugin, naming the"
+ echo " packages kolf-picture-0.9 and logging the process. For configure"
+ echo " to succeed, kolf/game.h must be installed or an error will occur."
+ echo " ~/tmp/extra-file is added to the packages."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Webpage:"
+ echo "Authors: Jason Katz-Brown <>,"
+ echo " Sebastian Stein <>,"
+ echo " Dominique Devriese <>"
+ exit 1
+if [ -z $i18nmodule ]; then
+ i18nmodule=`echo $module | sed -e 's#/#-##'`
+# expand module
+module=`echo $module | sed -e 's#/$##'`
+if [ `echo $module | sed -e 's#^/##'` = $module ]; then
+ module="`pwd`/$module"
+# test if the given module is a directory
+test -d $module
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "$module is not a directory."
+ echo "Aborted."
+ exit 1
+# go to our module
+cd $module
+directory=`echo $directory | sed -e 's#^/##'`
+for makefile in `find $directory -name`; do
+ cat $makefile | while read line; do echo $line; done | perl -e '$mes=0; while (<STDIN>) { if (/^messages:/) { $mes=1; next; } if ($_ !~ m/^[^\t ]/) { $mes=0; } if ($mes && /\$\(XGETTEXT\)/ && / -o/) { s,.*-o \$\(podir\)/([a-z._-]+).*$,$1, ; chomp $_; $_ =~ s/\.pot/.po/; print "pofiles=\"$_ \$pofiles\"\n" } }' > _tmppot
+ . _tmppot
+ rm -f _tmppot
+if [ -z $name ]; then
+ name=$directory
+ # get rid of trailing slash
+ name=`echo $name | sed -e 's#/$##'`
+ # leading slash
+ name=`echo $name | sed -e 's#^/##'`
+ if [ `echo $name | sed -e 's#/##'` != $name ]; then
+ name=`echo $name | sed -e 's#^.*/##'`
+ fi
+test $calclog = 1 && log="$returndir/svn2dist-$name.log" && origlog="svn2dist-$name.log"
+# test if the given name is a sub-directory
+if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then
+ echo "$directory is not a sub-directory of $module."
+ echo "Aborted."
+ exit 1
+test $log != "/dev/null" && echo "Logging to $log."
+echo "svn2dist log on "`date` > $log
+echo -n "Module: $module; Directory: $directory; Name: $name; " >> $log
+if [ -z $version ]; then
+ echo "Version unspecified." >> $log
+ echo "Version $version." >> $log
+echo $cmdline >> $log
+echo "--------" >> $log
+if [ -z $version ]; then
+ filename=$name
+ filename="$name-$version"
+ VERSION=$version
+ export VERSION
+if [ $doi18n = "yes" ]; then
+ # a little warning...
+ echo "Will try to fetch i18n files from KDE's SVN."
+ echo "If this doesn't work, use --no-i18n."
+ if [ -z "$svnroot" ]; then
+ echo "No svn root specified, and --no-i18n option is not given.." >> $log
+ echo "Using anonymous svn.." >> $log
+ svnroot="svn://"
+ fi
+# the temporary directory
+echo "Temporary directory is $temp_dir." >> $log
+# make a temporary directory
+test -d $temp_dir && rm -Rf $temp_dir
+mkdir $temp_dir
+mkdir $temp_dist || (echo "failed to create $temp_dist"; exit 1; )
+# check if we were able to create temp_dir
+test -d $temp_dist
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Could not create temporary directory $temp_dist."
+ echo "$temp_dist could not be created." >> $log
+ echo "Aborted."
+ exit 1
+test -z "$requiredmsg" && requiredmsg="Install development package needed first! $requiredheader, for one, is missing."
+if [ ! -z $requiredheader ]; then
+ echo $naiyou > $temp_dir/
+ echo " contents: " >> $log
+ echo "--------" >> $log
+ echo $naiyou >> $log
+ appaddfiles="$appaddfiles $temp_dir/"
+# copy all files of the module to temp_dir/name
+cp -RL $module/$directory $temp_dist/$name
+echo "cp -R $module/$directory $temp_dist/$name" >> $log
+# get rid of trailing slash
+modulename=`echo $modulename | sed -e 's#/$##'`
+# get the last part
+modulename=`echo $modulename | sed -e 's#^.*/##'`
+remove="$remove $modulename.lsm"
+# we check out kde-i18n/subdirs in temp_dir/kde-i18n..
+if [ $doi18n = "yes" ]; then
+ pushd $temp_dir
+ echo "Getting i18n subdirs" >> $log
+ i18nlangs_tmp=`svn cat "$svnroot/l10n-kde3/subdirs"`
+ skiplist="`echo $noi18nlang | sed -e 's/,/ /g'`"
+ skiplist="$skiplist $always_skip_languages"
+ for lang in $i18nlangs_tmp; do
+ must_skip="no"
+ for skip in $skiplist; do
+ if [ "$lang" = "$skip" ]; then
+ must_skip="yes"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$must_skip" = "no" ]; then
+ i18nlangs="$i18nlangs $lang"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "available languages: $i18nlangs (Pofiles to fetch: $pofiles)" >> $log
+ popd
+# if a handbook exists, we also copy it to the directory
+if [ -d $module/doc/$name ]; then
+ mkdir -p $temp_dist/doc/$name
+ cp -Rf $module/doc/$name $temp_dist/doc
+ find $module/doc/ -maxdepth 1 ! -xtype d | xargs --replace={} cp {} $temp_dist/doc
+ if [ $doi18n = "yes" ]; then
+ pushd $temp_dir
+ for lang in $i18nlangs; do
+ echo -n "Checking for $lang/$name... "
+ test -d $temp_dist/doc/$lang && rm -Rf $temp_dist/doc/$lang
+ docdirname="l10n-kde3/$lang/docs/$i18nmodule/$name"
+ echo "svn export $svnroot/$docdirname $temp_dist/doc/$lang" >> $log
+ mkdir -p $temp_dist/doc
+ svn export "$svnroot/$docdirname" $temp_dist/doc/$lang >> $log 2>&1
+ if [ ! -d "$temp_dist/doc/$lang" ]; then
+ echo "$lang's $name documentation does not exist." >> $log
+ echo "does not exist"
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "KDE_LANG = $lang
+KDE_DOCS = $name" > $temp_dist/doc/$lang/
+ echo "done."
+ echo "$lang documentation included." >> $log
+ done
+ popd
+ fi
+# clean up doc directory
+if [ -d $temp_dist/doc/$name ]; then
+ pushd $temp_dist/doc/$name
+ echo -n "make clean in $temp_dist/doc/$name/... "
+ echo >> $log
+ echo "make clean in $temp_dist/doc/$name/" >> $log
+ make clean >> $log
+ echo "--------" >> $log
+ echo "done."
+ popd
+if [ $doi18n = "yes" ]; then
+ test -d $temp_dist/po && rm -Rf $temp_dist/po
+ mkdir $temp_dist/po
+ pushd $temp_dir
+ for pofile in $pofiles; do
+ echo "Getting translations for $pofile from i18n..."
+ for lang in $i18nlangs; do
+ pofilename="l10n-kde3/$lang/messages/$i18nmodule/$pofile";
+ echo "Getting $pofilename" >> $log
+ svn cat "$svnroot/$pofilename" >$pofile 2>&1 || rm -f $pofile
+ if [ ! -f "$pofile" ]; then
+ echo "$lang's $pofile does not exist." >> $log
+ continue
+ fi
+ dest=$temp_dist/po/$lang
+ mkdir -p $dest
+ echo -n "Copying $lang's $pofile over... "
+ echo "$lang's $pofile file included." >> $log
+ mv $pofile $dest
+ echo "done."
+ echo "KDE_LANG = $lang
+POFILES = AUTO" > $dest/
+ subdirs="non_empty"
+ done
+ done
+ popd
+ if [ -z "$subdirs" ]; then
+ rm -Rf $temp_dist/po
+ else
+ echo "SUBDIRS = \$(AUTODIRS)" > $temp_dist/po/
+ fi
+# copy the admin directory
+if [ -z $admindir ]; then
+ cp -pRL $module/admin $temp_dist
+ echo "cp -pRL $module/admin $temp_dist" >> $log
+ cp -pRL $admindir $temp_dist
+ echo "cp -pRL $admindir $temp_dist" >> $log
+# and all files from the base dir, except directories
+echo "Copying over files from the module directory:" >> $log
+find $module -maxdepth 1 ! -xtype d | xargs --verbose --replace={} cp {} $temp_dist 2>> $log
+echo "--------" >> $log
+# we now enter the temp_dist and delete all unwanted files
+# and add wanted files
+cd $temp_dist
+# override top-level files
+echo "Override files: " >> $log
+for file in $override; do
+ test -e $temp_dist/$name/$file && mv $temp_dist/$name/$file . && echo "mv $temp_dist/$name/$file ." >> $log
+test ! -z "$addfiles" && echo "Addfiles: " >> $log
+for file in $addfiles; do
+ test -e $file && cp -R $file $temp_dist && echo "cp -R $file $temp_dist" >> $log
+test ! -z "$appaddfiles" && echo "Application addfiles: " >> $log
+for file in $appaddfiles; do
+ test -e $file && cp -R $file $temp_dist/$name/ && echo "cp -R $file $temp_dist/$name/" >> $log
+echo "--------" >> $log
+# replace all user requested files
+if [ -n "$replace_files" ]; then
+ echo "Replace user requested files" >> $log
+ pair_list="`echo $replace_files | sed -e 's/,/ /g'`"
+ for pair in $pair_list; do
+ pair_tmp="`echo $pair | sed -e 's/@/ /g'`"
+ from="`echo $pair_tmp | awk '//{print $1}'`"
+ to="`echo $pair_tmp | awk '//{print $2}'`"
+ if [ -z "$from" ] || [ -z "$to" ]; then
+ echo "bogus pair \"$from@$to\"" >> $log
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "Replacing \"$to\" by \"$from\"" >> $log
+ from_path="$temp_dist/$name/$from"
+ to_path="$temp_dist/$name/$to"
+ if [ ! -f "$from_path" ]; then
+ echo "$from_path does not exist!" >> $log
+ echo ""
+ echo "Warning: \"$from\" does not exist!"
+ echo -n "Please enter the path in --replace-files relative "
+ echo "to the package root of your project."
+ echo "Your package root is: \"$module/$directory\""
+ echo ""
+ continue
+ fi
+ rm -f "$to_path" && \
+ mv "$from_path" "$to_path"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -n "Moving \"$from_path\" failed! " >> $log
+ echo -n "This should not happen." >> $log
+ if [ -f "$to_path" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ else
+ echo " No \"$to\" will exist in the archive!" >> $log
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "--------" >> $log
+# version file, if it doesn't exist
+test ! -z $version && test ! -e VERSION && echo "$name version $version" > VERSION
+cd $temp_dist/$name
+echo "make clean in $temp_dist/$name/:" >> $log
+echo "" >> $log
+echo -n "make clean in $temp_dist/$name/... "
+make clean >> $log
+echo "--------" >> $log
+echo "done."
+cd $temp_dist
+# remove files
+echo "Remove files: " >> $log
+for file in $remove; do
+ find . -name $file | xargs rm -Rf
+ echo "find . -name $file | xargs rm -Rf" >> $log
+# remove more files
+echo "Remove toplevel files: " >> $log
+for file in $toplevelremove; do
+ test -e $file && rm -Rf $file && echo "rm -Rf $file" >> $log
+unset file
+# remove hidden files
+test ! -z $removehidden && echo "Remove hidden files: " >> $log && find $temp_dist -name ".*" -and ! -name "." | xargs --verbose rm -Rf 2>> $log
+echo "--------" >> $log
+cd $temp_dist
+# create the configure script
+# working directory is $temp_dist
+export UNSERMAKE=no
+echo "make -f Makefile.cvs in $temp_dist/:" >> $log
+echo "" >> $log
+echo -n "make -f Makefile.cvs in $temp_dist/... "
+make -f Makefile.cvs >> $log 2>> $log
+echo "rm Makefile.cvs" >> $log
+rm -f Makefile.cvs
+echo "rm autom4te.cache" >> $log
+rm -Rf autom4te.cache
+echo "--------" >> $log
+echo "done."
+echo "Directory will be $filename."
+# play around with our tar file in temp_dir
+cd $temp_dir
+if [ ! -z $leavedir ]; then
+ test -e $returndir/$filename && rm -Rf $returndir/$filename
+ cp -R $filename $returndir
+# make a tar of temp_dist
+if [ -z $nogzip ] || [ -z $nobzip2 ]; then
+ echo -n "Tarring... "
+ echo "tar cf $filename.tar $filename" >> $log
+ tar cf $filename.tar $filename >> $log
+ echo "done."
+if [ -z $nogzip ] && [ ! -z `which gzip 2> /dev/null` ]; then
+ cp $filename.tar $filename.tar.tmp
+ echo -n "running gzip... "
+ echo "gzip $filename.tar" >> $log
+ gzip $filename.tar
+ echo "done."
+ mv $filename.tar.tmp $filename.tar
+ mv $filename.tar.gz $returndir
+ echo "mv $filename.tar.gz $returndir" >> $log
+if [ -z $nobzip2 ] && [ ! -z `which bzip2 2> /dev/null` ]; then
+ echo -n "running bzip2... "
+ echo "bzip2 $filename.tar" >> $log
+ bzip2 $filename.tar
+ echo "done."
+ mv $filename.tar.bz2 $returndir
+ echo "mv $filename.tar.bz2 $returndir" >> $log
+test -e $filename.tar && rm -f $filename.tar
+# cleanup all tempoaries
+cd $returndir
+test -z $leavedir && test ! -z $nobzip2 && test ! -z $nogzip && echo "Finished - no created files." && exit 1
+# cool, everything went ok!
+if [ -z $leavedir ]; then
+ echo "Finished. Created packages:"
+ if [ -z $nogzip ] || [ -z $nobzip2 ]; then
+ echo "Finished. Created packages/directories:"
+ else
+ echo "Finished. Created directory:"
+ fi
+echo "--------" >> $log
+echo "Done: " >> $log
+echo "Files are in `pwd`." >> $log
+if [ ! -z $leavedir ] && [ -d $filename ]; then
+ ls -ld $filename
+ ls -ld $filename >> $log
+if [ -z $nogzip ] && [ -e $filename.tar.gz ]; then
+ ls -l $filename.tar.gz
+ ls -l $filename.tar.gz >> $log
+if [ -z $nobzip2 ] && [ -e $filename.tar.bz2 ]; then
+ ls -l $filename.tar.bz2
+ ls -l $filename.tar.bz2 >> $log
+if [ $log != "/dev/null" ]; then
+ echo "Created log:"
+ ls -l $origlog