path: root/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/perlwriter.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/perlwriter.cpp')
1 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/perlwriter.cpp b/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/perlwriter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c8360fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/perlwriter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+ begin : Wed Jan 22 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by David Hugh-Jones
+ (C) 2004-2006 Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <>
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "perlwriter.h"
+#include "../classifier.h"
+#include "../operation.h"
+#include "../umldoc.h"
+#include "../association.h"
+#include "../attribute.h"
+#include "../uml.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+PerlWriter::~PerlWriter() {}
+bool PerlWriter::GetUseStatements(UMLClassifier *c, QString &Ret,
+ QString &ThisPkgName){
+ if(!c){
+ return(false);
+ }
+ UMLPackageList includes;
+ findObjectsRelated(c,includes);
+ UMLPackage *conc;
+ QString AV = "@";
+ QString SV = "$";
+ QString HV = "%";
+ for(conc = includes.first(); conc ;conc = {
+ if (conc->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Datatype)
+ continue;
+ QString neatName = cleanName(conc->getName());
+ if (neatName != AV && neatName != SV && neatName != HV) {
+ QString OtherPkgName = conc->getPackage(".");
+ OtherPkgName.replace(QRegExp("\\."),"::");
+ QString OtherName = OtherPkgName + "::" + cleanName(conc->getName());
+ // Only print out the use statement if the other package isn't the
+ // same as the one we are working on. (This happens for the
+ // "Singleton" design pattern.)
+ if(OtherName != ThisPkgName){
+ Ret += "use ";
+ Ret += OtherName;
+ Ret += ';';
+ Ret += m_endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->getSuperClasses();
+ if (superclasses.count()) {
+ Ret += m_endl;
+ Ret += "use base qw( ";
+ for (UMLClassifier *obj = superclasses.first();
+ obj; obj = {
+ QString packageName = obj->getPackage(".");
+ packageName.replace(QRegExp("\\."),"::");
+ Ret += packageName + "::" + cleanName(obj->getName()) + ' ';
+ }
+ Ret += ");" + m_endl;
+ }
+ return(true);
+void PerlWriter::writeClass(UMLClassifier *c) {
+ /* if(!c) {
+ kDebug()<<"Cannot write class of NULL concept!" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ */
+ QString classname = cleanName(c->getName());// this is fine: cleanName is "::-clean"
+ QString packageName = c->getPackage(".");
+ QString fileName;
+ // Replace all white spaces with blanks
+ packageName.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+ // Replace all blanks with underscore
+ packageName.replace(QRegExp(" "), "_");
+ // Replace all dots (".") with double colon scope resolution operators
+ // ("::")
+ packageName.replace(QRegExp("\\."),"::");
+ // Store complete package name
+ QString ThisPkgName = packageName + "::" + classname;
+ fileName = findFileName(c, ".pm");
+ // the above lower-cases my nice class names. That is bad.
+ // correct solution: refactor,
+ // split massive findFileName up, reimplement
+ // parts here
+ // actual solution: shameful ".pm" hack in codegenerator
+ CodeGenerationPolicy *pol = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy();
+ QString curDir = pol->getOutputDirectory().absPath();
+ if (fileName.contains("::")) {
+ // create new directories for each level
+ QString newDir;
+ newDir = curDir;
+ QString fragment = fileName;
+ QDir* existing = new QDir (curDir);
+ QRegExp regEx("(.*)(::)");
+ regEx.setMinimal(true);
+ while ( > -1) {
+ newDir = regEx.cap(1);
+ fragment.remove(0, (regEx.pos(2) + 2)); // get round strange minimal matching bug
+ existing->setPath(curDir + '/' + newDir);
+ if (! existing->exists()) {
+ existing->setPath(curDir);
+ if (! existing->mkdir(newDir)) {
+ emit codeGenerated(c, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ curDir += '/' + newDir;
+ }
+ fileName = fragment + ".pm";
+ }
+ if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ emit codeGenerated(c, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ QString oldDir = pol->getOutputDirectory().absPath();
+ pol->setOutputDirectory(curDir);
+ QFile fileperl;
+ if(!openFile(fileperl, fileName)) {
+ emit codeGenerated(c, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream perl(&fileperl);
+ pol->setOutputDirectory(oldDir);
+ //======================================================================
+ // Start generating the code!!
+ //======================================================================
+ // try to find a heading file (license, comments, etc)
+ QString str;
+ bool bPackageDeclared = false;
+ bool bUseStmsWritten = false;
+ str = getHeadingFile(".pm"); // what this mean?
+ if(!str.isEmpty()) {
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%filename%"),fileName);
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%filepath%"),;
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%year%"),QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyy"));
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%date%"),QDate::currentDate().toString());
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%time%"),QTime::currentTime().toString());
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%package-name%"),ThisPkgName);
+ if(str.find(QRegExp("%PACKAGE-DECLARE%"))){
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%PACKAGE-DECLARE%"),
+ "package " + ThisPkgName + ';'
+ + m_endl + m_endl
+ + m_endl + m_endl
+ + m_endl
+ );
+ bPackageDeclared = true;
+ }
+ if(str.find(QRegExp("%USE-STATEMENTS%"))){
+ QString UseStms;
+ if(GetUseStatements(c,UseStms,ThisPkgName)){
+ str.replace(QRegExp("%USE-STATEMENTS%"), UseStms);
+ bUseStmsWritten = true;
+ }
+ }
+ perl<<str<<m_endl;
+ }
+ // if the package wasn't declared above during keyword substitution,
+ // add it now. (At the end of the file.)
+ if(! bPackageDeclared){
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "package " <<ThisPkgName << ";" << m_endl
+ << m_endl;
+ //write includes
+ perl << m_endl << "#UML_MODELER_BEGIN_PERSONAL_VARS_" << classname
+ << m_endl ;
+ perl << m_endl << "#UML_MODELER_END_PERSONAL_VARS_" << classname
+ << m_endl << m_endl ;
+ }
+ if(! bUseStmsWritten){
+ QString UseStms;
+ if(GetUseStatements(c,UseStms,ThisPkgName)){
+ perl<<UseStms<<m_endl;
+ }
+ }
+ perl << m_endl;
+ // Do we really need these for anything???
+ UMLAssociationList aggregations = c->getAggregations();
+ UMLAssociationList compositions = c->getCompositions();
+ //Write class Documentation
+ if(forceDoc() || !c->getDoc().isEmpty()) {
+ perl << m_endl << "=head1";
+ perl << " " << classname.upper() << m_endl << m_endl;
+ perl << c->getDoc();
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }
+ //check if class is abstract and / or has abstract methods
+ if(c->getAbstract())
+ perl << "=head1 ABSTRACT CLASS" << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl;
+ //attributes
+ if (! c->isInterface())
+ writeAttributes(c, perl); // keep for documentation's sake
+ //operations
+ writeOperations(c,perl);
+ perl << m_endl;
+ //finish file
+ //perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl;
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "return 1;" << m_endl;
+ //close files and notify we are done
+ fileperl.close();
+ emit codeGenerated(c, true);
+ * returns "Perl"
+ */
+Uml::Programming_Language PerlWriter::getLanguage() {
+ return Uml::pl_Perl;
+// Helper Methods
+void PerlWriter::writeOperations(UMLClassifier *c, QTextStream &perl) {
+ //Lists to store operations sorted by scope
+ UMLOperationList oppub,opprot,oppriv;
+ oppub.setAutoDelete(false);
+ opprot.setAutoDelete(false);
+ oppriv.setAutoDelete(false);
+ //sort operations by scope first and see if there are abstract methods
+ //keep this for documentation only!
+ UMLOperationList opl(c->getOpList());
+ for(UMLOperation *op = opl.first(); op ; op = {
+ switch(op->getVisibility()) {
+ case Uml::Visibility::Public:
+ oppub.append(op);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Protected:
+ opprot.append(op);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Private:
+ oppriv.append(op);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ QString classname(cleanName(c->getName()));
+ //write operations to file
+ if(forceSections() || !oppub.isEmpty()) {
+ perl << m_endl << "=head1 PUBLIC METHODS" << m_endl << m_endl ;
+ writeOperations(classname,oppub,perl);
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }
+ if(forceSections() || !opprot.isEmpty()) {
+ perl << m_endl << "=head1 METHODS FOR SUBCLASSING" << m_endl << m_endl ;
+ //perl << "=pod " << m_endl << m_endl << "=head3 " ;
+ writeOperations(classname,opprot,perl);
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }
+ if(forceSections() || !oppriv.isEmpty()) {
+ perl << m_endl << "=head1 PRIVATE METHODS" << m_endl << m_endl ;
+ //perl << "=pod " << m_endl << m_endl << "=head3 " ;
+ writeOperations(classname,oppriv,perl);
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }
+ // moved here for perl
+ if (!c->isInterface() && hasDefaultValueAttr(c)) {
+ UMLAttributeList atl = c->getAttributeList();
+ perl << m_endl;
+ perl << m_endl << "=head2 _init" << m_endl << m_endl << m_endl;
+ perl << "_init sets all " + classname + " attributes to their default values unless already set" << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ perl << "sub _init {" << m_endl << m_indentation << "my $self = shift;" << m_endl<<m_endl;
+ for(UMLAttribute *at = atl.first(); at ; at = {
+ if(!at->getInitialValue().isEmpty())
+ perl << m_indentation << "defined $self->{" << cleanName(at->getName())<<"}"
+ << " or $self->{" << cleanName(at->getName()) << "} = "
+ << at->getInitialValue() << ";" << m_endl;
+ }
+ perl << " }" << m_endl;
+ }
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl;
+void PerlWriter::writeOperations(const QString &/* classname */, UMLOperationList &opList, QTextStream &perl) {
+ UMLOperation *op;
+ UMLAttribute *at;
+ for(op=opList.first(); op ;
+ {
+ UMLAttributeList atl = op->getParmList();
+ //write method doc if we have doc || if at least one of the params has doc
+ bool writeDoc = forceDoc() || !op->getDoc().isEmpty();
+ for (at = atl.first(); at ; at =
+ writeDoc |= !at->getDoc().isEmpty();
+ if( writeDoc ) //write method documentation
+ {
+ perl << "=pod " << m_endl << m_endl << "=head3 " ;
+ perl << cleanName(op->getName()) << m_endl << m_endl;
+ perl << " Parameters :" << m_endl ;
+ //write parameter documentation
+ for (at = atl.first(); at ; at = {
+ if(forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty()) {
+ perl << " "
+ << cleanName(at->getName()) << " : "
+ << at->getTypeName() << " : "
+ << at->getDoc()
+ << m_endl;
+ }
+ }//end for : write parameter documentation
+ perl << m_endl;
+ perl << " Return : " << m_endl;
+ perl << " " << op->getTypeName();
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl;
+ perl << " Description : " << m_endl;
+ perl << " " << op->getDoc();
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }//end if : write method documentation
+ perl << "sub " << cleanName(op->getName()) << m_endl << "{" << m_endl;
+ perl << " my($self";
+ bool bStartPrinted = false;
+ //write parameters
+ for (at = atl.first(); at; at = {
+ if (!bStartPrinted) {
+ bStartPrinted = true;
+ perl << "," << m_endl;
+ }
+ perl << " $"<< cleanName(at->getName()) << ", # "
+ << at->getTypeName() << " : " << at->getDoc() << m_endl;
+ }
+ perl << " ) = @_;" << m_endl;
+ perl << "#UML_MODELER_BEGIN_PERSONAL_CODE_" << cleanName(op->getName());
+ perl << m_endl << "#UML_MODELER_END_PERSONAL_CODE_" << cleanName(op->getName()) << m_endl;
+ perl << "}" << m_endl;
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }//end for
+void PerlWriter::writeAttributes(UMLClassifier *c, QTextStream &perl) {
+ UMLAttributeList atpub, atprot, atpriv, atdefval;
+ atpub.setAutoDelete(false);
+ atprot.setAutoDelete(false);
+ atpriv.setAutoDelete(false);
+ atdefval.setAutoDelete(false);
+ //sort attributes by scope and see if they have a default value
+ UMLAttributeList atl = c->getAttributeList();
+ UMLAttribute *at;
+ for(at = atl.first(); at ; at = {
+ if(!at->getInitialValue().isEmpty())
+ atdefval.append(at);
+ switch(at->getVisibility()) {
+ case Uml::Visibility::Public:
+ atpub.append(at);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Protected:
+ atprot.append(at);
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Private:
+ atpriv.append(at);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(forceSections() || atpub.count()) {
+ writeAttributes(atpub,perl);
+ }
+ /* not needed as writeAttributes only writes documentation
+ if(forceSections() || atprot.count()) {
+ writeAttributes(atprot,perl);
+ }
+ if(forceSections() || atpriv.count()) {
+ writeAttributes(atpriv,perl);
+ }
+ */
+void PerlWriter::writeAttributes(UMLAttributeList &atList, QTextStream &perl)
+ perl << m_endl << "=head1 PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ perl << "=pod " << m_endl << m_endl ;
+ for (UMLAttribute *at = atList.first(); at ; at =
+ {
+ if (forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty())
+ {
+ perl << "=head3 " << cleanName(at->getName()) << m_endl << m_endl ;
+ perl << " Description : " << at->getDoc() << m_endl << m_endl;
+ }
+ } // end for
+ perl << m_endl << m_endl << "=cut" << m_endl << m_endl;
+ return;
+QStringList PerlWriter::defaultDatatypes() {
+ QStringList l;
+ l.append("$");
+ l.append("@");
+ l.append("%");
+ return l;
+const QStringList PerlWriter::reservedKeywords() const {
+ static QStringList keywords;
+ if (keywords.isEmpty()) {
+ keywords << "abs"
+ << "accept"
+ << "alarm"
+ << "and"
+ << "atan2"
+ << "BEGIN"
+ << "bind"
+ << "binmode"
+ << "bless"
+ << "byte"
+ << "caller"
+ << "carp"
+ << "chdir"
+ << "chmod"
+ << "chomp"
+ << "chop"
+ << "chown"
+ << "chr"
+ << "chroot"
+ << "close"
+ << "closedir"
+ << "cmp"
+ << "confess"
+ << "connect"
+ << "continue"
+ << "cos"
+ << "croak"
+ << "crypt"
+ << "dbmclose"
+ << "dbmopen"
+ << "defined"
+ << "delete"
+ << "die"
+ << "do"
+ << "dump"
+ << "each"
+ << "else"
+ << "elsif"
+ << "END"
+ << "endgrent"
+ << "endhostent"
+ << "endnetent"
+ << "endprotoent"
+ << "endpwent"
+ << "endservent"
+ << "eof"
+ << "eq"
+ << "eval"
+ << "exec"
+ << "exists"
+ << "exit"
+ << "exp"
+ << "fcntl"
+ << "fileno"
+ << "flock"
+ << "for"
+ << "foreach"
+ << "fork"
+ << "format"
+ << "formline"
+ << "ge"
+ << "getc"
+ << "getgrent"
+ << "getgrgid"
+ << "getgrnam"
+ << "gethostbyaddr"
+ << "gethostbyname"
+ << "gethostent"
+ << "getlogin"
+ << "getnetbyaddr"
+ << "getnetbyname"
+ << "getnetent"
+ << "getpeername"
+ << "getpgrp"
+ << "getppid"
+ << "getpriority"
+ << "getprotobyname"
+ << "getprotobynumber"
+ << "getprotoent"
+ << "getpwent"
+ << "getpwnam"
+ << "getpwuid"
+ << "getservbyname"
+ << "getservbyport"
+ << "getservent"
+ << "getsockname"
+ << "getsockopt"
+ << "glob"
+ << "gmtime"
+ << "goto"
+ << "grep"
+ << "gt"
+ << "hex"
+ << "if"
+ << "import"
+ << "index"
+ << "int"
+ << "integer"
+ << "ioctl"
+ << "join"
+ << "keys"
+ << "kill"
+ << "last"
+ << "lc"
+ << "lcfirst"
+ << "le"
+ << "length"
+ << "lib"
+ << "link"
+ << "listen"
+ << "local"
+ << "localtime"
+ << "lock"
+ << "log"
+ << "lstat"
+ << "lt"
+ << "map"
+ << "mkdir"
+ << "msgctl"
+ << "msgget"
+ << "msgrcv"
+ << "msgsnd"
+ << "my"
+ << "ne"
+ << "new"
+ << "next"
+ << "no"
+ << "not"
+ << "oct"
+ << "open"
+ << "opendir"
+ << "or"
+ << "ord"
+ << "our"
+ << "pack"
+ << "package"
+ << "pipe"
+ << "pop"
+ << "pos"
+ << "print"
+ << "printf"
+ << "prototype"
+ << "push"
+ << "quotemeta"
+ << "rand"
+ << "read"
+ << "readdir"
+ << "readline"
+ << "readlink"
+ << "readpipe"
+ << "recv"
+ << "redo"
+ << "ref"
+ << "rename"
+ << "require"
+ << "reset"
+ << "return"
+ << "reverse"
+ << "rewinddir"
+ << "rindex"
+ << "rmdir"
+ << "scalar"
+ << "seek"
+ << "seekdir"
+ << "select"
+ << "semctl"
+ << "semget"
+ << "semop"
+ << "send"
+ << "setgrent"
+ << "sethostent"
+ << "setnetent"
+ << "setpgrp"
+ << "setpriority"
+ << "setprotoent"
+ << "setpwent"
+ << "setservent"
+ << "setsockopt"
+ << "shift"
+ << "shmctl"
+ << "shmget"
+ << "shmread"
+ << "shmwrite"
+ << "shutdown"
+ << "sigtrap"
+ << "sin"
+ << "sleep"
+ << "socket"
+ << "socketpair"
+ << "sort"
+ << "splice"
+ << "split"
+ << "sprintf"
+ << "sqrt"
+ << "srand"
+ << "stat"
+ << "strict"
+ << "study"
+ << "sub"
+ << "subs"
+ << "substr"
+ << "switch"
+ << "symlink"
+ << "syscall"
+ << "sysopen"
+ << "sysread"
+ << "sysseek"
+ << "system"
+ << "syswrite"
+ << "tell"
+ << "telldir"
+ << "tie"
+ << "tied"
+ << "time"
+ << "times"
+ << "truncate"
+ << "uc"
+ << "ucfirst"
+ << "umask"
+ << "undef"
+ << "unless"
+ << "unlink"
+ << "unpack"
+ << "unshift"
+ << "untie"
+ << "until"
+ << "use"
+ << "utf8"
+ << "utime"
+ << "values"
+ << "vars"
+ << "vec"
+ << "wait"
+ << "waitpid"
+ << "wantarray"
+ << "warn"
+ << "warnings"
+ << "while"
+ << "write"
+ << "xor";
+ }
+ return keywords;
+#include "perlwriter.moc"